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Nicole Klumb Maximilian Pfaff



DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator


WHAT DOES YOUR APP DO? possible floor plans Output m2 Budget $

comparison comparison

Floor area Costs + Cost of plot area depends on

perliminary Costs


Cost index by Region

depends on Floor area

* Costs per m2 depends on

Typ of Construction

+ Quality of the Paramenters

Costinator calculates the price for the shell construction of a building by it‘s floor plan and shows the best floor plans that fits your settings. Therefore the user sets the different parameters step by step. First of all define your budget and the desired area in square meters. Additionally you can choose the size of your plot area in square meters and define your location. This will calculate the costs for the plot area. Afterwards you need to choose between type of constructions – either solid or wooden or even a passive house. The last step is defining single parameters of the building: foundation, outer and inner walls, ceiling and roof. Costinator will calculate estimated costs of the shell construction by multiplying area of the different parameters and cost factor of the BKI. The BKI shows cost for differentquality stages of building parts (calculated average value of costs by constructed buildings in Germany). After the calculation Costinator shows you the most fitting floorplans for your settings out of 1000 plans. Now you can choose which one you like the most. 5

DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator

SURVEY The idea of the survey was, to find out how non-architects would choose between thousand floor plans. The participants should name their top seven sorting parameters. The headline parameters were views, energy, daylight, orientation, water, costs and other. It was also possible to name other factors not in list. Besides the parameters the participants had to give some information about age, family and living situation. HOW WOULD YOU CHOOSE FROM A THOUSAND FLOOR PLANS? Imagine you are building a new house for you and your family. You have purchased the house plot and currently you are looking for a house design. You have found a mobile app offering thousands of ready-made floor plans.

Which are the top 7 sorting parameters that you think would help you the most in finding the floor plan that fits your preferences?

About results SORT FLOOR PLANS BY:

1.____________________ 29 �

5.____________________ � 6.____________________ � 7.____________________ �

choose 7 sorting parameters

2.____________________ �

4.____________________ �

Age: � 0–17 � 18–24 � 25–34 � 35 and older � retired

My live-in family includes (more than one answer is possible): � just me � a partner � kids � parents � other:_____

Home ownership (more than one answer is possible): � I am a home owner. � I live in a rented place. � I live in my parents house. � I rent out a home to others. � I intend to acquire a own home in the next 1-2 years.

Choose 7 sorting parameters from the list on the right and put them in the empty slots in the smartphone in order of importance. Draw a connecting line or write the correspoding numbers in the slots. The division into topics plays no role.


3.____________________ �


SORT FLOOR PLANS BY... VIEWS � 1. ...the amount of sky I see out through the windows. � 2. much greenery and trees I see when I am in the house. � 3. much of the neighbouring houses I see from inside. � 4. ...the amount of the horizon line that I see from inside the house. � 5. ...the chance of someone outside being able to look into my house. ENERGY � 6. ...the expected total amount of energy used by the house for one year. � 7. ...the expected amount of heat lost through the facade. � 8. ...the amount of energy I would save from devices and installations that actively reduce the house’s energy use (such as solar panels, special heating/cooling equipment, automated window-shades, etc.). � 9. ...the additional cost of devices and installations that actively reduce the house’s energy use DAYLIGHT � 10. ...the amount of daylight falling in the whole house over one year. � 11. ...the amount of daylight falling in the master bedroom over one year. � 12. ...the amount of daylight falling in the living room over one year. � 13. ...the amount of daylight falling in the bathroom over one year. � 14. ...the amount of daylight falling in the garden over one year. � 15. ...the amount of daylight falling in the kitchen over one year. � 16. ...the time of day when the most sunlight falls in the master bedroom. � 17. ...the time of day when the most sunlight falls in the living room. � 18. ...the time of day when the most sunlight falls in the bathroom. � 19. ...the time of day when the most sunlight falls in the garden. � 20. ...the time of day when the most sunlight falls in the kitchen. ORIENTATION � 21. ...the angle between direction South and the orientation of the master bedroom. � 22. ...the angle between direction South and the orientation of the living room � 23. ...the angle between direction South and the orientation of the bathroom. � 24. ...the angle between direction South and the orientation of the garden. � 25. ...the angle between direction South and the orientation of the kitchen. WATER � 26. ...the amount of rainwater that can be collected from the roof for reuse. � 27. ...the amount of household water that could be recycled and reused. � 28. ...the expected average water use of the household over one year. COSTS � 29. ...the cost of the building shell (rohbau) materials (bricks, wooden frames, concrete, etc) � 30. ...the cost of materials for windows, facade, plastering, etc. OTHER � 31. ...the expected time needed for construction. � 32. ...the amount of land left available after the house is placed on the building plot. � 33. ...the number of floors/split levels of the house. THE PARAMETERS WE FORGOT � 34. ..._______________________________________________________________ � 35. ..._______________________________________________________________ � 36. ..._______________________________________________________________

DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator


The survey was answerd by 52 participants. The evaluation showed that cost was the most chosen parameter. Other important parameters were the views, the use of energy, and the amount of daylight. There were some survey participants who expressed their own parameter for exemple freedom from barriers. 29 out of 52 participants were 18-24 years old and live on their own. Maybe the costs are the most important parameter because our participants are quite young and care much about how to spend their money. This is why we want to define a grasshopper definition that calculates the costs for building a house just by a given floor plan. 7

DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator

PARAMETERS To calculate the costs for the different parameters, we looked into the BKI (=Baukostenindex, Index of building costs). The BKI gives an overview of the average construction costs for buildings in Germany. On the first level the BKI seperates between a one family house and a two family house. On the second level the BKI seperates between construction types – a solid, a wooden or a passive house – with or without basement and between the different quality standards (simple, medium, high). Typ of Construction



simple Quality with basement

medium Quality high Quality

solid construction

simple Quality without basement

medium Quality high Quality


with basement

standard Quality

without basement

standard Quality

wood contruction

solid construction passive house

without basement

wood construction

The structure of the BKI is quite complex and detailed. That makes it too hard to understand for non-architects. Therefore we decided to make the structure less complicated. Costinator therefore calculates buildings always without a basement. The wooden construction type has only Wa standard quality, the passive house distinguishes between a solid or a wooden construction quality. Another difficulty in the BKI is the three cost levels. While in the first cost level BKI gives a rough overview over the building parts (costs depends on the groundarea) in the third cost level BKI gives a very detailed overview and the costs depends on every single part. DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator


The best solution for our app is the second cost level. It is neither to rough nor to detailed and provides the best possible approach setting the different quality standards for building parts (foundation, walls, roof, etc.).

Within the second cost level there are still a lot of parameters left. To make the app as userfriendly as possible, we decided to just look at the cost groups (KG) 320-360. Cost group 310 – the excavation – for example depends on the site situation. Site information however is not really available. Since technical installations and interior are very detailed and show big differences, we also do not look at any parameter after cost group 360. Every parameter has its own unit – cost group 320 to 360 all have same units – square meters. That makes calculation easy and app operation user friendly. In the end Costinator will just calculate costs for the shell construction including the costs for the plot area which depends on the location.


DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator

PARAMETERS After determining what the most important parts of the BKI to calculate the costs for the building are, we realized that it is possible to structure the qualities in a different way. So the first step still is to choose the construction type of the building. Afterwards the user sets the different qualities for our chosen parameters. This is userfriendly and easy to use. Typ of Construction


roof solid construction

simple Quality medium Quality


wood contruction



high Quality

outer wall

standard Quality

inner wall

solid construktion

passive house wood construction foundation


Even with this simplified structur, the ground principle is still the same. One has the parameters (wall, roof, etc.) with it‘s defined size and quality set by the app user. The calculation now just multiplys the area with the costs for the different quality settings. All multiplication results will be summed up, giving total costs for the shell construction of the building. Sum of Costs

= Costs

+ Cost of plot area

* Cost index by Region perliminary Costs


foundation + outer wall + inner wall + floor + ceiling

m2 of the Paramenter


cost per m2 of the Paramenter


DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator


ers ers ers ers ers

Quality Quality Quality Quality BKI defines single qualities for respective parameters increasing or decreasing Quality the costs (simple,medium, high qualities only for solid construction type). So it is easy to show what simple, medium or high quality steps include. Roof simple: medium: high:

Ceiling simple: medium: high:

Outer walls simple: medium:

ll ll l

high: Inner walls simple: medium: high:

Foundation simple: medium: high:

n n n n n 11

simple Quality Quality simple simple simple Quality Quality simple mediumQuality Quality medium Quality medium medium Quality Quality cheap flooring ( PVC, etc) medium Quality high Quality medium flooring ( tiling, etc) high high flooring (Quality wood, parquet, high Quality high marmor, etc) Quality high Quality plastered walls standard Quality thermal insulation standard Quality standard Quality composite system standard Quality rear ventilated facades, high quality standard Quality materials ( virgin stone, etc ) easy geometry roof with dormers and windows complex geometries, glassroof, green roof

raw walls plastered/papered walls plasterboards, glass doors, etc

solid construktion construktion solid solid solid construktion construktion solid construktion wood construction wood construction no flooring/ no insulation wood construction wood construction with flooring / with insulation different levels, construction wood expensive flooring materials DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator


DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator



DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator



Start screen design. Many floorplans will trickle down 1&1 3G 80% 1&1 3G 10:03 10:03 80% from the top and stack on each other till the display is Standort filled. A Tetris like:design.



1&1 3G 1&1 3G

10:03 10:03

80% 80%

Standort :

Aktueller Standort Costinator

Aktueller Standort

First of all you need to Frankfurt choose your location. This Berlin allows Costinator to get Darmstadt München the right location factor to Köln calculate Hamburg the costs depending on your location.

Frankfurt Berlin Darmstadt München Köln Hamburg

€ m2



€€ mm22





GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersion

80% 80%

1&1 3G 1&1 3G

10:03 10:03

80% 80%

110 m2

750 m2

190.000 €



€€ mm22

Budget ist first parameter entered. Users can80% modify 1&1 3G 1&1 3G 10:03 10:03 80% their budget by pressing the money sign and move the sliderbar th the desired range.


The second parameter 190.000 € should is the area. Users now define their required area of the floorplans. The entry process is the same as for the budget. Moving + €€ mm22 the +wanup will increase ted area, moving down will decrease the wanted area.

DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator

1&1 3G 1&1 3G

10:03 10:03

80% 80%

110 m2


€€ mm22




1&13G 3G 1&1

10:03 10:03

80% 80%

Standort : Aktueller Standort

The interface provides 20 different1&1 floorplans to the 1&13G 3G 10:03 10:03 80% 80% user. Floor plans will change with change in parameters. Best fitting results will always be displayed.



m22 €€ m




1&13G 3G 1&1

10:03 10:03

80% 80%



m22 €€ m


If you have a plot area you can now just define its size by using the slider. If you don‘t have one, you can still use it for the desired size of your plot area.



80% 80%

1&13G 3 1&1

190.000 €


m22 €€ m



10:03 10:03

750 m2

750 m2 Frankfurt Berlin Darmstadt München Köln Hamburg

1&13G 3G 1&1

m22 €€ m



Finally the constration type is1&1 entered. Users will 1&13G 3G 10:03 10:03 80% 80% decide between solid, or wooden constrcuction or passive house (3-step slider bar). By clicking the „plus“ options parameters will appear. Users will now define the desired quality for the different building parts. It starts selecting the foun+ + m22 €€ m dation. Following steps will go up to the top of the building.

1&13G 3G 1&1

10:03 10:03

m22 €€ m

80% 80%


DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator

1&13G 3 1&1


1&1 1&13G 3G

10:03 10:03

80% 80%

Next building part to be set is the quality of the 1&1 80% 1&13G 3G 10:03 10:03 80% inner walls. Again there is the slider with three different steps. Simple, medium and high are the possibilities choices.

1&1 1&13G 3G

10:03 10:03

80% 80%

Third building part are the outer walls, regulated with the slider.



80% 80%


€€ m m22

1&1 1&13G 3G

10:03 10:03

80% 80%

€€ m m22


After setting all qualities for the building parts, the pro1&1 80% 1&13G 3G 10:03 10:03 80% posed floor plans, best fitting the needs, are shown on screen. To take a deeper look on a specific floor plan, Costs : can 120.000 € the user touch it. A new Floor screen will pop up area : 100 m to show more information This floor plan fits your 90 % . aboutsettings the selected plan. 2


€€ m m22


DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator

€€ m m22



€€ m m22

1&1 1&13G 3G

Costs Costs::

10:03 10:03

80% 80%

120.000 120.000€€



Floor Floorarea area:: 100 100 m

Fl F

This This floor floor plan plan fits fits your your settings settings90 90% %..

Th T se s

€€ m m22




1&13G 3G 1&1

10:03 10:03

80% 80%

Ceiling selection ist next. Move the slider. 1&13G 3G 10:03 10:03 80% 1&1 80%

1&13G 3G 1&1

10:03 10:03

80% 80%

1&13G 3 1&1

Last but not least roof selection. Move the slider.

Costs :

Floor a

This flo settings



m22 €€ m


1&1 1&1 3G 3G

Costs Costs: :

10:03 10:03

80% 80%

120.000 120.000€€


Floor Floorarea area: :100 100mm

This This floor floor plan plan fits fits your your settings settings90 90%%. .


€€ mm22


By swiping to the left while touching the floor plan you 1&1 1&1 3G 3G 10:03 10:03 80% 80% will see the first floor of the building – if the building has a first floor. Swiping one more time you will see a small graCosts Costs : : building. 120.000 120.000€€ If you phic of the like it –Floor build it ! mm Floorarea area: :100 100




m22 €€ m


This This floor floor plan plan fits fits your your settings settings90 90%%. .

€€ mm22



m22 €€ m

1&1 3G

Costs :



120.000 €

Floor area : 100 m2 This floor plan fits your settings 90 % .

€ m2


DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator


DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator


1&1 3G

Costs :


1&1 3G80% 10:03

327.154 Costs € :

1&1 3G


Costs :

327.154 €


1&1 3G80% 10:03

370.424 Costs € :

1&1 3G



Costs :

370.424 €


Floor area : 118 m2 area : 118 m2 Floor

Floor area : 118 m2 area : 118 m2 Floor

Floor area : 1

This floor plan fits floor your plan fits your This settings 85 % .settings 85 % .

This floor plan fits floor your plan fits your This settings 95 % .settings 95 % .

This floor p settings 95 %

€ m2

€+ m2


€ m2

€+ m2




Budget: 400.000 € Floor area: 115 m2 Plot area: 700 m2 Location factor: 300 €/m2 regonal factor: 1,00

Budget: 400.000 € Floor area: 115 m2 Plot area: 700 m2 Location factor: 300 €/m2 regonal factor: 1,00

solid construction simple quality

solid construction high quality

Location is the rural region around Mainz.

Location is the rural region around Mainz.


DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator



1&1 3G



1&1 3G80% 10:03

1&1 3G80% 10:03

118 m2

Floor area : 118 m2 area : 118 m2 Floor

Floor area : 118 m2 area : 118 m2 Floor

Floor are

an fits your %.

This floor plan fitsfloor yourplan fits your This settings 95 % .settings 0 % .

This floor plan fitsfloor yourplan fits your This settings 0 % . settings 95 % .

This floo settings

€ m2

516.313 €

€+ m2


516.313 Costs :€

1&1 3G


Costs :


Costs :


354.620 €


354.620 Costs :€

1&1 3G


€ m2

Costs :

364.315 €

€+ m2




Budget: 400.000 € Floor area: 115 m2 Plot area: 700 m2 Location factor: 300 €/m2 regonal factor: 1,00

Budget: 400.000 € Floor area: 115 m2 Plot area: 700 m2 Location factor: 300 €/m2 regonal factor: 1,00

wood construction standard quality

passiv house solid construction

Location is the rural region around Mainz.

Location is the rural region around Mainz.

DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator


1&1 3G



1&1 3G80% 10:03

1&1 3G80% 10:03



Floor area : 118 m2 area : 118 m2 Floor

Floor area : 118 m2 area : 118 m2 Floor

Floor area : 1

This floor plan fitsfloor yourplan fits your This settings 0 % . settings 95 % .

This floor plan fitsfloor yourplan fits your This settings 95 % settings . 0%.

This floor p settings 0 %


€ m2

364.315 €

€+ m2


364.315 Costs :€

1&1 3G


Costs :


Costs :


313 €

fits your

516.313 Costs :€

1&1 3G


€ m2

Costs :

442.013 €

€+ m2




Budget: 400.000 € Floor area: 115 m2 Plot area: 700 m2 Location factor: 500 €/m2 regonal factor: 1,15

Budget: 400.000 € Floor area: 115 m2 Plot area: 700 m2 Location factor: 400 €/m2 regonal factor: 1,05

passiv house solid construction

passiv house solid construction

Location in Munich.

Location in Mainz.


DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator


BIBLIOGRAPHY Books: - Baukosteninformationszentrum (Hrsg.): BKI-Baukosten 2016 Neubau Teil 1 Statistische Kostenkennwerte f체r Geb채ude, Stuttgart: BKI 2016 Image: Page 4: 22.2.2017 Page 9: Baukosteninformationszentrum (Hrsg.): BKI-Baukosten 2016 Neubau Teil 1 Statistische Kostenkennwerte f체r Geb채ude, Stuttgart: BKI 2016, page 321 Page 18: 22.2.2017

DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator



DDU | One Thousand Floor Plans | Costinator

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