5 minute read
Our Thanks Go To…
by mct-admin
• Our Parish Council for the use of the Memorial Centre, permissions for land, buildings and infrastructure and again for the generous funds towards the event
• Our generous sponsors whose contributions enable us to continue to provide quality attractions, entertainment, food provisions and stalls. They are the PAR-
• The Working Men’s Club for the use of their hall, entertainment and parking facilities
• Mortimer car sales, Top Gear, Vision Projects Ltd, Grey Goose and Mewies for their parking facilities
• Stonehurst Farm for straw bales and Sileby Road car parking
• Soar Valley Leisure Centre for the use of their car park for stalls and the climbing wall.


SOAR VALLEY LEISURE CENTRE are offering £10 off your first months membership if you present the enclosed flier between 13th-20th August

• Mountsorrel Juniors Football Club for organizing the Fun Run
• Our Charnwood Community First Responders for helping keep us safe
• To the local businesses who allow visitor access to toilets saving us over £500
• Our event photographers & our competition judges
• Michael Clayton (MAC1 Electrical) for free electrical work
• Prize providers– HS Footcare, Mountsorrel Coop and Elegance Beauty
• Our army of volunteers who ensure the parade and fun run are safe, the site is litter free, for putting up and taking down banners and bunting and all manner of things, our ticket sellers, programme givers and car park attendants to name just a few!
• The local Police for attending and providing safety assistance
• Mesothelioma UK for use of their office space for our monthly meetings

• And everyone else who has helped make the event happen
Street Parade & Fun Run
The REVIVAL Fun Run starts at 12 noon from the forecourt of CARSA near Bond Lane. It runs along the old main road all the way to the Green. The road will be closed to traffic. The Parade follows the Fun Run .

FOR YOUR SAFETY Please remain on the pavements. Do not go on the road or try to join the parade. Our Marshals who will be wearing hi-viz jackets may ask you to move; please do as they request. They are there to ensure we all remain safe.
Mountsorrel Communty Craft Project
We entered a Christmas tree into the festival and were voted best tree! Our theme was birds. Our winnings were shared at Mug & Mingle. Everyone enjoys a Jaffa cake!

At Mug & Mingle we made friendship bracelets and some people have continued to make Morsbags. Our community quilt has moved to the Baptist Church until September when it will move up to the Mountsorrel and Rothley Community Heritage Centre .
Check us out on Facebook—Mountsorrel Community Craft Project

• Donkey rides
All Day Events
• Village Competitions in the Memorial Centre
• Music at various venues
• Stalls spread throughout the village
• Entertainment, children’s attractions and rides

• Model Railway upstairs at the Memorial Centre
• Sir William Marshall re-enactment at Castle Park
• Stalls and musical entertainment everywhere
• Land Rover Pull Competition
• Vintage vehicles
• Waterside Canoe Club, Face painting and Vehicles of interest at the Waterside plus live music
• Soar Valley Archers, Laser Quest
• Coconut shy, tin can alley, climbing wall
• Birds of prey demonstrations

• Dog Show & Dog Agility on the playing field
Our official photographers can be identified by their high viz jackets with the MCT logo on the back. They adhere to our Photographic Policy which can be found at the-mct.co.uk/photographic-policy www.mesothelioma.uk.com/dontletthedustsettle
There’s an amazing line up over the next few months at the MMC venue with something for everyone! Live music, theatre shows, comedy, our Sunday Funday and the Christmas light switch on!

There is live music with The Rod Stewart Songbook, ABBA Sensation plus Supersonic Queen will bring the magic and excitement of a live Queen concert. There’s also an evening celebrating the iconic Cher, Chloe Barry returns with her Adele tribute and you’ll be able to rock out with That 80’s Rock Show.
For those looking for a laugh Gary Delaney loves the MMC Venue so much he’s returning for a fourth time with his ‘Gary in Punderland’ show. Comedian and star of Phoenix Nights, Justin Moorhouse is bringing his brand new show ‘Stretch and Think’ and star of Radio Four’s ‘It’s a fair cop’ Alfie Moore will be showing us why he has a ‘Face for Radio’.
The Festival Players are bringing The 39 Steps, Barrow Arts Theatre present The Sound of Music and Swing Theatre will be back with Frozen. MMC favourites Talegate Theatre are bringing us plenty of magic and fun this season.
In October there will be spooky entertainment with Hocus Panto which features magical illusions, pop songs and things that go bump in the night! As we head towards Christmas we have ‘Father Christmas Needs A Wee,’ a fabulously funny and brilliantly bouncy musical followed by a meet and greet with Santa! And of course don’t miss the merriest panto in the land, where you’ll find us deep in Sherwood Forest with Robin Hood.
Who are we? Founded in 2004, Mesothelioma UK is the only national charity dedicated to helping people with mesothelioma. We are an independent charity funded by donations, corporate partnerships and grants.
We provide support to people with mesothelioma to live better and longer; to help prevent it happening to future generations. We advocate for better treatment and care, which enhances quality of life, we support research, we amplify the patient’s voice.

The Mesothelioma Clinical Nurse Specialists ensure that patients are given the best treatment available. We have benefits advisors, a Freephone Support line, travel grants, a dedicated research centre at Sheffield University plus a comprehensive information service.
The danger from asbestos is NOT a thing of the past!. Asbestos was used extensively between the 1950s to the mid-1980s but it might still be in any building built before 2000. We’re calling time on asbestos by asking the government to create a central register recording the location and condition of asbestos around the country with an end date for the safe removal of asbestos prioritising high risk settings like schools and hospitals.

Mountsorrel Community Team continue to be grateful to Mesothelioma UK for the use of their office space for our monthly meetings

This map is for information only. It is NOT to scale.
The Graham Lloyd Award for Young People recognises the outstanding achievements and successes of young people. It is awarded annually to one young person and presented during the Mountsorrel Revival. Nominations can be made by anyone and should be sent to admin@lrys.co.uk

The presentation will take place at 2 o’clock on the Green at the Revival gazebo.

Our Sponsors
The Mountsorrel REVIVAL would not happen without our generous sponsors. The Community Team thank them once again for their support in making this year’s festival even bigger, brighter and better!
Thank you
Mountsorrel Parish Council

Mortgage Advice Bureau
Elegance Beauty
HS Footcare
Waterside Inn
Stonehurst Farm
Baptist Church
Community Quilt
Table tennis Puppets
Dramatic sketch on forecourt
12:30 DJ Woodie
13:15 Burlesque
14:00 DJ Woodie
14:45 Burlesque
15:30 DJ Woodie
11:00 Leicestershire Coop Brass Band
11:30 Quorn Ukulele Orchestra
12:15 Fancy Dress competition
13:15 I’m not Houdini (magic show)
13:45 Jessica Michelle School of Dance
14:00 Quorn Ukulele Orchestra
14:00 Graham Lloyd Award (Revival Gazebo)
14:3o Leicestershire Coop Brass Band
15:30 Quorn Ukulele Orchestra
16:00 Leicestershire Coop Brass Band
12 noon King Komodo
14:30 Carter & Hartman
17:00 Dan East as Ed Sheeran &
Jo Ellul playing throughout the afternoon