ALICE IN WONDERLAND, Millennials and Gamificiation

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the UNIC * hoRNS s i n c e 2 0 54

Unic Horns

organising chaos since 2054. because we are the future.

le chef

the cat




this is how we roll: Our agency’s mission is to deliver outstanding and professional services, thanks to our extremely rigorous and direct approach towards any matter that may come forth. From the research stage – handled by our NASA trained space monkeys team – to data retrieving and collection, made easy thank to our extensive network of intergalactic servers continuously updated by a crew of highly qualified galaxy milk-whales, we hope to produce the highest quality of raw data.

some of the terminology might startle you. We handle every file with great caution, and once the finest of such raw material has been accurately selected we proceed to send it to our polishing plants right down at the center of the Earth, where no magnetic field might interfere with our systems. All the raw material is there synthetized into Gold Nuggets. Each nugget is then treated in a -40 years old round golden pot, where further selection is made thanks to our ingredient “Y?”. The resulting nuggets are solidified into ingots, ready to be shipped (by our giant Skywalker Hawks) to our next-gen 4D metabolizer, situated above the clouds – so not to hinder with any kind of Earthly wave. The resulting Creation is ultimately delivered by our personally instructed otterpigeons to the Land of Real.

1903: first film [silent]

1865: Book Written Lewis Carroll

1949: first stop motion

1931: first talkie [adaption]

1951: walt disney Cartoon 1966: hanna barbera cartoon

2010: tim burton [cgi] 2016: !

background history Written by Lewis Carroll in 1871, Through the Looking Glass is the sequel to the chapter Alice Adventures in Wonderland. While the previous chapter has had plenty of recognition in the world of adaptations, with a Disney movie produced back in 1951 and a CGI movie directed by Tim Burton in 2010, this second story has had a much dimmer light shun onto it. As of 2016 however Disney will release the sequel to their CGI movie, leaving us creatives with much to do, oh my ears and whiskers, how late it’s getting!

Target analysis Millennials are our target audience. We will focus on Millennials that range with their ages between 16 and 36 years young. We would like to specifically appeal to these following categories: †

Prosumers with free decision power, hence our starting age of 16;

Emerging Service Workers, youngsters, early twenties, they don’t necessarily have a degree, but are reaching economical independence;

New Affluent Workers, usually in their upper twenties/lower thirties, they have long reached economical independence and most probably own a degree, they are now making a good enough salary to support their hobbies; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Aficionados, they are the younger teenagers and older spectators who followed the Tim Burton wave and are now awaiting the sequel.

Our target is strongly engaged with social medias and especially gaming. In our research it shows how gamification of life is fuelled by an addiction to feedback that keeps them attached to their devices for a vast amount of hours. Millennials like challenges, and the satisfaction of winning intricate missions is greater than winning itself. Millennials have resulted to be extremely engaged in online gaming and community sharing. This aspect sees them creating communities where to share common interests and content. Prosumers especially feel the need to be engaged by their favorite brands, and be part of their online branding.





m&m's find red google

pokemon google maps To-date,

video has 16,171,855 YouTube views and according to Econsultancy, it received 480,000 social shares and 600m social impressions. From the gullable people who believed it, to the confused people who simply didn’t ‘get it’, this campaign certainly created a buzz around Google Maps.

Social media users spent more than four times the industry average on the Find Red website — more than 19 minutes, and the campaign racked up 8.4 million so-called consumer media impressions, more than 7 million QR code poster views and 225,000 Twitter mentions.


strategy objectives TO ENGAGE MILLENNIALS We want to allow millennials to be part of the marketing experience. Their engagement is key to the image we want to give off with this new movie. Wonderland has to be an open world for everyone to experience. TO CREATE THE AWW-EFFECT (A.K.A. OMG!! EFFECT) What made the Pokemon and M&M’s campaigns so popular and effective was their use of augmented reality, it would be foolish not to use such technology to bring Wonderland into the real world, hence creating an AWW effect. TO CHELLENGE THE AUDIENCE Millennials like a good challenge. Our campaign will definetely not lack any. We want them to feel like they’ve rightfully earned their good share of winning.

media strategy > Conventional Above Advertising: Posters official Trailer

the Line and the

media strategy > Guerrilla: Invade the city, tea paty, clean graffiti art The first part of our strategy sees the city of London overwhelmed by structures and sculptures representing the marvellous world of WONDERLAND. Around London we will set a few sculptures and short events that will lead people to join the buzz and know about the second part of our campaign and strategy: THE GAME.

the adventure unfolds Official Release Date: May 27th 2016. We want a fast paced communication because we know how low our target’s attention span is. Our communication will take place over just a few months before the movie release and it’ll be intense. > Guerrilla Marketing and Sculptures will be placed around the middle of March 2016. > The core of our strategy is based on the gamification of our adventure. On April Fools’ day we will release our gaming app. > The first week of May would be period in which the premiere of the movie would take place (usually a month before the release of the movie). This will be part of the “reward” intended for the players of our game.

playing the game PLOT: You are Alice, lost in Wonderland, and as such you would like to get back to your own world. To do so, you will have to find the 5 rabbit holes spread across the City of London, and defeat your enemy Time through 12 different challenges, each represnting an hour. Throughout the game you will have to solve other clues, so to find Peter White and Time. This challenge is a “point scoring� game, the more points you will score, the higher your rank on the leader board.

Gameplay 1

Download the official Alice in Wonderland APP that will allow you to access the GAME.


Create an Account and avatar that will be linked to either Facebook, Twitter or both.


Find clues around town or using the Google Maps App. The first clue will be to you given by the app.


Open the App and Scan the clue to see some extra content with augment reality and collect it.


Share the clues to collect the points and achieve a higher score.


Collect as many clues as possible to achieve higher scores and find hints to the next clues and content.

clues RABBIT HOLE: follow Peter White to find his rabbit holes around town, hidden in big monuments all over the world. THE SMIRK: you will find stickers or clean graffiti of Cheshire Cat’s smirk around town or inside shops. The smirk will then expand to show the actual Cat. WHITE ROSES PAINTED RED: you will find clean graffiti of a white rose around town. Use the app to paint it red, just like the Qeen of Hearts wants you to complete the clue.

HUMPTY DUMPTY: be careful not to drop him! Keep him still for as long as you can to gain as many points as possible. POTIONS AND CAKES: find the potions and cakes that the White Queen leaves around town and tap the screen to either eat or drink the item to complete the clue. DON’T SPILL THE TEA: March-hare is verylively, make sure to leave some tea in his cup as he swings all over the table! RIDDLES: solve the riddles to find the where the nect clues hidden and complete the

Hatter’s monuments will be clue.

BLOW THE SMOKE: Blue Caterpillar is out of breath, blow away as much smoke as you can in one blow to complete the clue. The most smoke you blow away the highest the score. DEE, WHERE’S DUM?: you will only see Dee at first, look around to find his brother Dum and be quick to catch him to complete to clue, coz he’ll try run to run away. REVERT TIME: Defeat time by twirling your finger anticlockwise on the clock of Time. The highest number of twirls, the more hours and minutes you revert, so the highest score.




user generated content in-game extra content

One of our targets is “prosumers�, and our objective is to engage MIllennials and their friends (communities) into sharing the gaming content and the various findings.

Throughout the game the playeers will find and collect clues that shall unveil some extra content pertinent to the movie: > Interviews with the cast > Bloopers > The making of some characters > CGI sneak peeks etc... This content will be social network friendly. With each content you share, a few extra point will be given to you.

In order to do so the game will allow people to create fan made clues to spread across their own town for their peers to find.

CHAT clue xx_jim: just found the hatter #87! Near Sloan Sq. Have fun!! smirk fluffy09: thanks jim :) found

menu stats settings

#05 in hoxton. jellow: yay!

recent activity Smirk #37: 90 points Riddle #129: 123 points P&C #41: 87 points White Rose #02: 63 points

community activity xx_jim: Riddle #87, 146 points Meghan: DeeDum #32, 31 points points Leon: Blow the Smoke #01, 103 points George: Don’t Spill #200, 12

017/100 006/050 042/200



score details


TODAY: 227 points DAILY AVERAGE: 189 points GRAPH 100 80


60 40 20


203/300 004/012







clues solved



total number of clues solved


557/1127 49.42%


socials & the game TWITTER: [shareability] thanks to its great retweetability this social network will allow the hints and extra content to spread faster. Twitter can also create a community that will be able to spread content in real time much more likely than facebook. FACEBOOK: [engagement] facebook is the common donominator between you and your friends, more so than twitter. Thanks to your pool of friends you might be able to engage them into helping you solving the riddles! And find new ones. GOOGLE MAPS: [navigating the city] google maps is the main platform we’ll be using for our campaign, thus it’ll be directly incorporated within the app. badges representing the clues will appear all over the city of london. click on them and solve the clue!

humpty dumpty

SCORE 458 !!





prizes The app will be available for an interdeminate period of time, people will be able to keep on playing the game; however, to win the prizes there is a limit of two weeks to get the highest score on the leaderboard. At the end of the weeks the winners will be nominated. There will be a total of 15 winners in this game: the top 15 scorers on the leaderboard. > All 15 scorers will win a custommade figurine representing them in the vests of their favorite character. > the top 5 scorers will win a +1 ticket to attend the May premiere > the top scorer will have the chance to interview the cast him/ herself. This interview will be recorded.

dvd sales To incentivate people to buy the DVD, extra gaming content will be gifted with the DVD box. This extra content will feature new clues and maps for people to enjoy outside of the city of London. The DVD will also feature the interview with the cast and the 15 winners. All extra content spread across the city of London, during the two weeks the challenge lasts, will be collected in the extras to watch after (or before) the movie.

have a great unbirthday

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