SoaringNZ Issue 21

Page 36


KAWHATAU CAMP 2011 John Brooks

I had been looking forward to the Kawhatau Camp all year. Leave was booked, the glider was serviced, accommodation was booked and the weather looked good. In the last few days before the camp, the weather forecast looked less and less promising, but I headed down from Auckland with the trailer on the back and kept my fingers crossed.

Driving to Kawhatau on the first day, the wind buffeted the trailer and the sky looked threatening. From the shearers’ quarters on Finn’s Farm, we saw Ross Perry arrive in the Twin Astir behind ZK-CIG, the Pawnee towplane. “Glad it’s not me flying today,” I told Ossie Fargher. During the day, other hopefuls arrived with their trailers, but nobody rigged, not wishing to collect wings and other bits from various parts of the farm. Normally, we have an alternative strip on a lower part of the farm, but this year it was in crop, so the Summit Strip was the only one available. We went up there on Day 2 and rigged about 10 gliders. After the gliders were pulled to the launch point, everyone sat around in the shade talking about gliding, but nobody wanted to be first. Eventually Mike O’Donnell took off in his Libelle and struggled, but this gave everyone else the encouragement to commit aviation. There were some good flights, but personally I found it rather trying, with cloud down on the ridge and fairly bumpy conditions. Mid week, the rain and low cloud returned. This stopped us flying, but was not the end of the world – the shearer’s quarters became a meeting point and we entertained many visiting pilots for chats, or watched gliding videos in the Old Farts’ Club. Each morning I looked out of my bedroom window, hoping that the weather would improve and totally enjoying the change from looking out at 4 lanes of traffic passing my apartment in Auckland. When the sun did shine, it was all on and pretty hot. Ossie’s umbrella was pressed into service to keep pilots cool before takeoff. On this day, half the fleet headed down the ranges to Wharite. Not a world-beating distance, but a good flight, given the general conditions. I had a flight in the DG 1000 with Michael and we climbed to about 8000 ft on the ridge. We decided to fly out to Rangiwahia. I set the


April 2011

Purity Hut, DG1000 closer in

Not looking promising

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Articles inside

Classified Advertising

pages 50-52

Gliding New Zealand Club News

pages 45-49

A Question of Safety

pages 43-44

Vintage & Classic: International Vintage Parties

pages 40-42

An Aviary of Gliding Types

pages 38-39


pages 32-33

GNZ Awards and Certificates

page 35

Gliding Manawatu – Kawhatau Camp 2011

pages 36-37

So you think Contests are all about Flying?

pages 28-31

Gliding New Zealand News

page 34

Omarama Gliding Club Reunion

pages 24-27

Gliding was the Winner on the day

pages 18-19

Why Taupo Gliding Club is one of the best clubs in New Zealand to learn to fly

page 23

The Pipistrel Taurus Electro G2 and a Theoretical Gliding Club

page 22

Pipistrel Taurus Electro – upgraded G2 model

pages 20-21

Log Book

pages 7-9

Gliding Adventures into Milford Sound

pages 10-13

GNZ Club Class Nationals

pages 14-17


page 6
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