UKAA Newsletter December 2020

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


IN THIS ISSUE Message from King David


King David's Award


Message from Maria


Message from Patriarch Sergius I


Message from Sidonia




The Jewish Calendar


The Restoration of the 12 Tribes


12 Tribes Feature - Falasha


The Lord’s Feasts


Why is it important to cleanse the African Kingdom thrones?


Do you know?


Modern Slavery - From West to East


Modern Slavery


The 10 Commandments


ECF Seed & Feed Drive Initiative


The Great Green Wall of Africa


December/January 2020 Moon & Planting Cycles


Featuring Artist: Arvie Smith


Diaspora Star of the Month - Samuel L Jackson

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I greet you all in the name of the one true sovereign God and in the spirit of His established kingdom. Through the world over we are now, more than ever, faced with much strife, heartache and distress. Today I write this message to you filled with divine peace and hope that can only stem from an understanding that only my Father can give. So, be of good courage. Your safety and victory is certain if you follow the ways Yeshua/Jesus, the son of God, came to teach us. For time immemorial the destiny of Africa has been heralded by poets, musicians, spiritualists and all revolutionists alike. And more heartbreakingly, in the same manner and in a manner that fails all comprehension, the blood of Africans has continued to pour out into the soil and cause our land and its destiny to become barren.

I have continued to pray unceasingly before my Father, praying for a solution to be finally realized for our continent and all its people. When I study the Bible, I see our Father God’s most wonderful intentions for all of His creation, and especially His nation. You will forgive me my children and fellow colleagues, but this we must observe, that no change that is worth-while has ever been achieved without any controversy, and the message of our Commander and Chief, our Supreme King, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, is a great reference for this. The more we are in the twilight of the last days, and the more those who search for Him in truth, the more they will now be empowered by God’s spirit of truth which shines His marvellous light upon all places. And it is now more than ever important that we seek this truth and allow it to be the strong foundation upon which we build and stand. “You cannot understand the mystery of Christ if you do not understand the history of Christ.” The same is said of any people, that a people without a history is a people without purpose or a future. Africa’s deception and its subsequent enslavement has for the longest time been a profitable business for the prince (dark forces) of this world. Hence keeping Africa and Africans in a perpetual state of amnesia has been the very key ensuring this stronghold holds firm. It is therefore an undoubtedly heart-breaking experience to see how the world only wants to know Africa through the lenses of slavery, corruption and poverty. And that most of our population don’t know their history beyond a mere 400 years ago, robbing themselves of their greatness and favour which is locked in their true history. My children, we must urgently bring all awareness to the fact that Africa’s solution lies beyond the ethers of politics, but rests firmly in God’s kingdom system. The truth is Africa’s problems are being engineered and it is therefore our duty, especially as traditional leaders, to use the rod of Moses, the staff of kingship placed by God in our hands, to break the cords of deceit and open a new path and destiny

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 CONTINUE... MESSAGE FROM KING DAVID for Africa. With this rod we must free God’s children out of the clutches of slavery. With the rod of kingship we must teach our people once again who is their God and remind them how to worship Him. With this rod we must break down the boundaries that separate Africans in Africa, Africans in the diaspora and Africans with their God given heritage. Africans have now stepped out of the 400 year Biblical curse. As Africans we must embrace our lineage, our heritage as being part of the 12 tribes of the Biblical Israel and stand our ground as we enter the end times. The End time prophecies are now our reality. We must unite in our belief to survive! Discard the shackles The word “slavery” conjures up images of shackles and transatlantic ships – depictions that seem relegated firmly to the past. But more people are enslaved today in Africa, than at any other time in history. Experts have calculated that roughly 13 million people were captured and sold as slaves between the 15th and 19th centuries. Today, an estimated 40.3 million people – more than three times the figure during the transatlantic slave trade – are living in some form of modern slavery, according to the latest figures published by the UN’s International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Walk Free Foundation. Women and girls comprise 71% of all modern slavery victims. Children make up 25% and account for 10 million of all the slaves worldwide. These forms of enslavement figures are a staggering reality of what we do to ourselves. Countries such as Eritrea and Mauritania are the biggest contributors to these figures and also responsible for the biggest number of refugees fleeing Africa. This is an embarrassment. The veil of deceit is lifting Dearly beloved, undeniably one of the other biggest tools that were used to cement slavery in our continent’s psyche, came as the same gift that brought us into the knowledge of Christ and salvation. This is therefore why we continue to see such a big wall of reluctance from our people, including most of my royal peers, in submitting to the knowledge of Christ, often refuting and minimizing the Gospel of Christ as a foreign and un-African or “master’s” doctrine. Statistics show that Africa is the most religious continent and yet it is the most oppressed. As the veil of truth lifts, we have so much reason to rise above the practices of slavery and to abolish it once and for all. We are God’s people with a rich heritage taking us back to the Biblical times where we were powerful Kings. Do not let anyone make you believe differently. Did we deserve God’s wrath and 400 year enslavement? Yes, we did. We turned to idolatry such as bull worshipping, ancestral intercession and witchcraft, but we paid the price and are now free to change our ways and to take up our heritage as God’s tribes. No longer are you trapped in “cultural ways”, my children. If your ways are not described as righteous in the Bible, then it is not from our God! Hear my warning!! Return to the true God and His ways! |

African Resources Part and parcel of our responsibility as traditional leaders will therefore rest immensely in our commitment to teach our people that, as the human beings which God first created and fashioned after Himself, we are therefore God’s chosen nation. That our continent is not only rich in natural resources but is immensely blessed with the best natural remedies and food we must eat to live. Commerce Part and parcel of this responsibility must show a clear picture of us as leaders ensuring that all the lands in our Kingdoms are cultivated for sustenance, business and welfare purposes ensuring that no African goes hungry and an environment of success is created. This is because prosperity is an antidote to slavery. Returning Diaspora Part and parcel of our collective responsibility again includes our firm commitment and corrective action to unite Africans all over the world, that we welcome back all our children from across the seas to their motherland, that we break all boundaries across the continent, ensuring that no African is ever again a foreigner anywhere in Africa, thus uniting all regions under one state, language and currency. The Gospel of Jesus Christ as He had perfectly predicted is a gospel that is inherent with wheat and weeds. It is therefore the duty of all traditional leaders to surround themselves with wise men and women who are anointed for this time of “The Separation” to teach truth, thereby removing what is false from that which is true. With this new state of mind, we will break the chains of bondage my children, over our land and peoples and restore our God’s sovereignty, the God of Abraham and His blessings will return to our people. Remember, we have one common enemy. The ONE WORLD ORDER. Unite, and set aside your differences. Again, I pray for our Father God’s firm hand to be established upon you, your homes and Kingdoms and that God’s wisdom and protection stays with you throughout these trying times. May 2021 bring us all much peace and prosperity. God Bless


Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 COPTAC AMBASSADOR AWARD! It is with absolute pride that we congratulate, His Majesty King David (King Dr Tchiffi Zie) on yet another outstanding achievement! His Majesty received an Honorary Certificate, elevating him to the rank of COPTAC Ambassador for the promotion of TAC by COPTAC (Convergence des Peuples pour la Promotion du Traité d’Amitié et Coopération Ivoiro-Burkinabé). You lead by example Your Majesty, we are honoured to work with you. The UKAA Team

MESSAGE FROM MARIA Your Majesties, honourable dignitaries and fellow Africans, 2020 was a year that caught us by surprise and left us in despair. We are all well aware of the negative impact this year brought, even if our minds can’t fully comprehend the impact on us, our bodies are well aware of the loss of smiles, hugs, kisses or just a warm hand extended to each other. We were stripped of this by a force of pure evil. However, through it all we were given time to reflect, time to wake-up to the reality of the times we find ourselves in. The reality is that no matter who we are or how much we have, we have no control over our individual lives except if we move our outer strength to inner growth. I can say with confidence: if we did not use 2020 to, at some stage, reflect on our relationship with ourselves, our families, relationships with people and our relation- |

ship with our Creator; that we have wasted the most important year in our lifetime. However; if we did properly reflect on the above, 2020 might just turn out to be the best year ever. We were forced to spend time with our loved ones far beyond what a holiday would allow, we were forced to face financial difficulties or uncertainties or the restructuring of our businesses. We were forced to seek assistance from others. Most importantly we had the time and reason to seek the face of our Creator, our Father God. In the midst of all this turmoil we were forced to reach out to a higher, far more significant power than what we were all used to in order to manage the steering of our boats. Everybody says this is the new normal, that nothing will go back to how it was. My call therefore on each and every person read-

ing this message is TO MAKE 2020 count. Let the sacrifices and trauma we went through not be for nothing. Now more than ever, facing an enemy we can’t identify, let us never forget the power of unity. Let us never forget the power of love. Let us never try to step out of the clear guidelines of the 10 commandments. Most importantly, let us please our Father God, our only recourse and Saviour in this time of tribulations. Honour the Shabbat on its rightful day, from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday. Let us ensure a DIRECT relationship with God, follow the guidance of Jesus/Yeshua, because without this crucial connection, we will be lost forever in this new world of unrighteousness and devious plotting against humanity. Let us go into 2021 with certainty, and without fear in the midst of all the uncertainty.

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 CONTINUE... MESSAGE FROM MARIA Africa will not conform to the new norm! We will put our trust in God and we will pull together with love, into an unbreakable unity to ensure all the prophetic words spoken over us will become a reality and that we will be the breadbasket of the world in times to come. Not because of the bitter exploitation of our people and land but because we are the chosen ones. God will restore us if we repent our sin of turning our back on Him and no longer honouring Him as our first love. If we restore our Father God’s position in our lives, we will be blessed and we will become that safe haven and supplier of food to humanity. All done in a righteous way. Review your cultural ways and drive out all evil rituals and ancestral worship that has taken God’s place in your lives, see the deceit for what it is. Chase out the followers (priests and leaders) advocating this idolatry ancestral intercessor custom or we will suffer the consequences with the rest of the sinful world.

Sidonia, King David (King Dr Tchiffi Zie) and Maria

The time to choose has come. See through the lies and deceit of the world with its pandemic scares, vaccines and micro-chips. Fellow Africans, rid yourself of the enslavement or forever be in the clutches of the evil powers. “Remember, we have one common enemy. The ONE WORLD ORDER. Unite, and set aside your differences.” May we all have a joyful festive season filled with loving memories. Maria Engelbrecht

MESSAGE FROM PATRIARCH SERGIUS I Dear brothers in Jesus! Today, the modern world is going through terrible trials! The coronavirus, unfortunately uncontrollable by mere humans, is creating unusual problems for the whole world! There is so much guesswork surrounding this totally incomprehensible situation! So how does a believer feel under these uncertain circumstances? There are many life factors that we can hold onto that surround a person, but the first thing that cannot be overlooked is sin. Sin is bondage ... a form of enslavement, from which only Jesus can free us. What does Scripture tell us about this? In John 8, He said to the Jews who believed in him, “If you keep my word, you are truly my disciples, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” They replied, “We are descendants of Abra- |

ham and have never been slaves to anyone. How can you say, “You will be free”? “Truly, truly, I say to you,” Jesus answered them, “whoever commits sin is a slave to sin. However, the slave does not stay in the family forever; this Son (Jesus) stays there forever. So if the Son sets you free, you really will be free. The apostle Paul tells us: “... I no longer live, but Christ lives in me; ... Galatians 2:20 After the fall in the Garden of Eden, when sin was introduced into the world, people, the entire race of Adam (the first Adam), without any exception, became slaves to sin. This thought generator and the sinful behaviour offended God. Satan took control over the world and man because of their sinful natures, and for the same reason (you and I too, as sons of the first Adam) we are now slaves of the system, called the world, the economic, industrial, artistic and religious world, whose prince is Satan.

A person’s natural heart - his nature, remains susceptible to sin and will not change. But...the Christian faith teaches that there are resources to invoke the love of God so that man’s nature can change! The apostle Paul describes his condition in Romans chapter 7: Romans 7:14-24 NKJV “For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. I find

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 CONTINUE... MESSAGE FROM PATRIARCH SERGIUS I then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” EMANCIPATION In the Epistle to the Romans, the apostle gives us very useful teachings to understand the theme of emancipation, the passage from a slave to a free person, freed from the slavery of sin, from himself and Satan, the prince of the demonic spiritual world and this world we live in. “... The Holy Spirit dwells in the world. You are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. If Christ is in you, then the body is truly dead, but the Spirit lives. This is because if the “Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead” (from among the “dead” watching on), is living in you, then He who raised Christ from the dead, will also revive your mortal bodies, through this same Spirit.

Our bodies belong to the world without the Spirit. Once risen all, led by the Spirit of God, these are the “sons” of God. For you have not again received the spirit of fear or bondage, but you have received the Spirit of adoption, with which we cry: Abba, Father! The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God; and if we are children, we are also heirs; heirs of God, joint-heirs with Christ.

Let us be careful, dear brothers in Jesus! Don’t let yourself become slaves to sin! With our fatherly blessing and love, Patriarch of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Moldova Sergius I. Year of God 10.10.

... I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor authorities, nor existing things, nor future events, nor forces, nor height, nor depth, nor any other being can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This is how a person can be freed from the bondage of sin, himself, Satan and the world. WARNING: It is important to distinguish between sin in itself (root) and sin in itself (perfect action). So, dear brothers, we must draw some conclusions.

Patriarch of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Moldova Sergius I

MESSAGE FROM SIDONIA They worshiped the dragon because he gave authority to the beast. And they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to wage war against him?” A mouth was given to him to speak boasts and blasphemies. He was also given authority to act for 42 months. He began to speak blasphemies against God: to blaspheme His name and His dwelling—those who dwell in heaven. And he was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them. He was also given authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation. All those who live on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name was not written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered. (Revelation 13:4-8) During the second half of the 7 year Tribulation, the world is dominated by the Beast. That is the final manifestation, the final product of the spirit of antichrist. He will be one final, supremely evil, supremely |

powerful ruler, who will dominate the human race for that brief period.

and having a willingness to use threats to achieve its goals.

In Daniel and the Book of Revelation, we are told that the Beast stops the Daily Sacrifice in the Temple, sets up the Abomination of Desolation, blasphemes against God, and persecutes the Saints of the Most High God for a period of three and a half years.

Ankara’s NATO goals were only one of a series of files Turkey was working on lately...

After winning the 2018 elections in Turkey, President Erdogan announced that he would now concentrate on turning Turkey into an international superpower and since then he launched three interventions in the Syrian war. Could Turkey’s increasing hostility toward Israel set the country on a crash course with the Jewish state? Is there perhaps another agenda? Virtually no week passes without a new Turkish hostile act against Israel.

The path to this grand strategy has brought Ankara into conflicts and almost weekly disputes with countries in the Mediterranean, or Europe, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, China, Myanmar and the United States. It’s not every day that a country can take on disputes with the United States, NATO, the European Union, UN and others and come away as confident and strong as Ankara appears. This is a strategy, not just a series of crises.

Ankara’s grand strategy can be seen as combining military, political and economic initiatives into similar frameworks

President Erdogan states: Whoever is on Israel’s side, Turkey are against them / Israel National News, July 19, and that his

We suspect it is part of Turkey’s grand strategy that increasingly places the country astride the Middle East as a regional power as well as an emerging global power.

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020




country will oppose anyone who supports Israel.

1 Dec

UN World AIDS Day

“Whoever is on the side of Israel, let everyone know that we are against them,” stated Erdogan.

2 Dec

UN International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

10 Dec

UN International Human Rights Day

12 Dec

Kenya Independence Day

16 Dec

Day of Reconciliation Gelofte Dag/Vow Day

21 Dec

Solstice featuring a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction

24 Dec

Libya Independence Day

26 Dec

Day of Goodwill

Erdogan added that Turkey will continue to promote the Palestinian cause regardless of efforts to undermine it, mainly by supporters of the Israeli regime.


We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. (1 John 5:19) During the second half of the 7 year Tribulation, the world is dominated by the Antichrist—one specific person. That is the final manifestation, the final product of the spirit of antichrist. He will be one final, supremely evil, supremely powerful ruler, who will dominate the human race for that brief period.

gigantic throne. The monumental altar, which was dedicated to Zeus, is in Turkey. Seven churches of revelation Did you know that all 7 of the churches used as examples by Jesus were located in the country of Turkey? On this occasion Lord Yeshua /Jesus was speaking about His return and us being gathered to Him: We ask you, brothers, not to be easily upset in mind or troubled, either by a spirit or by a message or by a letter as if from us, alleging that the Day of the Lord has come. Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way. For that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction. He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he sits in God’s sanctuary, publicizing that he himself is God. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4) THE PEACEMAKER President Erdogan says the US can no longer be a mediator... The Bible shows that the Antichrist will be a peace maker and will be very wise in the beginning of his rule. At first the Antichrist will seem to solve many of the world’s problems and he will be considered great in the eyes of most in the world.


• 1 Jan

Gregorian New Year

1 Jan

Cameroon Independence Day

6 Jan


7 Jan

Ethiopian Christmas

7 Jan

Orthodox Christmas/ Baptism of Yeshua/Jesus

PERGAMON - THE THRONE OF SATAN “Write to the angel of the church in Pergamum: |

Pergamon Altar of Zeus near Izmir in Turkey

“The One who has the sharp, double-edged sword says: I know where you live—where Satan’s throne is! And you are holding on to My name and did not deny your faith in Me, even in the days of Antipas, My faithful witness who was killed among you, where Satan lives. (Revelation 2:12-13) In the Book of Revelation, the faith of the Pergamon believers, who “dwell where Satan’s throne is” is commended by Jesus. Many scholars believe that the “seat of Satan” refers to the Pergamon Altar, due to its resemblance to a

President Erdogan ranked world’s top influential Muslim / Anadolu Agency, October 22, 2018 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is ranked first place in the 2019 edition of the World’s 500 Most Influential Muslims. Prepared annually by the Jordan-based Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre, the book notes that Erdogan became Turkey’s first popularly-elected president in August 2014 and then secured a second-term in the 2018 election with 52.5 percent of the vote, where electoral turnout was 86 percent. “During his terms, Turkey has seen unprecedented economic growth, constitutional reform, and a re-emergence as a major global power,” the publication said.

The Beast The Beast is the supreme embodiment of

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 CONTINUE... MESSAGE FROM SIDONIA man’s rebellion against God and rejection of God’s laws. He is also called the son of perdition, the one who is headed for a lost eternity. Why will Satan give his power to this person? Because that will enable this person to gain dominion over the entire human race and to persuade the entire human race to do the one thing that Satan wants most: To worship him. This is his goal. The Ottoman Empire In 1517 the Ottoman Turks conquered Jerusalem and ruled the Holy City for 400 years. The Turks reigned over Jerusalem until the British General Edmund Allenby defeated them in 1917. Ottoman1580 Modern Turkey was founded in 1923 from the Anatolian remnants of the defeated Ottoman Empire. Turkey joined the UN in 1945 and in 1952 it became a member of NATO. Turkey today Turkey had made great efforts to be perceived as a neutral power, a democracy with basically a secular government. They tried to be a partner in peace with the United States and have done the same with Israel. In 1964, Turkey became an associate member of the European Community. Over the past decade, it has undertaken many reforms to strengthen its democracy and economy; it began accession membership talks with the European Union in 2005.

Map of the Roman Empire Pergamon - known as the Throne of Satan

European Union-Turkey Let’s put Turkey’s EU membership back on track / POLITICO, May 14, 2019. Major turning points in recent history — including the 9/11 attacks in the United States, the Arab Spring, the global financial crisis and the refugee crisis — have repeatedly proven the strategic importance of the Turkey-EU relationship. Furthermore, economic, political, security and identity-related matters have demonstrated that Turkey is more than a strategic partner for the EU. We see the current European Union as the beginnings of the imperial power of a revived Roman Empire. The geographical area of Turkey was an integral part of the Roman Empire. The point of this history is that Turkey has always played a central role in the world, and is now in centre stage in the Middle East conflict. Boasting even the biggest airport in the world. Turkey is currently the seventeenth-largest economy in the world. Historically, when a major Islamic empire has emerged, it has been dominated by the Turks. Turkey is a stable platform in the midst of chaos. The Balkans, the Caucasus, and the Arab world to the south are all unstable. As Turkey’s power grows and its economy and military are already the most powerful in the region so will Turkish influence. As an outsider it seems, Turkey is going through a revival of neo-Ottomanism, to transform Turkey’s existing parliamentary system into a presidential system, favouring a strong centralised |

leadership similar to the Ottoman era. Critics have thus accused Erdoğan of acting like an “Ottoman sultan”. The Presidential Palace for Erdogan is one example. The palace is 30 times bigger than the White House. Now let’s go back in history of Turkey In 325 AD, Constantine, as emperor of the Roman empire, had the right to control all religious sects in the empire by virtue of his title PONTIFEX MAXIMUS. (See “Pontifex Maximus,” UNRV History.). With this authority, Constantine, based in Constantinople, today known as Istanbul, called a conference of Christian bishops far from Rome in 325 AD at Nicea. It was held on the summer solstice of June 21 - which in hindsight we will see was to honour the Sun, the son of the Father-God-Horus in Constantine’s actual religion. What were the concerns over Jesus at Nicea? Whether Jesus was truly a man who was also Son of God, as Arius claimed? Or was Jesus God the Son, as Athanasius said? After Arius and Athanasius spoke their views, Constantine imposed the result contrary to the true majority view. Damage to Christianity Thus, in a very real sense, when the Church accepted, worshipped and served this false image of Jesus/Yeshua that Constantine gave us — an idol promising the Church power and authority over nations and peoples through its partnership with

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 CONTINUE... MESSAGE FROM SIDONIA Rome — it was actually worshipping and serving Satan without ever even knowing it. And so, through Constantine, Satan presented the Church with a temptation to accept a Jesus/Yeshua found in private appearances in 310 AD in a wilderness grove area -- where we should remember Jesus/Yeshua said He would not be found post-Ascension (Matt 24:4-5; 24-27). Thereby the church failed the test to distinguish false prophets (such as Constantine with his supposed visions and dreams of Jesus) from true. Then from this terrible error arose Christian Nationalism serving a false version of Jesus Christ/Yeshua. From this also arose the false notion that the Father to a Christian was their local priest, not the Father whom Jesus addressed. This practice directly came out of the pagan practice of Sol Invictus worshippers to address their local priest as pater -- Father. See Origin of Use of Father in Catholicism.

the actual convening of the Council, nor whether there was an express papal confirmation of the decrees beyond the signatures of the papal legatees.” (link). Hence, you must read between the lines, as the Roman Catholic church is founded upon Constantine’s changes, and tries to spin the truth to be more obscure than it is. But this admits (as other histories directly relate): (a) there is no evidence that Sylvester agreed to Nicea as the location of the council, which is unlikely he would do so because the location of Nicea prevented his attendance in his elderly state; and (b) other than the 2 legates who attended on his behalf whom Constantine could intimidate, Pope Sylvester never signed the Articles of Nicea. The Roman Catholic church that arose from Nicea ironically thus has no true

papal authority for its changes. Any supreme authority it supposedly had was by the claimed unbroken ‘chain’ from Peter. However, that chain was severed in 325 AD by Constantine and his mandate of the Nicene Creed with its material changes in our faith. The Roman pope did not agree to any of these changes. That is a fact. Why were the articles of Nicea so radical? The “conversion” story was all a lie that Constantine concocted to persuade the bishops to accept his Nicene changes. Many Youtube links are available exposing the Constantine story as “ fake news”! As the History Channel narrator says by a rhetorical question, Constantine “has pulled off the greatest hoax of all time by pretending to be a Christian.” (Id., 34:10-

This Invincible Sun was the god, son of Horus, in whom Constantine truly had his faith, as we shall prove below. Adapting the Bible How did Constantine make this decision stick, besides the threat of removal and excommunication? Besides imposing censorship to “correct” the early fathers (e.g., Justin Martyr), and erasure of problem verses in Matthew and Luke (link), Constantine deliberately also cut out the Roman Pope from any control or influence over the Nicene Council. Constantine set Nicea far away from Rome, thereby preventing the infirm pope of Rome, Sylvester, from attending. “Sylvester could not come in person, by reason of his great age....” (Alban Butler, The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other principal saints (J.Duffy 1866) Vol. 2 at 224.) What leadership could Sylvester have provided? Sylvester was pope from 314 AD to 335 AD. Yet, he failed to ever sign the articles of Nicea decreed in 325 AD. This is admitted by the Catholic Encyclopaedia (1912) Vol. 14 at 371 col. 1. The encyclopaedia carefully obscures this embarrassing fact by placing it among some droll observations. It still reads clear enough: “Still it is not certain whether Constantine had arranged beforehand with Sylvester |

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 CONTINUE... MESSAGE FROM SIDONIA 21.) Simka’s own conclusion was “Constantine merged the great pagan Sun gods...and replaced their images with his own... depicting himself with rays of light coming out on his head, and was telling the world he should be worshipped as a god.... Where does that leave Christianity? Was Constantine willing to step aside and bow down and worship Jesus as King of the Jews as any Christian would? We don’t think so. I believe Constantine took Jesus and refashioned him in his own image, turning the anti-Roman rebel in the gospels into the symbol of Roman imperialism.” (Id. 37:00-38:36.) Nicea Transformed the Western Church In the year 325 AD, the floodgates opened wide, and a fundamental transformation of the Church took place. It now refashioned itself from top to bottom into a fullblown State Religion of the Empire. This made one’s faith a matter of state concern, and hence orthodoxy was changed to fit state interests, including conformance to pagan faith-views about the deity of Jesus as well as celebration of Easter rather than the Passover - the true period related to Jesus’ resurrection. As Tolstoy wrote in Church and State (1891), this led Christianity to a heathen road away from Christ:

Christians to end their common observance of Sabbath so worship would be now on the day of worship of the Sun-God -- Sun-day. It reads: “The Roman emperor Constantine, a sun-worshiper, professed his conversion to Christianity [took place in 312 AD], although his subsequent actions suggest that the “conversion” was more of a political move than a genuine change of heart. Constantine ... enacted the first civil law regarding Sunday observance in A.D. 321.” “On the venerable day of the sun let the magistrate and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country however, persons engaged in agricultural work may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits; because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain growing or for vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost.” [1Note that Constantine’s law did not mention Sabbath also known as Saturn’s day as permissible to rest, but referred instead to the next day as “the venerable day of the sun” as the day of rest. Venerable means “worship-worthy.”

The True Sabbath That was the point where the overwhelming majority of Christians took the heathen road, which is still followed. The Wikipedia article on the “Sabbath” readily explains the pretensions of Constantine to Christianity, which he then used to persuade |

My message to you.. Our Father God has “cut the cords of deceit”. He has also cut their source of power from the universe. Just as President Erdogan will be exposed as the Antichrist, continuing in the footsteps of Constantine, so will the different agendas and powers at play. CROSSROAD The choice is now yours to make.. Stay in the dark and follow the unsuspecting ENSLAVED masses into the “ fiery pit” or stand your ground, and deeply repent to ensure we find true salvation when God sends His forces to redeem us. “Remember, we have one common enemy. The ONE WORLD ORDER. Unite, and set aside your differences.” MAY GOD GUIDE AND PROTECT US ALL.

“The source was evil: hate, human pride, hostility towards Arius and others, and another still graver evil - the Union of Christianity with power. Power: Constantine, emperor, according to heathen ideas one who stands at the height of human grandeur (he was counted among the gods), accepts Christianity, furnishes an example to the whole nation, converts the nation, and extends a helping hand against heretics, and through the ecumenical council fixes the unitary orthodox Christian faith. The Christian Catholic faith is fixed forever.”

humanity for ages. They hide behind their glass and steel towers whilst making decisions that influences the lives of millions of helpless unsuspecting enslaved people every day. This is the worst form of enslavement .. because it is beyond our mere mortal comprehension to think it is possible.

SIDONIA Advisor to the King

“To the Sun, My Invincible Companion” -minted by Constantine in honour of the god of the Sun, Sol Invictus. Where does it leave us Christians today? All around the globe, individuals have started to expose hidden historical facts, exposing fundamental lies, genocide and the hidden agendas of the power hungry “masked creatures” that have enslaved


Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 THE BIBLICAL JEWISH CALENDAR The standardized calendar used by the world today is known as the Gregorian calendar. This calendar gets its name from Pope Gregory XIII who established it in 1582. This is a sun or “solar” calendar due to the fact that it operates on the principle of the earth revolving around the sun. The different seasons we enjoy are caused by the changing position of the earth as it makes its course around the sun. As we know, the days on this calendar begin at midnight and last for 24 hours. It takes approximately 365 ¼ days for the earth to make a complete circle around the sun. This is how we determine the length of the year on the Gregorian calendar. However, some adjustments must be made for extra quarter of a day. This is why we add an extra day every four years to make a leap of 366 days.

calendar, they add an extra month at the end of every third year. This inter-calendar month is 29 ½ days long and makes up most of the difference between the two calendars. This adjustment enables the Jewish people to keep their feast days in the seasons called for by God. Let’s now take a look at the Jewish calendar for the purpose of getting a basic understanding of how it is organized. See the calendar at the end of this article. THE SACRED CALENDAR Notice that the Jews had two concurrent calendar years. One was a sacred calendar which God established when he brought them out of Egypt. We learn in Exodus 12:2 that God told them their deliverance from Egypt was to be the beginning of the sacred calendar and that Nisan would be the first month of the

year on this calendar. This month was originally called Abib but later was changed to Nisan during the Babylonian captivity. You can see from the calendar that Nisan corresponds to the months of March and April on the Gregorian calendar. Each month on the lunar calendar may come in one or two Gregorian months because of the 11 ¼ days difference between the two calendars. THE CIVIL CALENDAR The other calendar year was the civil calendar based on the Jews’ agricultural season. The civil calendar begins with the month of Tishri, which corresponds to the months of September and October. This is the beginning of the agricultural season. Notice that the civil calendar and agricultural season began with the early rains that softened the ground for plowing that was done in October and November. This

The biblical or Jewish calendar is a moon or “lunar” calendar based on the movement of the moon around the earth. The days on this calendar begin at sundown (approximately 6:00 PM) and also last for 24 hours. It takes approximately 29 ½ days for the moon to make a complete circle around the earth. Twelve of these lunar months add up to about 354 days in a lunar year. The difference in the calendars means that the solar year is 11 ¼ days longer than the lunar year. This difference requires the Jewish people to make adjustments to their calendar, or else, after a few years, they would be celebrating their feast days in the wrong season of the year. According to the Bible, God set fixed times and seasons when the Jews were to keep their feasts (see Leviticus 23:4). For example, he told them to celebrate the Feast of Passover during the spring time of the year (see Exodus 12:1-11 and Ezekiel 45:21). If the Jews did not periodically adjust their calendar, they would miss spring by an additional 11 ¼ days each year. After five years they would be celebrating Passover 56 ¼ days late each year. To compensate for this yearly difference of 11 ¼ days, the Jewish calendar also has a leap year. Instead of adding an extra day every fourth year as on the Gregorian |

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 CONTINUE... THE BIBLICAL JEWISH CALENDAR was followed by the sowing of the wheat and barley seed in November and December. The winter rains came in December and January to keep the ground moist. This was followed by the blossoming of the almond trees in January and February, and the citrus harvest in February and March. The spring or latter rains fell in March and April, concurrent with the beginning of the barley harvest. The dry season was from April-May to September-October. The barley harvest lasted through the spring months and was followed by the wheat harvest in May- June. The grape harvest came next during the months of June-July. July and August were the time of the harvest. The season ended with the harvest of dates and figs in August-September. The Month of Nisan – Passover (March/April) Notice that Passover was the first feast celebrated and represented the first of the three major encounters with God in the lives of His covenant people. For this reason, the sacred calendar begins with Passover in the month of Nisan (March- April). This was celebrated during the barley harvest. These feast seasons were visual aids showing the Jewish people how to know God and walk with Him. And as we have said, they were pictures of the Messiah. The spiritual truths symbolized by the feasts are available to all who encounter God through a personal relationship with Jesus the Messiah. The Month of Sivan – The Feast of Pentecost (May/June) The Feast of Pentecost was celebrated next because it represented the second major encounter with God, which is His pow-

er. We all need the power of God working in our lives. Once we have peace with God through our personal relationship with Jesus, we can experience His power. For this reason, the Feast of Pentecost was the second feast celebrated on the sacred calendar. It came at the time of the wheat harvest in the month of Sivan (May-June). The Month of Tishri – The Feast of Tabernacles (September/October) The Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated last, at the end of the agricultural season and the beginning of the new one. This was during the lunar month of Tishri (September- October). God placed it in this position on the sacred calendar because it represented His third and last encounter in the lives of His people. This final encounter with God represents that place in our walk with God where we find His divine rest for our soul. God’s peace comes first, then God’s power, then God’s rest. A study of the sacred calendar is certainly not important in itself. Our knowledge of it is for the purpose of understanding God’s plan of redemption and salvation for mankind through the person and work of Jesus. Through our study of the feasts, we will learn that God’s plan for working out His redemption had a definite beginning, a definite process and a definite conclusion. This relates not only to the person and work of Jesus our Lord and Savior, but also to our lives as believers. They are pictures that teach us how to walk with God and how God works through history to redeem mankind as revealed in His prophetic seasons.

Jewish Calendar Sacred


Name of Months

From Season

1 2



Barley Harvest


Iyyar- Apr-May

Barley Harvest




Wheat Harvest




Grape Harvest




Olive Harvest




Dates- Figs Harvest



Tishri – Sept-Oct

Early Rains








Wheat Barley Sowing




Winter Rains



Shebat- Jan-Feb

Almond Bloom



Adar- Feb-Mar

Citrus Harvest (Latter Rains)



Adar Sheni

Intercalary Month |

Feast Passover



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The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020

THE RESTORATION OF THE 12 TRIBES OF ISREAL Therefore, repent and turn to God, so that your sins may be erased; so that times of refreshing may come from the Lord’s presence; and He may send the Messiah appointed in advance for you, that is, Yeshua. He has to remain in heaven until the time comes for restoring everything, as God said long ago, when He spoke through the holy prophets. - Acts 3:19-21 (Complete Jewish Bible) -

When God called Abraham, He promised him that because of his obedience, his descendants would become a great nation and that in him all nations of the earth would be blessed (Genesis 12:1-3). The 12 sons of Jacob, from whom the tribes took their names, were: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin. Jeremiah 30 prophesies a future restoration of Israel and Judah, saying that these peoples will return to the land God gave to their fathers. Many Jews have returned to their homeland and now live in the State of Israel, but descendants of the other tribes have not. Upon God’s call, the lost tribes will return to Israel. It is critical that all tribes listen for God’s instruction and return only when they hear His call. |

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020

12 LOST TRIBES – THE FALASHA The Beta Israel formerly called Falasha, themselves claim descent from Menilek I, traditionally the son of the Queen of Sheba (Makeda) and King Solomon. Although the early Beta Israel remained largely decentralized and their religious practices varied by locality, they remained faithful to Judaism after the conversion of the powerful Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum to Christianity in the 4th century CE, and thereafter they were persecuted and forced to retreat to the area around Lake Tana, in northern Ethiopia. Despite Ethiopian Christian attempts to exterminate them in the 15th and 16th centuries, the Beta Israel partly retained their independence until the 17th century, when the emperor Susenyos utterly crushed them and confiscated their lands. Their conditions improved in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, at which time tens of thousands of Beta Israel lived in the region north of Lake Tana.

They observe the Sabbath, practice circumcision, have synagogue services led by priests of the village, follow certain dietary laws of Judaism, observe many laws of ritual uncleanness, offer sacrifices on Nisan 14 in the Jewish religious year, and observe some of the major Jewish festivals. From 1980 to 1992 some 45,000 Beta Israel fled drought- and war-stricken Ethiopia and emigrated to Israel. The number of the Beta Israel remaining in Ethiopia was uncertain, but estimates suggested a few thousand at most. The ongoing absorption of the Beta Israel community into Israeli society was a source of controversy and ethnic tension in subsequent years. Ethiopian Beta Israel are gradually becoming part of the mainstream Israeli society in religious life, military service (with nearly all males doing national service) education and politics. Their internal chal-

lenges have been complicated by: entering a relatively modern country (Israel) from non-modern, rural, remote regions of Ethiopia (compared with other immigrant groups entering from industrilized countries, and who typically possess significantly greater fromal education); the disruption of long-standing hierarchies and customs with Beta Israel in which elders lead and guide their community; some racial prejudice, echoing racism that has existed in neighbouring Middle Eastern countries and in Western countries; and a degree of lingering doubt within a minority of groups regarding the “Jewishness” of certain Ethiopians. However, with successive generations, Ethiopian Israelis have climed in Israeli society/

THE LORD’S FEASTS In this article there is no way the depth and insight of each feast can be fully explained so I feel it necessary to implore you to get understanding of God’s seasons. His word also says “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” – Hosea 4v6. “Therefore get knowledge and get understanding.” – Proverbs 4v5. In Malachi 3v6 God says, “I am the Lord, I do not change, therefore you o sons of Jacob are not consumed. From the days of your fathers you have gone away from my ordinances and have not kept them. Return to me and I will return to you says the Lord of Hosts. Here is where God is reminding us to get back to what our forefathers used to do and this is to honor and keep God’s appointed times. During these appointed times we were not to stand before the Lord empty handed but to make offerings to him, each according to their own heart conviction. Today, we understand meeting kings in authority with a gift, yet we have failed to honor the King of kings when meeting with him. Cheryl Watson

The word of the Lord says in Malachi 4v6, “See I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and dreaded day of the Lord. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their sons and the hearts of the sons to their fathers.”

I believe that Abraham was the Father of our faith and we as Christians have been grafted into the covenant made by God with Abraham. The Jewish heritage is our heritage and *we need to embrace God’s seasons and promises as sons of God not slaves! We celebrate the feasts because we want to and are honored to, not because we have to! Cheryl Watson |

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


Apostle Gbenga

The throne is a place of strategy, power, authority and influence; and the main purpose of the throne is to establish righteousness and justice. However, for people to be effective and successful on their mandate and assignment on the thrones, they must be properly trained, their hearts must be well prepared to establish the purpose of the thrones without compromise like Daniel. Many who fulfil the role of King, face some of these challenges: • Lack of understanding of the purpose of thrones, nor the throne culture and mindset; the mysteries, dynamics and the operating principles of the thrones leads to manipulation of kings, thrones and people in authority thereby breeding wickedness. • Lack of spiritual, emotional and intellectual capacity building in order to facilitate good and righteous governance with the basic ingredients for establishing righteousness, justice and sustainable development on the thrones. • Deficiencies in strategies to deal with the foundations of thrones and engage with cleansing of the thrones of kingdoms (ancient and modern) whose foundations produce wicked leaders, bad leadership and promote Babylonian and Satanic agenda among the nations. • Inappropriate and inadequate discipleship training, mentoring and |

spiritual capacity building strategies for kings and people in leadership positions, which would empower them to overcome the challenges and responsibilities that go with thrones. As a result when they get there, they become casualties of circumstances and powers beyond their control. • Lack of understanding by kings and leaders as custodians and gatekeepers of kingdom resources to deal with Babylonian systems and bring prosperity to their lands and spheres of influence. The thrones paradigm is a concept that we are all responsible for; one throne or another, at this present moment or later on in life. It is a paradigm of initiating transformation by deploying the dynamic power of thrones and the spiritual energies of kings including all the people in positions of authority through proper mentorship. It is the paradigm shift of securing the future by raising royal personalities today for future deliverance and transformation just like Mordecai the Jew, who was a dynamic mentor to Esther in the Bible; these two people who shaped the history of their nation for good. The Thrones Paradigm is an initiative to intentionally and strategically raise men and women for the thrones who are fully equipped with wisdom, integrity of heart and skillfulness of hands, adequately armed with the scepter of righteousness to operate effectively on the thrones or any position of authority and to transform their domains, kingdoms and spheres of influence. Key areas of focus are: •

The restoration of the king-priest identity, mandate and capacity of each individual. Redeeming the thrones and dealing with the foundations of thrones that hinders people on the thrones from doing the right things, but rather promotes bad leadership. Dealing with the spirits which destroy leaders (kings and royal seeds), removal of wickedness from the thrones of the land, raising, establishing and mentoring the righteous on the thrones in every place. Leading with integrity of heart, skill-

fulness of hands, competence, excellent spirit, dealing with the culture of greed and corruption, establishing righteousness, administering justice and ruling in the fear of God. • Establish the fear and the worship of God on the throne, institutionalize pragmatic socio-spiritual and socio-economic interventions and providing solutions to the problems of society. The workshop dates for 2021 will be published shortly on our Facebook page

DO YOU KNOW? The Three-Light Traffic Light, Invented by Garrett Morgan in 1923 With only an elementary school education, black inventor (and son of a slave), Garrett Morgan came up with several significant inventions, including an improved sewing machine and the gas mask. However, one of Morgan’s most influential inventions was the improved traffic light. Without his innovation, drivers across the nation would be directed by a two-light system. Thanks to the successes of his other inventions, Morgan became the first black person in Cleveland, Ohio to own a car. As a motorist, he witnessed a severe car accident at an intersection in the city. In response, he decided to expand on the current traffic light by adding a “yield” component, warning oncoming drivers of an impending stop. He took out the patent for the creation in 1923, and it was granted to him the following year.

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020

Arvie Smith capturing all the forms of slavery in his dramatic art illustrations.

MODERN SLAVERY - FROM WEST TO EAST is about losing one’s ability to choose, it is not a far stretch to recognize that addiction is another very prevalent and insidious form of slavery. In South Africa alone, the regional drug trafficking hub of Africa, currently there are almost 9 million people who struggle with addictive disorders due to alcohol or drug abuse. Adding behavioral addictions, like internet pornography, gambling, gaming and sex addictions, to this list and we start to see that enslavement to both substance and behavioral addictions are of concerning proportions. Conrad Cooper

Modern slavery is far from over. Quartz Africa reported in July 2018 that Africa, according to the 2018 Global Slavery Index, recorded the highest rate of modern-day enslavement in the world. The main causes of enslavement according to this report, for an estimated 9.2 million Africans, are armed conflict, forced labour and forced marriages, these often involving individuals being bought and sold in public markets. When we acknowledge that enslavement |

No one sets out in life with the goal of becoming addicted. Reliance on one’s ‘drug of choice’, whether it be drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, gaming, internet pornography, as a solution to a real or perceived problem, can eventually turn from use and abuse into dependency. Addiction sets in once the freedom to choose, in relation to using, is lost. At this stage, one is no longer master over one’s using, but the ‘drug of choice’ becomes one’s master. The journey from use and abuse to addiction knows no cultural, racial, age or socio-economic discrimination and has no predetermined time period.

ENSLAVEMENT, THE RELINQUISHMENT OF AUTHORITY OVER OUR LIVES, WHETHER BY COERCION, FORCE OR MANIPULATION, TO ANOTHER, IS AT THE HEART OF ADDICTION. Addiction is defined, fundamentally, by a loss of control over our using, viz. the relinquishment of authority over lives to our ‘drug of choice’. We become “powerless” and find ourselves unable to stop using once we start. We don’t want to use; we know that we shouldn’t use; and even though we may see the harm that our using causes, we continue to use. We become trapped with no foreseeable way of escape; we are captives, imprisoned by the suffocating walls of addiction. It is not only the lives of those caught in the stronghold of addiction who find themselves enslaved by their addictive behaviors; millions of family members, friends and work colleagues also suffer. Almost 90% of these “significant others” are overwhelmed and consumed by the destructive chaos in which they find themselves and may even start to engage in behaviors that are completely contrary to their own core values.

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 CONTINUE... MODERN SLAVERY - FROM WEST TO EAST The good news is that there is a global and innovative solution that is currently growing and gaining momentum. Project Exodus, a registered Non-Profit Company, addresses the prevalence of enslavement to addiction, both nationally and internationally, using the infrastructure and resources of the local community church. According to Conrad Cooper, director of Project Exodus, this “is a life-affirming and resolution-orientated ministry, which addresses issues of substance dependence, process addictions, and related behavior disorders.” With over 84% unable to access treatment in addiction recovery, Project Exodus believes that it is the non-negotiable mandate of all South Africans, and especially the local church, to take care of these vulnerable communities. Conrad, qualified that the mission of Project Exodus is to equip and to empower as many churches as possible with the relevant knowledge and skills to assist individuals struggling with addiction within their local communities. This is done through training workshops offering “training and empowerment in addiction awareness and recovery processes; interventions and assessments; group facilitation and recovery programmes; and specialized addiction counselling and coaching.” It is a known fact that addiction thrives in isolation. The Covid-19 Lockdown forced people striving for recovery into the dangerous space of being separated from their culture of recovery support systems. Conrad stated that “people in our recovery support groups have been compelled to physically isolate, but that is no reason for them to be disconnected from their recovery community and support groups.” Project Exodus stepped up to the opportunities presented by Lockdown and launched local and nationwide online recovery groups, which were also accessed internationally. During Lockdown, up to 34 weekly online recovery groups, including specialist and outpatient groups, ran via Zoom. These groups provided a way for those in recovery to escape addiction-related isolation. Said one group member,” This is our family and the online meetings are vital for us to keep contact with and to support each other on our journey to recovery.” |

violence both inside and outside the home, is perceived to be “normal” behavior in certain circles. It has been the joy of Project Exodus to journey with several men and women who were previously enslaved by pornography/sex addiction and who are now walking in freedom, having broken the chains and dismantled the mindsets that held them captive. Along with these success stories, we also have the privilege of seeing their loved ones starting to flourish, once again, after years of trauma and of losing their voices and their perceived self-worth to the aggression and controlling behavior of their spouses. Project Exodus and Anthem Recovery also have the privilege of working very closely with The Domino Foundation and their Red Light anti-human-trafficking program. A significant number of the beneficiaries of these services have been helped and guided by the recovery program over the years.

The link between pornography, prostitution and sex-trafficking is garnering much attention internationally with much research pointing to the fact that lowering the demand for pornography will directly result in lowering the demand for prostitution and sex-trafficking. These three areas each involve some degree of enslavement, whether physical and/or emotional/behavioral enslavement. Much of what is accessed on pornography websites is produced by coercion and force, with 43% of all child pornography, one of the fastest growing online businesses, being created by those having a close relationship with these children2. Research shows that 64% of the 13-24 age group seek out pornography weekly or more often3. One of the specialized areas of focus by Project Exodus, is on those who have been enslaved by sex/pornography addiction. An analysis of the 50 most popular pornographic videos, 88% of scenes contained physically violence and 49% contained verbal aggression. Sadly, this aggressive behavior, which contributes directly to the prevalence of gender-based

Red Light’s Gugu Mazwele expressed her appreciation of Project Exodus’ commitment to partnering with Red Light’s restoration program of walking with individuals as they journey to health and wholeness. “Very often, sex-trafficking victims are also caught in the web of addiction. Drugs and alcohol are an almost inevitable part of the sex industry sub-culture. Many of the ladies we work with have fallen into substance abuse as a way of dulling the emotional and psychological pain they experience as they ply their trade. We have seen remarkable breakthroughs into freedom for our beneficiaries through Project Exodus and are grateful that Lockdown has not stopped this great work,” said Gugu. Facebook has been another area in which Project Exodus has created awareness and presented pro-active solutions for those battling addiction. Through a 21-day Facebook Challenge, readers were given practical tools to use to sustain recovery at the start of lockdown. Daily Devotions, which are also posted on Instagram, have been found to give readers consistent inspiration to stay focused on the freedom, wholeness and hope to be found in Scripture. These Facebook posts, among other news updates, have contributed signifi-

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.



cantly to the incredible post-reach of just over 63,000 people per month. The message that there is hope, help and recovery available for those enslaved by addiction continues to reach far and wide. Understanding that God has removed our “seemingly inexhaustible sins” as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12), the heart of Project Exodus is to facilitate a journey for those needing to move from west to east – from a kingdom of enslavement and despair to a kingdom of freedom and hope. For further information regarding training and addiction related enquiries, feel free to use one of the following avenues: • • •

Contact us through the Project Exodus website E-mail WhatsApp the Project Exodus Business Account on +2782 692 3999

We look forward to hearing from you and to exploring how we can partner with others to further our reach in helping to “set the captives free.” |

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


Africa has recorded the highest rate of modern-day enslavement in the world. Armed conflict, state-sponsored forced labour, and forced marriages were the main causes behind the estimated 9.2 million Africans who live in servitude without the choice to do so, according to the 2018 Global Slavery Index. And despite these practices being widespread, slavery has remained a largely invisible issue, in part, because it disproportionately affects the most marginalized members of society, such as minorities, women, and children. In recent years, serfdom in the continent has attracted global attention after videos showed “slave markets” in Libya where African migrants were being auctioned off in car parks, garages, and as well as public squares. Migration to Libya has also put Nigerian women in the crossfire, with many being sucked into Italy’s dangerous world of sex trafficking. During the World Cup games in Russia, anti-slavery group Alternativa said sex traffickers were also planning to exploit Russia’s lax visa rules for the soccer fanfare to pimp Nigerian women. |

A study, conducted in collaboration with Walk Free Foundation and the International Labour Organization, also notes how consumers all over the world are getting products that at some stage were touched by the hands of modern-day slaves. This was especially the case with the G20 nations, who have strong laws and systems against servitude, but who collectively import $354 billion worth of at-risk products annually. The global statistics of modern slavery are grim. There are 40.3 million people being forced or exploited into labour, prostitution or marriage, held against their will, deprived of basic human rights, freedom and their future. 71% of them are women and 25% are children. In the past five years, 89 million people experienced some form of modern slavery. Modern slavery presents one of the most inhumane breaches of human rights yet one of the most widespread and far-reaching issues of today’s society. It signals a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions that no country, no matter it’s economic and social development, is excluded from. How is this possible and what can we do to aid the fight against it?

Decreasing demand This may seem difficult at first since it requires us to analyze our lifestyle choices and change them. But any step we take is better than none. We have to realize crime will exist as long as there is demand for it. Out of 40.3 million victims of modern slavery, 4.8 million are victims of forced sexual exploitation. So what do we do? First, stop buying sex. Every buyer of commercial sex needs to realize their direct involvement in increasing the demand for sex trafficking. Second, ethical consumerism, a phrase most of us are familiar with. It means boycotting unethical brands or brands with insufficient ethical statements (a list of which you can find with a quick Google search on websites such as https://www., where you can download a Slave-Free Shopping guide, and ) and checking Modern Slavery Statements from brands, or lack thereof (which you can do on the following website). Lastly, it means minimizing our consumption and simply buying less.

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 CONTINUE... MODERN DAY SLAVERY Spreading awareness Despite the gloomy statistics, modern slavery remains a taboo topic among the general public. Which is why spreading awareness is one of the most effective ways to fight it. Firstly, it protects people from getting caught up in modern slavery themselves by informing them of ways in which traffickers operate and lure victims in. With the rise of the Internet and the anonymity it provides, traffickers found new ways of acquiring victims, mostly with online ads and job offers that can often seem completely legitimate. Some of the biggest red flags are overpromising, little detail about the job, requiring texts instead of calls, not asking enough questions about the potential employee or asking strange personal questions and a company name not provided or not found on LinkedIn and other professional platforms. However, the Internet has, at the same time, given us the wonderful opportunity of having our voices heard by many people on many social platforms; let’s use it. Awareness is also important so people can spot the red flags that someone else is being trafficked and know who to report it to. And finally, the legislation and even more so, the societal norms and beliefs ingrained in the culture of many countries, directly or indirectly allow this organised crime to silently keep running in the background. But any sort of change, whether it be political, legislative or societal, calls for people that are aware of the issue and ready to push for change of the status quo. Pushing for political change The simple fact is, we need better laws. Some countries are doing better than others in this aspect, but the situation is not ideal in any of them. In first world countries, this applies to sex trafficking especially. In countries with legalised prostitution, sex trafficking and exploitation is allowed to flourish due to poor regulation and no or loosely defined standards. And yet in most countries with illegal prostitution, victims find themselves criminalised and persecuted instead of being recognized and protected as victims of a crime. The beauty of democracy is that politicians need voters to stay in power, and by making them aware of this issue as an issue that the public cares about, laws |

may begin to change. Getting in touch with our representatives on a regional level, such as councillors, mayors and other members of the local government is always a good idea. Helping the disadvantaged Certain groups of people are much more susceptible to fall victim to this crime. Poverty, economic instability, low education and lower social class, especially when coupled with young age and/or female gender are all factors which multiply a person’s risk of becoming a victim. Domestic abuse, child abuse and previous or on-going sexual abuse also disproportionately predispose people to become the trafficked. This means the socially disadvantaged should be prioritized when it comes to spreading awareness. It also implies that fighting modern slavery goes hand in hand with fighting poverty and economic, social, gender and any other inequality. As long as these disparities exist, there exist desperation and social insecurity, two main vulnerabilities the traffickers exploit. Any form of helping the underprivileged, whether through charity work, donating, housing or other, is a form of modern slavery prevention. Knowing the signs and reporting Perhaps the most direct and active way we can help is by knowing the signs of human trafficking in people we come in contact with and knowing where to report it, whether it be a national human trafficking hotline or the police. A comprehensive list of signs which indicate a victim of modern slavery can be found on this website. It is also important to know how to communicate with potential victims, as they are usually traumatised and threatened or terrorised into silence and compliance with the trafficker’s orders, one of them being avoidance of contact with any outside person. It’s of vital importance and our responsibility not to look the other way and report any suspicious activity. uk/2019/03/18/aiding-the-fight-againstmodern-slavery/

THE 10 COMMANDMENTS COMMANDMENT 1 You shall have NO OTHER gods before ME


COMMANDMENT 3 You shall NOT take the NAME OF THE LORD in vain

COMMANDMENT 4 Remember the 7th Day is God’s Sabbath. Rest and keep it Holy



COMMANDMENT 7 You shall NOT COMMIT adultery






Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


Prophet Aquinas

The Seed and Feed Drive is a food security programme that was started during the heart of the coronavirus outbreak in May 2020. Through the lenses of this virus, across the world we caught a glimpse of how quickly things can turn to rapid loss of lives, income, security and livelihoods.

More importantly the coronavirus painted a vivid picture that our current systems whether governmental, religious or business corporations are not intricately aligned to God’s will and purpose for His people. That they are largely operating against God’s will, but as instruments of oppression in the stead of liberty. Without intending to be a prophet of doom, it must be said that things are definitely going to get more difficult in the future before God’s original will and intent is manifested upon the earth. It is therefore now, more than ever important for people, especially those in rural areas who still enjoy access to vast amounts of land, to take up the call from the Seed and Feed Drive and start to grow their own food for both personal consumption as well as to trade amongst themselves. There is much success that we already see as people take up this call of “Urban Faith Farming”, especially during this most trying time economically. God is giving us such examples through people like the “Homeless Farmers” of Durban, and the inspirational “Spinach Queen” Ncumisa Miesah Mkabile of Cape Town, whom God is raising as lamp bearers and examples for this hour and the coming day. He is raising them as a generation of people who use growing their own food as a model of completely trusting in God for provision while being responsible to the earth and mankind. Thereby moving away from the enslaving dependence on the government, false prophets and the economic web of the enemy. So as we all go back to Genesis and exhibit our first responsibility to be self-sufficient, echoing our African heritage of Ubuntu, poverty, hunger and oppression will cease to be elements in all our communities across the nation and our continent, and we will once again be a nation that feeds other nations as God intended. Prophet Aquinas |

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


An entirely African-led initiative, the Great Green Wall is an ambitious project looking to grow an 8,000km natural wonder across the full width of Africa. Since 2007, millions of trees have been planted across the southern edge of the Sahara desert - with millions more to go.

Currently the Great Green Wall is about 15 per cent complete, but the success of the project has been far greater than initially expected. Degraded land is being restored at an unprecedented rate, which means increased food security for nearby communities.

It was initially intended to be just a line of trees, stretching east to west, to help tackle the Sahara’s expansion down south. However the project, funded by the African Union, quickly evolved into a tapestry of different environmental interventions, using a range of ecological tools to construct a belt of greenery across the continent. Although trees are still the primary focus, other methods are being used to help restore the land, based on the specific biogeographical needs of an individual area.

Nigeria, Senegal, Burkina Faso, and Ethiopia have so far seen the most significant gains across the Sahel region. Over 17 million trees have been planted in Burkina Faso, equal to an area of about 31,000 acres. Nigeria has seen over 12 million acres of degraded land restored, while Senegal and Ethiopia have had similar levels of success.

The project has received praise from around the world, including Irish President, Michael Higgins, who said the Great Green Wall “represents the best kind of international cooperation that will be required in this century.”

“The Great Green Wall promises to be a real game-changer, providing a brighter future for rural youth in Africa and a chance to revitalise whole communities,” says the Monique Barbut from the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. “It can unite young people around a common, epic ambition: to ‘Grow a 21st Century World Wonder’, across borders and across Africa.”

By the time the wall is complete it will be the largest living structure on Earth, triple the size of the Great Barrier Reef. |

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.







1-7 December

8-13 December

14-21 December

22-31 December

Northern Dry/Arid Regions None

Northern Dry/Arid Regions None

Northern Dry/Arid Regions Lettuce, Celery

Northern Dry/Arid Regions None

Sub and Tropics Regions Sweet Potato, Chives

Sub and Tropics Regions None

Sub and Tropics Regions Lettuce, Broccoli, Artichoke, Basil, Mint, Thyme

Sub and Tropics Regions Peppers, (Hot and Sweet)

Southern Dry/ Arid Regions Beetroot, Radish, Sweet Potato, Chives, Spring Onion

Southern Dry/ Arid Regions None

Southern Dry/ Arid Regions Kale, Lettuce, Basil, Mint, Thyme, Broccoli, Cabbage

Southern Dry/ Arid Regions Cucumber, Peppers, Tomato, Beans

Add compost, remove weeds, treat for harmful insects

Add compost, remove weeds, treat for harmful insects. Cut and prune to reduce growth

Prune and cut grass to increase growth

Prune and cut grass to increase growth


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Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.







14-21 January

22-31 January

1-7 January

8-13 January

Northern Dry/Arid Regions Artichoke

Northern Dry/Arid Regions None

Sub and Tropics Regions Chives

Sub and Tropics Regions None

Sub and Tropics Regions Lettuce, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Rocket, Rosemary, Thyme

Sub and Tropics Regions French and Lima Beans

Southern Dry/ Arid Regions Carrots, Potato, Sweet Potato, Chives

Southern Dry/ Arid Regions None

Southern Dry/ Arid Regions Lettuce, Basil, Rocket, Rosemary, Spinach, Swiss Chard , Thyme

Southern Dry/ Arid Regions Cucumber, Peppers, Tomato, Beans

Add compost, re-move weeds, treat for harmful insects

Add compost, remove weeds, treat for harmful insects. Cut and prune to reduce growth

Prune and cut grass to increase growth

Prune and cut grass to increase growth

Northern Dry/Arid Regions Lettuce, Swiss Chard

Northern Dry/Arid Regions Peas


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Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020 ARTIST ARVIE SMITH Arvie Smith spent his childhood in rural Texas and South Central and Watts Los Angles, California. He received his BFA from Pacific Northwest College of Art in 1984 and his MFA from Maryland Institute College of Art, Hoffberger School of Painting under Grace Hartigan in 1992. During a sojourn to Italy, Smith studied at Il Bisonte and SACI in Florence in 1983. From 1998 to the present he has travelled extensively through Ghana, Senegal, Mali and Burkina Faso, West Africa. In Arvie Smith’s paintings, the characters and characteristics that narrate the beautiful ugliness that accompanies American Blackness are Arvie Smith always expertly rendered. His experienced eye, born into and informed by a childhood in the racist American South and the genteel but equally culpable American North, always saw what needed to be seen. Long before Smith’s mastery of his craft, a steady diet of racial injustice fed his thinking and became the ever-blossoming catalyst for his own heartfelt artistic journey. His intention is to solidify the memory of atrocities and oppression so they will never be forgotten nor duplicated. Smith creates this work because he must.


Maria Engelbrecht

A diaspora is a scattered population whose origin lies in a separate geographic locale. Historically, the word diaspora was used to refer to the involuntary mass dispersion of a population from its indigenous territories, in particular the dispersion of Jewish people. This has since changed, and today there is no set definition of the term because its modern meaning has evolved over time. Some notable diasporas are the African diaspora including the |

descendants of those Africans who were mainly transported to the Americas during the African transatlantic slave trade

evil, darkness, unrighteousness and deceit this world has portrayed as being spread across Africa.

Fact: Whilst the United Nations estimate that there are currently 36.2 million African migrants living outside their countries of birth, the total scope of historically displaced Africans based on having heritage that binds them to Africa is estimated at 142 million according to Wikipedia.

I am making this column in this newsletter my personal responsibility to ensure we share success stories of real Africans making a significant difference on mother earth and:

God’s 12 tribes are slowly emerging and starting to acknowledge their anointing of our Father God. They are setting aside their idols, as worldly pressures escalate and the prophecies are realized. A key factor for Jesus/ Yesua to return. The rumor of many years is coming true! “Africa is Rising”, and Africa will be the “breadbasket of the world” in days to come. Even better news is that the generational curse has been broken! Africa and Africans have a second chance to stand up and stand strong no matter whether they were uprooted or not. Their DNA has a track record that supersedes the

• We will be honoring them for their selflessness contributions globally • We will apply their guidance and wisdom • We will salute them in their boldness • We will be sharing the emotional, spiritual and financial growth that will follow from the soil of Africa • We will work to make Africa the place that was intended before human interference took its toll • We will together build the UNITY that we all carry as true Africans • We will get Africa to a place where its descendants would return to, not for a visit but for a lifetime.

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020


Star of the Month - Samuel L Jackson

The Hollywood veteran, born and raised in Tennessee US, discovered his roots lead to the Bantu tribe in the African nation of Gabon! It is no wonder he has such a drive to explore more of his heritage and how Africans ended up in America and across the world through the new Enslaved series. The series follows a growing collection of acclaimed storytelling on the subject (the novel Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi and The New York Times podcast 1619 by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones come to mind) that is intent on agitating our collective memory. The transatlantic slave trade is cast as both a tragedy and a crime where the perpetrator is named explicitly. It’s a big budget saga that was filmed in 12 countries on four continents, and it utilizes an unabashedly cinematic score to punctuate and unveil each harrowing historical truth – such as the fact that of the 12 million people who were trafficked, only 4 per cent went to the United States.

Samuel L. Jackson takes part in a Benga initiation ceremony, Gabon, in Enslaved, a new six-part documentary epic on the transatlantic slave trade.

Enslaved, starring Samuel L. Jackson, tells a story that is 400 years overdue. American actor and film producer Samuel L. Jackson (71) has traced his ancestry through Finding Your Roots, an American docu-series that uses traditional genealogical research and genetics to discover the family history of celebrities. |

The most awing moments of Enslaved revolve around the exploration of African slave trade shipwrecks, executed by Diving with a Purpose, a group of mostly Black elite scuba divers devoted to underwater conservation projects with a focus on the African diaspora. Over two and half years of filming, and with the assistance of world-class marine biologists, the team dived six slave ships – to date, the most ever excavated. The unprecedented logistical and operational undertaking for the crew cements the series’ historical contribution beyond documentary.

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

December 2020

DIASPORA After three years in production, the premiere date almost feels like divine timing, after a summer where calls to overhaul systemic racial inequities have encouraged a global reckoning. Perhaps one of the most remarkable features of the documentary is its insistence that the transatlantic slave trade is both a part of Black history, and larger than it – that this wide-spread, long-lasting and often painful reckoning deserves the attention and grief of the many nations that initiated it. The value of the series has not been lost on an international audience: At the time of publication, 130 countries had purchased screening rights. “[As] the child of Holocaust survivors, something that has been burned into my brain is that is if we don’t deal with in the past, we’ll repeat in the future,” Simcha Jacobovic, director and executive producer says. “This is a story that we as a planet have to come to terms with. You can’t act like what’s going on on the streets – the debates over racism, monuments and police violence – have nothing to do with a 400-year legacy.”

But rather than dwell in past centuries of unspeakable horrors – and unspoken they have been – the documentary aims for reclamation. It’s equally a story of rebirth and redemption that drives forward a collective story with personal narratives, and seeks to remind audiences that Africa is not a monolith, but a combination of many rich cultures. Jackson, in one of the most intimate moments he’s ever shared on screen, travels to Ghana to meet his ancestral tribe. To witness the group acknowledge his familiar gait, a mark of a beach-dwelling lineage, and welcome him with open arms is deeply affecting. Says Simcha Jacobovic,: “We didn’t just want six episodes of suffering, and we did not want to show African’s simply as victims, but as people who struggled to achieve their own freedom.”


Please give Africa your time and energy.. Get involved and help elevate the Continent into the next era.. |

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