The Entrepreneur's Edge

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How will our accountants achieve all this?

There are and will continue to be enormous local opportunities.

Accountants will continue their education by constant up-skilling because they will be custodian of their own career. Global accounting qualifications will begin around 2030.

By 2025 China will be a dominant spending power on the planet and will have a large middle class. India’s growth in consumer demand will be about a decade or so later.

Australia and New Zealand, in Is the current mood of individual entrepreneurialism the Asia corridor, are placed perfectly to have a great good for accountants? influence on those economies. The working world had changed Geographically, they are close to most Asian countries and has vastly even in our lifetime. better time zones than the US Generations X and Y have learnt, and UK. through watching their parents, Australia also knows, from a that employment is short-term and loyalty is no longer required. financial/accounting perspective, how businesses will evolve. There are a growing number of employees defined by the notion These countries are inviting of six careers and 14 jobs in one Australia to share the business wisdom they have and that they lifetime.” are yet to gain. Will the “globalisation” of business have an impact? The huge opportunities open to Australians keen to capitalise on the growth of the economic powerhouses of China and India.


Our accountants will be at the forefront.

Morris Miselowski Business Futurist | Keynote Presenter | Strategic Advisor The highly-regarded principal and founder of Success through Focus since 1981, each day, he consults with business leaders around the globe, helping to shape their businesses so they can be first to take profitable advantage of tomorrow’s business opportunities. Morris foresees an unlimited future for those companies which take the time to prepare and strategize for the future NOW. Blog: Website: FaceBook: st

Entrepreneur’s Edge | 21

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