February 2011 Rhode Island Natural Awakenings

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Yoga classes in intimate studio. Classes are Sun. 10am; Tues. 5:30pm; Thurs. 7am; and Fri. 4pm. $10 per class. John Mohan Fazzino 95 Bay View Avenue Cranston, RI 02905

Phone: 401-965-8074 Email: johnfazzino@mac.com Website: www.yogaspiritri.com

Dissolve Depression, Resolve Anxiety with Yoga


We’ll take you to another place ... Daniel Forster Photography

Participants will learn an evidence-based practice that includes breathing exercises, guided meditations, easy postures and other practical yogic Joy Bennett tools for managing their mood, as well as strategies for dissolving patterns and obstructions that keeps one from knowing true happiness. This will be done by energizing and elevating depressed moods, relaxing and calming anxiety, working with the chakra system to establish equanimity in the body and mind, and deeply relaxing to bring peace and rest to the emotional body. A customized booklet will be given, enabling attendees to create a practice that specifically addresses their own needs so that each person can feel enthusiastic about at-home practice once they have completed the program.

Innerlight offers you the opportunity for a unique, personal experience in body, mind, and spirit. innerlightyoga.com


oy Bennett, yoga therapist and RYT-500, says that for thousands of years, yogis have understood what current research in neurobiology and clinical observations are demonstrating—that working with a body and breath-based practice, we can manage our moods. Bennett will demonstrate how to achieve emotional balance in a one-day workshop titled, “A Day of Yoga Therapy: Dissolving Depression, Resolving Anxiety” on Saturday, March 12, from 10 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. at The Providence Healing Circle on the East Side of Providence.

Rhode Island Edition

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Cost: $95. For information or to register, contact 401-290-7697 or joy@joyfulbreath.com. See ad page 14.

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