How to Run a City Like Amazon, and Other Fables

Page 33

‘And what they do get is less timely in delivery?’ ‘Exactly! We reward our most valued citizens first.’


‘But it’s the poorer neighbourhoods that need proportionally more investment to help them address their problems and to improve the area.’ ‘But they’re also more of a long-term risk with respect to dollars invested being wasted. As a city we’ve adopted the practices of the data broker industry, seeking to identify and preferentially target higher value citizens as they contribute the most to making our great city even greater! By investing in them, opportunities will trickle down to everyone else.’ ‘I guess that makes sense. I think.’ ‘In fact, Mr Fitzgerald, I see from your profile that you and your company have been partners in property development in the regeneration zone. The city will shortly be seeking tenders for work in the next phase of the project. Our data partners are confident that there will be a very healthy return on investment. I could send you an advance pack about the opportunities.’ ‘That sounds interesting, thanks. Where’s the next phase located?’


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