12 Tips to Design Eye Catching Poster for Your Next Marketing Campaign

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12 Tips to Design Eye Catching Poster for Your Next Marketing Campaign

INTRODUCTION • In this pandemic era, when social distancing is the norm, digital advertising has been the better way to reach prospective customers. Digital advertising has occupied even your mobile devices. It has the power to reach far and wide faster than print advertising. • Posters placed effectively anywhere draw the attention and urge people to know more about your products, sales, and events sponsored/organised by your organisation. According to a recent report, 82% of consumers trust print ads. • Let us now look at the 12 tips to design eye-catching posters for your organisation’s next marketing campaign.

Identifying Your Goal • The foremost goal in designing your poster must be to present information effectively so that anyone can understand. • If you are going to design a poster for your upcoming marketing campaign, what do you expect the marketing campaign to bring to your organisation? Do you want your marketing campaign to introduce a new product or a new service? • Do you want to conduct a marketing campaign to strengthen your ties with the existing consumers? Or do you want to conduct the marketing campaign to bring in prospective new consumers? • Every element on the poster, be it text or graphic, choose effectively to achieve the goal.

Considering Target Audience

• After identifying your goal, decide for whom you are conducting the marketing campaign. Find out who will attend the marketing campaign. Before starting the poster designing process, analyze the type of audience your marketing campaign will attract. • If you are conducting the marketing campaign for the first time, you must spend some time analyzing the type of audience your marketing campaign will interact with. Your poster designs must impress both the young and the old attending the marketing campaign.

Identify Where to Display Posters

• For displaying posters on a common wall, print posters in larger sizes to make them stand out. For posters on the bare wall, print posters in smaller sizes and display a bunch of posters together to create a larger view. • Print posters in page sizes, Letter, A3, A4, and A5. The size of the posters can be set in Pixels, Centimeters, Inches as well.

Sketching Out Your Posters • You may want to share more information to update or inform your customers what your marketing campaign is about. Posters with too much text will allow viewers to skip your poster and move on. • First, sketch out your ideas for your posters on paper. This will help you mentally organise what information you want to display and how you want your viewers to react. • If stuck with no ideas, search online for poster design templates. And, that will make your work easy.

Using Attention Grabbing Headline • The headline of your poster must grab the attention of the public. Unless your posters catch their attention, they may not read further. • The headlines in a poster must present what you want to convey in a sentence or a few words. Take care to frame your headline with clarity, and it must not be misleading or confusing.

Following Visual Hierarchy • Display all information in the order of importance. A good flow of information leads to a good poster design. Display first the most important information in your poster. • Follow this pattern in your poster: headline, subheading, and body text. Design your poster with the headline in bigger font size, sub-headings in medium-size font, and the body text in the smallest font size.

Importance of Poster Frames

• Frames protect posters and add a complete look. The standard rule for selecting a frame is that it must be an inch taller and wider than the poster. • Frames protect posters from wear and tear and help them be on display for longer. The poster frames prevent damage from fluorescent lighting or UV because of exposure to sun rays. • Posters displayed in matching frames add style to the place and are visually appealing. Poster frames give an organised look, and make the display pleasing and perfect.

Conclusion • The posters designed for your marketing campaign must be uncluttered. Display information that is essential and makes it effective. • Well-designed posters will help your marketing campaign to be successful without spending more. Cheaper than television or print advertising, they are trustworthy, reliable, and affordable.

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