The "MCCQNews" user's logo


Brisbane, Australia

Multicultural Communities Connect Queensland Inc. or MCCQ for short is a new not-for-profit organization. MCCQ strives to bring communities from all cultures together. MCCQ operates various thoughtful, engaging platforms, including our new communication platform “Multicultural News Australia”. MCCQ will also utilize social media and events, giving people from all backgrounds a stage to express their concerns and issues regarding their community to a wider multicultural audience. Our membership is open to anyone and everyone, including businesses, community organizations and individuals. Please contact if you want more information or wish to become a member of our organization. We have three membership categories: Individual $25 for any person who is of multicultural or ethnic background. (voting rights, 12 monthly editions free) Organization $125 for organizations that cater to multicultural communities, ethnic populations, various country-specific organizations who are non-profit associations, or charity organizations. (voting rights, 12 monthly editions free, article and flyer publishing available) Business $525 for businesses in Queensland interested in supporting the Newspaper and media events of the Organization. (voting rights, 12 monthly edition free, Half-page advertisement in one edition free) To become member follow the URL MCCQ FORM:
