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Tips to Prepare for IIT JEE 2020 IIT JEE is one of the most difficult and prestigious entrance exams in India. It is the first step towards your dream to become an engineer. Most of the students believe that this test is tough so only the brilliant students in the class have the capability to crack it. The reality is, anyone who is dedicated and focused on the goad can clear this exam and get admission in the IITs. All you need is a good strategy, dedication, and of course, good study material. So let’s break the myths and find out some tips to prepare for IIT JEE to focus more on your goal.

Here are some of the tips to prepare for IIT JEE 2020 : 1. Clear your basics - You cannot build a multistorey building without a strong foundation. Similarly, making the concepts clear for every subject makes the foundation strong for the IIT JEE preparation. No matter how much you study or how many books you take reference from, if your concepts and basics are not clear then clearing this exam would be really difficult for you. 2. Follow a timetable - If you want to achieve something bigger, then work regularly and follow a daily schedule. Having a study schedule to cover all the syllabus before the exam will boost your confidence, help you finish the syllabus on time and you will have plenty of time for revision and to brush up your skills. 3. Focus on all subjects equally - We all have a favorite subject and we do

like to study that subject more as compare to others. Some of you might like Physics or some of you enjoy Mathematics. Most of the students make this mistake by focusing more on a subject that seems interesting to them. If you want to score well in IIT JEE 2020 then focus on all the subjects equally. 4. Stop Procrastination - “I will study from tomorrow”, this is something we all have been doing, more or less. You think that you will study from tomorrow, but that tomorrow never comes. Starting your preparation just before the exam makes you feel anxious and panic at the same time. There are various methods to stop procrastination and focus on the goal. Make a to-do list for a month and a week, ask someone to keep a check on you, reward yourself after a study session. 5. Don’t take unnecessary stress - Setting a goal is good, but nothing is more important than your health and life. Work really hard to achieve your goals but do remember that, it is okay if you do not understand a topic at once and need some more time to grasp it completely, it is okay if you score less marks. Students take these issues so seriously that they risk their health. All you need to do is work hard and give your best, do not worry about the outcome. There is nothing to stress about. 6. Don’t follow multiple books - Students get confused about the books to study from and they end up following multiple books. All the books teaches you the same concept but in different ways which will confuse you. Just choose a study material and read it thoroughly. Are you already following these points? I am sure that you might have been following one or more points, but follow them all to prepare for the entrance exam to catch up and make it to the IITs. Believe in yourself and manage your time, leave procrastination, follow a study schedule and focus on your goal to crack IIT JEE 2020.

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