Maximum Yield USA - October 2010

Page 47

“Society is rapidly becoming predominantly urban. This will place major constraints on the availability of food and clean water.”

To develop successful urban agriculture requires space, suitable soil types and knowledge. The increasing population density and disappearance of sound agronomic skills in many of our major cities poses major difficulties for food supplies in the future. The answer to these increasing challenges may be plant factories that utilize modern technology for increased yields, superior quality and the ultimate in control. The current population of planet earth is 6.8 billion. This number is expected to rise to nine billion by the year 2050. Homo sapiens have proved to be a profligate user of finite resources. Peak oil occurred in 2006; global warming is a major threat; fresh water supplies are limited; fertilizer is limited. Our increasing population has led to an increasing urbanization, and this has resulted in a loss of rural skills, and a need for more food supplies close to urban centers. Urbanization has resulted in a loss of productive land close to cities.

Maximum Yield USA  |  October 2010


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