本期主题“新潮职业装 2015年春夏季 Issue 有奥利维亚·巴勒莫专访

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本期主题“新 潮职业装 Issue 有奥利维亚·巴勒莫专访



/ SS

/15 Defining what Olivia Palermo does on a daily basis isn’t as easy as it sounds. She wears a slew of different hats – which seem to rotate daily. She’s a consultant, an editor, an entrepreneur, a stylist and, her personal favorite – a model. So, when it comes to getting dressed for her day at the office – it requires some thought… and planning. No two days are the same and while the rule of thumb usually goes ‘it’s better to be over dressed than under dressed’, for Palermo, it’s all about a happy medium. Here, she tells us how she finds her sartorial balance.



描述奥利维亚·巴勒莫每天干什么并不像听起来那么容易。她顶着不 同的头衔 - 似乎每天都在转动。她是一名顾问,编辑,企业家,设计 师以及她个人的最爱 - 一名模特。因此,当她每天在办公室要换衣服 时 - 需要好好想想...和规划。没两天是相同的,而经验法则通常是“ 宁愿穿着过分讲究也不愿衣着过分简朴,对于巴勒莫而言,这是折衷 办法。在这里,她告诉我们她是如何发现她的穿衣平衡。

本期主题“新潮职业装” ISSUE

时下最流行的风格 通勤



短袖风衣 short sleeved duster coat CANTO 碎钻图案粘纤衬衫 micro-diamond textured viscose shirt CARRACCI 双面纱笼百慕大短裤 double weave sarong shorts CANOA

Getting dressed for work is something everyone struggles with, as there are so many factors one must take into consideration. Since no two days are the same for Olivia Palermo, we wanted to know how she manages to dress for the day… and seamlessly transition into night.

在您的生活中,平常的一天是 样的呢? 从来没有平常的一天,我所做的一切里总有结构。 我住在纽约,但主要在欧洲时段工作 - 因为那里是 我的主要工作所在。当我在纽约的时候,我通常早六 个小时;当我在欧洲时,我通常晚六个小时。这就是 所谓的伟大时间管理(笑)。

What’s an average day like in your life? There isn’t an average day, but there is always structure within everything that I do. I live in New York but work mostly on European time – that’s where my business is. I’m usually six hours ahead when I’m in New York and when I’m in Europe I am normally six hours behind. It’s called great time management (Laughs).

近来你工作时是如何打扮的? 我喜欢在早上就把自己打扮好我对过程没有想得太 多,我为了自己而打扮。我想穿衣服真的是视场合 而定。如果你要去办公室并且有会议要出席,对于女 人那是在旅途中,你应该在你的包包里放一双平底 鞋,但你应该穿一双高跟鞋。这样整体造型才会更 得体。现在,我非常喜爱干净利落的外观 – 例如 一件清爽的钮扣衬衫搭配一条大铅笔裙或羊绒衫。 它总是一个很好的选择。我也喜欢层次感。我还建 议一双浅口高跟鞋或系带凉鞋。这就是我最近的穿 着。

How are you dressing for work these days? I do like dressing up in the morning. I don’t over think the process and I dress for myself. I think the thing about getting dressed is that it really depends on the situation. If you are going to the office and you have meetings, for the woman that’s on the go, you should have flats in your bag, but you should wear a great pair of heels. That always completes a look. Right now, I’m very much into a clean look – like a crisp button-down shirt with a pencil skirt or with a cashmere sweater. It’s always a great option. I also love to layer. I also suggest a fierce pair of pumps or a strappy sandal. That’s what I’ve been wearing lately.

你觉得正常的一天和排满会议的一天有区别吗?你 会穿着不同吗?

Do you think there’s a difference between a normal day and a day full of meetings? Would you dress differently? I really try to dress for my environment and what’s


上 班 服 对 任 何人而 言都 是 一 个 挑 战:真 的 有 许 多 因 素 要 考 虑 。对 于奥 利 维 亚·巴 勒 莫 来 说 , 没 有 任 何 一 天 的 打 扮 是 相 同 的 。因 此 ,我 们 要 求 她 透 露 如 何 正确 穿 着 的 秘 密,无 论 是 参 加 会 议 ,还 是 晚 上 外 出 ,始 终 保 持 打 扮 绝 对 完 美 。

本期主题“新潮职业装” ISSUE




网眼拼乔塞针织布飞行 员夹克 mesh and jersey bomber jacket DURATA 碎钻图案粘纤衬衫 micro-diamond textured viscose shirt CARRACCI 网眼技术面料紧身裙 technical mesh pencil skirt CARTELLA

当你穿衣服的时候,舒服对于你有多重要? 我认为今天有很多美丽而并不那么舒服的时装,因 此这个问题在于发现什么适合自己的体型以及如何 穿得得体。 你住在纽约市。这个城市如何影响你的风格? 我总是从这里存在的大量国际文化汲取灵感。纽约 女人,在我眼里,非常冷静,总是看上去很不错。另 外,我总是从我在街上看到的人汲取灵感 - 你怎么 不会呢?!

appropriate. I think that if I’m going to a meeting and if I have something in the evening, I might carry an extra accessory and put it on – that creates a smooth transition from ‘day to night’. You can also play up the make-up ever so slightly. How important is comfort to you when you are getting dressed? I think that there’s a lot of beautiful yet comfortable fashion today, so it’s just a matter of finding what works for one’s body type and how to wear it well. So you live in New York City. How does the city affect your style? I am always inspired by the vast amount of international cultures that exist here. The New York City woman, in my eyes, is very pulled together and always looks great. I’m also always inspired by the people I see on the street – how can you not be?!

我总是试图在各种场合都穿着得体。 如果我知道我有一个会议要参加,而晚上还有应酬的 话,我会随身多带一个配件。


I really try to dress for my environment and what’s appropriate. I think that if I’m going to a meeting and if I have something in the evening, I might carry an extra accessory and put it on.

本期主题“新潮职业装” ISSUE

我真的尽力根据我的环境适当打扮。我觉得,如果 我要去开会,而晚上有什么事情,我会随身多带一个 额外的配饰,把它穿上 – 那样就可以完成从“日装 到晚装”的平稳过渡。你也可以化点妆。

你如何定义你的个人风格和审美? 我的审美是不拘一格,但总有一个完美的元素。比 如,一套简洁的服装但配饰绝对丰富通过表带,袜 子,皮带,包包甚至一幅太阳眼镜将很多流行色融入 到整体造型中我喜欢将很多。

How do you define your personal style and aesthetic? My aesthetic is eclectic but there is always a polished element to it. It’s a little structured and definitely accessorized. I like to add pops of colour to an outfit in a watchband, a pair of socks, a belt, a bag or even a pair of sunglasses.

你觉得你的风格变化了还是保持一致? 由于我年纪大了,我现在知道什么可行,什么不可 行。当你年轻的时候,你可以多玩一点点变化。现 在,我当然不会穿我18岁时穿的东西。

Do you feel that your style changes or is it consistent? As I’ve gotten older, I now know what works and what doesn’t. Now, I obviously don’t wear things that I wore when I was 18. When you’re younger, you play around a little bit more.

你有没有“休闲装”? 有。在我不工作的时候,我会穿一条袜裤和一件毛 衣。这是肯定的!

Do you have a go-to ‘uniform’? I do. During my off time, I can be found in my leggings and a sweater. That’s for sure!


Watch the interview on maxandco.com

2015年春夏季 8

奢华运 动风 现代科技面料 和传统剪裁的 有机结合,开 创穿着舒适的 新思路。 Modern technical fabrics and traditional tailoring meet for a new idea of style.


本期主题“新潮职业装” ISSUE

脚裤 / ON THIS PAGE 网眼潜水衣面料外套 / scuba mesh fabric jacket DESTO. 印花缎面top上衣 /printed satin top DINAMO. 弹力棉斜纹布紧身长裤 / stretch cotton skinny fit pants DELICATO. 双色平跟皮凉鞋 / two-tone leather sandals ALBA.

下一页 / PREVIOUS PAGE 网眼乔赛针织飞行员夹克 / mesh and jersey bomber jacket DURATA. 网眼双螺纹针织连衣裙 / mesh and interlock jersey dress PRATERIA. 布洛克鞋 / leather brogues ABLATIVO.

本页 / ON THIS PAGE 棉/粘纤蛋形外套 / cotton/viscose egg-shaped spring coat CARMEN. 真丝双绉top上衣/ silk crêpe de Chine top PETRA. 蕾丝慢跑裤 / lace jogging pants PANTHEON. 布洛克鞋 / leather brogues ABLATIVO.



下一页 / NEXT PAGE 机车皮夹克 / leather biker jacket DARE. 真丝乔赛双绉top上衣 / silk crêpe de Chine and jersey top CORNICE. 弹力斜纹布紧身萝卜裤 / stretch lace carrot fit pants CATONE.

气场强大而又 富有女人味。 时尚的机车夹 克,由于出人 意料的香粉色 调而显得柔美 性感。


本期主题“新潮职业装” ISSUE

Tough and feminine. The iconic leather biker softens up in an unexpected face powder hue.




本期主题“新潮职业装” ISSUE

本页 / ON THIS PAGE 弹力斜纹布背心外套 / stretch twill vest blazer CEFALU. 真丝乔赛双绉top上衣 / silk crêpe de Chine and jersey top CORNICE. 弹力斜纹布慢跑裤 / stretch twill jogging pants DEVOTO. 双色皮高跟凉鞋 / block heel two-tone leather sandals ALBERI.

下一页 / PREVIOUS PAGE 棉质狩猎夹克 / cotton safari jacket DEFILE. 真丝双绉top上衣 / silk crêpe de Chine top PETRA.



本页 / ON THIS PAGE 激光切割潜水衣面料T恤 / laser cut scuba fabric T-shirt CARISMA. 拉链涂层乔赛针织裙 / coated jersey zipped skirt DERBY.


本期主题“新潮职业装” ISSUE




本期主题“新潮职业装” ISSUE

下一页 / PREVIOUS PAGE 席编纹无袖外套 / basket weave fabric sleeveless jacket DIVINA. 弹力斜纹布紧身长裤 / stretch twill slim fit pants CECINA. 迷你斜挎皮包 / leather mini shoulder bag AGRARIA. 有流苏和钉饰的漆皮乐福鞋鞋 / fringed and studded patent leather loafers ACHILLEA.



Surprising trompe-l’œil folds create a new, fun take on the fitted blazer.

下一页 / NEXT PAGE 棉拼真皮外套 / cotton and leather jacket DESTATO. 网眼双螺纹针织连衣裙 / mesh and interlock jersey dress PRATERIA.

本页 / ON THIS PAGE 叠搭效果休闲西装 / layered trim blazer CARLOTTA. 碎钻图案粘纤衬衫 / micro-diamond textured viscose shirt CARRACCI. 弹力斜纹 布紧身长裤 / stretch twill slim fit pants CECINA. 有流苏的乐福鞋 / leather loafers with tassels ALAMARO.

休闲时尚风 令人惊喜的错 视效果皱褶令 直身布雷泽外 套焕然一新


本期主题“新潮职业装” ISSUE

编者的话 1. 双色皮凉鞋 two-tone leather sandals ALBINONI 2. 水滴形玻璃吊坠项链 glass drop necklace ADDOBBO



3. 有流苏和钉饰的手拎皮包 fringed and studded leather clutch ACCOLTO







4. 复合革Tote包 laminated leather tote bag AGOSTO

5.有流苏和钉饰的漆 皮乐福鞋 fringed and studded patent leather loafers ACHILLEA

1.高跟双色皮凉鞋 block heel two-tone leather sandals ALBERI



3.真皮拼面运动鞋 leather and fabric sneakers AGATA

4. 3.



本期主题“新潮职业装” ISSUE

2. 水滴形水晶吊 坠项链 glass drop and bead necklace ADDETTA

4. 蕾丝芭蕾舞鞋 lace flats ALATO 6.

5. 凸印花Bauletto包包 embossed Boston bag ABISSALE 6. 醋酸太阳眼镜 acetate sunglasses ONORIO

风格介于正装和休闲之间,富有 运动感而又不失时尚,各种配件 锦上添花。开创全新的视野 。 On or off duty, sporty or chic. Accessories get a bold update for the new season.

2015年春夏季 22

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