One Planet One Middlesbrough Report 2012

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One Planet One Middlesbrough

Community Update Report 2010/11

One Planet Living in Middlesbrough One Planet Living® is a global initiative based on 10 principles, which define what sustainability means in practice. The model was developed by international charities BioRegional and WWF. The One Planet Living concept is based on acknowledging that the area of productive land and sea on planet Earth is limited, and that the human population is placing increasing demands on this finite resource which cannot be sustained. At present, Middlesbrough residents, in common with the whole UK population, are using resources as though society had three planets to support it. In simple terms, a fair share of the world’s resources is about 1.7 hectares per person per year, often called the ecological footprint, but in Middlesbrough we live lifestyles needing 5.1 hectares per person per year; hence the three planet lifestyle. For the long-term maintenance of reasonable living conditions, our demands must be reduced to one planet, but the challenge is to do this by improving environmental conditions and local well-being in an affordable way. As stocks of resources such as fossil fuels, minerals, timber and water continue to be depleted, these will become more expensive. In times of financial constraint it is essential to ensure we use resources as efficiently and effectively as possible. Applying the One Planet Living principles is a very practical way of helping to provide the best possible services to the Middlesbrough community within tightening budgets, demonstrating the link between saving the planet’s resources and prudent economic management. It also defines the complex issues of sustainability in a framework that is easy to understand, helping communities to prioritise the actions needed to make Middlesbrough more sustainable. MEC worked with Middlesbrough Council to support the development of its One Planet Living Action Plan, which was endorsed by BioRegional in October 2011. This made Middlesbrough only the second local authority in the UK to receive this accolade. The action plan details the steps Middlesbrough Council and MEC will take in the short, medium and long term to reduce resource use to the level the planet can sustain. MEC is now leading on the development of a Community Framework that will complement the Council’s One Planet Living Action Plan and provide opportunities for all Middlesbrough Residents to adopt a One Planet Living lifestyle. The report includes many examples of good practice that are contributing to the delivery of One Planet Living in Middlesbrough, making the town a better place to live in, work in and visit.

the principles... The ten principles of One Planet Living are a framework to help us enjoy a high quality of life within a fair share of the earth's resources:

1. zero carbon Making buildings more energy efficient and delivering all energy with renewable technologies.

2. zero waste Reducing waste arisings, reusing where possible, and ultimately sending zero waste to landfill.

3. sustainable transport Encouraging low carbon modes of transport to reduce emissions and reducing the need to travel.

4. sustainable materials Using sustainable products that have a low embodied energy and, wherever possible, are sourced locally.

5. local and sustainable food Choosing low impact, local, seasonal and organic diets and reducing food waste.

6. sustainable water Using water more efficiently in buildings and in the products we buy; tackling local flooding and water course pollution.

7. land use and wildlife Protecting and expanding old habitats and creating new space for wildlife.

8. culture and community Reviving local identity and wisdom; support for, and participation in, the arts.

9. equity and local economy Inclusive, empowering workplaces with equitable pay; support for local communities and fair trade.

10. health and happiness Encouraging active, sociable, meaningful lives to promote good health and well-being.

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middlesbrough environment city & one planet living introduction to Middlesbrough Environment City Middlesbrough is one of only four Environment Cities in the UK that started under a national initiative co-ordinated by the Royal Society for Nature Conservation, the others being Leicester, Leeds and Peterborough. All Environment Cities share the common aim of demonstrating ways of managing cities and large towns in an environmentally friendly manner, meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Middlesbrough Environment City (MEC) aims to improve the quality of local residents lives by improving the local environment through community enablement. MEC pursues the challenge of environmental sustainability by adopting a partnership approach. Local residents, community groups, businesses, voluntary organisations and educational establishments, together with Middlesbrough Council, are all partners of MEC. MEC was established in 1992. It became a company limited by guarantee in 1997 and a charitable trust in 1998. The objectives of the charity are to: Advance the education of the public and promote public involvement in all matters concerning environmental sustainability; Preserve, protect and enhance the environment within Middlesbrough. These objectives are achieved through five strands of activity, all of which involve working with partner agencies and local communities: Tackling Climate Change and Reducing the Use of Resources; Promoting Health Through the Environment; Sustainable Transport; Physical Environmental Improvements; Education and Awareness-Raising.

Address: 1 North Road, Middlesbrough, TS2 1DE. Main web site: Middlesbrough Cycle Centre:

foreword It gives me great pleasure as Chair of Middlesbrough Environment City to introduce the second “One Planet Community Report” highlighting the benefits of using the ten principles of One Planet Living in Middlesbrough. This report shows the excellent partnership between Middlesbrough Council, public, private and third sector organisations, local communities and residents to create a more sustainable town. This year’s report showcases the diverse work undertaken through the “Healthy Towns” programme. This has created an ongoing legacy, with thousands more residents cycling, a brand new cycle circuit at Prissick, natural play areas across the town for children to enjoy and improved allotment sites, to mention a few of the many projects. The report also shows how renewable energy is being used in many different ways on Easterside estate and how it is bringing behavioural change within the community. Through the Healthy Towns programme, Low Carbon Communities Challenge Fund and One Planet Living, local residents have changed their lifestyles to be more healthy and sustainable. I hope this report will inspire you to “do your bit” and join in the One Planet Living commitment.


Councillor Ron Lowes


Chair, Middlesbrough Environment City


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principle one

Zero Carbon Making buildings more energy efficient and delivering all energy with renewable technologies.

Eco-Easterside Middlesbrough Council, working in partnership with Middlesbrough Environment City and Easterside Partnership, implemented a successful £390,000 project through the Department of Energy and Climate Change Low Carbon Communities Challenge Fund. The initiative, Eco-Easterside, installed a range of community and domestic renewable energy measures on the Easterside estate, supported by behavioural change activities. Through the project, 20 domestic properties had demonstration retrofit renewables installed, including solar PV, solar hot water and air to air heat pumps. Two wind turbines were installed, one in the grounds of each of the two primary schools on the estate. In addition to generating electricity for the schools, they are also a valuable educational tool. Two other community buildings also benefitted from renewable measures, including solar PV on the Resource Centre and an air to air heat pump in the Cyber Café. The project saw the creation of the UK’s first community electric car club with Easterside Partnership and Commonwheels. Behavioural change activity to support the capital works included training twenty local people as

energy champions, working with three schools on the EcoSchools Programme and creating two community allotment sites to encourage more residents to grow their own food. Safe cycling training and cycle maintenance activities were also undertaken on the estate, linked to the delivery of the

Community Environment Conference 2011

Healthy Town Incentivised Bike Scheme, which provided subsidised cycles to pupils. The Eco-Easterside project is now being evaluated as part of a national research project by Oxford Brookes University and the University of Oxford. Mark Fishpool (MEC)

Middlesbrough Environment City held another successful Community Environment Conference in March 2010, with support from Middlesbrough Council and many partner organisations. In total, over 2000 people were involved in three days of activities targeted at schools and the general public. A green market was held in Captain Cook Square, with a range of market stalls available promoting environmental issues, including composting and recycling, healthy living and Fairtrade. The two days of activities for local schools were attended by over 400 pupils who were able to take part in a variety of interactive environment-themed sessions. This year, the Schools Days were again held at Macmillan Academy and students from the Academy helped to run the workshop sessions. Louise Willans (MEC)

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principle one

Zero Carbon Making buildings more energy efficient and delivering all energy with renewable technologies.

Fabrick Housing’s Sustainability Strategy Fabrick Housing’s Sustainability Strategy has been formally approved; the first sustainable strategy and action plan for the Fabrick Housing Group. Many people have helped shape the strategy and action plan and have developed a five year approach that will see significant progress against the green agenda including super efficient homes, creating greener and cleaner places to live, and using local goods and services. Fabrick has been shortlisted for two national Sustainable Housing awards. The awards are organised by Inside Housing and celebrate those projects and organisations that are at the vanguard of housing sustainability best practice. Fabrick has been shortlisted in: • Social Housing Provider of the Year Award • Corporate Sustainability Award. Presentations have been given to residents of sheltered schemes on how they can be more energy efficient and reduce their fuel bills. This programme will be rolled out to all sheltered schemes in the near future. A tendering process has begun to secure an external contractor to fit 1000 properties from across Tees Valley and Erimus properties with PV panels. These panels will offer savings to our residents of approximately £150 a year based on today’s electricity prices. Sam Grainger (Fabrick)

Dragons Den MEC worked with Middlesbrough Partnership to run a Youth One Planet Living project involving five of Middlesbrough’s secondary schools. The schools were challenged with designing projects to reduce energy and water consumption in their premises. The secondary schools of Middlesbrough faced a formidable Den of Dragons including Ian Parker, Chief Executive of Middlesbrough Council; Cllr Dave Budd, Deputy Mayor; Lisa Holt from We Do Marketing; and Dr Mark Fishpool, Director of MEC. After weeks of research analysing their schools’ use of gas, electricity and water four year 9 students from each school presented their ideas on how their school buildings could save these vital resources in the short, medium and long term. Over lunch the Dragons deliberated, and for some time disagreed, over which they considered the best business case. After much debate it was announced that Kings Academy were the overall winners. The winners went to visit Bedzed, a low carbon community in London and the Skip Garden at Kings Cross as their prize. This event had a direct input into the OPL Action Plan by getting school buildings to reduce their consumption of electricity, gas and water. Louise Willans (MEC)

School Days Four hundred children from ten primary schools enjoyed the Schools Day experience. The schools invited to take part were those who were not already engaged in the Eco Schools project. The children enjoyed workshops delivered by the Fire Brigade, Street Wardens, RSPB, Boro Becks, Middlesbrough Council and MEC staff. They were enthusiastically assisted by Year 9 students from Macmillan Academy who once again hosted the event. This is Rosewood School pupils learning all about flood defences. Louise Willans (MEC)

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principle two

Zero Waste Reducing waste arisings, reusing where possible, and ultimately sending zero waste to landfill.

Waste Disposal and Recycling Office Recycling Middlesbrough Council’s Waste Policy and Education Team, in partnership with Ayresome Industries, have overseen the provision, and promoted the use of, office recycling facilities in Council buildings across the town. This involves collection of plastics, cans, paper and cardboard waste for recycling.

Community Recycling The Team has also worked with community groups to extend provision of kerbside recycling in the town. This has included providing recycling containers to Stoneham Sheltered Housing for residents with mental health issues based in Sanctuary CarrGomm Sheltered Housing.

Home Recycling Recycling participation monitoring and doorstepping exercises have taken place. The Team has been working with partner agencies, including Biffa Waste Services Ltd, to promote and increase the uptake of recycling services in targeted areas of Middlesbrough. This has included recycling participation monitoring in East Middlesbrough, follow-up doorstepping exercises to liaise with residents, and repeat monitoring to assess changes in participation. Areas covered to date are Brambles Farm, Thorntree and Netherfields. The Team has also assisted Biffa Waste Services Ltd to monitor and address contamination of kerbside recycling by giving advice and guidance to residents as necessary.

Schools and EcoSchools The Waste Policy and Education Team has liaised with schools and Biffa Waste Services Ltd to provide recycling information and services free to Middlesbrough schools as part of the kerbside recycling service and as an alternative to schools paying for commercial recycling services.

The team visited Beverley School to deliver a staff briefing on the recycling service already available and to encourage greater use of facilities across the school. The Team is introducing a pilot for the collection and recycling of domestic batteries and small electrical items from ten schools across Middlesbrough as part of a region-wide project.

Schools Grounds The team has facilitated workshops and sustainable development of school grounds as spaces with environmental value, as well as play areas and outdoor learning areas. Schools benefiting from this ongoing work include: St Thomas More Primary, Lingfield Primary, Breckon Hill Primary, Priory Woods School, St Edward’s Primary and Beverley School.

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principle two

Zero Waste Reducing waste arisings, reusing where possible, and ultimately sending zero waste to landfill.

Roadshows and Events

Advice, Visits and Talks

The Team has supported various events in the town including:

The Team has given advice and delivered talks and workshops to schools and community groups, promoting sustainable living, composting and the recycling message in Middlesbrough. This has included visits to Metz Bridge Travellers' Site to liaise on installation and use of recycling facilities, working with the Neighbourhood Team to install communal alley recycling points in Gresham and home composting workshops for residents in Middlesbrough town centre, Hemlington and Thorntree.

Cleveland Show, Middlesbrough Mela, Ayresome Gala, Linthorpe Festival, Brambles Farm Fun Day, Town Meal, Park End Fun Day and Fabrick One Planet Living events.Three recycling roadshows were organised to promote waste minimisation and recycling awareness during Recycling Week. The Team has also promoted the Christmas waste minimisation message and the recycling service in the build up to Christmas with roadshows at various venues around the town.

The team has also assisted the Community Protection Service to deliver a community litter-pick event in the town to promote citizenship, civic pride and waste and recycling awareness. Other workshops and activities delivered included: Middlesbrough Deaf Centre – Recycling/Middlesbrough Waste Race Game Albert Terrace Supported Housing – Home Composting Unite Mediation Service – Home Composting Welton House Residents Garden Club – Home Composting Newham Grange Community Allotment Group – Home Composting.

Rolando Marcone (MBC)

Fabrick Housing New photocopiers are being rolled out across the organisation. The technology they provide will help reduce paper usage and waste. We are also working towards the reduction in office consumables and developing a food waste strategy. Fabrick encourage and support residents to maximise recycling and is investigating furniture recycling.

Sam Grainger (Fabrick)

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principle three

Sustainable Transport Encouraging low carbon modes of transport to reduce emissions, reducing the need to travel.

Safe and Active Travel Incentivised Bike Scheme The Incentivised Bike Scheme supported by the Healthy Town Programme provided subsidised cycles and cycling equipment to enable residents to cycle to work. In total over the Healthy Towns project, almost 2,000 bikes, safety packages and Bikeability sessions were delivered to employees at various Middlesbrough work places and schools to encourage people to cycle. The scheme has been successful and cycle counts around the borough have increased by over 50% over the course of the Healthy Towns project.

Pedestrian and Cycle Training Middlesbrough Road Safety Team and Middlesbrough Cycle Centre have been delivering pedestrian safety and Bikeability sessions to children at Middlesbrough primary schools. The training is aimed at keeping children safe whilst they travel actively to school and for their future.

Sustainable Transport Staff Tickets and Cycle to Work Scheme A scheme has been set up to make bus and train travel to work more affordable and accessible for Middlesbrough Council employees by providing interest free loans for annual passes on Arriva, Stagecoach and Northern Rail services, paid back through monthly salary deductions. Middlesbrough Council continues to offer the government supported Cycle to Work Scheme, which allows participants to access a bike at a subsidised rate, paid back over a period of 12 months through salary deductions. Participants can typically save around 30% of the cost of their cycle and equipment, up to the value of ÂŁ1,000.

Increasing the Cycle Network Longlands Road Phase 2 As part of the Local Transport Plan, Middlesbrough Council has funded the newly installed cycle paths along Longlands Road, between Ormesby Road and Cargo Fleet Lane, on both sides of the road. The scheme links in to the existing cycle network

to the west, and provides a stepping stone to continue the provision to link in with the facilities at Skippers Lane Industrial Estate, within Redcar and Cleveland.

Bike Bus We are currently setting up a bike bus to encourage people to cycle to work. This encourages people to cycle as part of a group, making this more enjoyable for participants. It is set to commence from the Southern Cross in Marton, and end at Middlesbrough Cycle Centre, picking up and dropping people off along the way. The proposed route takes in several large workplaces including James Cook University hospital, Teesside University and the various employers in the town centre.

Independent Travel Training Feasibility Stage

project run by the Team recently. We engage volunteers and council employees to help deliver training to enable people to travel independently, safely and sustainably. The training is provided at Priory Woods School, or in the street environment depending on the capability of the client.

Sky Ride

The Independent Travel Training project is based around improving the independence of Special Educational Needs students, who currently receive transport to school provided by Middlesbrough Council. The proposals are to work directly with suitable candidates and train them to use either public transport or to walk or cycle, reducing the personalised taxi service currently offered. This is in the feasibility stage at present.

Middlesbrough hosted Sky Ride for the second year, based at Middlesbrough Cycle Circuit. The event attracted 3,800 participants, who were able to ride a 7km marshaled circular route, along with viewing Team Extreme BMX performances, watching a track racing series, trying out different bikes and having their cycle checked over by Dr Bike, provided by Middlesbrough Cycle Centre. The day was focused around getting people to enjoy riding a bike and getting back in to the saddle.

ITT is for all ages, and the feasibility study is building on the successful 'bus buddies'

Craig Cowley (Safe & Active Travel, Middlesbrough Council)

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principle three

Sustainable Transport Encouraging low carbon modes of transport to reduce emissions, reducing the need to travel.

Middlesbrough Cycle Centre Middlesbrough Environment City has a long history of involvement in cycling activities in the town, particularly through running the Middlesbrough Cycle Centre since 2002. The Cycle Centre continued to thrive in Middlesbrough Bus Station, with daily usage regularly exceeding 50 per day. The Cycle Centre provides cycle training during the year, funded by the Working Neighbourhoods Fund and Healthy Town Programme. Training consisted of both safe cycling and basic cycle maintenance training with the aim of helping participants to become more confident to cycle to work, school or to take part in recreational activities. Over the year, these projects engaged with approximately 500 people through a combination of workshops, guided rides and cycle surgery events. In total, over 200 learners received training in cycle maintenance and safe cycling. This included sessions held at the Middlesbrough Cycle Centre and out in the wider community. The Middlesbrough Cycle Centre also worked in close partnership with Middlesbrough Council on the implementation of the Incentivised Bike

Scheme that provided highly subsidised cycles to school children and employees of local workplaces. Bikeability training was provided to those receiving a cycle and a Cycle Mechanic was also employed to provide help and support to new cyclists in keeping their bikes roadworthy. Particularly successful were Dr Bike sessions held in partnership with James Cook University Hospital, who have undertaken an extensive campaign to increase cycling amongst employees.

Middlesbrough Cycle Circuit at Prissick. The facility will be a flagship for cycling in Middlesbrough, supporting both competitive events and community cycling, and will work closely with the Middlesbrough Cycle Centre. During Fairtrade Fortnight the Cycle Centre provided all cyclists using the centre a Fairtrade breakfast consisting of fruit, drinks and cereal bars. This event was launched in the Cycle Centre by Sir Stuart Bell MP, Tom Blenkinsop MP and Cllr Julia Rostron.

The Cycle Centre also supported the Middlesbrough Sky Ride and the development of the new innovative

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Michael O’ Reilly (Middlesbrough Cycle Centre)

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principle four

Sustainable Materials Using sustainable products that have a low embodied energy and, wherever possible, are sourced locally.

Natural Play This project saw the installation of the first designed natural play area in Middlesbrough. This project was part of Middlesbrough’s Healthy Towns Programme to create new, stimulating and exciting natural play areas; encouraging local children to utilise these areas for healthy play and exercise. The project aim was to provide environments conducive to play activities, re-connecting families and children with the natural environment for recreation, fun and physical exercise. The Groundwork project was delivered in partnership with Middlesbrough Environment City. Groundwork and MEC consulted, developed and installed one large and six smaller natural play facilities within established open spaces across Middlesbrough. The large natural play was installed in Hemlington, with the smaller areas within grounds of community centres,

The Natural Play Area is a fantastic addition to the site at Hemlington. The possibilities are endless and are only limited by a child’s imagination. Encouraging children to play outdoors helps keep them fit, active, reduces obesity and, most importantly, enables them to have loads of fun. The Natural Play Area is also a safe environment giving parents and carers peace of mind. Cllr Brenda Thompson

children’s centres and schools. Children, staff and families were consulted to find out what they enjoyed most when playing, to develop ideas about what the natural play areas needed to include. Groundwork’s landscape architects took this information to develop the large natural play area in Hemlington. Groundwork’s Green Team designed and constructed the small natural play areas. The result of this project is that seven natural play areas have been created, all different and tailored to the ideas and needs of the children who will use them. They include: willow tunnels and domes; mini-beast gardens; trees and logs to climb on; and muddy puddles to play in.

Hemlington Lake Recreation Ground and Albert Park both have natural play areas as a result of this project, do four primary schools and one children’s centre. 75% of the responses from local people have stated that they thought the natural play areas have had a positive impact on the local community. The success of the large project in Hemlington is due to on site management who were keen and enthusiastic to promote challenging play, and they actively monitor the site on a daily basis. Judith Underwood (Groundwork North East) Brian Simpson (MEC)

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principle five

Local and Sustainable Food Choosing low impact, local, seasonal and organic diets and reducing food waste.

Community Growing

supplied to the teams located at each site to care for these trees for years to come. When asked to describe this project in three words, one grower said Community Growing was “Inclusive, healthy & enjoyable.”

This urban farming project allowed people in Middlesbrough to try growing fruit and vegetables with help and support from Groundwork.

Some of the results were:

Everything was provided for them, including a suitable place to grow, such as raised beds and half barrels, along with seeds, tools and plants. Tips and advice were available throughout the project. In addition, three community orchards were created in parks around Middlesbrough. A number of events were also attended allowing people to plant and grow vegetable and herb hanging baskets and pots. Our Middlesbrough Team were all involved in elements of this project, from the Green Team creating the growing spaces and distributing the tools and plants to the Project Officers who organised events, training, consultation and creation of the orchards and provided advice to growers. Over 1400 people of all ages were actively involved in Community Growing throughout the two year project. The produce grown and donated by the various groups helped to feed people attending the Town Meal in 2010, coordinated by Middlesbrough Environment City. Various schools, community cafes, nursing homes

• 85% of growers think Community Growing has contributed to eating more healthily. • Community Growing has increased 95% of the growers’ desire to grow vegetables, the same proportion of growers will continue to grow vegetables. • 100% of growers would recommend growing vegetables to other people.

and residents enjoyed the vegetables grown through this project. Three orchard sites have been created and key members of the community and site staff for each orchard have been trained in basic fruit tree maintenance. Leaflets were produced to promote the orchard sites and tools

• 672 fruit trees and 417 fruit bushes were planted between the three orchard sites created in Albert Park, Newham Grange Country Farm and Hemlington Recreation Ground.

Judith Underwood (Groundwork North East)

“We are now growing with people who have been bitten by the growing bug and want to do more, it is infectious. It has also improved people’s mental health as they now have a sense of purpose in their daily life.” Community Grower

Bee Friend Bee Friend aims to promote beekeeping and protect Middlesbrough’s urban bee population through the delivery of training and installation of community apiaries. Working in partnership with Middlesbrough Council and the Cleveland Beekeepers’ Association, 38 resident gardeners and allotment holders have received training in basic beekeeping skills in 2011, with a further 42 scheduled to complete in early 2012. Four community apiaries have been established at Town Farm, Whitehouse and Saltersgill Community Allotments and at Stewart Park. The first Bee Friend honey was extracted at the end of the summer. Bee Friend is supported by a Big Lottery Fund Local Food Programme grant with further funding obtained through the Healthy Town Programme. Catherine Boyle (MEC)

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principle five

Local and Sustainable Food Choosing low impact, local, seasonal and organic diets and reducing food waste.

Grown in Middlesbrough Grown in Middlesbrough is an innovative three year project aiming to provide financial and environmental sustainability to community gardening groups in the town. Using disused areas of community open space, Grown in Middlesbrough works with teams of volunteers to develop growing areas for commercial food production. The vegetables grown are sold to local people and small community centres using a box scheme, providing fresh, seasonal and sustainable ingredients for healthy family cooking at affordable prices. To date, Grown in Middlesbrough operates at eight sites across the town and supports ten community groups in developing productive growing spaces. There are currently 14 customers buying produce, collecting orders from a central distribution centre. Plans include the development of further sites, provision of accredited training opportunities for participant gardeners and an expansion of the range of produce available for purchase. Grown in Middlesbrough is funded by grants from the Ashden Trust and the Big Lottery Fund Local Food Programme. Catherine Boyle (MEC)

Middlesbrough Town Meal

schools, community groups, allotments and private individuals who had grown it especially to donate to the Town Meal. An artisan market was also held.

The fourth Middlesbrough Town Meal took place in September 2010 and for the first time was held in the Town Hall Main Hall, Crypt and Quadrangle.

In the Main Hall the Healthy Towns projects had their stalls and the hotly contested WI vegetable, jam making and baking competitions were held.

Members of the public enjoyed healthy, tasty recipes cooked on the day by visiting chefs from Middlesbrough College, Let's Get Cooking and many multi cultural groups from around the town.

On the stage a programme of local entertainers strutted their stuff singing and dancing the afternoon through.

In the Crypt, the Homemade Soup Van served 2500 portions of vegetarian food made from ingredients collected from

The fourth Middlesbrough Town Meal was a runner up in the Radio 4 Food and Farming Awards, a competition entered by 2000 projects annually. Louise Willans (MEC)

Food Sustainability Action Plan

The Action Plan is divided into four themes with a lead officer for each theme. The themes are -:

Sustainable food has become an important local, national and international concern as the human population continues to increase and global food shortages become an increasing challenge. The broader challenges facing society and the food industry are around how food production and supply impacts on and is influenced by climate change, public health, food commodity shortfalls, ethical production methods, fossil fuel shortages and rising energy costs. The prediction is that food will become more expensive and food poverty could increase unless local and national communities plan for the expected changes ahead.

• Promoting the local supply of food which will involve continuing to increase the number of residents growing local produce and encouraging catering outlets to procure locally.

Throughout 2010/11, Middlesbrough Environment City undertook extensive community consultation with support from Middlesbrough Council and the Local Strategic Partnership to develop a Food Sustainability Action Plan for Middlesbrough.

• Encouraging healthy eating by effectively engaging residents and retailers to consider cooking skills, nutritional values, and making healthy choices • Delivering fairly traded and ethically supplied food which links closely with Middlesbrough’s Fairtrade work programme. • Tackling food waste by focusing on waste materials arising from the production, distribution and consumption of food All the themes support the One Planet Living Action Plan adopted by the Council including the principles of Zero Waste, Health and Happiness, Zero Carbon and Local and Sustainable Food. Mark Fishpool (MEC)

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principle six

Sustainable Water Using water more efficiently in buildings and in the products we buy; tackling local flooding and water course pollution.

Rainwater Harvesting 2011 saw the installation of Middlesbrough’s first allotment rainwater harvesting system. Installed by local tradespeople at the Easterside Community Allotment, and with the donation of garage roof space by Erimus, two 1600 litre water tanks were sunk beneath the ground to collect surplus rainwater. A decked platform was built for easy access and to protect the tanks from overground vehicles. A pump was fitted to draw the water upwards where it could be used for watering food crops during the drier months. The site does not have a mains water supply and yet has a high requirement during summer and this largely experimental system has proved a successful solution to tackling the effects of climate change in a sustainable way. It also makes watering a lot more fun, particularly for the younger users of the site! Catherine Boyle (MEC)

Berwick Hills Flood Defence Work finished in September on phase one of a project to reduce the risk of flooding from Ormesby Beck in Middlesbrough. A team from the Environment Agency has created a new 500 metre section of the beck which includes extra space to store water in times of flood. Within this new section there is a small channel to carry the normal flow of the beck.

Team and local businesses in this planting later in the year. Parts of the existing beck channel will be left as habitat for water voles. In addition, the existing flood relief channel has been improved so that it can cope with more water during a flood. Moving the beck away from homes on Kentmere Road, and increasing the capacity of the channel will mean that residents in Berwick Hills have a reduced risk of flooding in the future.

The project, which is a joint effort with Middlesbrough Council, has cost around £280,000. It has been funded by the Local Levy, a precept on Council Tax which is used to fund projects which would not be eligible for national funding.

Environment Agency

The second phase of this project will see the joining of the new section of the realigned beck to the rest of the channel to allow water to flow through it. This can’t be done just yet; vegetation in the new channel needs to grow so that it can hold the soil in place. In the meantime we are planning to do some tree and shrub planting around the beck to improve the landscape. The hope is to involve the local schools and community along with the Boro Becks

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principle seven

Land Use and Wildlife Protecting and expanding old habitats and creating new space for wildlife.

Fairy Dell New footpaths at Fairy Dell allow better access to more areas of the site throughout the year, resulting in groups that have previously not been able to visit some areas of the site being able do so and enjoy all the health benefits this brings. The Friends of Fairy Dell wanted to improve access around Fairy Dell and Gunnergate Lake. This woodland area is a hidden gem tucked in the southern end of Middlesbrough. Throughout the winter parts of the Dell became difficult to explore due to a limited footpath networks through it. The Friends approached Groundwork to support them to improve the area. Community Spaces funding was secured allowing the installation of additional footpaths, artwork and planting. This project was driven forward by the Friends Group, with Groundwork’s support. A landscape contractor was appointed for step and footpath improvements. New signposts were bought and installed by the Friends Group and Middlesbrough Council, making it clearer for visitors to the nearby Fairy Dell Park to see entrances into Fairy Dell itself. A local chainsaw sculptor was appointed to create artwork in keeping with the woodland setting—installing new seats along the new footpath. The final element to this project saw local children and

members of the Friends Group planting wildflowers along the new sections of the footpath. The publicity that the site has had as a consequence of the project has allowed the group to attract more users to the site to enjoy its attractions. The group of Friends

that go out on a weekly basis to work on the site have noticed a greater variety and number of users of the site and regularly get positive feedback on the improvements made. Judith Underwood (Groundwork North East)

Macmillan Academy help Butterflies Year 9 pupils from Macmillan Academy have being helping Tees Valley Wildlife Trust with their management of Maze Park for the Grayling butterfly. As part of their Baccalaureate, over 100 pupils spent time doing a series of tasks. These included collecting over 60 bin bags of litter and rubbish, redefining over 100 metres of paths and removing old tree guards from growing trees. Pupils also spent time removing plant growth from the slag areas provided for the Grayling butterflies to bask in the sun. The butterfly is in decline in some areas but Maze Park is a stronghold for the species. The work that the pupils have done has been appreciated not only by the Wildlife Trust but also by member of the public who have commented directly to the pupil work force. This is an excellent example of a local school working with the Trust to look after its local nature reserves. Steve Ashton (Tees Valley Wildlife Trust)

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principle seven

Land Use and Wildlife Protecting and expanding old habitats and creating new space for wildlife.

Green TV Tees Valley Arts (TVA) is a not-for-profit organisation managing creative projects of various sizes, using varied artforms and working with different sectors across the Tees Valley. TVA is currently managing Green TV, a three year programme of enjoyable hands-on environmental learning through the arts, in schools and on wildlife sites across the Tees Valley. The project is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, managed by TVA and working in partnership with a number of organisations, including Tees Valley Wildlife Trust, RSPB Saltholme and Teesmouth Field Centre. The project is delivered by artists working alongside wildlife partners and teachers to help pupils, their families and communities learn about the rich and diverse wildlife that can be found there. The natural heritage sites used for the project all show the

unique way Teesside wildlife and industry, past and present, interact and affect each other. This major programme of activity has involved twenty educational and ten community residencies, and regular Continuous Professional Development sessions for the artist, teachers and wildlife personnel involved. A final celebratory conference is planned for mid June 2012. Four Middlesbrough schools (Abingdon, Sacred Heart and Easterside primaries and Macmillan Academy) took part in Green TV, which involved two visits to local nature reserves, Maze Park and Portrack Marsh, and a series of arts based workshops to creatively explore what can be found there. Their creative responses to the wildlife and sites has helped influence two nature inspired public artworks, sited on the reserves.

‘At Portrack Marsh I enjoyed looking at insects and animals like birds and caterpillars, getting them in containers and looking through a microscope at them closely’ pupil, Y9, Macmillan Academy ‘The children enjoyed Green TV because it allowed for multiple intelligences to come into play. It was scientific, hands-on, geographic, artistic and historic. The participants had compelling learning experiences every day of the week.’ Teacher, Macmillan Academy “I would like to go back to Portrack Marsh again because its fun and because of the nature, I love it” pupil, Y3, Sacred Heart Primary, Middlesbrough “I have learnt that bugs don’t hurt you and you can’t step on them.” – pupil, Y3, Sacred Heart Primary, Middlesbrough Joe Dunne (Tees Valley Arts)

Boro Becks Project 2011 Middlesbrough’s becks have been the focus of a lot of community activity over the last twelve months. Becks Ranger Barry Jobson has been leading regular twice weekly practical days for local volunteers covering a range of tasks from invasive plant control and litter picking to the large scale restoration of the flower meadows along the beck valleys. The meadow restoration project took place over several weeks in the autumn when the Boro Becks volunteer team was joined by staff from Groundwork North East and Northumbrian Water, the latter as part of their employee volunteering scheme. The Ormesby Beck realignment site along the back of Kentmere Road has been the focus of lots of work to give nature a helping hand to green up the new channel and improve its value as a wildlife habitat. Groups and organisations came together in the autumn to help sow wildlflower seeds, plant reeds and rushes and prepare for a spring spectacular of bulbs in a flurry of activity. The work was carried out by the

Environment Agency, year 6 staff and pupils from Berwick Hills Primary School, Santander employees (through Business in the Community), Middlesbrough Council Area Care staff, Young Friends of Ormesby Beck, Tees Valley Wildlife Trust staff and volunteers and the Boro Becks own volunteer team. The quicker the new channel settles in, the more attractive it will

be for the resident water voles and the sooner the old channel can be filled in.

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Christine Corbett (Boro Becks)

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principle eight

Culture and Community Reviving local identity and wisdom; support for, and participation in, the arts.

Erimus Earls Court Estate Improvements Groundwork and Erimus Housing have worked with residents on a Middlesbrough estate to see their ideas come to life following a major revamp of their estate. Planting, new footpaths and unique metal artwork have been installed on the site of some demolished flats off Earls Court in Hemlington to transform the area. Local residents were asked for their views about what they would like to see and were heavily involved in deciding how the area would be improved. Erimus Housing teamed up with Groundwork North East to give the site a facelift, which was developed over 2010/11 and completed in Summer 2011. Geoff Prior, Group Head of Asset Management for Fabrick, said: “This work is a real example of what can be done with help from local people, including residents, Linx detached youth project, schoolchildren, businesses and artists.” “The completion of the project celebrates the work that has gone in to making such big improvements to the area and we would like to thank everyone for their input into the scheme, which we hope will make a big difference to people in the area and the wider community.”

The improvements have incorporated tree and shrub planting, the installation of metal artwork outlining some local history, a new network of footpaths, a climbing rock and timber features, all aimed at encouraging wildlife and providing a space for local residents to enjoy living near and walking through. The landscaping work has been undertaken by Brambledown Landscape Services and the metal artwork was developed by local Artist Andrew McKeown. Andrew said: “By working with the local schools and young people we have really been able to make links with the

local people and the heritage of the area.”

Stewart Park - Parks for People Heritage Lottery Fund Project

He gave the parkland and hall to Middlesbrough residents and Stewart Park formally opened in 1928. Unfortunately the hall was demolished in1960 after a fire.

In October 2009 Stewart Park was awarded £4.4million to help give the park a 21st Century make over. The park was in the ownership of Middlesbrough iron magnate Henry Bolckow in the nineteenth century. His elegant Marton Hall was the centrepiece of the estate, and was purchased by Councillor Dormand Stewart in the 1920’s.

“The artwork connects the Cleveland Hills, with the iron ore that forged the steel works that Middlesbrough developed out of. The site shows sections of Roseberry Topping, Wainstones and Eston Hills, where the ore was first discovered. The bollards on the site name some of the foundries that were successful in Middlesbrough.” Michele MacCallam, Senior Landscape Architect from Groundwork North East, said “This has been an exciting project for

The beautiful stable block and range of estate workshops built for Bolckow still stand and is the main focus of the project. The project will see the buildings transformed with a new visitor centre, education venue, shop, training workshops, gardens and a public events space. All the works are due to be completed by May 2012. Francine Marshall (Middlesbrough Council)

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principle nine

Equity and Local Economy Inclusive, empowering workplaces with equitable pay; support for local communities and fair trade.

Linking Schools and Communities

Secondary School Project

Primary School Project

The government’s Faiths in Action programme funded Teesside One World Centre (TOWC) to deliver an exciting school linking project involving Linthorpe Community Primary and St Bernadette’s RC Primary from Autumn 2010 to Spring 2011. Year 5 children took part in ‘Who do we think we are?’ and ‘What have you heard?’ activities to explore their own and other’s perceptions about identity, community and different faiths such as Islam and Christianity. In February and March 2011 visits were organised to each other’s school to enable joint activities. Friendships between the pupils were quickly established and all who participated could see the benefits to the children.

Oakfields Community College and Trinity Catholic College worked with Tees Valley One World Centre to develop a local linking project, funded by Middlesbrough Council’s Harmony Initiative from Autumn 2010 to Spring 2011. Students from each school formed an interfaith group and worked with the TOWC Project Officer and the lead teachers to get to know each other, build confidence and gain teambuilding skills through a series of workshops. They toured around different faith centres in Middlesbrough, documenting their learning in a short film.

Fairtrade Teesside University Students’ Union is one of the best in the country, ranked in the top 10 of the What website. The Union has become one of the biggest supporters of Fairtrade in Middlesbrough, particularly linked to its environmental campaign “Green Tees”. Fairtrade refreshments are available in all its catering outlets and in the Students’ Union Shop. The Union was the principal partner in the 2011 Fairtrade Fortnight campaign, promoting Fairtrade through market stalls and on the information screens. The Fortnight was launched in the Union and they also ran two Fairtrade raffles, whereby everybody purchasing a Fairtrade product during the Fortnight received a raffle ticket. A winner was drawn at the end of each week and received a Fairtrade hamper donated by the Cooperative Food in Linthorpe village. Jon Berg (Teesside University Students’ Union)

Schools wanting to develop a local linking project should contact Kath Hull, at at Tees Valley One World Centre. Kath Hull (TOWC)

WNF Employment Sites A new wave of improvements has been completed through the Working Neighborhood’s Fund on Riverside Industrial Estate and across East Middlesbrough. Middlesbrough Council in partnership with Groundwork North East developed a landscape improvement scheme to improve the business parks. A whole raft of improvements took place including new paving, tree and shrub planting, fencing and artwork. It is hoped that the improvements will attract new businesses into the area and complement the new A66 road scheme and other improvements planned for the area by local company AV Dawson. Some of the benefits of the project have been: • Four sites improved benefiting approximately forty businesses. • Improved economic performance of the affected businesses and the employment sites as a whole. • Artwork from local artists included to improve the aesthetics of the area to make it a more appealing place for new and existing companies to work. Judith Underwood (Groundwork North East)

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principle nine

Equity and Local Economy Inclusive, empowering workplaces with equitable pay; support for local communities and fair trade.

Engaging Businesses in One Planet Living The Council is working closely with a number of partners to engage businesses in various aspects of the One Planet Living programme, thereby promoting the local economy. Teesside University’s Clemance Team are receiving referrals from the Council for businesses interested in undertaking environmental initiatives. The Council has also worked closely with Ecco Finishing at Letitia Industrial Estate to investigate the opportunities to install solar panels and identify potential sources of funding. The Business Development Team has been working with staff in Transport and Design Services to promote electric charging points, whilst local business has been trialling an electric vehicle. A manufacturing and engineering support programme has been developed in partnership with Teesside Manufacturing Centre to help businesses identify new markets, particularly in renewables. The Council has also linked up with Tees Valley Unlimited to host an engineering showcase event in January 2012, which will highlight low carbon economy opportunities.

development of a project with Fairshare North East to supply surplus produce from food businesses to organisations supporting homeless people and other vulnerable groups. Middlesbrough Council is working closely with the National Apprenticeship Service

and other organisations to promote apprenticeships locally. Close links have also been developed with Job Centre Plus and other training providers. Debbie Ingoldsby (Middlesbrough Council)

Fairtrade Fortnight Middlesbrough proved once again that it is committed to supporting and promoting Fairtrade. Events were held during Fairtrade Fortnight to show the wide variety of produce available and to highlight the impact that buying Fairtrade has on families in the developing world. Cherie Kemp (MEC)

Joint working with the Homelessness Team at Middlesbrough Council has led to the

Green Market On March 9th 2011, right in the middle of Fairtrade Fortnight, we held the Annual Green Market in Captain Cook Square. Once more the sun shone on the 1500 members of the public who browsed the stalls throughout the day. Shopmobility displayed their scooters and various council departments gave information on recycling and composting, stopping smoking, health and fitness and anti social behavior. The Fairtrade tasters were as popular as ever and the North York Moors National Park Team and Tees Valley Wildlife Trust were encouraging us to get out and enjoy the country side. Louise Willans (MEC)

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principle ten

Health and Happiness Encouraging active, sociable, meaningful lives to promote good health and well-being.

Youth Recreation The objectives of the youth recreation programme funded through the Healthy Towns Programme were as follows: • Work with young people to develop more constructive recreational activities. This could include the innovative use of existing formal facilities as well as more informal outward-bound type activities. • Work with groups of young people in order to identify, design and implement improvements or create new open spaces to provide facilities for young people. • Engage with young people to facilitate healthy recreational activity. Identify groups through existing youth provision and schools, and engage young people not already involved in activities. • Engage young people aged 13-19 in outdoor recreational activities, thus tackling obesity and challenging sedentary lifestyles. • Creating recreational facilities with young people which will attract young people and encourage them to engage in healthy activities. The two year programme tackled these objectives through a variety of projects with young people across Middlesbrough. An example of one of these projects is as described below. Groundwork and Barnardo’s worked in partnership with leaners who initially identified lack of finances as a major barrier that prevented them from participating in healthier lifestyles. The learners from across Middlesbrough particiapted in a project that involved the recycling and full refurbishment of donated bicycles, with the aim of gaining accreditation in OCN level one in Cycle Maintenance. The project, delivered in partnership with the Middlesbrough Cycle Centre, promoted the use of cycles as a

sustainable and financially economical mode of transport to get to and from their work placement or training. The learners secured funding from Sports Relief’s TRY It awards scheme. They designed and developed their own schedule in relation to cycling. Training was provided by Middlesbrough Cycle Centre whereby the learners had the opportunity to particiapte in guided rides in and around Middlesbrough. The main focus was on safety, familiarisation with cycle routes to and from their place of work/training and a down hill experience in and around the cycle tracks in Pinchinthorpe Woods. Barnardo’s Tees Training acquired 10 new mountain bikes from the Middlesbrough Healthy Towns Programme; these will be used as pool bikes which will enable both present and future learners to use a healthier alternative, cost effective mode of transport to get to and from a place of work, training or work placement. Thomas Kelly (Groundwork North East)

Community Environment Awards 2010 Middlesbrough Environment City ran the Middlesbrough Community Environment Awards for the fourth time to recognise the achievement of community organisations and individuals in creating a better environment in the town. Held in the Town Hall, awards were made in ten categories, with over 100 people attending the Awards ceremony. Louise Willans (MEC)

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principle ten

Health and Happiness Encouraging active, sociable, meaningful lives to promote good health and well-being.

Natural Play at Middlesbrough Environment City Middlesbrough Environment City continued to undertake innovative work around natural and outdoor play, through the Healthy Town programme. This supported work to engage families in outdoor play, including the provision of play skills training for parents, and Big Lottery Fund supported work to encourage more people to use Fairy Dell for recreation and play. The programme also included running a trial of the Forest Schools Programme in Middlesbrough, which uses practical skills in outdoor environments to promote learning amongst children. The Natural Play projects addressed parents' concerns about safety of outdoor play by running supervised sessions in natural play spaces to introduce families to these areas and address misconceptions regarding their safety and suitability as play spaces. The projects worked with over 2,200 children in activities held in parks, green spaces, school grounds, children's centres and community outdoor areas. Groups involved in the project included a

mixture of primary school after school clubs and lunch time playgroups. Activities included mini-beast hunts, nature trails, wildlife spotting, making natural art, den building, and lots of other exciting activities to encourage everyone to engage with nature. 112 parents and carers were

trained in outdoor play skills, greatly improving the quality and diversity of their play time with their children. The projects also assisted with the development of seven new natural play areas across the town. Brian Simpson (MEC)

Warmer Homes Middlesbrough Environment City undertook the Warmer Homes project funded by the Joint Investment Programme, managed by NHS Middlesbrough and Middlesbrough Council. The project aimed to address fuel poverty in Middlesbrough through activities including supporting vulnerable people to access home energy efficiency measures and training local residents in giving energy efficiency advice to their neighbours. The project supported the installation of 96 measures, including cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and central heating systems. It also trained 38 people as energy champions, enabling them to give advice on basic energy efficiency to their neighbours and identify residents at risk of cold damp related illness. Denis Reeves (MEC)

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Further Information Boro Becks Christine Corbett

(01642) 515618

Environment Agency (01642) 853410

Fabrick Sam Granger

(01642) 257810

Groundwork North East Judith Underwood Thomas Kelly

(01642) 815663 (01642) 815663

Middlesbrough Council Claire Bell Craig Cowley Debbie Ingoldsby Francine Marshall Gamini Wijesinghe Jeff Duffield Rolando Marcone

(01642) 728731 (01642) 728125 (01642) 729132 (01642) 515581 (01642) 728410 (01642) 728197 (01642) 728517

Middlesbrough Cycle Centre Michael O’Reilly

(01642) 219620

Middlesbrough Environment City Brian Simpson Catherine Boyle Cherie Kemp David Scriven Dennis Reeves Louise Willans Mark Fishpool

(01642) 243183 (01642) 243183 (01642) 243183 (01642) 243183 (01642) 243183 (01642) 243183 (01642) 243183

Tees Valley Arts Joe Dunne

(01642) 264651

Tees Valley One World Centre Kath Hull

(01642) 322216

Tees Valley Wildlife Trust Steve Ashton

(01287) 636382

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One Planet One Middlesbrough

1 North Road, Middlesbrough, TS2 1DE Tel: 01642 243183 Email: Main web site: Middlesbrough Cycle Centre:

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