Gtz projects

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CIM - One person can make a difference

Through the Integrated Experts Programme, the Center for International Migration and Development (CIM) links up partner country organisations needing qualified employees with highly qualified experts from Germany and other European Union countries – quickly and unbureaucratically. The idea behind CIM is: the contribution of one person at the right place can make a big difference and can trigger important processes of change. CIM is a joint operation of the GTZ and the International Placement Services of the German Federal Employment Agency. State and public institutions, NGO's and private sector employers can directly apply to CIM for the allocation of experts. The condition is that the position in question is relevant to the development of the partner country, and that the local job market lacks adequately trained experts. In such cases CIM seeks adequate applicants and presents pre-selected candidates to the employer. Experts recruited by CIM are then contracted by the local employer whilst CIM tops up the local salaries the employers provide with funds provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). "Integrated experts" are mostly being employed in those sectors which correspond to the general focus areas of German-Serbian economic cooperation. 1. One of the most important areas of employment for CIM experts in Serbia is the support to economic development. Integrated experts promote German-Serbian economic relations by working in the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the Republic of Serbia, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Kragujevac, the Tourist Organisation of Serbia (TOS), and the German Business Association. Also, the implementation of the "Zoran Djindjic Scholarship Programme" is being supported by a CIM expert. In cooperation with private investors from Germany and the Netherlands, other CIM experts have significantly contributed to the revival of production in the Belgrade shipyard which enabled the creation of two hundred new jobs.

Contacts: Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the Republic of Serbia; Michael Schmidt: Regional Chamber of Industry in Kragujevac; Uwe Zorn: Tourist Organization of Serbia TOS; Daniela Schily: Zoran Djindjic Fund; Saša Marković: Belgrade Shipyards; Falk Holtmann: German Business Association; Dejan Maljevic: 2. An important precondition for the dynamic economic development of any country is the existence of a stable and well functioning financial sector. This is why the strengthening of the financial sector in Serbia is yet another focus of CIM`s work. For example, one CIM expert works at the Serbian Academy of Banking and Finance which provides bank employees with expert training on the increasingly complex international regulations in the financial sector. In addition to that, an "integrated expert" is providing his expertise to the ProCredit Bank which primarily focuses on providing loans to small and micro enterprises.

Contacts: Academy of Banking and Finance: Oliver Goldmann: oliver-goldmann@nbs.yu ProCredit Bank: Marko Popović: 3. The third field of CIM activity in Serbia concerns the support to civil society organisations and the work with young people. For example, one CIM expert is employed by the Center for Democracy Foundation and is in charge of the organisation development, public relations and cooperation with the private sector. In southern Serbia, another CIM expert is supporting returnee families coming back from Germany and building up a youth center where Serbian, Albanian and Roma children spend their free time together.

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