Channapatna Toys

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RAW MATERIALS Lac- It is produced from the natural dyes, pigments. Also extracted from Techinadria lacca, an insect found on forest trees, works as a polishing agent. There exists three varities of lac out of which the button lac is the best, which costs rs 120/ kg. The other variety costs rs 80/ kg whereas the third one being the cheapest costs up to rs 60/ kg. The darker the lac appears the lower the quality. Colors are usually a mix of vegetable dye and food grade pigments, with natural residue obtained from the trees of Kusum in West Bengal and Orissa. Referred to as colors extracted from naturally availaible sources that includes plants and trees and even minerals.

Wood- the making of Channapatna toys is completely based on production of the indigenous, regenerating tree of halae mara (Wrightia tinctoria), commonly sold at a rate of rs 35 per kg. Rosewood (Grevillea robusta) & sandalwood (Santalum) are the most common wood after halae mara that are also being used widely. This wood is mildly hard and is easy to turn into shapes, has low moisture and oil content. Silver wood, teak wood (Tectona grandis). The seasoned woods are kept in a dry and low moisture region to protect it from swelling. Over the decades, its manufacturing has been diversified to other woods like rubber, sycamore, cedar, pine and teak. 31

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