Fmqsummer 2013

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31 Prize. Solomon has an unusual history, interweaving his literary and journalistic accomplishments with his achievements as a researcher and educator in the field of human behavior. He is a lecturer in Psychiatry at Weill-Cornell Medical College. Solomon is a masterful writer.To read this monumental work is to be rewarded on every page. The experience, overall, is transformative. But even if you choose not to read Far From the Tree in its entirety, I urge you to give yourself a gift

and at least read Solomon’s elegantly written introductory chapter, titled “Son.”

Marion Lee Wasserman is a family lawyer and mediator with an office in Newton. She is sole proprietor of Reach Accord Law and Mediation Services. She can be contacted at 781 449-4815, or at She invites you to visit her website at

“What we do to children, they will do to society.” Karl Menninger

Family Mediation Quarterly

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