McLean County Regional Comprehensive Plan

Page 75

Chapter 5: POPULATION INTRODUCTION Consideration of population characteristics and growth is fundamental to planning. Age, income and other characteristics affect housing and service needs as does population growth. Projections of population growth provide the basis for determining future land use and service requirements and for providing physical improvements to streets, parks, water and sewer systems and other community facilities and services. Reliable projections of future population levels are therefore essential for purposes of planning and capital improvements programming. Information on population characteristics and trends, including projections to the year 2035 by five-year increments for McLean County and its townships and municipalities, is presented in this chapter. CHARACTERISTICS AND TRENDS McLean County population has increased by over 60 percent since 1970. The county’s

population increased from 104,389 in 1970 to approximately 167,000 in 2005 (see Table 5.1 and Chart 5.1). During this period, the county has experienced more absolute growth than any other Illinois county outside the Chicago region (see Chart 5.2). The 2005 figures shown in Table 5.1 reflect the results of the special censuses conducted for Bloomington and Normal and illustrate a continuation of robust growth in the region. This growth has been the result of a number of important factors. Some of the world’s most productive farmland has helped give rise to a healthy agribusiness industry that, along with manufacturing and insurance, has contributed to a diversified and vibrant area economy. Other contributing factors identified in Chapter 4 include outstanding transportation facilities (highway and air), two universities, excellent school systems and many other quality of life amenities, including cultural, recreational and entertainment opportunities. The region’s population and economic growth have also benefited from its location approximately midway

16 6, 50 3

15 0, 43 3

12 9, 18 0

11 9, 14 9

150 10 4, 38 9


23 4, 28 0

21 6, 65 5

20 4, 00 5

19 1, 10 0


17 8, 31 0


22 3, 05 5

Chart 5. 1 T ot al Po pu latio n: 1 97 0 - 2 03 5 McL ean Cou nty , Ill in ois


50 1 97 0

1 98 0

1 99 0

2 00 0

2 00 5

2 01 0

2 01 5

2 02 0

2 02 5

2 03 0

2 03 5

So urce: U.S. Censu s Bureau and McLean County Regional Planni ng Co mmissi on

McLean County Regional Comprehensive Plan


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