The Key Stages of Asset Lifecycle Management

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Key Stages of Asset Lifecycle Management

For any business, assets are one of the most important things. They help in running business operations smoothly and efficiently. It is quite essential for business owners and asset managers to keep a track of the maintenance and management of all business assets.

Asset Lifecycle Management Asset management is defined as a synchronised activity that helps businesses balance costs, opportunities, and threats against an anticipated level of performance of business assets. It is important to keep track of the lifecycle of the assets. It starts from the day it is acquired and ends the day the business asset is disposed of.

Stages of Maintaining Asset Lifecycle The first stage is the acquisition of the asset that is needed to run the business. It is necessary that you acquire an asset that benefits your company as well as fits your budget. Business owners have to plan, gather data, and identify the requirements. The second step is deploying the asset. Once the primary checks are done, the assets need to be deployed from the inventory to the place of usage.

Utilising the Asset This is the longest stage of asset lifecycle management. Here, you will record the revenue and returns that are earned in the capital. Functions like patch fixes, cost-benefit analysis, compliance audits, new licenses, and any sort of upgrades are a part of this stage. You also need to ensure scheduled scans, complete ownership tracking, software compliance, and so on in this stage.

Asset Maintenance and Management The fourth stage of maintaining the asset lifecycle is its management. You need to conduct frequent checks of the assets to ensure that they are operating smoothly, and no wear and tear situations occur. There are asset management systems and software available nowadays that can help in more effective and efficient management.

Conclusion Ensure these points and optimise the performance of the business assets to generate more revenue and growth.

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