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SAL Leaders for Positive Change By David Pittman

The Southern Arizona Leadership Council now has 137 members who will be seen and heard throughout this community as never before. SALC is a business leadership organization that’s adept at mounting and funding big-picture initiatives and building cohesive coalitions and alliances to support its goals. Over the past 18 years, SALC has been successful locally, statewide and nationally, working with government leaders of all political stripes and business organizations from 104 BizTucson

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every economic sector. Yet it has done so quietly, usually behind the scenes. “We never really reached out to the community like we plan to do this year,” said Ron Shoopman, SALC president and CEO for the past decade. “It’s the first time we are engaging citizens in an intentional way.” One impetus for this vigorous engagement is the launch of the MAP Dashboard – also known as Making Action Possible for Southern Arizona. This new public resource provides fact-

based insights into pivotal economic and social indicators about our community and how it measures up to similar cities in the West. SALC spearheaded the launch of this collaborative project, partnering with the University of Arizona and Community Foundation for Southern Arizona. (See article on p. 112) and www. Pima County Supervisors Chair Sharon Bronson was among many who praised SALC’s leadership in es-



tablishing the MAP Dashboard, which provides people access to important information “that is not politically driven, but factually driven,” she said. The MAP is now the cornerstone of SALC’s data-driven strategic leadership plan. “Today our membership recognizes that to take SALC to the next level, we must add a new dimension to what we are doing and engage the community more broadly,” said Lisa Lovallo, the newly installed chair of SALC and head

of Cox Communications in Southern Arizona. “We must be more visible, more transparent and more assertive in our outreach efforts.” SALC members are business leaders who drive Tucson’s economy, its philanthropy and support for key community initiatives. “We are representative of our community. Our investments in people, innovation, technology, manufacturing, wealth creation and philanthropy are indisputable,” Lovallo, the first woman chair of the organization, said in her

address at SALC’s annual meeting and planning retreat in December. Going forward, SALC plans to feature some of its best-known members in “issue videos” on its website. For instance, if healthcare policy happens to be the issue on the front burner, Judy Rich, president and CEO of Tucson Medical Center, could be the face of SALC. If a spokesman on energy issues is called for, the group could have David Hutchens, president and CEO at Tuccontinued on page 106 >>> Spring 2015 > > > BizTucson 105


SALC has been a catalyst for alliances and cooperative agreements. While we compete on some things, if we all speak with one voice on issues of importance to the business community, we are far more effective.

– Ron Shoopman, President & CEO Southern Arizona Leadership Council

Lisa Lovallo


Ron Shoopman

Mike Hammond 106 BizTucson


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continued from page 105 son Electric Power, take center stage. If a speaker is needed on the importance of attracting venture capital to Southern Arizona, who better to speak than Harry George, managing general partner of Solstice Capital and co-founder of Desert Angels? The list of impressive expertise at SALC goes on and on. SALC members tackle strategic initiatives with the end goal of precipitating positive change for the betterment of the community. Priorities include economic policies, education, healthcare, trade and transportation, infrastructure and governance. Lovallo said SALC represents “organizations that produce everything from electricity to vapor phase corrosion inhibitors to advanced missile systems and 110-ton carbon steel heat exchangers. Our members lead organizations that do your taxes, build and sell your home, lease commercial business space, design and engineer our roads and streets, finance business expansion, save lives, insure our assets, educate our children, design websites, advertise your products and services and, yes, sell cable TV, too.” Shoopman is a retired U.S. Air Force Brigadier General who formerly served as commander of the Air National Guard’s 162nd Fighter Wing at Tucson International Airport. “When I was hired, the SALC board indicated that they wanted results, not press clippings – and I was very comfortable with that,” he said. Business leaders who join SALC do so because of “a greatergood component” in their makeup, he said. “They’re people who will do things to make this community better – even if it doesn’t enhance their business specifically or enrich them in some way.” The roots of SALC go back to 1997, when a group of seven prominent Tucson businessmen – Hank Amos, Si Schorr, David Mehl, Larry Aldrich, David Wright, Greg Shelton and Charles Bayless – incorporated the group. In its first eight years of existence, SALC had three people serve as president and CEO. In the last decade there has been only one – Shoopman. “When I started at SALC on Jan. 1, 2005, we had 56 members, a tiny budget and a little two-room office,” he said. “We now have 137 members and more revenue and resources at our disposal than ever before.” Shoopman downplays his role in SALC’s success. He says any influence he has comes from the fact that he represents 137 of the most visionary and influential CEOs in Southern Arizona. continued on page 108 >>>

SALC can boast a long list of accomplishments throughout its 18-year history on a number of fronts. For instance during the last 10 years, SALC and its members: u Were at the forefront of efforts to create the Regional Transportation Authority, from its inception at the Arizona Legislature to its passage by Pima County voters in a landmark victory in 2006. Creation of the RTA included a half-cent sales tax to fund $2.1 billion in road improvements over 20 years. u Led the opposition against two separate anti-growth initiatives restricting water usage from the Central Arizona Project. u Organized the Tucson Regional Town Hall, which brought together 160 local leaders for 3½ days of discussion regarding critical issues facing metro Tucson. The Town Hall spawned six “community conversations” on water, literacy, land use, arts and culture, early childhood education and public education and led to the formation of the Literacy for Life Coalition and Tucson Values Teachers. u Brought together 45 scientists, land managers and government leaders to discuss threats from buffelgrass, a non-native plant proliferating in the Sonoran Desert that sucks up moisture faster than native plants and catches fire easily. This scientific forum led to the creation of the Southern Arizona Buffelgrass Coordination Center. u Joined Greater Phoenix Leadership and Flagstaff Forty in creating the nonprofit Science Foundation Arizona, which focuses on generating high-tech jobs through business startups and expansion. About $43.8 million, more than half of SFA grants, have gone to Southern Arizona.

The roots of SALC go back to 1997, when a group of seven prominent Tucson businessmen incorporated the group.

u Led efforts to create the Downtown Tucson Partnership, which focuses on revitalizing the city’s downtown.

Hank Amos

u Raised the issue of needed reform to the Tucson City Charter. Although charter change proposals backed by SALC were defeated by Tucson voters in 2010, a city-sponsored commission that SALC has been assisting is now addressing a new charter reform plan.

Si Schorr

u Initiated a dialogue with then Gov. Jan Brewer and the state legislature to create a strategic plan providing a context for annual financial decisions. Toward that end, SALC co-sponsored an analysis of state finances by McKinsey & Company that revealed the extent to which the deficit is structural and not cyclical.

David Mehl

u Supported a 1 percent temporary sales tax increase for education that was approved by statewide voters in 2010. u Strongly advised Brewer to veto SB 1062, which she did. The bill would have offered a legal defense for individuals and businesses facing discrimination lawsuits if they proved they had acted on a “sincerely held religious belief.” Opponents argued it would legalize discrimination, allowing businesses to refuse service to LGBT customers. u Successfully lobbied for a Medicaid or Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System expansion bill that was approved by the legislature and signed by Brewer. The bill, which has proved financially helpful to state hospitals, still faces legal challenges, however.

Larry Aldrich

David Wright

Charles Bayless Not pictured Co-Founder Greg Shelton




Harry George


Judy Rich

continued from page 106 “The effectiveness of SALC is not derived from Ron Shoopman or the SALC staff. It is derived from the members. They drive the organization,” he said. “It is their reputations, influence, resources and direction that has allowed SALC to accomplish the great things that it has. I am proud of what SALC has done.” One of those accomplishments is uniting various business groups and associations – such as the Tucson Metro Chamber, Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities, Metropolitan Pima Alliance and other area chambers and trade associations – in collaborative business coalitions like the Tucson Business Alliance, Tucson Regional Water Coalition and the Southern Arizona Defense Alliance. “When I first got here, business groups didn’t talk to each other very often,” said Shoopman. “That has changed and SALC has been a catalyst for alliances, coalitions, partnerships and cooperative agreements. The point is, the various business groups in the region are working together better than ever before. While we compete on some things, if we all speak with one voice on issues of importance to the business community, we are far more effective.” Lovallo said that in the past, this CEO leadership group failed to fully engage the general population of the Tucson region. This fueled an “inaccurate perception of SALC as an elite, out-of-touch, white-guys-in-the-foothills bunch of colonial overlords.” She said that faulty viewpoint must be addressed in order for SALC to achieve greater results. “Put simply, we must do a better job as an organization and as members of telling the story of SALC. “I am often struck by the lack of community knowledge around the effort and resources SALC brings to solve big problems that impact the quality of life here. It pains me to have to defend SALC to people who have somehow gotten the wrong impression about who we are and what we care about.” This year SALC is working with Strongpoint Marketing, a public relations firm headquartered in Tucson, to implement a comprehensive communications strategy. TMC’s Rich said, “Ron (Shoopman) is articulate, thoughtful and passionate about the community. He is also very careful. He doesn’t take positions that are not well researched. He is highly respected and very effective.” “I sometimes think Ron must have eight days in his week because it is just amazing what he gets accomplished on a regular basis,” said Mike Hammond, a former SALC chair who is president and managing partner of Cushman & Wakefield IPICOR, a commercial real estate firm. “One of Ron’s top qualities is not only being able to build collaborations with business groups, but to build those alliances with non-business groups as well.” Collaboration is so engrained in SALC’s strategy that it is now participating in more than 70 partnerships, alliances and coalitions. One of the most important of those collaborative efforts is the Southern Arizona Defense Alliance, an organization that kicked off its Mission Strong campaign last year to support and protect Southern Arizona military assets, such as Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and the Air National Guard at Tucson International Airport. Its most recent collaborative effort, the MAP Dashboard, is a comprehensive and trusted source of continually updated economic and lifestyle data that is intended to be used as a tool by business leaders, government officials and the general public to make more informed policy decisions. continued on page 110 >>>

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Ann Weaver Hart



Mara Aspinall Tom McGovern

continued from page 108 The MAP was built and is operated by the the UA Eller College of Management’s Economic and Business Research Center. “We anticipate the MAP Dashboard Project will be used by community members, organizations and leaders to help identify potential areas of improvement in their community,” said Jennifer Pullen, analyst for the MAP Dashboard and research economist at Eller College. “We’d like to see the entire community use the dashboard to facilitate conversations on where we’ve been and where we should head.” Paul Bonavia, retired TEP president and chairman, passed the gavel as SALC chair to Lovallo on Dec. 5. Bonavia said SALC’s role in developing the MAP Dashboard was a major accomplishment for the organization. “We worked tirelessly to prepare the MAP Dashboard, which will give our community valuable metrics to guide its actions,” he said. In remarks marking his departure as SALC chair, Bonavia pointed to two more promising SALC collaborative efforts. “Another significant collaboration was born thanks to SALC member Mara Aspinall, who provided the leadership necessary to create the statewide Arizona Biosciences Board,” he said. “The board just launched a research project that will help guide the efforts to make more risk capital available in Arizona.” SALC members Steve Christy, a past RTA chairman and a member of the Arizona State Transportation Board, and Tom McGovern, regional manager of the Psomas civil engineering firm, were instrumental in creating Business Partners for Trade and Transportation, a coalition of more than 20 groups working together to address key regional and state infrastructure issues. Bonavia said because of the efforts of this coalition and others in Southern Arizona, the planned Interstate 11 project, which originally was to be built from Wickenburg to Las Vegas, was expanded to reach south to Tucson and the Mexican border. Business Partners for Trade and Transportation was also responsible for ensuring “that the key connecter route from the border to I-19, State Route 189, was included in the Arizona Department of Transportation’s five-year funding plan,” Bonavia said. Looking to the immediate future, Shoopman said a contingent representing SALC will make a trip to Washington, D.C., to talk with congressional and military officials on such subjects as protecting Southern Arizona military assets, transportation funding and high-tech university research. The visit, scheduled for April 20-23, will coincide with a similar trip by UA officials. Shoopman said some of the meetings will include both visiting delegations.


The mission of Southern Arizona Leadership Council is to improve greater Tucson and the State of Arizona by bringing together resources and leadership to create action that will enhance the economic climate and quality of life in our communities to attract, retain and grow high-quality, high-wage jobs.

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Dashboard By David Pittman

It’s amazing what collaboration between diverse interests can accomplish. Collaboration between the Southern Arizona Leadership Council, the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona and the University of Arizona has created a new tool that has the potential to help business leaders, government officials and the general public make better, more informed decisions regarding economic and quality of life choices in the Tucson region. The tool is called MAP Dashboard. MAP is an acronym for “Making Action Possible” for Southern Arizona. The MAP Dashboard is a new Internet site built and operated by the UA Eller Economic and Business Research Center. Unveiled in December, the Dashboard gives residents of Southern 112 BizTucson

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Arizona unprecedented access to continually updated, comprehensive economic and lifestyle data. The intent of the SALC, CFSA and UA project is for the community to become well informed and then take collective data-driven civic action to measurably improve Southern Arizona. “Until you can put a mirror up in front of the citizenry so they have an accurate picture of where we are as a community, they are not in a position to make good choices,” said SALC Chair Lisa Lovallo, the top executive for Cox Communication in Southern Arizona. “The MAP Dashboard provides that mirror and the opportunity to better align community interests to improve results and make resources go further.”

Accurate data with the click of a mouse

The MAP Dashboard website has 36 areas of measurement grouped into six categories – economy, education, health and social well-being, infrastructure, quality of place, and workforce and demographics – providing thousands of factual details gathered in a colorful graphic format that allows visitors to learn about this region and how it stacks up with other cities in the West. View the MAP Dashboard at www. or www. Jennifer Pullen, a research economist at the UA Eller College, is project manager and analyst for the MAP Dashboard Project. She expects the MAP Dashboard will be utilized by those



Data-Driven Research to Fuel Positive Change hoping to make Tucson and Southern Arizona a better place. “We anticipate the MAP will be used by community members, organizations and leaders to help identify potential areas of improvement in their community,” said Pullen. “We’d like to see the entire community use the Dashboard to facilitate conversations on where we’ve been and where we should head.” Ron Shoopman, SALC’s president and CEO, said the MAP Dashboard belongs to everyone in Southern Arizona. “SALC worked together with the Community Foundation and the university to create something beneficial to the community – but we don’t own it and we don’t control it,” he said. “It isn’t the SALC Dashboard or the Community Foundation Dashboard. It is the

ern Arizona Making Action Possible Dashboard at UA Eller College. This is the community’s dashboard, not ours.” Fact-based planning leads to a brighter future

UA President Ann Weaver Hart called the MAP Dashboard “a gift to our community” from the university and its partners. “Having this information accessible to everyone gives us the tools to build a successful future for our region.” The MAP Dashboard mirrors more than 125 similar projects across the country. Many of those are static presentations updated annually. The Tucson site is designed to be a resource people want to visit often – it’s interactive and offers monthly updates and

real-time data. Clint Mabie, president and CEO of the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, said the MAP Dashboard tracks a complete range of issues. “It is important to have that 360-degree view of our community so we can identify and work together to address the issues across sectors. To move the needle on each issue we must collaborate and support community-driven civic action.” The MAP Dashboard reveals both strengths and weaknesses regarding Tucson and Southern Arizona. For instance, on the good side, did you know that the average Tucson Water customer has reduced water usage by 27.3 percent over the last 17 years? Or that Tucson’s four-year college attainment continued on page 114 >>> Spring 2015 > > > BizTucson 113

– Jennifer Pullen Project Manager & Analyst MAP Dashboard Project


continued from page 113 rate of 29.8 percent is 1.2 percent higher than the national average? It’s on the MAP. However, did you know Tucson’s working age (25-54) labor force participation rate is just 79.4 percent – which is 2.4 percent less than the national average – and 11th lowest among 12 comparable Western U.S. cities? (Thank goodness for El Paso.) That, too, is on the MAP. SALC’s Lovallo said it is important that the MAP Dashboard becomes a popular website among Southern Arizonans. ‘Just map it’

“One of the things I will focus on as chair of SALC is not only making people aware that the MAP Dashboard exists, but encouraging everybody – schoolchildren, teachers, healthcare workers, academics, business people and politicians – to use it. The MAP is accurate, easy to use, interesting and fun – and the data contained in it is the lat114 BizTucson

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The Map Dashboard is accurate, easy to use, interesting and fun – and the data contained in it is the latest available from the economists at UA Eller College.

– Lisa Lovallo, Chair Southern Arizona Leadership Council

est available from the economists at UA Eller College.” The phrase “google it” is commonly used by people everywhere when it comes to looking for information online. Lovallo wants the term “MAP it” to become just as common among Tucson-

area residents when it comes to searching for information about their part of the world. She said “MAP it” needs to become “part of our nomenclature.” Shoopman also believes it will benefit the local community if the MAP site is heavily utilized. “The Community Foundation is committed to using the MAP on philanthropic issues,” Shoopman said. “We (SALC) are committed to using it on economic issues. The United Way, the Tucson Metro Chamber and TREO are going to use it. We have to keep widening the circle of organizations that are committed to utilizing the MAP.” One organization embracing this new resource is the Tucson Airport Authority, which already has used the Dashboard as a source for 12 presentations, each specifically tailored to convince a different airline to provide or expand service to Tucson International Airport. In a February presentation to an airline that provides passenger service to and from Canada and Europe, TAA


We’d like to see the entire community use the Dashboard to facilitate conversations on where we’ve been – and where we should head.


Screen shots from the MAP Dashboard website:

officials included information gleaned from the MAP to paint a flattering picture of Tucson’s economy, its workforce, its affordability and its quality of life. Growth of Tucson startups exceeds national average

For instance, information from the MAP Dashboard places the growth rate of Tucson business startups at 4.9 percent annually – which exceeds the national average. Tucson ranks fifth best among 12 western cities – Albuquerque, Austin, Colorado Springs, Denver, El Paso, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Portland, Salt Lake City, San Antonio and San Diego. TAA also used MAP data to underscore that Tucson is fourth lowest among those same 12 cities when it comes to the cost of living, and below the national average. MAP data also showed that Tucson’s median home price is just $169,500, second lowest among the 12 cities, and well below the national average of $197,400. Airline officials also shared that

son has a highly educated workforce focused on science, great air quality, large amounts of open space, a bicyclefriendly environment and many recreational opportunities. Bonnie Allin, TAA president and CEO, said the authority began using MAP Dashboard data just two weeks after the website was up and running. “As an SALC director who had the benefit of knowing about the thoughtful process that went into developing the MAP Dashboard, it was very clear the resulting data would be invaluable,” she said. “Once they saw the site, our team members were very excited as they could see how useful the MAP information could be for us. They wasted no time in putting the material to use. From my view, it is a valuable part of helping us try to make our case.” Measuring performance against other metro areas

George W. Hammond replaced Marshall Vest as director and research

professor of economic and business research at the UA Eller College of Management in July of 2012. Hammond said that when he arrived at UA, Vest was already involved in “serious discussions” with SALC and the Community Foundation about establishing the MAP Dashboard. “Marshall (Vest) did all the preliminary work of talking to the partners and getting them together in the same room, developing the basic ideas of what the Dashboard would be and getting the financing and all the budgets set up and ready to go,” Hammond said. “He then passed it on to me and retired.” Hammond called the resulting collaboration “a fairly unique partnership between the university and the nonprofit and business communities.” He said his biggest contribution to the Dashboard was hiring Pullen to coordinate the project. “Jennifer (Pullen) has provided a whirlwind of effort,” Hammond said. continued on page 116 >>> Spring 2015 > > > BizTucson 115

BizECONOMY continued from page 115 “My job has been to get out of the way and make sure she has what she needs.” Though modest about his role in creating the MAP Dashboard, Hammond clearly sees it is an important tool for Southern Arizonans. “It’s critical that people have a common place to find trusted information,” he said. “That is what the MAP is designed to do. It gives people information on where the Southern Arizona economy is at the moment and where it has been – so that they can benchmark our performance against other metropolitan areas in Arizona and the U.S. We are doing that in a way that is interesting and engaging, with colorful graphics and written analysis that helps people interpret what is going on.” Groundswell of funding for Dashboard launch

The MAP Dashboard was funded by an array of business, philanthropic and educational organizations. Platinum sponsors of the project were SALC, the Community Foundation, UA, Diamond Ventures, Freeport-McMoRan, Tucson Electric Power and the Thomas R. Brown Foundation. Gold sponsors were Ashland Group, Cox Communications, McMiles Family Fund, Tucson Foundations and Wells Fargo. Silver sponsors included BFL Ventures, Holualoa Companies, Jewish Community Foundation, Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, Vante and Cushman & Wakefield IPICOR. Hammond welcomes feedback from the university’s project partners and others involved in launching the project. Yet he is very clear that Eller College economists are ultimately responsible for the MAP content. “Our partners are helping to fund the project and they are also giving advice on what is important to track, what we should be paying more attention to and what we should be paying less attention to,” Hammond said. “But we are the economists. We make the final decisions about what goes on the Dashboard and how it gets interpreted. They help us understand what their constituents are thinking.”

Finding regional common ground

Though SALC and private business interests contributed to develop and launch the MAP Dashboard, permanent funding sources will be needed in the future. “We (SALC) and others will be users and advocates for it, but we are not the owner of it,” Shoopman said. “We are funding this for a while – but we’ll need to figure out how to secure sustained funding for it the long term because it is so important.” Government, business, nonprofit and educational leaders throughout Southern Arizona are voicing optimism about what the MAP Dashboard Project can accomplish.

The Dashboard ratchets down the rhetoric and stops the ideology. It reveals facts about our community – and it’s the facts that should inform our decision making.

– Sharon Bronson, Chair Pima County Board of Supervisors

David Hutchens, president & CEO of Tucson Electric Power, said the MAP provides a common set of data to measure how we are doing as a community. “You get what you measure and having data that is trusted from a reliable source like the University of Arizona’s Eller College is very important,” he said. “It gets us all on the same page, all looking at the same information.” Sharon Bronson, chair of the Pima County Board of Supervisors said information provided on the MAP Dashboard “is from a trusted source that people can use from their living rooms or their offices to get a sense of this community’s strengths and weakness-

es.” She said the MAP “ratchets down the rhetoric and stops the ideology. It reveals facts about our community – and it’s the facts that should inform our decision making.” Tony Penn, president & CEO of the United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona and chairman of the Tucson Metro Chamber, praised the partnership between the UA, the Community Foundation and SALC that created the MAP Dashboard. “In those three organizations we have the business, education and social service and wellness communities represented,” Penn said. “That kind of cross-section coordination is essential to create the very best environment for economic development that is needed to acquire the very best jobs and be able fill them for today and tomorrow.” Tucson Mayor Jonathon Rothschild said the MAP Dashboard “will identify our strengths and weaknesses” and we can use the MAP “to determine what areas we need to focus on as a community.” Manuel O. Valenzuela, superintendent of the Sahuarita Unified School District, said the MAP Dashboard can provide people from all walks of life and various communities information to help “find regional common ground about who we are, what we have in common and who we want to be.” Oro Valley Mayor Satish I. Hiremath said all cities and towns want trusted, reliable data that allows comparisons with other jurisdictions. Thanks to development of the MAP, Southern Arizonans “will finally have metrics available that are statistically valid so we can actually have apples-to-apples comparisons” with other communities in the Southwest and nationwide. Mike Hammond, president, founder and managing shareholder of Cushman & Wakefield IPICOR, said “people on different sides of issues tend to choose their own facts and there are many biased sources of information that distort the facts. The promise of the MAP Dashboard is that it is a reliable and trusted source of information associated with the Eller College at UA.” Biz


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SALC Cultivates Young Leaders

Partnering to Train Future Civic Visionaries By Romi Carrell Wittman year 35 people from all over Arizona are selected via a rigorous application process. The application period for the 2015 Flinn-Brown Academy ends April 13. Those admitted to the program attend a series of classes and seminars in the fall. They attend classes in Phoenix and the Flinn Foundation covers travel expenses. “We didn’t want there to be any barriers to participation,” said Nancy Welch, VP of the Arizona Center for Civic Leadership. The graduates of the program, called fellows, are expected over time to become actively involved as state-level elected officials; board, commission and advisory council members; state agency executives; and leaders in state organizations that affect public policy. Since inception, nearly 200 individuals have become fellows. Many have gone on to run for state office or take jobs in the public sector. Ron Shoopman, Southern Arizona Leadership Council president and

CEO, said the Flinn-Brown Academy is critical for training qualified, motivated civic leaders. To continue that learning process, SALC offers fellows from Southern Arizona a free one-year associate membership. “They interact with senior business leaders and come to understand the issues faced by businesses,” he said. “And they give something very valuable back to SALC in the form of a different perspective on issues – all the time sharing a passion for our community and state that is infectious. After one year, the fellows and SALC members have a very different perspective and appreciation for one another.” Jewett added, “Fellows are exposed to leaders who have made public service part of their business. The mentorship of SALC members to the fellows is sure to have lasting impact both in the Tucson community and as fellows pursue state-level positions.” Coaching is another integral component of the program. After completing


Season a statewide civic leadership training program with the knowledge and dedication of experienced Southern Arizona business executives and you get a group of people prepared to take charge and move the region and the state forward. The Arizona Center for Civic Leadership, administered by the Flinn Foundation, educates and trains individuals for state-level civic leadership through its Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy. “Flinn’s research in 2010 showed that, while Arizona had many leadership development efforts, there hadn’t been one focused on state-level issues and leadership,” said Jack Jewett, president and CEO of the Flinn Foundation. “The Flinn Foundation saw this as a gap it could help to fill.” The organization reached out to the Thomas R. Brown Foundation in Tucson to partner in the creation of the program and soon the Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy was born. Each

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BizLEADERSHIP classes, fellows are matched with leadership coaches to help them identify not only their goals for civic leadership, but also an action plan to make those goals a reality. “We have a cadre of eight coaches who meet with fellows several times,” Welch said. “The end goal is a narrative that maps their future pathway to state-level leadership.” Suzanne McFarlin, executive director of Greater Tucson Leadership and a leadership consultant, is one of the Flinn-Brown leadership coaches. She meets with fellows to get to know them and what motivates them. McFarlin said the coaches help people see things differently and make changes, and they also hold people accountable. “My job is to ask questions and challenge their thinking. Then we create alignment with what’s important to the client and creating impact at the statewide level,” she said. “In the end, they’re going to have a leadership plan with a timeline that describes their goals and how they’re going to achieve them.” Tucson attorney, SALC member and former Greater Tucson Leadership Woman of the Year honoree Keri Silvyn is a 2011 Flinn-Brown Fellow. She said the experience exceeded her expectations.

“I knew the program was going to have several components and put different perspectives around the issues,” she said. “What I didn’t know was the diversity of people in our cohort – people from different backgrounds, different political affiliations. It was invaluable to be able to discuss issues in a calm, safe place and to truly try to understand other people’s perspectives.” Board member and former chair of Imagine Greater Tucson, Silvyn said having the opportunity to learn to view critical issues through different lenses has made her more effective in her job and in her volunteer service on community boards. It has made her an allaround better leader, she said. “I’m a zoning and land-use attorney and locally we’re always affected by state politics,” she said. “The program ultimately helped me better understand public policymakers.” Although the program is relatively new, Jewett said it’s generating informed and motivated civic leaders. “We’re seeing fellows from all over the state collaborating in ways that make this state richer for all of us. Their contributions to Arizona will only grow with time.” For more information visit


SALC Mentors Tomorrow’s Business Leaders Tucson Young Professionals play a unique role with the Southern Arizona Leadership Council. TYP members are also associate memberships in SALC and their current board president, Jessica Galow, occupies a seat reserved for TYP on the SALC board of directors. TYP’s goal is to attract and retain young business people in Tucson and help them grow into tomorrow’s leaders, said Ron Shoopman, president and CEO of SALC. “Their voices add greatly to the conversations and action plans of SALC.” The group was started following SALC’s Tucson Regional Town Hall in 2007 when several young professionals approached SALC about membership in the organization. The SALC board suggested the younger generation establish their own organization with its help. They embraced the idea – and the rest is history. Today TYP is widely recognized as the leading organization for young leaders in Southern Arizona. TYP members range in age from 21 to 40. They attend SALC’s general membership meetings and work on its committees. TYP has played key roles in SALC initiatives over the years and led many on its own. The experience of forming and leading a nonprofit gave these young leaders a great start on learning how to effectively engage their community. TYP is a place for the next generation of leaders to share their ideas, test their insight and participate in a vibrant conversation – not only providing young professionals with a voice, but an outlet for affecting change.

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SALC is proud of its association with TYP and the relationships that have been created with its dynamic members, Shoopman said. “TYP gives everyone hope for the future of our region.” For more information visit

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Pictured at Tucson High Magnet School from left

Marian Salzman

Executive Chair Tucson Values Teachers

Katie Rogerson


Director of Outreach & Marketing Tucson Values Teachers

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Teachers Are ‘Lifeblood of Community’ 3 Rs of Tucson Values Teachers – Respect, Reward, Retain By Gabrielle Fimbres Remember when metrosexual was the word of the year in 2003? Marian Salzman made that happen. Considered one of the world’s top five trend spotters, this international marketing force and queen of the pop-culture buzzword is said to have a finger firmly placed on the country’s collective pulse. She’s known for getting things done – including brokering a meeting between the father of the Sandy Hook Elementary School killer and the parents of one of 20 first-graders killed in the massacre. Now her focus is on Tucson Values Teachers. Salzman, the new executive chair of TVT, is on a mission to elevate respect and reward for members of a most noble profession – teaching. She will lead the organization with the assistance of Katie Rogerson, who successfully directed all of TVT’s high-impact programs over the past year. TVT was founded by Southern Arizona Leadership Council six years ago with the understanding that a strong economy requires a strong education system. In addition to her leadership at TVT, she will remain CEO of Havas PR North America, the earned-media and buzz agency within Havas, a top-five global advertising and communications services group. This marketing dynamo has been named PRWeek’s U.S. PR Professional of the Year and Global PR Professional of the Year. She sits on the board of the Bob Woodruff Foundation, which

serves wounded warriors, and writes for the Huffington Post, The Guardian and

Tucson Values Teachers Programs • Teacher Discount Card, providing discounts at 80+ Southern Arizona businesses • Tucson Supplies Teachers, an annual community-wide drive that has delivered more than $660,000 in supplies to schools, helping teachers to spend less of their own money •

Teachers in Industry, a nationally recognized business-education partnership that features a UA College of Education master’s degree program for STEM teachers who earn industry wages and gain business experience in local companies during the summer.

• Teacher Appreciation Week, offering free professional development, classroom resources and special discounts • Teachers’ Voices, with television and radio spots highlighting teachers • Teacher Excellence Award, a monthly tribute spotlighting teacher excellence • Raytheon Spirit of Education Award, an annual event honoring outstanding business investment in education and benefitting TVT The teachers of Southern Arizona are now her cause. “There is something wrong with any community where I as a CEO am afforded more respect than my neighbor the teacher,” Salzman said. “Until such time as we are treated with equal respect, we all have a job to do.” Statistics regarding teacher retention and satisfaction are bleak. More than a quarter of current Tucson teachers indicate they are not likely to be teaching in Southern Arizona five years from now, and the national mean for teachers staying in the profession is one year, according to TVT. We can fix this, Salzman says. “We have four serious issues – respect from the community, pay, training and development, and leadership in schools. I argue that TVT today can impact respect and training and development.” Salzman said the current political climate won’t result in teacher pay raises anytime soon. But TVT, with its strong signature programs (see box) that can benefit from “a coat of shine” – and a major infusion of funding from local and national corporations and foundations – can make a significant impact, Salzman said. Look out, corporate America, here comes Salzman. “I am not used to hearing ‘no’ if my request is rational and fair,” she said. “I’m not prepared to lose on behalf of a cause. These teachers are the lifeblood of this community, yet they are paid so continued on page 122 >>> Spring 2015 > > > BizTucson 121

BizEDUCATION SALC Priority is Education Education is a high priority for the Southern Arizona Leadership Council. The group works to build a strong education system that promotes outstanding achievement through high standards, a rigorous curriculum, accountability and community involvement – starting with early childhood education and continuing through graduate school and beyond. SALC is committed to addressing education policy issues and it does so working with education groups statewide including the Rodel Foundation of Arizona, Helios Education Foundation, Expect More Arizona and the Arizona Business & Education Coalition. SALC’s higher education work is focused on two areas. “First is serving the people of Arizona through education that results in a high quality workforce to fill the high paying jobs we envision for Arizona,” said Ron Shoopman, SALC’s president and CEO. It also works closely with Arizona’s universities to grow our state’s economy. SALC’s commitment to higher education is reflected in its membership. All three university presidents – Ann Weaver Hart from the University of Arizona, Michael Crow from Arizona State University and Rita Cheng from Northern Arizona University – are members of SALC, as is Pima Community College Chancellor Lee Lambert. Current members of the Arizona Board of Regents include Shoopman and SALC member Rick Myers. Former regents include SALC board of directors Donald Pitt and Hank Amos.

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There is something wrong with any community where I as a CEO am afforded more respect than my neighbor the teacher. Until such time as we are treated with equal respect, we all have a job to do.

– Marian Salzman Executive Chair, Tucson Values Teachers

continued from page 121 poorly and shown so little respect.” She said partnerships are critical. “We have an extraordinary University of Arizona College of Education and we need to partner even further with Dean Ronald Marx and his colleagues. We must figure out how to best exploit the wonderful resources already available.” Salzman’s goal is to raise $250,000 more in 2015 than has been historically raised in a year. Her goal for 2016 is to make Tucson a beta site, attracting federal money to determine how to benefit teachers in a multicultural urban community. She plans to launch a micro-philanthropy campaign she is calling Lessons in Gratitude, asking community members to put up $10 to $15. She’s hoping that 2,500 households will commit, demonstrating respect for teachers. This Ivy Leaguer is fueled by the impact teachers had on her life. “If I didn’t have a great fourth-grade teacher, I never would have been a strong student going into junior high,” Salzman said. “My parents had gone to City College. What was I doing at an Ivy League school? Teachers encouraged me to try it.” So how did Salzman end up in Tucson? Her husband Jim Diamond came to Tucson to get his legal academic degree at the UA and fell in love with the university. He’s now an instructor in the new undergraduate law program. TVT’s Rogerson said the ultimate

goal is to attract and retain the best workforce in Southern Arizona by supporting teachers. The plan is to expand TVT throughout Arizona. “The No. 1 reason so many teachers leave the profession in the first five years is they don’t get the support, training and mentoring that they need.” She said TVT “makes a huge difference to teachers, knowing there is an organization that is dedicated to supporting them.” Ron Shoopman, SALC president and CEO, called Salzman “a truly remarkable and talented CEO. “Marian is the perfect executive to lead the joint SALC/TVT initiative to put a great teacher in every classroom in Southern Arizona,” he said. Colleen Niccum, VP of education policy at SALC, said Salzman “has demonstrated success in raising national attention and support for a variety of critical issues, such as wounded warriors and those suffering from traumatic brain injury. We are so fortunate that she has been inspired to apply her talents to the issue of the teacher workforce, an issue that is reaching crisis proportions in Arizona and across the nation.” Salzman said it’s a way to give thanks for all that teachers did for her. “You have to be grateful for the impact teachers have on your children, on your neighbor’s children and on the community,” Salzman said. “Imagine where we would be without them.” Learn more at: Biz

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SALC Leadership Team from left

Gregory White, Secretary Duff Hearon, Treasurer Lisa Lovallo, Chair Mark Mistler, Vice Chair

Powerhouse of Leaders PHOTO: CHRIS MOONEY

By David Pittman Talk about a brain trust. The Southern Arizona Leadership Council is 137 members strong. How do you harness the power and passion of all those business and community leaders to address SALC’s priorities? That’s the challenge for SALC Chair Lisa Lovallo and her team – to lead these leaders and tap into the expertise of the region’s top business and industry professionals.

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“Lisa is the perfect chair at the perfect time to make SALC more visible, which will enable it to make greater strides in improving the business climate and quality of life in our community,” said Ron Shoopman, SALC president and CEO. At the top of SALC’s leadership pyramid are the four officers of its board of directors, led by energetic and hardworking Lovallo, the first

woman to chair SALC. They are joined by 13 co-chairs for SALC’s six strategic focus areas. “If you look at the membership of SALC, they are all leaders. SALC is a large and committed group of business and community leaders who care about Tucson and Southern Arizona and want to make it better,” Shoopman said.

BizLEADERSHIP Meet the SALC leadership team • SALC Chair Lovallo, market VP for

Southern Arizona at Cox Communications. In addition to her responsibilities at Cox and SALC, Lovallo serves on 10 community boards including Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities, DM50, Downtown Tucson Partnership and the University of Arizona Cancer Center. Lovallo was named Woman of the Year for 2010 by the Tucson Metro Chamber, a Woman of Influence by Inside Tucson Business, a Woman on the Move by the YWCA of Tucson, and was given the Spirit of Philanthropy Award by the Southern Arizona chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. She was just named this year’s “Woman of Excellence” by the American Advertising Federation Tucson.

• Vice

Chair Mark Mistler, president of BBVA Compass Bank for Southern Arizona. As vice chair, Mistler oversees the SALC Membership Committee and is in line to succeed Lovallo as chair. A past board chairman of the Tucson Metro Chamber, Mistler serves on numerous nonprofit boards, including the National Board of Advisors for UA’s Eller College of Management, Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities and the Habitat for Humanity Executive Advisory Board.

• Treasurer

Duff Hearon is the founder/CEO/owner of the Ashland Group, a diversified investment company in commercial real estate, startup companies and securities. Hearon – who earned bachelor’s degrees in finance and accounting, as well as a law degree, all from UA – serves or has served on a number of boards, including Tech Parks Arizona, Tucson Conquistadores and the United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona.

• Secretary

Gregory White is VP and CFO at Raytheon Missile Systems. Before joining Raytheon, White worked as VP of finance for the electronics, information and support business at BAE Systems.

“The strength of SALC is not just in its board of directors,” Shoopman said. “All of our members – from the newest to those who founded the organization – are community leaders.” That’s how SALC can take on a number of important issues simultaneously and comprehensively – because it has a variety of focus areas so members can actively participate in their areas of expertise and interest.

SALC members drive the organization. It’s their reputations, influence, resources and direction that has allowed SALC to accomplish the great things that it has.

– Ron Shoopman President & CEO Southern Arizona Leadership Council

SALC Focus Areas and the people who lead them

• The

Education Focus Area is led by a trio of heavy hitters – Rosey Koberlein, Steve Lynn and Donald Pitt. Koberlein is CEO of Long Realty and Long Companies. Lynn, who recently retired as VP and chief customer officer of UNS Energy and Tucson Electric Power, formerly served as SALC chair. A lawyer/businessman/real estate developer, Pitt has been among the most influential Tucsonans for five decades.

• The

Infrastructure Focus Area

is led by Steve Christy and Tom McGovern. Christy, a former automobile dealer who is now a director of the National Bank of Arizona, is a former chairman of both the Regional Transportation Authority and the Arizona State Transportation Board. McGovern is VP and regional

manager of Psomas, a leading civil engineering firm.

• The Healthcare Focus Area is led by Joe Coyle and Judy Rich. Coyle, the managing director for Ritter International in Tucson, formerly served as a VP of human resources for Raytheon. Rich is president and CEO of Tucson Medical Center.

• The

Science & Innovation Focus Area is led by Dr. Paul August

and Harry George. August leads the discovery biology team at the Sanofi Tucson Innovation Center. George, the managing partner of Solstice Capital, has more than 35 years of experience in founding, operating and investing in rapid-growth technology companies.

• The

Governance Focus Area

is co-chaired by Si Schorr, Sarah Smallhouse and Lovallo. Schorr, a longtime community leader, is senior partner in the law firm of Lewis Roca Rothgerber. He formerly chaired the Arizona State Board of Transportation and was the first chairman of the Regional Transportation Authority. Smallhouse is president of Thomas R. Brown Foundations in Tucson. She also chairs the UA Foundation Board of Trustees and the Southern Arizona Buffelgrass Coordination Center Board of Directors.

• The Strategic Initiative Committee is co-chaired by Bruce Dusenberry and Warren Rustand. A former lawyer, Dusenberry is president of Horizon Moving Systems. Horizon has offices in Sierra Vista and Yuma. The other offices were recently sold to Suddath Companies. Rustand is CEO of Providence Service Corporation, a $1.2 billion social services and logistics management company. He has served as chairman/CEO of eight other companies, as a board member of more than 50 public, private and nonprofit organizations, and in high-ranking positions in President Gerald Ford’s administration.

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SALC Partners for Progress Over the past 18 years the Southern Arizona Leadership Council formed ongoing partnerships with these entities committed to make a difference in Tucson and Arizona: Biosciences Leadership Council of Southern Arizona

Southern Arizona Buffelgrass Coordination Center

Brown Family Foundations

Tucson Regional Water Coalition

Center of the Future of Arizona

– Alliance of Construction Trades

Flinn Foundation

– Arizona Builders Alliance

Flagstaff Forty

– Arizona Multi-Housing Association

Greater Phoenix Leadership

– Arizona Small Business Association

Helios Education Foundation

– Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce

Rodel Foundation of Arizona

– Marana Chamber of Commerce

Science Foundation Arizona

– Metropolitan Pima Alliance



From left – John Pedicone, director; Mary Rowley, CEO of Strongpoint Marketing; Colleen M. Niccum, VP of educational policy; Ted Maxwell, VP

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Tucson Regional Water Coalition (cont.) – Safe and Sensible Water Committee – Southern Arizona Home Builders Association – Tucson Association of Realtors – Tucson Hispanic Chamber – Tucson Metro Chamber

3497 North Campbell Avenue, Suite 703 Tucson, Arizona 85719

– Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities

(520) 327–7619

– Tucson Utility Contractors Association

Tucson Values Teachers From left – Ron Shoopman, president & CEO; Jim Kiser, director of governance; Pam Duncan, executive assistant; Pamela Speder, director of science and innovation

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BizLEADERSHIP SALC Collaborators for Change The Southern Arizona Leadership Council works closely with entities across the state to address issues ranging from economic policy to governance, healthcare and infrastructure. In alphabetical order they include:

Alliance of Construction Trades

Grand Canyon University

Arizona Bioscience Board

Literacy Connects

Arizona Board of Regents

Morrison Institute

Arizona Chamber of Commerce

Northern Arizona University

Arizona Commerce Authority

O’Connor House

Arizona Department of Transportation

Pima Community College

Arizona Hospital Association

Southern Arizona Defense Alliance

Arizona-Mexico Commission

Southern Arizona schools

Arizona State University

Startup Tucson

Arizona STEM Network

Tech Launch Arizona

Association of General Contractors

The Arizona We Want

Arizona Business & Education Coalition

Trade and Transportation Corridor Alliance

Business Partners for Trade and Transportation

Tucson Business Alliance

– Arizona Builders Alliance

– Southern Arizona Home Builders Association

– Green Valley Chamber

– Tucson Association of Realtors

– Imagine Greater Tucson

– Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

– Marana Chamber

– Tucson Metro Chamber

– Metropolitan Pima Alliance

– Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities

– Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce

– Visit Tucson

– Tucson Business Alliance – Tucson Utility Contractor’s Association Community Foundation for Southern Arizona Desert Angels Elected and government officials Employers Health Alliance of Arizona Expect More Arizona

Tucson Charter Change Coalition (200 diverse groups and individuals) Tucson Association of Realtors Tucson Utility Contractors Association UA STEM Learning Center United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona University of Arizona

First Things First Flinn Foundation Bioscience Steering Committee

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SALC Members

Morgan Abraham

Ken Abrahams

Gary Abrams

Stan Abrams

President & CEO The Abraham Avdee Group

General Partner Cadre Partners

President Abrams Airborne Manufacturing

President SPA 550

Larry Aldrich

David Allen

Bonnie Allin

Hank Amos

Managing Director, Arizona The Newport Board Group

Vice President UA Tech Launch Arizona

President & CEO Tucson Airport Authority

President & CEO Tucson Realty & Trust Co.

Mara Aspinall

Bill Assenmacher

Paul August

Bruce Beach

Co-Chair Arizona Bioscience Board

CEO CAID Industries, Inc.

US Head Early to Candidate Unit Sanofi

President & CEO Beach Fleischman

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Jim Beckmann

Carmen Bermudez

Fred Boice

President & CEO Carondelet Health Network

Chairman & CEO Mission Management & Trust Co.

President Boice Financial Company

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SALC Members

Kevin Bonine

Don Bourn

Garry Brav

(retired) Tucson Electric Power & UNS Energy Corp.

Director of Education & Outreach UA Science: Biosphere 2

President & CEO Bourn Companies

President & CEO BFL Construction Company

John Bremond

Martha Brumfield

Don Budinger

Neal Cash

President Bremond Company

President & CEO Critical Path Institute

Founder & Former President Rodel Foundations

President & CEO Community Partnerships of Southern AZ

Rita Cheng

Steve Christy

Chris Clements

Jim Click

President Northern Arizona University

Director National Bank of Arizona

CEO Golden Eagle Distributors

President Jim Click Automotive

David Cohen

Mel Cohen

Dan Coleman

Jannie Cox

Executive Vice President Beach Fleischman

Partner Mesch, Clark & Rothschild

Owner Dan Coleman

CEO Meet Me Concepts

Paul Bonavia

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SALC Members

Joe Coyle

Michael Crow

Don Diamond

Randi Dorman

Managing Director Ritter International

President & Professor Arizona State University

Chairman Diamond Ventures, Inc.

Principal R & R Development

Rob Draper

Michael Duran

Bruce Dusenberry

Ali Farhang

President O’Rielly Chevrolet, Inc.

VP/Chief Development Officer TMC HealthCare/TMC Foundation

President Horizon Moving Systems

Partner / Owner Farhang & Medcoff

Brent Fausett

Patricia Feeney

Ryan Flannagan

Tony Fonze

President Vante

President, So. AZ Market, Comm. Banking Chase Commercial Bank

CEO Nuanced Media

President & CEO St. Joseph’s Hospital

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Duane Froeschle

Jessica Galow

Harry George

President, Arizona Division Western Alliance Bancorporation

Director of Resource Development United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona

Managing Partner Solstice Capital

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SALC Members

Chris Gleason

Guy Gunther

Mike Hammond

Duff Hearon

CEO NextMed

VP/GM - Outstate AZ Regional Markets Group CenturyLink

President & CEO Cushman & Wakefield | PICOR

President Ashland Group

Margaret Hepburn

Ted Hinderaker

Barney Holtzman

David Hutchens

President & CEO Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona

Partner Hinderaker, Rauh & Weisman

Managing Director Tucson Office Fennemore Craig

President & CEO Tucson Electric Power & UNS Energy Corp.

Ike Isaacson

Gregg Johnson

Tim (TJ) Johnson

Robert Johnston

Managing Director CBRE

Campus Director University of Phoenix

CEO HTG Molecular

Lt. General (Retired) USMC

Gary Jones

Tom Jones

I. Michael Kasser

Julie Katsel

Chairman Arizona Earthworks


President Holualoa Companies

Southern Arizona Director Office of Senator Flake

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SALC Members

Thomas W. Keating

Todd Keller

Chuck Kill

Eileen Klein

President Trailhead Ventures

Region Manager Granite Construction

CFO Bedmart (retired)

President Arizona Board of Regents

Rosey Koberlein

Chad Kolodisner

Garrett Kowalewski

Steve Lace

CEO Long Companies

Executive Vice President Diamond Ventures, Inc.

Founder & Owner Staff Matters

Executive Vice President Royal Automotive Group

Lee Lambert

Taylor Lawrence

Alan Levin

Lisa Lovallo

Chancellor Pima Community College

President Raytheon Missile Systems

Owner Port of Tucson/Century Park Research Center

Market Vice President for Southern Arizona Cox Communications

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Steve Lynn

Clint Mabie

Kevin Madden

Chief Strategy Officer Strongpoint Marketing

President & CEO Community Foundation for Southern AZ

CEO Madden Media

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SALC Members

Jill Malick

Dewey Manzer

Edmund Marquez

Ross McCallister

Vice President Business Banking Manager Wells Fargo Bank

Chairman & CEO Instant BioScan

Agency Owner The Edmund Marquez Allstate Agencies

Principal MC Companies

Derek McCann

Robert McCright

Fletcher McCusker

Tom McGovern

General Manager Loews Ventana Canyon Resort

Assistant Attorney General Arizona Attorney General’s Office

CEO Sinfonia HealthCare Corp.

P.E., Principal Psomas

David Mehl

Patrick Merrin

Frances Merryman

Dennis Minano

President Cottonwood Properties

President & CEO Hudbay Minerals

Senior Wealth Strategist & Vice President Northern Trust Company

Vice Chair Sonoran Institute

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Omar Mireles

Mark Mistler

Ed Moomjian

Executive Vice President HSL Properties

President, So. Arizona BBVA Compass Bank

Partner Rusing, Lopez & Lizardi

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SALC Members

Jim Moore

Tom Morgan

Wayne Morrison

Rick Myers

President & CEO University of Arizona Foundation

President & CEO Grayline Tours / Citizen Auto Stage Co.

CEO & CFO Nord Resources Corporation

CEO Tempronics

Dan Neff

Allan Norville

Hank Peck

Tony Penn

President M3 Engineering

Owner Norville Investments / Gem & Jewelry Exchange

Partner TCI Wealth Advisors

President & CEO United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona

Mitch Pisik

Donald Pitt

Jane Poynter

Tamara Prime

President & CEO TM International

Chairman of the Board Campus Research Corporation

CEO World View Experience

Chief of Staff Tucson City Council, Ward 3

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Robert Ramirez

Manuel Ramos

Chase Rankin

President & CEO Vantage West Credit Union

President & CEO Asarco

President & Publisher Arizona Daily Star

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SALC Members

Curt Reimann

Judy Rich

Cody Ritchie

Bill Roe

Partner Snell & Wilmer

President & CEO TMC HealthCare

President Crest Insurance Group

Community Leader

Warren Rustand

Glenn Sampert

Si Schorr

Keri Silvyn

CEO Providence Service Corp.

General Manager Westin La Paloma

Partner Lewis Roca Rothgerber

Attorney Lazarus, Silvyn & Bangs

Pat Simmons

Neil Simon

Sarah Smallhouse

Jim Smith

Senior Vice President Alliance Bank of Arizona

Partner Venture West

President Thomas R. Brown Foundations

Executive Vice President Empire Southwest

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Teri Spencer

Nan Stockholm Walden

Priscilla Storm

President & CEO Ephibian

Vice President & Legal Counsel Farmers Investment Co.

Vice President Diamond Ventures

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SALC Members

Phillip Swaim

Matthew Sweger

Nathanael Tarwasokono

Teri Lucie Thompson

Principal Swaim Associates Architects

Partner Lewis Roca Rothgerber

President & CEO Pima Federal Credit Union

Senior Vice President University Relations University of Arizona

Steve Touché

Richard Underwood

Kip Volpe

Kurt Wadlington

President Lovitt & Touché

President AAA Landscape

Vice President/Treasurer Estes Company

Senior Project Director Sundt Construction

Richard Walden

Matthew Wandoloski

Ann Weaver Hart

Greg White

VP Strategy and Informatics Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona

President University of Arizona

CFO, Vice President Finance Raytheon Missile Systems

Chairman, President & CEO Farmers Investment Co.

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Julie Williams

Terry Wilson

Judy Wood

Vice President, So. AZ Division Southwest Gas Corporation

Vice President, Army & Information Systems Business Unit TASC

CEO Contact One Call Cente

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