Pearlwoman magazine march 2017

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March 2017 ISSUE 7 VOL.03 free

“I Lost

10 Stones

In 18 Months” -

Mo Okibe

Slay in

Divas of Colour 2017 Special - A festival of women. - A festival of women. - Fashion show| Conference | - Fashion show| Conference | Awards Awards



July 29, 2017 Time - 10am to 4pm


Leadership Conference

A bold new way forward, creating the next generation of influencers. At Cineworld The O2, Greenwich . London SE10 0DX Phone: 02035321354. 2



Tickets £35 only.

EDITOR's My Shade.

My Power. My Gender,

My Pride.



hat a time to celebrate our womanhood, our individuality without overpowering or alienating the other. Such a beautiful time in fashion and beauty industry

as Lancome finally embraces the different types of beauty and womanhood. As women we have fought a good fight. We have fought for our individuality as well as our sistahood. Finally, this era something beautiful is happening and that is Womanhood is winning again without excluding our beloved men. You see our sort of feminism is not the one that see men as our enemies or ones to hide from, rather it is one that educates, teaches, celebrates, highlights and screams out loud the best of who we are. That is why at Divas of Colour, we are no longer marching the streets screaming in agony. In this era, we are using the same energy, time and resources to focus on that which makes us great. Embracing our power as women, power to create, nurture, seduce, produce, beautify and the power to stand strong and definitely against that which threatens us. This is the time when we’re teaching women to know that no one is against them without them playing a part to it. A time for a stronger sisterly connection. A time to take charge of your own body, your career, your life, your responsibility and a time to get back to the business of bringing up boys and men who would respect and honour us. This is the time to ‘Slay in Health, this is a time to be seen, to be revered, to be heard and to be loved. No more time for marching the streets . It is time for celebration, time for Divas to show their diverse colours.

It time for Divas of Colour!

Stay with us.


Faustina Anyanwu Follow us on Social Media @pearlwomanmag

Visit out Website


Mo is a home educating Catholic Mum with two boys – Dume (14) and Arinze (8) and an 11 year old daughter - Nma. Married to her best friend - Kay. Mo teaches children. In this exclusive interview, Mo tells Pearlwoman magazine her journey losing the excess weight and how she got her Slay back.

Mo Okibe;

I Lost

10 stones in 18 months and

got my

How did your weight spiral out of control? At what point did you become aware of you’re becoming overweight? Giving birth didn’t help matters. Prior, giving birth, I was athletic. Played tennis thrice weekly with my dad. Worked out in the gym and did long runs on the pavement. Having my first baby came at the time I was about starting my career. I lost focus on healthy living and its attributes and embraced mum hood, being a new wife with getting more education and career. Right choices though but poor prioritizing. What did you do at that initial time to get it sorted? Mention every fad in the weight loss industry, I have tried it. I was focused on the quickest way to shed weight and gain my sexy back. I was chasing shadows and trying out all forms of yoyo dieting. Maybe, losing 2 stone in the summer and gaining 4 in the winter.




How much weight in total have you shed? I have lost just over 10 stone by simply and consistently making healthier food choices. This time no fad! Regular workouts – now a habit. Healthier meals – no excuses. No more takeaways from the Chinese on-the-go shops. If I want a meal out, I walk into a reputable restaurant like Nandos, grab a piece of chicken, de-skin it, with plenty vegetables and several glasses of fresh water and ice. What kind of limitations did your weight cause? Lots! I couldn’t wear clothes from regular High Street range. Online retailers like ASOS became my fall back options because I can get size 24 - 26. Yet they still couldn’t fit. My hubby lost interest and passionate desire for me. I don’t blame him. I was way too humongous for night gigs and beach holidays. Climbing up the stairs was a problem. I live in an

urban house over three floors and I could hardly charge up and down the stairs without feeling breathless. Simple things became chores. In fact, everything was a limitation except teaching children. I loved my job so I was passionate about it. Fortunately, the weight didn’t stop this. What types of struggles have you dealt with while trying to lose weight? The first struggle and hardest ever was deciding to make a change. Taking that first decision took 12 years. After I took the decision, I addressed my targets which were now qualitative not quantitative. I said to myself my goal was to stay consistent. My goal was never to shed a specific amount of weight but to remain true to doing the right things. What have been your greatest obstacles? I’d say I made sure I found a healthier option for everything that bothered me. The internet was my friend. For

example, I love big portion meals. I hate to starve. In the course of my weightloss, I thought I’d be cutting back on my portions. That didn’t happen. This is because, the right foods have less calories anyway. So sticking to the right foods removed the pressures of portion control. Did your weight in any way affect your work life? Not at all like I captured earlier on. I love my job as a teacher. The weight didn’t come in the way at all. Teaching was more of a paid passion and it’s rather a sedentary role too. More mental energy dissipated than physical. How did Dr Nkem come into the picture of your weight loss plan? Dr Nkem was a health veteran. I deployed her services at a point when my weight loss stalled. We discussed a few changes. For example, taking the USANA food supplements. She came up with the mantra, only a healthy body can lose weight healthily. That grabbed my attention…the supplements like chelated minerals, BioMega, active calcium and mega antioxidants helped to restore minerals and vitamins; boosting the cells with the right tools to help them function. She supported my Slimming World idea too. It’s not a fad but an accessible eating plan. She never criticised it, though we made changes to eating processed meat like bacon and salamis. We focused on sticking to organic, whole food ideas.

younger so there’s just no point looking like I was 20 years older than him. At what point did you finally decide it was time to start losing weight and getting healthier?

Can you describe a remarkable experience you’ve had working on losing weight? Most remarkable of them all – positive compliments I have received from my family and friends: absolutely immeasurable. What other breakthroughs have you had? My marriage is stronger and the bond between us restored. Like I said, prior getting married, I was athletic and sporty. My husband loved that attribute. I think I lost his trust when I couldn’t keep up with my part of looking sexy and attractive which was what he saw initially. I was


My 8 yo son who was 6 at the time kept asking questions like – ‘’Mum why are you fat?’’ I normally answer – ‘’… because I had you and your siblings.’’ He responds back, ‘’Gabriel’s mum had Gabriel but she’s not fat.’’ So that was disturbing. My health was still sound, no high BP and no diabetes yet but these diseases run in my families both in my mum’s and dad’s sides so I knew in my head that in a few years if I don’t do anything about this weight that I’ll fall ill. What was different from with Dr Nkem’s guide from what you ever tried before? Dr Nkem focused more on health and not weight. She gave a more balanced overview of getting my health optimal. She believed in alternative therapies. For example, for my IBS and constipation, where doctors or other medics would prescribe Lactulose or Fibre Gel, Dr Nkem would rather ask me to do some squats, drink coconut oil in boiling water, drink more water in the day – (33 x my bodyweight – say if I was 100kg… I should drink 33 X 100 which equals 3300ml) , take off certain foods, try Matcha organic green tea, d r i n k a p p l e c i d e r vinegar with lemon and cayenne pepper. Those tips were 110% on point and she was a GP. Never for once focused on over-thecounter prescriptions or medicines rather on organic, natural herbs and spices. Did she push you hard? If yes, in what ways? If not what magic did she do with you? She was subtle and consistent. She never gives up. She’d rather initiate her ideas with a text and then follow up


with a call. She was always the best person to ask anything from health to home-education! How do you think people need to change their views about weight loss? Just like my expert – Dr Nkem believed in, focus on health, weight loss is only a dividend of good health. What specific changes have you made that are working for you? Regular workouts, no yoyo dieting, focus on eating the right foods – more organic vegetables and meat. Cutting down on bad carbs like white rice and white bread. Making healthier swaps – instead of white bread, I could have brown, gluten free one. Instead of white rice, brown whole grain one or quinoa, cous cous. There are lots of options and fantastic recipes I have developed. It’s now a family thing. Everything that comes into my shopping trolley is healthy. The kids and my hubby know the only choice should be healthy – both meal and workouts. What has been keeping you motivated lately? Lately, I have given myself sprinting challenges having completed 6 lots of Insanity workouts, multiple times on T25 and Chalean Extreme workouts on weight training. I have done a half marathon, several 5k and countless 10k. In April, I’m down to do the full London Marathon – Approx 42.2k/26.2miles in memory of my expert – Dr Nkem who succumbed to breast cancer last September 11. She beat it the first time because of her healthier lifestyle. I was so motivated seeing her working out whilst in Peace Hospice, Watford. How has your weight journey affected your relationship? (tell me the difference between then and now) My marriage relationship has improved. In fact, Me Kay has married me again and again. He looks forward to having tonnes of trips with me and sometimes

we reluctantly drag the kids along… lolzzzzzzzz! We have a plan to travel the World and do more things together. I have always kept few friends. My friends knew that I’ve always had similar type of motivation and determination when I set my mind to anything. I now work as a volunteer health ambassador admin in multiple weight platform online fora helping ladies and gents in adopting healthier choices. They call me MOtivator, MObiliser, MOving MO! I add that unique spice to their health journeys. I feel rewarded seeing the progress they make. My story motivates and inspires them too. Tell me about the marathon - when, where and for which charity. How can people support you? Earlier on mentioned, I’m in the marathon to honour my friend – Dr Nkem! Where heroes fall…confidence rise! Even though her exit was the most painful highlight of 2016, I feel she impacted lots of lives. She served as a hope to many. She was always the best person to talk to and she keeps it confidential. She does not let her friends or clients down. All proceeds will be going to Hospice UK . Nkem was a veteran sprinter. She encouraged me to choose sprinting as a preferred sport. We planned to celebrate her victory over cancer with organising several runs and proceeds to Hospice – UK for their genuine objectivity whilst she was accessing their care. They restored her independence, dignity and valued her opinion when making choices for her own care. What do you want other people who are struggling to lose weight to know? For ladies and gents willing to lose weight, take off, quantitative targets like I want to smash 3 stone by summer etc! Focus on making healthy your lifestyle. One meal at a time! Don’t wait for Monday or the New Year to make a change. Let the next meal see the change you desire. Stay CONSISTENT!


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Nomination opens for the 3rd Annual Creativity Awards recognising

Afro-Caribbean creativity, leadership and Enterprise.

To nominate your creative role models for the 2017 grand awards ceremony go to -


Teriy Keys Hosts

Divas of Colour 2017


eriy-Severo Kiiza professionally known as Teriy Keys, Esq. (aka Smurfie Syco) is a multi-award winning Artist, Music executive, Businessman and Social investor. His clients range from Dizzee Rascal to Tottenham Hotspur Football Foundation. Teriy Keys also serves as Global Brand Manager for Goldgenie the world’s premiere brand in Entertainment and Luxury customisation of products in 24ct Gold, Platinum and/or embellishment of Diamonds as seen on the BBC’s Dragon Den. Born of African descent with his family roots stemming from Kampala, Uganda; settled in Tottenham, North London with his mother and sister after seeking political asylum in the UK. After the sudden passing of his mother at aged 7, Teriy and his sister were then taken in Childcare by Haringey Social Services. Growing up in Haringey, North London in the Tottenham / Wood Green area. Teriy has faced all the challenges often reported in the British news surrounding extreme gangs culture and • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

the economic disadvantages of these particular areas of London. Despite a rocky start he was able to make use of a strong support system which saw Teriy turn his life around and graduated from secondary school with 11 GCSE’s, later pursuing further education to obtain a Bachelor of Science at University of East London and a Masters of Science – summa cum laude Birkbeck, University of London. In 2014, Teriy Keys was award with Freedom of the City of London by Her Majesty, The Queen and granted the use of the title Esquire, stylised ‘Teriy Keys, Esq.’ Recent recipients of this title include Dame Judi Dench, Annie Lennox and Morgan Freeman. Awards and Accolades Won by Teriy Keys .Teriy as an individual and with his clients and team have been generously awarded by various awarding bodies including;

Teriy Keys

Team / DizzeeRascal – MOBO Awards: Best Male Act / Best Album [2008/2009] (Won) Team / DizzeeRascal – NME Awards: Best Male [2009] (Won) Team / DizzeeRascal – BRIT Awards: Best British Male [2010] (Won) Team / DizzeeRascal – BET Awards: Best International Act [2010] (Won) Team / DizzeeRascal – The Guardian: Music Power #No.28 ●SMURFIESYCO.COM CD – 23,000+ Sold (Physical) + 63 TOUR DATES(S) – ‘Tongue N’ Cheek Tour 12-14′ Music Week – ‘30 under 30’ – [2013] (Best of the Rest) Award – Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award [2014] (Goldgenie) ●AIM Start Up’s Award – £25,000.00 [2014] ●Award – Haringey Outstanding Contribution Award [2014 /15] Award – Haberdashers Award for Entrepreneurship [2015] ●Grammy Award [2016] – Official Grammy Foundation Award for R.O.A.D. Academy & Training Centre Music Week – ‘30 under 30’ – [2016] (Best of the Rest) Speaker – House of Parliament for The Great Debate Tour 2016 Finale ●Elected Member of Brit Awards Voting Academy


The weight loss challenge

We ask women to tell us

their own stories Suzanne Noble: I’ve been a yo-yo dieter for most of my life. I came from a family where we were taught to clean our plate and so I did. It wasn’t until after the birth of my children in my thirties that I started getting into exercise and eating healthy foods that I managed to remain a size 12. However, by the time I reached 55 and postmenopausal, I’d gradually put on an extra 14 pounds. It’s never easy for an older woman to lose weight and even harder seeing as I had a job that involved mainly sitting behind a computer all day long. Then I tried Slimpod, a 9 minute audio download that requires you to listen daily for 12 weeks. Within the first month I’d lost about 8 lbs and my old clothes started to fit again. My appetite seems to have gone and I notice I feel fuller faster. I’m now hoping to lose the last 5 and then I’ll have a whole new wardrobe! 10

Aby Moore : I have been overweight all my life, tried ALL the diets and nothing worked long term. I had my daughter put on 4 more stone and developed PND. I tried more diets and lost up to 4 stone, but never kept it off but in May 2016 I decided enough was enough. My weight was changing who I was and preventing me from doing things with my daughter. So I started Cambridge diet (800 calories a day) and in the first week lost 1 stone! I then in total lost 7 stone in 7 months (I’m still losing now).

International Luxury Designer BRAnd


Studio DMaxsi

TUDIO D’MAXSI is a fashion design house owned by Afua Sam. Multiple award Winner, Celebrated as an innovative, sophisticated and edgy women’s wear line for the modern woman. STUDIO D’MAXSI makes unique designs for the sexy, classy, funky, chic and confident woman. And has featured in various fashion shows including, New York Fashion Week, Maryland Fashion Week, DC Fashion Week ,Crystal Couture and more. Charitable fashion events like Steps to the

Cure, Pink For Africa, Rise Against cancer Foundation, The Steve Smith Family Foundation, America Breast Cancer Foundation, Tiger lily Foundation, Fashion Fusion, Fashion for World Peace, Pink Jams, Beyond Words Fashion Show For The ‘Lollipop Kids Foundation’, the list goes on. Afua Sam also founded ‘Operation Prom’, a ‘win a PROM dress’ competition open to deserving academically excellent high school female students. STUDIO D’MAXSI brand of elegant yet edgy collections have gained her a diverse clientele from everyday people to celebrities for major events such as the Oscars, Grammys, DayTime Emmys, BET Honors; music videos and TV Shows to name a few. She’s had numerous TV appearances, WUSA9 news, FOX5 news, Good Day Baltimore :etc. was also featured in a DC fashion documentary- “The Politics of Fashion” in 2014 and even tried out for Project Runway and made it to the second call audition interview during Season 5. In the midst of distinctive accomplishment of having her gowns worn In Hollywood and across the globe, Afua has a gentle spirit and remains true to her values. To contact D’MAXSI

Contact D’ MAXSI @dmaxsi@missyewalondon studio d’maxsi design inc @dmaxsi 11

Introducing Designer

Ewa London


WA London is a London based fashion brand creating glamorous tailored

clothes with African print coupled with complementary accessories. This is a family business established in 2012 out of finding fashion needs and meeting them because we believe” everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it”Confucius. The concept of our design is based on characteristics of luxury product made with African-influence. We are in fashion business for those who care about aesthetic, rarity, extra ordinariness and symbolism in a product. We pride ourselves in these qualities, its not just an act but an habit. Ewa London’s products are handmade in Portugal, the UK and Nigeria to create a source of income for the people living in the community. “Our customer care in terms of after ‘sale service’ is second to none.”

Connect with the Brand @missyewalondon @missyewalondon @missyewalondon @missyewalondon


Introducing BellaHiwot De s ig n e r B

ellahiwot is a USA international fashion

brand with materials 100% sourced from Ethiopia,

pure cotton and silk, and hand woven. The US based designer as a little girl, Hiwot found herself immersed with anything that was related to fashion, design and colours.

It was always part of my culture,� she said. “Growing up handcraft and making something out of a simple fabric into a wearable art. Today I have a vision to share and appreciate this art with many other people around the world.

Celebrating a rare Gem Divas of Colour Champion, Dr Nkem

Dr Nkem

was a GP, Author and Awardwinning Speaker who was passionate about helping people improve their lives using healthy lifestyle strategies. She qualified as a medical doctor in 1997 and as a Peak Performance Coach for Business in 2004 from the University of Newcastle, though she had been a lifelong student of Personal Development and Success Strategies since 1991. Dr Nkem was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer for the second time in March 2015, unfortunately she lost the fight. She passed on, on September 5th 2016, aged 43. Dr Nkem had been a Divas of Colour Champion, partner and major sponsor. She attended the first event in 2014 as a guest and in 2015 she became Divas of Colour associate sponsor and the biggest sponsor till date. Among other things, Dr Nkem’s legacy is the second edition of her 5* bestselling title Inspirational Blueprints For Personal Success For Women. -14

Dr Nkem Ezeilo: Keeping the Legacy. Inspirational Blueprints

for personal success for women by Dr Nkem Ezeilo


arlier this year, a sought-after speaker, health coach, and GP, Dr Nkem Ezeilo (Dr Kem) selflessly offered her latest book; “Inspirational Blueprints” which will serve as an interactive personal development Bible and personal success guide for women who want to take their journey to the next level. The great principles shared in it have been proven to work in any area of Personal and Professional Life. In March 2015, Dr Nkem Ezeilo was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, a diagnosis which carries a poor prognosis of weeks to months. Determined and strong willed, Dr Nkem knew she would beat it, by practicing what she teaches about Optimal Mindset being the key to success in any area of life, including health. While on her sickbed - defying medical expectations and prognosis, Dr Nkem decided to update her life transforming book, “Inspirational Blueprints for Personal Success for Women”, as a lot had happened since the first edition was published in 2010. Women would love the new insights, strategies and findings in this revised edition of her book as she has meticulously written the contents with great compassion to liberate women from suffering and negative thinking. This book will serve as daily guide for a life-shaping process to greatness in all areas of life, notwithstanding the profession or career nor social and economic status.

Dr Nkem Ezeilo was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer for the second time within 5 years, a diagnosis which carries a poor prognosis of weeks to months

Available on any good

and as paperback



Every Spring, the Divas of Colour Awards Forum brings together women of all professions and walks of life… from every corner of the world including dignitaries, ambassadors, celebrities and women of substance. Interest continues to grow year-on-year – and this year, over one thousand guests are expected to attend. Founder Faustina Anyanwu has nurtured the unique Divas of Colour Awards Forum and overseen its growth over the last four years into a global event respected and attended by delegates from across the world. Faustina says: “I’m thrilled to welcome women of all ages and experience once again to the largest gathering of the world’s most influential women of colour. 2017 sees our event elevated to the next level as we embrace guests from all walks of life – world leaders, opinion formers and high achievers – to London’s historic KIA Oval, under the premium sponsorship of WorldRemit. “Our focus this year will be on the empowerment of women through the very best physical and mental health, worldclass fashion and the shared interest of overall wellness and positive self-esteem. In this, our fourth year, we are looking forward to reaching out to an audience of around two million women across social and traditional media. “We will welcome celebrities, social media influencers, bloggers, leading women of African, Caribbean and Asian descent, as well as leading media houses. Women’s contributions both to the economy globally and their social impact cannot be overemphasised. “Divas of Colour 2017 is a fantastic opportunity to join together and celebrate inspirational women of colour – it’s a unique platform to celebrate their contributions and achievements and is held in commemoration of International Women’s Day.”


The Conference: ‘Slay in Health’ The Conference element of Divas of Colour 2017

will focus on women’s empowerment through optimum health and wellness, both physically and mentally. In particular, raising awareness of gynaecological cancers, in loving memory of one of the event’s biggest supporters and an original partner, Dr Nkem Ezeilo, who passed away recently from breast cancer. The main aim this year is to empower as many women as possible to take control of their own health, learn the salient issues on rarely talked about topics and how best to cope with them – and, most importantly, when to know it’s time to seek help from relevant people and organisations. “This conference explores the issues about cancer in women. Discussions will revolve around screening, risk minimisation, prevention and management. Other important discussion points will include the holistic approach to the management of cancer and living life to the fullest after surviving cancer. The conference is open to both women and men. Please purchase your tickets. The conference promises to throw more light on this sensitive topic.” - Prof Rotimi Jaiyesimi (speaker). The speakers are all passionate about their subjects and empowering women, including educating and raising awareness on gynaecological cancers with the gathering’s chosen charity, Cysters – which advocates on the issues of gynaecological well being and women’s health in general… as well as mental health, self-esteem and domestic violence.

The Fashion Show The Divas of Colour 2017 Fashion Show is a major element of the

Forum and will showcase women, through fashion, as powerful, focused, determined, thriving, stylish, modern – and in control. From office power dressing to red carpet classics or cultural prints – the idea is to present women in their most perfect form as leaders – or at least successful – in their fields. The fashion designers at this year’s showcase combine both emerging and established brands across ready-to-wear, accessories and footwear. Firmly established as an authority in the fashion industry, the Divas of Colour fashion show will attract an audience of UK and international buyers 17

and press – and all participating designers will automatically be entered in the Diva Designer Award category at the Awards ceremony.

The Divas of Colour Awards Ceremony The Divas of Colour Awards are open to women of all backgrounds and achievements, and aim to uplift and uphold a hugely positive image of women around the world. Nominations are currently being accepted from across the globe – with the only criteria being that each nominee must have made a significant contribution within a particular sector to improve the lives of women. ANYONE CAN NOMINATE! Go to for full details.

Previous Divas of Colour Award Winners include Bianca Miller, Funke Abimbola, Polly Harrar, Rani

Bilkhu, Caroline Bell Foster and Leah Charles-King.

Last year showcased a dazzling array of leading women of colour – with Diane Abbott MP named Lifetime Achiever, and the list of Women of Honour bringing together Patti Boulaye OBE, Mayor Patricia Ekechi, Mandy Sanghera and Professor F N Obasi.


Hon. Cecilia Ogwal Special guest, keynote speaker and Recognition recipient


on. Cecilia Ogwal is a 70 year old Ugandan Politician who is very passionate about human rights and rule of law. She is one of the longest serving members of the Ugandan parliament. She is a Businesswoman and a Management Consultant. Married to Mr. Lameck Ogwal and blessed with seven biological children including a set of twins and ten other children. Mrs. Ogwal is well grounded Christian.

Hon. Cecilia Ogwal is one of the first 4 women to be admitted to the University of Nairobi East Africa to undertake a commerce degree course. She graduated in 1969 with honours and was awarded Indira Gandhi memorial award for excellent performance in commerce. In 1969, at the age of 23, Cecilia Barbara Atim Ogwal participated in the Brooke Bond Tea Beauty contest and became the first runner up but the public and the media branded her “Miss Uganda”. From 1979 until 1980, she worked at the Ugandan Embassy in Kenya, as the Liaison officer, where she executed the task of returning Ugandan refugees back home. Between 1980 and 1981, she worked as the Operations Manager at the

Uganda Advisory Board of Trade. In 1982, she initiated the Women Finance Bank, Focusing on financing Women Entrepreneurs. Mrs. Ogwal served as the Chairperson of Uganda Development Bank, from 1981 until 1986. While chairman of the Board she strategically created posts in the management organization structure to accommodate women as heads of departments, among them is the first female Ugandan minister of finance. Mrs. Ogwal was a member of the Constituent Assembly (CA) that debated and promulgated the new constitution of 1995. She was at the forefront in pushing for restoration of multiparty politics in Uganda, and has been a Member of Parliament since 1996 to date.

to the African, Caribbean and Pacific parliaments jointly with the European Union (ACP-EU, J.P.A) from 2007 to 2011. She recently returned to the ACP-EU, J.P.A and resumed the task of pushing for inclusion of women and youth issues in the main J.A.P Agenda. While in the ACP-EU, she lobbied for women to be included in the Bureau -the top leadership organ and policy making body of the J.P.A. She has also been a member of the Uganda Official Delegation to COP negotiations since 2011 and a member of Pan African Parliament from 2011 to 2014. She is now a Parliamentary Commissioner.

Her integrity, strength and no nonsense attitude coupled with her passion and pursuit of Multiparty Democracy in Uganda and abandonment of the monolithic political system, which was introduced by the military backed NRM Regime in 1986, has earned her the title “IRON LADY”.

Mrs. Ogwal has a number of international and national engagements giving scholarly presentations globally. Between 2008- 2010 Hon. Ogwal trained members of the National Assembly of South Sudan on conflict management and conflict resolutions, Budget cycle, Public Finance and Accountability.

Hon Ogwal has been a Ugandan Representative

Recently on 11th November 2016, she gave a keynote

address in Morocco on the subject; ‘Climate Governance.’ And on 14th December 2016, she gave a keynote address at Reading University on the subject; ‘How Africa can create a climate resilient society’. As a long serving member of the Budget Committee of the Ugandan parliament, Mrs. Ogwal has always lobbied for increased government funding of maternal and child health. In her constituency, Hon. Ogwal has channeled her efforts over years towards the construction of churches and supporting of orphans and other vulnerable children. She has also vigorously and passionately taken up the fight against Hepatitis ‘B’ epidemic that has robbed and continues to robe many lives in Northern Uganda, by creating awareness about the epidemic and by making sure that the constituents are tested and vaccinated with easy and at no cost, she is achieving this by providing a free mobile clinic service throughout the constituency.


Professor Rotimi Jaiyesimi

is a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

and Associate Medical Director at Basildon University Hospital. He is visiting professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ibadan and Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sunderland. He is a member of the Institute of Directors and the recipient of the 2015 C. Hub Legend Recognition.

Dr Brighton Chireka

is a

General Practitioner at Manor Clinic in Folkestone, Kent. He is a director of Premier Primary care Ltd which owns Manor clinic . He is also a Clinical Lead in Child Health and Maternity Services for South Kent Coast Clinical Commissioning Group which covers 31 GP practices with a population of around 200 thousand patients in East Kent. He is the Medical Director of Starkmeditrip Ltd which facilitates members of the public to access medical treatment in India.

Emeka Anyanwu

is a serial entrepreneur, he is the Co-founder of Faunteewrites

Limited, and publisher of C. Hub magazine. He is a writer, thinker , motivational speaker, an avid reader and adventurist. Emeka Anyanwu has a deep knowledge and understanding of how the mind works and controls the outcome of our lives. He has been a scholar of paradigm shift as the ultimate step to optimising all aspects of one’s life.


Laurie Larson Abuse survivor


aurie Larson is a successful Registered Nurse at Princess Royal University Hospital and a mum of 3. When you meet Laurie, you’ll never imagine that she’s had any traumatic life experience because of how she carries herself and the warmth she exudes. Unfortunately, as they say, you can never judge a book by it’s cover. Laurie just like many other women has some dark past

she had to carry with her. Being abused as a young woman carries a lot of weight with it. And thankfully, Laurie is now healed and ready to talk about it. She will be sharing her poems specifically written to tell of her ordeal with abuse as a young woman at Divas of Colour. She hopes that this will encourage other women who have endured abuse and are still suffering inside to speak out, seek for help and closure to their ordeal because it is not their fault. She tells Faustina in an interview; “I wrote the ‘innocence lost’ after over 30 years of silently suffering and blaming myself for the abused l went through as a child. I lived the victim mentality. I guess my motivation was finally realising nobody was going to save me so l had to save myself and my writing came in handy for finally letting it go. It didn’t belong to me anymore. The ‘I’m fine’ poem explains the lies, pretence. One lives to hid the nightmare going on inside whiles secretly hoping someone will see the pain l was going through. My motivation for both was survival. I hope it will help to motivate someone to realise there is hope for a better tomorrow. Writing helped me a lot so maybe someone will find this strategy helpful.”

Charlotte Crowl.

Charlotte Crowl a cancer survivor hopes her story inspires other women at Divas of Colour 2017. My name is Charlotte Crowl and I grew up around Essex and East London. After undergoing cancer treatment (Lymphoblastic Lymphoma (non-hodgkins stage 3) for over 2 years when I was 17, my whole perspective of life changed. After undergoing serious mental and physical side effects I was unable to just go back to living out the same life I had before cancer. Whilst on treatment I had an extremely rare side effect where one of the drugs paralysed me and I had to learn to talk and walk again. The Doctors didn’t know if it was possible but with positivity and a strong mind-set I did it. My walking is not 100% yet but I believe one day it will be. I feel like I have now found my true purpose and I’m on a very self fulfilling journey. I spend much time researching how I can get back to being the best version of myself, I then love to share

my knowledge to help others. I am know fully dedicated to helping others not have to experience what I have been through. I love to inspire others by sharing my journey and new found knowledge. I am the founder of Pure Helps To Cure CIC and Author of Cancer | The Hidden Truth. I am a young cancer survivor trying to raise awareness of the implications of not taking care of our health, and how to stay healthier through lifestyle

and diet. I love sharing my story to encourage others and give them hope. All the profits from my book go to vetted cancer charities and projects. You can read more about my book and what I am doing via I hope you find great use of the knowledge I share.”


Neelam Heera Neelam Heera set up Cysters initially as an informal group which aims to bring an awareness of gynaecological health to the forefront. Something which the Asian and BAME community do not talk about due to the social connotations surrounding gynaecological issues.

The group aims to:1. Bring an awareness of gynaecological issues such as PCOS, Endometriosis, infertility, and vaginal cancer. 2. Banishing the social stigma in the Ethnic / BAME community regarding gynaecological health, and encouraging people to become more proactive in caring for the gynaecological health i.e. going for smear tests. The problems are prevalent in the ethnic community, due to the “embarrassment” / lack of knowledge women are either unable to access treatment/help or reluctant to go for it. 3. Providing peer to peer support for women suffering with these conditions through confidential group sessions and oneto-one meetings Cysters will provide group sessions in a confidential forum for women to express their thoughts, worries and ask questions, safe in the knowledge everything is in confidence. The sessions will be centred around issues they struggle with such

as, body confidence, menstruation, life after a hysterectomy and dealing with emotions etc. “I am currently working with a few women on an individual basis and offering them peer to peer support as well as getting their feedback on what they would like long term from the group. The group has expanded to support women who have gynaecological issues as a result of sexual assault, FGM, and now there are enquiries regarding women going through the early stages of menopause who just want to talk about these problems in an open non-judgemental forum This group is the only one of its kind in the United Kingdom and is tackling important and social issues and people do not like to talk about. Neelam has single handily created this group from her own experiences and the fact she does not want any woman to suffer in silence.”

Ini Usanga For over a decade, Ini has been a leading community and international advocate for peace, human rights; violence against children, girls, young people and women and for those living in poverty. Ini is a Family Violence expert, Gender-Based Violence expert, Girl Child activist, trainer, transformational and inspirational speaker, a self-development coach, entrepreneur, and a philanthropist. She is very passionate about issues of social justice, reproductive rights, equality, and fairness. Ini has been a victim of all

forms of violence and she is a survivor of attempted suicide; but now, she is an empowered woman who uses her voice to advocate for children, girls’, young people, and women who have given up hope due to an abusive experience. Through her experience, Ini inspires those who struggle with shame, and acceptance, as she had felt in the past. She uses her extraordinary story to empower others in the campaign against violence to women, girls’, young people, and children. Ini wants to see the protection of victims of abuse; particularly family and child abuse. She is determined to support children, young people, girls’ and women who, like her in the past, feel ashamed of their ordeal and have given up hope and the joy of life. Like a force of nature and a magnet, Ini continues to show courage and determination through her abilities as a skilled representative, tirelessly fighting for the issues most important to children, young people, girls’ and women. Her extraordinary journey has been featured by organisations and international magazines including; The Red Elephant Foundation, Girl’s Can’t What, Women of Rubies, to mention a few.

Determined to make a difference and see the protection of other victims and survivors, Ini created Love and Care for People (LCP) an organisation committed to raising community awareness on different forms of family abuse including Forced Marriage, Early Childhood Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Disownment, Destructive Relationships, Reproductive Abuse and Poverty. The organisation also works with other grassroot and international organisations so as to reach those who need the most support. Love and Care for People also offers business and vocational skills training, mentorship as well as the necessary tools and resources for women and young people to become economically self-sustaining. Today, LCP has grown and now has branches and partners in the developed and developing world. Ini has supported over 4000 children, women and youths in DRC Congo, Kenya, Nigeria, India and Ireland. She has raised funds to support over 200 projects in education, health care and rehabilitation for abused and underserved girls, children, youths and women.



sandy’s Primal Beauty is a new natural beauty brand formulated for maintaining healthy body and hair, ‘Naturally for You’. Ethically sourced and made with care, the ingredients are simple, pure and 100% natural – just as its name and Mother Nature intended. Inspired by nature, Primal Beauty uses 100% natural, ethically-sourced premium quality ingredients to produce its range which consists of 100% unrefined Coconut Oil, natural Shea Body Butter, Shea Butter with Cocoa Butter, and 100% natural Black Soap. Created by serial entrepreneur Sandra Brown-Pinnock, owner of Xsandy’s – the only black-owned hair and beauty brand of stores in SE London, Primal Beauty is her latest venture and contribution to the growing natural (green) beauty industry.

Hair-iD is an online hair boutique that specialises in pure, unprocessed virgin hair extensions and installation techniques. Founded by avid wearers of hair extensions we are you and understand you! So with your likes, dislikes and requirements in mind, we are passionate about building a business that meets your every need.

Founders of Hair-iD VHS Ltd. Phone: 0871 237 9609 (Thursday-Sunday 8.30am - 9pm GMT) Social media: @hair_id_vhs 24

Bevnzinga Nzingha2009 Nzingha@Bev Quintal

Email: Nzingha Jewellery - work with small team of artisans from west and east Africa , Jamaica and the far east, to create our stunning statement pieces , all designs are handmade from natural materials . The core materials used are: • • • • • • •

Rosewood - from the fast growing tree Exoctic seashells - found on the beaches NOT DIVED FOR Coconut shells - when finished with Resin - sap from the pine tree , THESE TREES ARE NOT CUT DOWN Cow bone - collected from the slaughter houses Buffalo horn - collected from the slaughter houses NO ANIMAL IS KILLED FOR THEIR HORNS OR BONES

Our jewellery is designed for the confident creative conscious women looking for something different that reflects her own personal style and helps her to express herself whilst adorning her attire . Nzingha comes from the great warrior queen Nzingha of Angola and our pieces represents all warrior queens . All our pieces are chunky statements but very light in weight due to the materials used, you won’t find a more vibrant edgy piece of jewellery like you would find at Nzingha’s .



CONTACT - BEV 07940098431


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Swanky Hair Boutique is an online hair & beauty concierge curated especially for women of colour. Book an appointment online & our talented professionals will deliver it to your door, wherever you are!

Swanky Divas of Colour exclusive offers •

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Every at home service booked at the conference will receive an exclusive 10% off use code


B) If you are a hair / beauty professional, apply to join our exclusive team of beauty professionals and receive a goody bag loaded with beauty products.

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Charley Jai

Liz Ellen

Tomi Badejoko

Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill

Caroline Odogwu

Deborah Jay Kelly

Lesley Owusu

Leadership Diva

Diva Artiste

Rising Diva

Women of Honour Recognition Dionne Gravesande Olutayo Arikawe Recipients

Yolanda Brown

Georgia Fihosy

Nyarai Bassy

Victoria Akuagwu

Hon Cecilia Ogwal Olutayo Arikawe.

Joy Zenz

Natasha Odita

Sandra Dodds

KM Johnson Davis

Adaeze Etoniru

Chanise Thompson.

Entrepreneur Diva

Diva Makeup Artist

Morenike Ajayi

Emma McRae

Omoyemi Akerele

Trish Rawlins

Categories Based on entry and voting on day

Jo Nganda

Amrit Kaur

Victoria Smart London

Rita Soni

International Diva

Outstanding Diva

Thandie Newton

Debra J Kelly

Kanya King MBE

Nkiru Ojimadu

Jo Nganda

Zoe Bennett

Yemi Alade

Sally Penni

Diva Presenter

Sports Diva

Leah Charles-King

Nicola Adams MBE

Baroness Floella Benjamin. Baroness Rosalind Howells

Young Achiever Recognition Recipient.

Zuriel Oduwole

Category Nominees Diva Influencer Yasmin Ali Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE Toyin Moore Gina Miller Inspirational Diva Nimco Ali

Diva Model All models on catwalk. Winner to be decided by audience by voting on event day.

Diva Brand : All exhibiting brands - Winner decided by vote

Diva Designer : - All

showcasing designers. Winner decided by vote on



Lifetime Achiever Recognition Dr. Shruti Kapoor Recipients. Dionne Wright


Divas of Colour 2017 Co-Host, Damilola Banjo 'DamiB' as she is popularly known, is a dynamic young woman with a lot going for her. A TV presenter, a promising actress and a qualified teacher, Dami certainly has a huge drive that belies her cuteness. Dami has been an entertainment presenter on the award winning show; "The Buzz Tv Show" for a few years now and is known for her charismatic delivery and charming personality. Her knack for putting her guests at ease as an interviewer is unparalleled, and her ever youthful exuberance, she puts down to spending most of her adult life knuckling down with the youths in the school where she teaches. As a budding actress, Dami has starred in a few movies which are due to be released sometime this year, including; "4P.M", "In a strange Land" and "No time" and she continues working really hard towards achieving more. Her tenacity and hard work is definitely paying off, as Dami and her Buzz crew have won a few awards as Best Tv Show, for being the best London based African-content-fuelled program on air. Dami says Teaching and Tv Presenting both give her the opportunity to do what she loves doing best but without getting into too much trouble; talking!! This March, come meet Dami and see her in action doing some talking for a good cause, at the Divas Of Colour conference, trade and fashion show event, where we are sure her sweet and seriously fun personality, will leave you wanting more. 30

Catherine Wines,

Executive Director and co-founder at WorldRemit

WorldRemit very proudly supports Divas of Colour International – the largest gathering of the world’s most powerful women of diverse background and ethnicity from around the globe in celebration of their contributions and achievements.


September 2016 we enabled over half a million transfers per month for the first time, up from 330,000 transfers in January 2016. The driving force behind our explosive growth are our users, including the women of the diaspora supporting their families through our mobile app and website and it is with them that we today wish to celebrate, recognise, unite, discover and empower similar success stories”. 31

Our Childcare At Alpha Childcare we offer high quality, affordable, childcare and education for all children from 3

months to 11 years. We have nurseries, preschool and out of school clubs in Eltham, Greenwich and Hackney.

Phone: 020 8469 1888

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