Assessment of urban trees and shrubs using remote sensing technology

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climate is partly dominated by summer and winter winds which controlled seasonal changes of temperature. The Urban climatic scenario is quite complex thing as it has to play multifaceted activities. Temperature is one of the strongest ingredients of climatic change and urban areas are mostly responsible for this situation. As the number of urban areas increasing in recent times so they are exposing themselves to climate change. The climatic conditions of Dhaka in terms of temperature is highly variable as the annual variations of minimum and maximum is very high (Figure 7.12). The highest minimum annual temperature observed 6.5°c in 1995 where as highest maximum temperature was 39.6°c in 2000. Figure 7.12: Range of Annual Temperature variations (minimum and maximum). 7.13 Temperature Variations: Minimum The annual minimum temperature graph (Figure 7.12) showing the decreasing trend of temperature and which is not strongly linearly correlated (R² = 0.051). Monthly variations of Seasonal minimum temperature reveal the highly changing nature. The eighty decade started with minimum temperature of 10°c and in the early of 21 st century it is showing decreasing trend with minimum 9.6°c. In winter season, January is the coldest month and February shows highly undulating trend of temperature over the most period of the year. In pre-monsoon time, April started with minimum 14.7°c-31.3°c with increasing trend. Again, temperature variations at monsoon time didn’t show so much variation than average. 7.14 Annual and Monthly (Minimum) Temperature Variations Figure 7.14: Annual Temperature Variability from 1981-2010.

7.15 Winter Temperature Variations Figure 7.15: Winter Temperature Variability from 1981-2010. 7.16 Pre-monsoon Temperature Variations

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