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Page 2 — Yolo Community Foundation — Philanthropy Day 2021
Inspire Giving
Support Philanthropists
The Yolo Community Foundation promotes philanthropy by serving as a public foundation. We offer philanthropic vehicles, like donor advised funds, that make giving easier, more strategic, and tax-advantaged. We provide education, inspiration, and connection for donors. We serve nonprofits through grantmaking, training, and resource development. YCF is a proud affiliate of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation.
Serve Nonprofits
Staff & Board of Directors Jessica Hubbard, Executive Director Jennie Bretschneider Taylor Buley Deborah L. Dunham Vanessa Errecarte Bret Hewitt, President Nora Moore Jimenez, Secretary Cathleen Olsen Lori Raineri, Treasurer Meg Stallard, Vice President James "Matt" Yancey Tico Zendejas
info@yolocf.org | www.YoloCF.org | (530) 312-0593
Philanthropy Day 2021 — Yolo Community Foundation — Page 3
Dear Yolo Community,
e are approaching the end of 2021, a year that has brought so many challenges to our community. At the same time, 2021 has brought great hope in the form of the Yolo nonprofit sector, which has supported our neighbors in need, and the many donors and volunteers that made their work possible. This Yolo County Nonprofit Directory is an effort to support our local nonprofits by highlighting the important role philanthropy plays in our community. Firstly, we hope this directory is a resource to you as you plan your year-end donations. Year-end giving campaigns are a key element of most nonprofits’ annual revenues; some research suggests that nearly one-third of annual giving happens in December alone. This directory includes information about more than 100 Yolo nonprofits. Please give generously to support them! Secondly, we’re thrilled to share the 2021 Yolo National Philanthropy Day honorees. These donors and volunteers were selected by 30+ local nonprofits because they made a significant difference for those organizations this year. To learn more about the honorees and the National Philanthropy Day event, generously sponsored by Nugget Markets, go to www.yolocf.org. Finally, we’d like to share highlights from our recent Yolo Donor Survey. (For full survey results and its methodology, go to www.yolocf.org or point your smartphone camera at the barcode below.) In an October survey of 184 Yolo residents, we found: • In 2021, local giving remains substantially higher than pre-pandemic levels. 50% of respondents indicated that, by year-end 2021, their annual giving will exceed their 2019 giving. 33% said their 2021 giving would be the same as 2019, and just 17% said 2021 giving will be less than 2019. • By far the most common reason donors gave for increasing giving was the increased need they saw in the community; 52% of respondents cited this motivation. • Donors expect to give at least as much in 2022 as they gave in 2021; 54% expect to give about the same amount in 2022 as they gave this year, while 28% expect to give more and just 4% expect to give less. (14% aren’t sure yet.) • The most common reason donors gave for increasing giving in 2022 is that their income or assets have increased or are expected to increase (24% of respondents); this may reflect confidence in the stock market. • Respondents expected to increase their contributions to a number of causes in 2022. In particular, respondents anticipate giving more to Civil Rights, Social Action, and Advocacy (24% of respondents), Housing & Shelter (23%), Mental Health (23%), Community Improvement (22%), Environment (22%), and Youth Development (21%). We are so proud to live in a community that has given so generously to address the impacts of the pandemic. At the same time, we continue to see significant levels of local need. We hope you will join your neighbors in supporting Yolo County nonprofits during this season of giving, so that they can continue to serve our community. Thank you,
Jessica Hubbard
Executive Director
Page 4 — Yolo Community Foundation — Philanthropy Day 2021
National Philanthropy Day 2021 Honorees
See Honoree videos at www.yolocf.org
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Philanthropy Day 2021 — Yolo Community Foundation — Page 5
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Page 6 — Yolo Community Foundation — Philanthropy Day 2021
Yolo County Nonprofit Directory Fall 2021
Thank you for your support
Compiled by Yolo Community Foundation from Big Day of Giving 2021 participants and organizations that submitted a request to be
included. To stay informed about future directories and other opportunities for nonprofits, sign up for YCF s email list at
www.yolocf.org contact us. For more information about Big Day of Giving, visit www.bigdayofgiving.org
Animals NorCal Boxer Rescue NCBR is a foster-based rescue for boxer dogs in northern California. We prioritize the most vulnerable dogs, including those who are old, ill, injured, or housed at the shelters where the risk of euthanasia is the greatest.
Rotts of Friends Animal Rescue The mission of Rotts of Friends is to educate and prevent irresponsible breeding and ownership of animals through the rescue, rehabilitation, and placement of discarded and abused animals into forever homes.
Yolo County SPCA SPCA works to continuously improve the welfare of animals in the community through programs that promote the adoption of homeless animals into permanent and loving homes, provide humane education, advocate for spaying/neutering companion animals, and support trapping, altering and return of community cats.
Arts & Culture Acme Theatre Company Our mission is to present plays of high literary quality while providing opportunities for young people to learn acting and technical theatre skills through peer and adult mentorship in an environment of mutual trust, respect, and responsibility.
Davis Arts Center Attending a Davis Arts Center program brings more creativity into your life. Our focus is both skill development and accessing your authentic story, giving you a safe space to experiment, problem solve, and build community. Davis Arts Center strives to foster meaningful experiences through art.
Davis Children’s Chorale The Davis Children’s Chorale enriches our children’s and community’s lives through learning, singing and performing choral music, nurturing a lifelong love for music.
Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts at UC Davis Illuminate. Educate. Connect.
Davis Community Chorale
Pamela Trokanski Dance Theatre
By performing great choral literature, the Davis Chorale is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the community, its audience and its members, in the belief that music elevates the spirit.
PTDT works to redefine dance as both an active art form and an integral part of the human experience. We believe that meaningful experiences in the arts help build healthy communities by contributing to culture, physical and mental well-being, academic success, and the ability to create and strengthen human connections.
Davis Media Access Davis Media Access (DMA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. DMA is a community media & technology center with a mission to enrich and strengthen the community by providing alternatives to commercial media for local voices, opinions and creative endeavors. Based in Davis, we serve the Yolo County region.
Davis Musical Theatre Company (DMTC)
Pence Gallery The Pence Gallery strives to be an engaging, creative arts organization that encourages the community to learn from art and artists through a variety of exhibits and programs. Founded in 1975, the Pence offers Artist Talks, Workshops, Events, and Lectures, in conjunction with our calendar of 15-20 exhibits annually.
Wildflower Women’s Ensemble
An all volunteer community musical theater, with a youth theater and main stage. Over 37 years with the founders as volunteer producers
Wildflower Women’s Ensemble is an all-female Shakespeare theatre company dedicated to creating vibrant, lively, and wild Shakespeare.
Davis School Arts Foundation
Winters Museum
Arts and cultural education is crucial to the development of all children. The Davis School Arts Foundation provides partnership and support of culturally relevant arts education for children in Davis public schools. We do this through project grants, advocacy and arts integration training for educators.
Davis Shakespeare Festival DSF strives toward cultural equity through storytelling and education that promotes cultural joy by maintaining spaces that are reflexive, inclusive, and accessible to limitless communities.
The Winters Museum is dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich history of Winters through educational events, research, oral histories, and photo and artifact exhibits.
Winters Participation Gallery for the Arts Each summer, we support emerging artists through mentorship by professional artists (whom we also support with a stipend) in a free class that creates an historical mural, showcasing some aspect of our town. The students learn the business of art, historical research and the process of creating a viable mural.
Philanthropy Day 2021 — Yolo Community Foundation — Page 7 Winters Theatre Company
Community Improvement
Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy
We are a community theatre company located in Winters, serving Yolo County and beyond! Our programming includes comedies, dramas, musicals, dinner theatre, and annual Shakespeare in the Park. We encourage you to see a production, or join us as a volunteer. Lots of opportunities are available for YOU!
Bryte and Broderick Community Action Network
Davis Sunrise Rotary Club We do service projects in the community as well as internationally. We have a Youth Service Committee, an Environment Committee, a Community Service Committee, and an International Service Committee. Tax deductible donations can be made to our Foundation, and can be targeted to any of our areas of service.
The Bryte and Broderick Community Action Network (BBCAN) implements and supports programs and projects to meet the aspirations of our diverse community by working with the City, nonprofit and faith-based organizations, schools, and businesses toward sustaining a healthy, informed, and engaged community.
Woodland Chamber Singers Woodland Chamber Singers organization is devoted to bringing Music Education of many styles for the community, teaching vocal musicians to perform the music selected as well as performing high quality of music for the enjoyment of our community.
Friends of the Woodland Public Library
Davis Phoenix Coalition
Woodland Opera House Woodland Opera House Theatre Company produces musicals, plays, and comedies throughout the year and offers dance, musical theatre and drama classes. The Woodland Opera House, listed on the National Register of Historic Places and a California Historical Landmark, is one of four fully functioning 19th century opera houses in California.
The mission of the Davis Phoenix Coalition is to gather and engage the community to eliminate intolerance, for the purpose of preventing hate motivated violence and cultivating a civic culture that embraces and promotes all aspects of the city’s diverse community.
The Friends of the Woodland Public Library (FOL), a nonprofit corporation, is an association of persons interested in books and libraries, whose purpose is to enrich the cultural and civic life of Woodland and to support the Woodland Public Library in its mission.
iDream-The Mac Give Back Project
Tese Foundation
TESE Foundation advocates and improves the lives of Black girls in the USA and beyond. Improving the lives of teen girls in the USA in the form of leadership academy and mentorship program. In developing countries like Zimbabwe, we provide food and shelter as well as tuition.
YoloArts supports and celebrates diverse arts and cultural activities through innovative partnerships. We strive to serve students, individual artists, and arts organizations to spark dialogue, build empathy and promote community wellness. We work to create arts education opportunities for students with a dedication to underserved communities.
The Vanguard is a communitybased watchdog and news reporting organization that seeks to cover community debates and other events in a full and thorough manner. Our goals are to provide transparency, accountability, and fairness to local government.
iDream’s mission is to acquire/ refurbish computer technology and gift it to those who need it. At time of gifting 2 hours of training is offered. A short application and narrative is required. Used hardware and financial donations are appreciated.
The Davis Vanguard
Thank You
Office of Matt Yancey, Financial Advisor
Kyws-lp 92.2 fm
Our mission is to present information and news to the residents and visitors of West Sacramento that enhances the sense of community and cooperation through the use of community conversations using the resources of KYWS-LP broadcast radio.
Page 8 — Yolo Community Foundation — Philanthropy Day 2021 United Way California Capital Region
Davis Schools Foundation
International House Davis
At United Way California Capital Region, we believe creating stronger, healthier, more compassionate communities starts at Square One: Helping every family succeed so their community can too. Families know what they need to thrive. We are their partners on that path, connecting them with resources to achieve their goals.
DSF provides financial support to our local public schools to ensure effective and equitable learning environments that emphasize social, emotional, and physical well-being for all students by providing grants to DJUSD that bolster, support, and sustain district-wide student programs and services that would not be possible with public funds alone.
International House Davis (I-House) connects people, experiences, and perspectives within a global framework. Our programs, classes, services, and events provide opportunities to learn about and experience cultures from around the world, while building connections within our diverse local community.
Winters Senior Foundation
Explorit Science Center
The Winters Senior Foundation is a local non-profit, all volunteer, community-based organization representing and advocating for the senior population in the City of Winters and surrounding areas.
Mission Statement: To ignite and foster curiosity about science and nature through inquiry and discovery. Explorit provides a variety of educational, hands-on science programs to schools in Northern California. Explorit also offers annual summer camps and the general public can visit our Exploration Gallery during our Public Hours.
Woodland TV Woodland TV provides the opportunity for our community to speak and share freely through public access media.
Economic Development California Center for Cooperative Development The California Center for Cooperative Development (CCCD) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that promotes cooperatives as a vibrant model to address the economic and social needs of California’s communities. CCCD supports the myriad of cooperatives in California with start-up, management, and other technical assistance.
New Season Community Development Corporation Our mission is to revitalize our corner of Yolo county through many economic development projects including building rehab, business incubation, support of needed services and beautification efforts in our towns.
Education Creating Opportunities for Educational Development COED COED provides financial and professional support to deserving yet underprivileged students who could not otherwise afford higher education. Support includes scholarship, internship or externship, and access to mentorship.
Friends of the 1883 Clarksburg Schoolhouse Restore the iconic 1883 Clarksburg Schoolhouse in order to establish a facility to enhance economic activity in Clarksburg and the Delta by creating a Delta Welcome Center and an education and resource center.
Friends of the Clarksburg Library
MOSAIC Children’s Museum MOSAIC (Museum of Science, Art, Imagination, and Creativity) Children’s Museum enlightens, inspires, and empowers children in their lifelong learning journey while developing their imaginations and artistic abilities.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute UC Davis Active minds never tire of learning. Osher Lifelong Learning offers stimulating courses at affordable cost to adults 50 and older. We cultivate the delight of discovery without homework or exams.
Sacramento Valley Historical Railways
Friends of the Clarksburg Library ensures a place for learning, enrichment, and civic and community engagement in the rural community of Clarksburg.
The Sacramento Valley Historical Railways is a fellowship of volunteers who are dedicated to community service and education through the preservation and operation of historic railroad equipment and structures in the Sacramento Valley. SVHR owns and operates the Historic Woodland Train Depot as a museum and community center.
Friends of the Esparto Regional Library
The Summer Math and Science Honors Academy (SMASH)
FERL supports the library’s programs and services, and is responsible for the FERL Endowment. We encourage library patronage by sponsoring programs that focus on the Arts and Sciences. Each month, special programs occur at the library to entertain and educate. Programs are free and open to all ages.
Friends of the Yolo Branch Library The Friends of the Yolo Branch Library supports the Yolo Branch Library in its service to the communities of Dunnigan, Yolo, Zamora, and the surrounding rural areas. We work in concert with the library staff to understand the communities’ needs, develop services to meet those needs, and build community engagement.
Friends of the Yolo County Archives Friends of the Yolo County Archives is a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to support the services, staff, and facilities of the Yolo County Archives.
SMASH’s mission is to build a strong, diverse, and socially conscious tech workforce by leveling the playing field through academic learning and experiential engagement for high school and college students.
West Sacramento Friends of the Library The West Sacramento Friends of the Library (WSFOL) supports the Arthur F. Turner Community Library by raising funds to develop diverse collections, encourage reading and literacy programs for all ages, and promote the library as a public resource and educational and cultural center for all community members.
Winters Education Foundation Winters Education Foundation works to ensure continued educational excellence and equal educational opportunities for every child in a Winters public school classroom.
Philanthropy Day 2021 — Yolo Community Foundation — Page 9 Winters Friends of the Library WFoL is a volunteer support group whose purpose is to promote literacy, foster a love of reading, enhance the cultural life of the community, and encourage involvement in the library and its programs.
Putah Creek Council Putah Creek Council protects and enhances Putah Creek, its watershed and tributaries through advocacy, education, and community-based stewardship.
Tree Davis
Winters Music Boosters The Mission of the Winters Music Boosters is to provide financial support and volunteer assistance to help maintain the music programs in Winters public schools.
Yolo County Historical Society The Yolo County Historical Society strives to preserve, protect, and acknowledge the diverse history of the county through education, communication, and advocacy. YCHS is working with other local history groups to create and maintain the Yolo County Fair Museum.
Yolo County Library Foundation YCLF supports Yolo County Library’s mission to “provide access for all to ideas that inform, entertain, and inspire.” YCLF’s top funding priority is to support Yolo County Library’s goal to improve early literacy rates by providing access to free reading materials and literacy training to model reading.
Environment Cache Creek Conservancy The Cache Creek Conservancy preserves, restores, and enhances the Cache Creek watershed.
California Native Grasslands Association The mission of the California Native Grasslands Association is to promote, preserve, and restore the diversity of California’s native grasses and grassland ecosystems through education, advocacy, research, and stewardship.
Cool Davis Cool Davis’s mission is to inspire our community to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to a changing climate, and improve quality of life for all. We are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our community to meet our local climate action plan goals and reach carbon neutrality by 2040.
To enhance and expand the urban forest by teaching the people of our community to plant and care for trees.
Tuleyome Tuleyome is a volunteer advocacyoriented nonprofit conservation organization. Our mission statement reads: “Tuleyome engages in advocacy and active stewardship with diverse communities to conserve, enhance, restore, and enjoy the lands in the region.”
Community Harvest of Davis Community Harvest of Davis is a nonprofit organization, run entirely by volunteers, that harvests fruit from residential trees and donates it to agencies that feed people in need. We harvest in Davis and donate to agencies including STEAC (Short Term Emergency Aid Committee), Yolo County Food Bank, and local churches.
Davis Farm to School
DF2S supports Davis schools in their goals to provide farm and garden-based education, increase farm-fresh foods in school meals, and reduce solid waste. Our mission is to create an educational and cultural environment in our schools that connects food choices with personal health, community, farms, and the land.
Kitchen Table Advisors
UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden
Kitchen Table Advisors fuels the economic viability of sustainable small farms and ranches through practical one-on-one business advising and through collaborative projects making institutional change. Their work empowers farmers and ranchers to lead the way in building a regional food economy that honors people and the planet.
We inspire human potential to help people and environments thrive! The Arboretum and Public Garden spans UC Davis campus, including the 100-acre Arboretum and Putah Creek Riparian Reserve. We steward campus grounds as a resource for developing student environmental leaders, teaching the public about region appropriate landscaping and more.
To nourish and enrich the lives of individuals in Yolo County with emphasis on those age 60 and older, by providing nutritious meals to active and home bound people thereby promoting their health, well-being, and independence.
Woodland Tree Foundation Woodland Tree Foundation is a local grassroots organization which mobilizes and trains volunteers to plant and care for shade trees to help Woodland reach its goal of 25% tree coverage by 2035 as per Woodland’s Climate Action Plan. Our motto is: “Building Community Through Canopy.”
Yolo Basin Foundation Yolo Basin Foundation is dedicated to expanding appreciation and stewardship of wetlands and wildlife in the Yolo Basin through education and innovative partnerships. We offer field trips, talks, wetland and bat tours, a family festival, and more for people of all ages to learn about the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area.
Food, Agriculture & Nutrition Center for LandBased Learning The Center for Land-Based Learning cultivates opportunity for youth, for agriculture, for business, for the environment. Our Mission is to inspire, educate, and cultivate future generations of farmers, agricultural leaders and natural resource stewards.
Meals on Wheels Yolo County
Winters Farm to School
Winters Farm to School raises funds to provide fresh, local produce, for our children’s food programs; educates our children about the long-term benefits of healthy eating habits; reconnecting our children to the rich, deeply rooted agricultural history in our community. There is another serious issue we address...and that is hunger.
Yolo Farm to Fork
Our mission is to educate the public, especially our children, about the value of a farm-to-table community food system that also teaches us to value the environment.
Yolo Food Bank Yolo Food Bank seeks to durably increase food and nutrition security by connecting people with healthy food, collaborating with partners to deepen outreach, and convening stakeholders to assess and to develop an equitable, sustainable local food system to benefit the health and wellness of ALL Yolo County residents.
Yolo Land Trust
Yolo Land Trust conserves farmland in Yolo County. Permanent farmland conservation keeps our rural heritage alive, maintains open space for wildlife, fosters healthy communities, & generates good jobs.
Page 10 — Yolo Community Foundation — Philanthropy Day 2021 Health CommuniCare Health Centers Serving Yolo County since 1972, CommuniCare Health Centers’ mission is rooted in the underlying philosophy that health care is a right, not a privilege. We provide comprehensive, high-quality, patient centered services in a safe, supportive environment to anyone in our community regardless of insurance status or ability to pay.
Friends of Adult Day Health Care Friends of Adult Day Health Care (FADHC) is committed to promoting the health, dignity, and independence of frail older and disabled adults, and their caregivers by supporting Yolo Adult Day Health Center through fundraising and community awareness.
Health Education Council The Health Education Council (HEC) is dedicated to cultivating health and well-being in the Sacramento region’s under-served communities by leveraging the power of collaboration.
Public Health Advocates Public Health Advocates brings a public health lens to today’s most pressing problems, helping communities to pass laws, reform systems, and establish norms that foster justice, equity, health.
St. John’s Village To honor our residents’ dignity, independence, and spirituality by providing them with a safe, supportive, and caring environment in which to live.
Housing/Shelter Davis Community Meals and Housing Davis Community Meals and Housing provides low-income and homeless individuals and families with housing, food, and human services to help them rebuild their lives. We provide services to meet immediate, daily needs and offer a variety of housing opportunities to provide a safe and stable home.
Fourth & Hope Fourth & Hope feeds, clothes, shelters, and facilitates recovery to those in need and shows the love of Jesus Christ in words and actions. This mission is accomplished by providing a continuum of care for people who are homeless and hungry and moving them from the street to stability.
New Hope Community Development Corporation
Thriving Pink is a volunteer driven nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those in Yolo County impacted by breast cancer to thrive by providing a compassionate network of support and resources in partnership with the community.
Yolo Hospice, Inc DBA YoloCares As the first non-profit hospice founded in the Sacramento Valley, we have the longest regional track record for serving those with a life limiting illness in the counties of Yolo, Sacramento, Solano, Sutter and Colusa. Our donors provide crucial support to our most vulnerable patients during life’s most challenging moments.
Makers of restorative community. Embracing those impacted by homelessness and poverty with emergency food and clothing, winter warming centers, life-skills mentoring and job skills training programming.
NAMI Yolo County NAMI Yolo County provides advocacy, support, and education so all individuals and families who are affected by mental illness can build better lives. We envision a stigmafree future where all people affected by mental health conditions experience recovery with safe, affordable housing, meaningful activities, supportive relationships, and hope.
NorCal Resist NorCal Resist provides resources, support, and solidarity to immigrant families in the Sacramento, Yolo, and Placer counties, and the greater Northern California region.
Purple Tree Cafe
We bring hope, stability, and education for better self-sufficiency and new lives, as well as an affordable place to live for Yolo’s most vulnerable, including our youth, former foster youth, working families, seniors, veterans, farmworkers, the homeless and disabled.
Human Services Downtown Streets Team, West Sacramento Downtown Streets Team advocates for those with no voice, removes stigma and barriers to employment, and is ending homelessness through the dignity of work.
Empower Yolo Thriving Pink
Mercy Coalition
Empower Yolo’s mission is to promote safe, healthy and resilient communities. Services include: 24-hour crisis intervention, shelter, counseling, & legal assistance for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, & human trafficking. Resource centers provide services to improve health, educational and economic outcomes of Yolo County residents.
Make it Happen for Yolo County Make it Happen for Yolo County provides support for underresourced transitional aged youth (TAY) ages 16-24 moving into independent living situations. We receive referrals from Yolo County agencies and other groups that work with this population. MIH provides new household goods, gift cards, and furniture donated from the community.
Our mission is to provide employment for people with disabilities and to promote an inclusive community for people with and without disabilities, through food, music, and art. We bake and sell vegan treats at local events, and we sponsor regular ‘Hootenanny’ music events.
RISE, Inc. RISE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves the rural communities of Yolo County to enhance the quality of life and opportunity for self-sufficiency.
Short Term Emergency Aid Committee STEAC’s purpose is to provide immediate, short-term emergency aid to families and individuals with incomes at or below the federal poverty level who live in Yolo County. Assistance includes providing help with basic necessities like food, rental, utility, bills, and job readiness.
SkateMD Healing Hearts We serve children who may not otherwise be able to pursue skateboarding, don’t have easy access to skateboard equipment or facilities, and/or those who just need some extra kindness in their lives. Depending on the clinic, we may prioritize children with special needs, foster youth, or other at-risk children.
Soroptimist International of Woodland A global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.
Philanthropy Day 2021 — Yolo Community Foundation — Page 11 Yolo County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate)
The heart of our program is the CASA Volunteer, a caring community member appointed to a child/ youth in Yolo County’s foster care system to champion for their best interests and advocate for their voice to be heard while they navigate the complexities and isolation of being in foster care.
Yolo County Children’s Alliance The Yolo County Children’s Alliance is a non-profit with the mission to improve the lives of children, youth, and families in our communities. We are the lead Child Abuse Prevention Council for Yolo County, and provide family support services and resources our disadvantaged communities.
Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance is the voice for older adults. We connect older adults and their caregivers to services needed to stay healthy in their home. Our mission is to enhance the wellbeing of older adults in Yolo County through education, collaboration and advocacy.
Yolo Interfaith Immigration Network YIIN advocates for the Yolo Immigrant community and aids DACA recipients with financial coverage of DACA & legal fees.
Mental Health & Crisis Intervention Suicide Prevention of Yolo County The mission of Suicide Prevention of Yolo County is to provide crisis prevention and intervention, education, and community outreach services to the residents of Yolo County.
Yolo Community Care Continuum Yolo Community Care Continuum (YCCC) is a nonprofit agency that provides an array of community-based programs for people experiencing a psychiatric disability.
Other BRIGHT Children International Bright Children International strives to: Educate and train care providers of children with special needs on the potential of their children. Provide therapeutic interventions to children with special needs. Donate equipment and education materials to assist care providers and children. Assist children with special needs in reaching their potential.
Lead4Tomorrow “working today for a better tomorrow” for sound families, caring communities and healthy, more peaceful societies.
Yolo Conflict Resolution Center YCRC offers free services to anyone with conflicts or other difficult situations. YCRC offers training for individuals, families, or groups on conflict management and/or improving communication. YCRC also offers Restorative Justice services which allows for accountability for those who have caused harm and addresses needs of those harmed.
Recreation Friends of Clarksburg Services and Recreation FCSR is a community organization founded in 2019 for the purpose of establishing and supporting public park space in the North Delta region. FCSR is currently working to create a Clarksburg Community Park and Aquatic Center.
River City Rowing Club We are driven to get people rowing and keep people rowing. Located at the Port of West Sacramento.
Youth Development
Soroptimist International of Davis
Woodland Cal Ripken Baseball
Soroptimist provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment. Signature programs are Live Your Dream, cash grants for female heads of household pursuing education; and Dream It, Be It, resilience coaching, career path visualization, and related scholarships for high school girls.
The Woodland Cal Ripken Baseball program teaches skills, mental and physical development, a respect for the rules of the game, and basic ideals of sportsmanship and fair play. It is our fundamental belief that every child with a desire to play baseball be afforded the opportunity to play.
West Sacramento Foundation West Sacramento Foundation is an all-volunteer organization that helps local nonprofits become stronger and do more to improve the quality of life for children, teens, adults and senior citizens. Donations from individuals and businesses augment funds raised at events to create a grant pool.
Yolo Community Foundation The Yolo Community Foundation inspires and supports giving and provides philanthropic leadership in our diverse community. We inspire giving with donor advised funds and other philanthropic vehicles; support philanthropists with educational events and individualized staff assistance; and serve nonprofits with endowments, grants, and training.
Public Safety & Disaster Preparedness Yolo County Search and Rescue Team The Yolo County Search and Rescue Team is an all volunteer unit within the Yolo County Sheriff ’s Office. Our mission is to assist the Sheriff ’s Office in locating missing persons in Yolo and surrounding counties.
All Leaders Must Serve All Leaders Must Serve is a mentor organization that empowers young adults ages 15-25 by teaching job-readiness skills such as work ethic, character development and communication skills. Our goal is to prepare them to get, keep and excel in careers, become self-sufficient adults and give back to their community.
Keep Playing Baseball KPB provides the most accurate information and advice on the college baseball search and recruiting process at no cost. We believe baseball can act as a vehicle to higher education and better life outcomes.
Woodland Schools Foundation Woodland Schools Foundation works to support students and teachers of our local public schools. With your help, WSF funds help to educate students and to support after school activities.
Yolo Crisis Nursery Since opening in 2001, Yolo Crisis Nursery has helped over 7,500 children and their families with early intervention programs to help break the cycles of abuse and poverty. The Nursery offers respite care for children and equally important, provides wraparound services to help families resolve their crises and emerge stronger.
National Philanthropy Day œœœȘ ďăď 9Șďīæ åďī >ďĊďīÐÐ ðÌÐďĮș ŒðīĴķă ÆÐăÐÅīĴðďĊș ĊÌ UďŒȘ Ǡǥ tÐÆÐĨĴðďĊ ÌÐĴðăĮ Sponsored by:
ʦ§ : ñÕĆĭĴ ŁĴ õč ĔŁİ philanthropic journey ²Ĵ ŖÕ Č²ăÕ ëõêļĴ ļĔ Ĕİë²čõş²ļõĔčĴ ŖÕ ²İÕ ĭ²ĴĴõĔč²ļÕ ²ÊĔŁļʣ cŁİ ÑĔčĔİ ²ÑŕõĴÕÑ êŁčÑ ʰ" :ʱ ²ĆĆĔŖĴ êĔİ ĴČ²İļ ļ²ŗ ĭĆ²ččõčëʞ ñÕĆĭĴ ŁĴ ÊŁõĆÑ ² ê²ČõĆŘ ĆÕë²ËŘ Ĕê ëõŕõčëʞ ²čÑ Õč²ÊĆÕĴ ŁĴ ļĔ ëõŕÕ ËĔčĴõĴļÕčļĆŘ ŘÕ²İ ²êļÕİ ŘÕ²İʣʦ Meg & Tom Stallard Year-end is the perfect time to consider opening a DAF with the Yolo Community Foundation (YCF). Talk to your professional advisors or contact YCF today at info@yolocf.org or (530) 312-0593.