Literary Magazine - Max Konrad

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zoom Through Literature

Written and edited by Max Konrad

William Golding

Why did you, William golding, write this book, and what message did you want to get across? I wanted to lead people in the direction of exploring if adults and children are so different after all. I did not want to tell people that they are not so different. People need take the book for what they believe the message is. Why were their only boys on the island and not girls or both? This book is supposed to resemble a microcosm of the real world. First of all, boys are the dominant gender, and since this is a representation of the real world there are only boys. So if there were girls on the island it would not have been an accurate representation of society. Did Sigmund Freud’s work have a big impact on the writing of The Lord of the Flies? Yes, absolutely. He had an impact especially with the three most important characters in the novel, Piggy, Ralph, and Jack. Jack being the id represented the savagery in everyone. Which in the novel played a big role in the end. Piggy, the superego when he was killed and washed away meaning that the superego, logic, morality, has left the island. And Ralph, the ego. Is logical but also has a little savage in him. All these roles played a big part in the novel of creating a conflict and resolving it.

Why did you name the novel “The Lord Of The Flies�, and not something else? This book is about the evil in all of us. The evil in you, in me, and in all the kids on the island. Once jack kills that pig and puts the head on the stick, the devil takes its shape, but it does not only represent the devil it is to represent how evil everyone can be because we all have this evil side that can come out. Why a conch as the symbol of civilization? The conch is probably one of the most important objects or symbol in the whole novel. It came to represent civilization from the beginning of the novel. When Ralph and piggy are at the beach and find the conch, Ralph blows it to call everyone together like a society. People from all over the place start walking towards the sound. And this process in the novel is used over and over again to call the boys together. What was is like to write this novel? I can tell you it is a tedious process. But as long as you have the novel planned out and know what direction you are going, then you will be fine. It is almost always the case that when authors decide to write a book, that they have a clear point that they want to get across or the readers to explore.

Why were the glasses so important? The glasses were important in many ways. Piggy needed them to see, They were used to make a fire, and they were a symbol of logic. When they were used to make a fire. And the force is important because it was a symbol of hope and rescue. But also without a fire, the boys could not cook meat and eat. Once the glasses were taken away from him all those symbols were gone. But if the glasses were not taken away then they boys would not have been rescued. Why was this during a war? It was during a war because it shows similar kids are to adults. Because the adults had a nuclear war and the kids had a fire/hunting war at the end. The boys would have never been escorted from the island if the adults have not had a war. Why did Simon die, and how is it important? It was for multiple reasons. Simon was a symbol of goodness, he had to leave the island so the reader would know that nothing good can happen anymore. The actual killing was supposed to show the evil in everyone as one single savage organism. Why was piggy called piggy? This is obvious. Notice that piggy is not piggy's real name. This is because it is not important what his real name is. Since all that the boys eat and hunt this island are pigs, “piggies� death was foreshadowed. Piggy also had to die because he was logic and at the end of the novel there was not smartness or logic.

Empathic Writings Inside the mind of the two important characters of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

Clarisse “Are you happy?� Now he is thinking. From the moment I started talking to him, I saw it before he would ever have seen it. I will now just not answer anything and walk away. Let him think and see what his life is. Just controlled by society without conscious. He will soon understand that one ha to stop and think and not rush through life like a flame through a house. He will soon not love this obscure and unwelcoming smell of gasoline. He is super flat minded about his profession not knowing why he is doing it. He will soon be anti-social. Poor Montag is going to have a hard time sleeping. But this one simple question is for the better. I am happy. At least happy to help people. I am not happy with how I can not have any good conservations outside of my warm and welcoming home. Soon Montag is going to have a lot of questions and this will get him to talk. I am not willing to hurt him. I am willing to help him, and I hope that soon he will accept the difference in him that I have spotted. Montag is a good man who wants to nothing bad. He does not know what he is doing and soon he will regret everything he has done. I hope that what I asked him will make him think about all these questions and help me change society. He will be anti-social just like me and if we both get more people to stop rushing through life and stop and think, we can change society for the better.

Granger Montag will now lead subconsciously. He started this and he will end it. Montag is now the leader although he just joined this pack. He might be different but he saw it coming. The bomb that obliterated this city. He will now be the leader off of this great build up of society. He might be new to us, but I can trust him. He will build up what had been destroyed. It had to happen, this destruction and rebuild. He will be a great leader. He might not know it yet, but he is now responsible. The men and I have done our part. Everything is his decision and I can count on him that He will rebuild this lost city. He will help the people and bring them back on their feet. These people must be confused but they have to listen to what he has to say. And once everyone knows, we will put all effort forward. There is a challenge up for him. And I will let him lead us and the people around us. He is now leading us after all these years. I let him go and do his thing. Because of him, we are alive and he saw it coming before any of us. He deserves this role. And even if he does no know he will do it. We will now become a greater society with him in front. I can see how he will lead us to a greater future for this new city.


20 years later

The story of one of the survivors of the plane crash 20 years ago...

I remember it. One does not forget something like this. I remembered when The plane hit the island and one-half of it scattered across. We were all in shock, but being children, we were also excited. No Adults to tell us what to do. I was excited to explore. I did not know it was an island at first. I remember I saw this other chubby child. I, I never knew his name though. He saw this couch and told me to get it because he could not because of his asthma. I remember now, but I was too young and stupid to realize. This boy, He was craving my attention, he asked me for my name, and I said my name, Ralph. Of course, I did not ask him his name. And then, to get my attention, he said that people called him Piggy. And I, of course, was laughing. I regret it. Teasing him for little things. I wish I could apologize… but I can not. When I eventually got the conch “Piggy” had the idea to blow it to call everyone together if there were any survivors. And there were. We all worked well together at first. But then… I was already the “leader” but Jack was jealous. Then a lot of things happened in the span of 3 to 4 weeks. Two people were killed. Yes killed. Not just because of starvation or dehydration. No killed. including my dear friend “Piggy”. Now I have a young Child and a wife. My wife understands the situation and I told her the story. She accepts that this is in the past. My son on the other hand into young to understand. He is only 2 years old. My family and I do not let the past affect us. We still go to the beach and sometimes to an island for vacations. I have decided to throw my idea of an island from the past away, and replace it with my new ideas and memories of an island and the beach. Whenever I see a conch by the beach, I get a little flashback. But I have gotten used to it and don’t let it affect me.

Editors Noters This year there were lows and highs and failure and success. The first book “Son� was a long slow glide as we slowly progressed. The year started off great with a nice consistent glide. Of course, there were some turbulences and crashes throughout. But this did not stop me. I continued and flew back up. Trying to be steady. I slowly pushed myself into flying a little bit higher if the wind conditions were just right. If they were not good, I crashed down and started over. Now slowly progressing comfortably gliding at a nice own paced altitude. Then I tried to find the pearl. It was not just about the pearl it was about its meaning. There I struggled to fly, but I pushed myself and flapped my wings harder. I then found it meaning and was ready to tackle the next obstacle. This year was full of different currents but one I adapted, I figured out how to fly this current in a comfortable way. This Year felt like I soared through it and now it is over. I flapped my wings once and the year has passed. Now there will be a break from this kind of wind and will tackle a new current in the next season.

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