How to rank a website in 2018?

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How to rank a website on 1st page of Google?

SEO is a method of improving the visibility of website in the search engine results. SEO is the only way to get lots of organic traffic. It will help your website for improve the rankings for receive huge amount of traffic. [Rank your website on Google] In the below I described how to rank a website in first position of Google: Main part of this article is:- On-page factors, off-page factors and how to get quality backlink.

There are two part of SEO On-page SEO and Off-page SEO. Both are important for rank any website. Important On-page factors: [Optimize your WordPress website]

Useful, high quality content: The amount of time people spend on your website and it can affect SEO ranking. When you provide quality full content on your website, visitors tend to stay longer to gain the information Optimizing URLs: Readable URL of your website pages is very important factor. Use your keyword on the URL. By this Google can understand this website is more perfect for this keyword. It appears within the search results. Optimizing pages titles: Titles is another important on-page SEO factors. Use your keyword in the titles, try to use on the beginning of titles. The most effective page titles are about 10–70 characters long, including spaces. [Get free SEO consultation] Meta description: Meta descriptions are useful because this will indicate how your pages will shown in search results. For optimum effectiveness, meta descriptions should be 70–160 characters long. Your meta descriptions should contain your targeted keyword and try to use at beginning. Headings: You should include keywords in your headings. The initial heading (<H1>) should include your best keywords. Using only one <H1> heading per page will strengthen your SEO. Images ALT tag: Use image ALT tag, because Google can’t see images Google understand the image subject through ALT tag. Use your keyword or keyword related word on ALT tag. Keyword Optimization on content: You need to make sure that your main keyword is included in the first 100 words of content. Try to keep your targeted keyword in 1.25–1.5%.

Content length: Your content length should be minimum 500 words. Based on the research, content between 2,000–2,500 words seems to rank the highest in search engine results. Images optimizing before upload: Images have a couple of elements to them that should be properly optimized. The first is the image file name & title. Outbound link: This can affect both relevance and trust. If you’re linking out to on-topic and high authority sites from your content that’s a good indication that the content is relevant to the terms in question. Linking out to low quality sites from bad neighborhoods, sends a negative signal to Google. Even no-follow links to poor quality sites are likely to damage rankings. Page load speed: If your site takes more time to load, it does create bad experience to user. Google can determine it and it’s a important ranking factor. Broken links: Search engines consider a large number of broken links as a signal of an old, neglected site and this can impact your SEO ranking. Contact us page: Which websites having sufficient contact information are considered to be more trust-worthy and therefore may rank higher by search engines. Mobile optimization: According to Google update it gives priority to mobile friendly website. And most of the user comes from the mobile. Sitemap: Sitemap help search engine to index all pages. It easiest way to tell Google about your website. Google Search Console integration: Lastly, having your site verified at Google Webmasters Tools is said to help with your sites indexing. Even if that’s not the case, the tool provides valuable data you can use to optimize your site better. Off-page SEO: [Get 1st position on Google]

Off-page SEO also known as link building or baclinking. It’s almost impossible for Google to determine the value of any web page if there are no links pointing to it — no matter how useful, fresh, or in-depth the page content might be. Important Off-page factors:

When we are getting backlinks from any site, we must follow this step. The number of linking domains: The number root domains are linking to your website is a important factor.

The number of linking pages: There might be some links from a particular domain to your site; their number is a ranking factor too. It should be from quality site. Domain Authority of linking page: Not all pages are equal. Links to pages with higher domain authority will be a bigger factor than those on low authority domains. Link relevancy: SEOs believe that links from pages must be niche related to your pages. Authority of linking domain: The authority of a domain may be a ranking factor too. For that reason, a link from low authority page on a high authority site will be worth more that from a lower domain authority one. Links from a homepage: Similarly, some SEOs believe that links from a home page of a linking domain carry more strength than those on one of its pages. A number of do follow vs. nofollow links: You must follow dofollow and nofollow link ratio, it’s better if you can keep 60:40 ratio. The diversity of link types: The types of links you build to your site matters too. Too many links of one type may be a spam indicator and impact your rankings negatively. Link anchor: Anchor text of a link used to be a strong ranking factor. Don’t use same anchor text for most of the linking, it’s spam indicator. Keep anchor text diversity. There have different types of backlink. In the below I described about important types of backlink. How to get quality full backlinks?

[Get quality backlinks] Profile backlinks: There have lots of site where after creating profile we can add our site link. Ex. Pinterest,, etc. By this we can get profile backlinks. These backlinks are very important for increase site DA. Directory backlink: By submitting website in different high authority directory website, we can get directory backlinks. Social Bookmarking: Social bookmarking backlinks are another important Off-page technique. Just share your link on social bookmarking website. It’s also helpful for get traffic. Examples of social bookmarking sites are: StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit etc. Question & Answer: By giving answer with your link of your niche related question you can get these backlink. For these you have to participate your niche related forum and question answering site. Examples: Yahoo Answers, Quora etc.

Blog Comments: Blog comments help you to connect with influencers and other bloggers of your niche. But remember,Never try to make such comments which are not relevant to the topics.Be honest with your comments and only speak what you really feel about that blog post. Give your URL on URL section or in your comment using hyperlink. Guest Blogging: Try to write article for your niche related site who are receiving guest post. In this time first see site DA, PA, Trust ratio & visitor. Site DA, PA must be more than your site, trust ratio should be more than 0.5(trust ratio=trust flow/critration flow),don’t write guest post those sites who haven traffic & spam score must be less than 4(according Moz tool) Get Your Competitor’s Backlinks:It’s the easiest way to list of site from where you can get backlinks. Find out your top 5 competitors for your targeted keywords and the backlinks they have from various websites. Now make a list for all backlinks avoid sites who have low DA,PA & spam score more than 4( according Moz tool)trust ratio less than 0.5. Image Submission: Use these great platforms for image submissions and remember to optimize your images with your targeted keywords in tags and description. Examples: Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, Photobucket etc. Infographic Submission: Infographic submission is another creative off page SEO activity. The reason behind infographics are getting famous is that your readers engage quickly with such graphics which are attractive and informative. You can submit your infographics on infographics submission websites and refer backlinks to your actual site or blog. PDF sharing: Share your PDF on different PDF sharing sites with your link. Broken Link Building:This one takes some effort, but it’s actually quite effective at getting new links. When you’re reading blogs, you can take the time to search for old, broken links that are dragging the blog down… and ask the blog’s owner to replace them with links to your own content. Most are willing to do so as long as your content is fresh and accurate. I hope you can rank your website on 1st place of Google. Best of luck. You can get professional SEO service from here:- Complete SEO for ranking a website.

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