本期主题 "完美衣橱" Issue 有奥利维亚·巴勒莫专访

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本期主题 "完美衣橱"





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/15 Getting dressed in the morning should be anything but a chore, but putting together an outfit can prove to be quite difficult. Unless, you’re equipped with those ‘building blocks’ that can be interchangeable – you know, those key pieces that can be dressed up or dressed down and can take you from a day of meetings into a night out in the city. Nobody masters the idea of ‘The Perfect Wardrobe’ more than Olivia Palermo – which is why we decided to ask her a thing or two about how to dress – from the ground up.



早上穿衣服应该不是什么苦差事,但要搭配一套合适的服装则可能 相当困难。除非,你拥有可以互换的“积木” - 你知道的,就是那些 既可用于盛装打扮也可用于随意打扮的关键物品,让你可以从早穿到 晚,无论是参加一天的会议,还是夜晚外出。没有谁比奥利维亚·巴勒 莫更深谙“完美衣橱”之道了 - 这就是为什么我们决定问她一两件有 关如何打扮的事 - 从头开始。

本期主题“完美衣橱” ISSUE

Mix & Match 混搭风格 怎样穿



棉府绸组合式风衣 two-piece cotton poplin trench coat CASA 纯棉府绸无袖衬衫裙 sleeveless cotton poplin shirtdress DITTICO

Olivia Palermo, a style icon around the globe, certainly knows how to make an outfit look effortless. But it’s more than just adding a few key items together. Throughout the years, she’s managed to build an eclectic wardrobe that contains statement pieces as well as essential items. Luckily, she let us ask her a few questions about how to balance it all with ease.

你家里的衣柜是如何整理的? 在大多数情况下,它是非常整整有条的。听起来你可 能会很惊讶, 但我知道每样东西放在哪里。我把我 所有的衣服始终放在我的衣橱里- 不管季节如何。 因为我全年要去那么多不同的目的地、不同的气候, 一切都必须非常方便取用。另外,我还觉得颜色协调 的衣服也很有帮助。 你喜欢把颜色融入你的衣柜。你喜欢什么样的颜 色? 我觉得这真的取决于季节。在春天,我爱粉彩,白色 和金色首饰。一丝金色总是令一套服装清爽。 对于服装的搭配选择你驾轻就熟,每个造型总是看 起来非常流畅。格子,条纹,抽象或自然—— 什么图 案和印花最吸引你? 我真的很喜欢印花,所以我认为要试穿它们,搭配它 们,看什么行得通,什么行不通。这就是我倾向于采 取的方法。我喜欢穿黑色和白色,有黑色和白色的印 花最吸引我。这样穿总是十分有趣。我喜欢混搭。

How is your closet organized at home? For the most part, it’s extremely organized. You might be surprised to hear, but I do know everything that’s in there. I keep all my clothes in my closet at all times – regardless of the season. Since I am in so many different destinations and different climates throughout the year, everything must be easily accessible. I think colour coordinating is always helpful. You love to incorporate colour into your wardrobe. What colours are you drawn to? I think it really depends on the season. In the springtime, I love pastels, shades of white and gold jewelry. A touch of gold always keeps an outfit fresh. You’re certainly not afraid to play around with your clothing choices but it always manages to look incredibly streamlined. Checks, stripes, abstract or natural – what patterns and prints are you most drawn to? I really love playing with prints so I think it’s about trying them on, playing with them and seeing what works and what doesn’t work. That’s the approach that I tend to take. I love wearing black and white and I am drawn to monochrome prints. It’s always fun to get dressed this way. I love to mixand-match.


奥利维亚·巴勒莫,世界知名的时尚偶 像,深谙如何着装搭配之道。不是简单 地把一些明星单品穿在一起 。多年以 来,她已经成功地树立了自己的着装风 格,其中既有独家的新潮时装,也有各种 基本和必要的配件。我们有幸向她请教 其着装风格的几个问题

本期主题“完美衣橱” ISSUE

风格的基 础知识



粘合乔赛针织布及技术 棉无袖风衣 sleeveless jersey-bonded technical cotton trench coat CAPITOLO

How do you define the word ‘style’? The word ‘style’, for me, involves independence. Everyone has their own personal style and their own approach to style. Style is what creates your identity.

当你购买一件新衣服时,你首先看的是什么? 我首先看质量、剪裁和颜色。

When you’re purchasing a new piece of clothing – what are the first things that you look for? The first things I look at are quality, cut and colour.

说到服装,哪些是你的欲望单品? 我喜欢结构化的西装外套夹克。你可以在白天穿它, 你可以在晚上穿它,你也可以在需要打领带的正式场 合穿它。它绝对是多用途。夹克最重要的是合身- 它 必须是完美的。一条中等长度的裙子对女性来说也 极好,可以在不同的季节过渡。一件首饰,一块让你 保持准时的手表,我想现在就这么多吧。

When it comes to clothing, what are some of your personal go-to items? I love a structured blazer. You can wear it during the day, you can wear it at night and you can also wear it to a black-tie function. It’s definitely multiuse. The most important thing with a jacket is the fit – it has to be perfect. A mid-length skirt is also a great thing to have for women in transition from season to season. A piece of jewelry, a watch to keep you on time, and I think that’s it for now!

有很多人崇拜你和你的时尚感。你是否崇拜某个人? 我真的没有特别崇拜一个人。关于我的时尚偶像,我 总是仰慕过去好莱坞和那个时代的电影。另外,我通 过旅行遇到和认识的人,也有助于塑造我的穿衣方

There are so many people who look up to you and your sense of style. Are there any people you look up to? There really isn’t one person in particular that I look up to. In terms of my style icons, I always look

我想把这个建议送给所有女孩: 为自己打扮,追求自我感觉


I would give this advice to any girl – dress for yourself and feel confident in what you’re wearing.

本期主题“完美衣橱” ISSUE

你如何定义 “风格”这个词? “风格”这个词,对我来说,意味着独立个性。每个 人都有自己的个人风格和他们自己对风格的态度。风 格让人与众不同。

法。我总是从我在意大利大街上看到的女性身上汲 取灵感。它是一个无尽的灵感源泉。 你在纽约出生,成长,你也有意大利血统,你有从后 者继承到什么吗? 美食,我绝对继承到了对意大利面的热爱。 我们当然可以想象到那一点。女性向您提出最多的问 题是什么? “我可以跟你合照吗?” (笑)

towards old Hollywood and the movies of that time. Also, the people I meet and encounter throughout my travels shape my approach to getting dressed. I always draw inspiration from women I see on the street in Italy – it’s a source of endless inspiration. You were born and raised in New York but you also have Italian roots. Is there anything that you’ve inherited from your Italian relatives? What comes to mind first is the cuisine. I definitely know I inherited my love for pasta. We can certainly relate to that. What’s the question that women ask you the most? ‘Can I have a picture with you?’ (Laughs).

人们的一个共同想法是“我怎样才能穿出奥利维亚 的风格”? 你有什么建议给他们?我想把这个建议送给所有女 孩 为你自己装扮,对你穿着打扮要有信心。这 是最重要的事情。只需确保你对自己的穿着感到舒 服。

A common thought many women have is ‘how do I dress like Olivia?’ What advice would you give them? I would give this advice to any girl – dress for yourself and feel confident in what you’re wearing. That is the most important thing. Just make sure you feel comfortable in what you put on.


Watch the interview on maxandco.com

2015春夏季 8

新规则 柔和与鲜艳的色 彩、大印花和小印 花、大胆和精致的 细节,产生强烈的 碰撞效果,成为衣 橱的必备单品。 Soft and vibrant colours, macro and micro patterns and bold and dainty accessories collide into a fresh take on wardrobe must-haves.


本期主题“完美衣橱” ISSUE

本页 / ON THIS PAGE 水滴形玻璃吊坠项链 / glass drop necklace ADDOBBO.

下一页 / PREVIOUS PAGE 羊毛/莱赛尔双色外套 / wool/lyocell two-tone overcoat CALAMAIO. 双绉和真丝乔其衬衫 / Silk crêpe de Chine and georgette shirt CANDORE. 双面羊毛/莱赛尔裙 / double face wool/lyocell skirt CAMELIA.

本页 / ON THIS PAGE 真丝和针织双绉top上衣 / silk crêpe de Chine and jersey top CORISTA. 粘纤绉中裙 / viscose crêpe midi skirt DATIVO. 复合革皮带 / metallic leather belt ALADINO. 激光切割 镂空双肩背包 / laser cut backpack AGRO. 布洛克皮鞋 / leather brogues ABLATIVO.



下一页 / NEXT PAGE 加工羊毛/莱赛尔披肩 / double weave wool/lyocell peacoat DANAE. 双色提花毛衣 / two-tone jacquard sweater DONDOLO. 提花图案紧身长裤 / jacquard pattern slim fit pants CAPRAIA.

清新的颜色, 本季的至爱: 双排扣大衣 大衣。


本期主题“完美衣橱” ISSUE

A fresh burst of colour on a seasonal favourite; the peacoat.




本期主题“完美衣橱” ISSUE

本页 / ON THIS PAGE 有编织链和吊坠的项链 / Braided chain and pendant necklac ADAMO.

下一页 / PREVIOUS PAGE 水晶和金属花卉项链 / Glass and metal floral necklace ALCESTE.

下一页 / ON THIS PAGE 羊毛/粘纤可反穿外套 / wool/viscose overcoat CACAO. 提花编织连衣裙 / jacquard knit dress DONNA. 有流苏和钉饰的手拎皮包 / fringed and studded leather ACCOLTO.



下一页 / NEXT PAGE 真丝双绉衬衫 / silk crêpe de Chine shirt CAMMEO. 针织纱笼长裤 / jersey sarong pants CARBONE. 迷你小皮包 / leather mini bag ABETE. 布洛克鞋 / leather brogues ABLATIVO.

本期主题“完美衣橱” ISSUE 15

把条纹穿时髦 的方法? 印花 纱笼裤,真丝 绉印花衬衫。 How to look sharp and still have fun? Printed sarong pants, silk crêpe graphic shirt.

当代穿条纹 的方式? 穿条纹 多的服装。



The contemporary way to wear stripes? Adding more stripes!


本期主题“完美衣橱” ISSUE

下一页 / ON THIS PAGE 条纹羊绒套头毛衣 Pull di cashmere a righe / striped cashmere sweater CONCETTO. 花冠裙 / duchesse satin corolla skirt PALLADIO.

下一页 / PREVIOUS PAGE 图形印花针织西装夹克 / graphic print jersey blazer CANNES. 有泡泡绉荷叶边的针织连衣裙 / pleated jersey dress CONTORNO.布洛克皮鞋 / leather brogues ABLATIVO.

下一页 / ON THIS PAGE 条纹花冠连衣裙 / striped duchesse satin corolla dress PALIO.



下一页 / NEXT PAGE 羊绒V领套头毛衣 / V neck cashmere sweater CONCISO. 彩色条纹紧身长裤 / multicolour stripe slim fit pants PANFILO. 有首饰背带的迷你斜挎包 / jewel chain mini bag ACCIAIO. 布洛克皮鞋 / leather brogues ABLATIVO.


本期主题“完美衣橱” ISSUE

编者的话 1. 有编织链和吊坠的项链 braided chain and pendant necklace ADAMO 2. 印花皮圆头浅口高跟鞋 printed leather pumps ACAPULCO





4. 布洛克皮鞋 leather brogues ABLATIVO 3. 印花迷你斜挎包 shoulder bag ACCIA

4. 3. 5.


5. 对比色细节Bauletto包 contrast detail Boston bag ABITANTE

1 有珠宝肩带的迷你包包 jewel chain mini bag ACCIAIO

2. 镶珠拖鞋 beaded slippers ABITARE


1. 3. 珠宝装饰皮带 jewel embellished belt ADELCHI





5. 迷你复合革皮包 crystal embellished suede sandals ACANTO

4.迷你复合革皮包 leather mini bag ABETE

6. 圆点印花尼龙 Tote包 leather mini bag ABETE

诱人的光芒, 黑白相间的图形元素,色彩的点缀。 独特的细节演绎混搭的风格。 Precious embellishments, monochrome textures and bright pops of colour. Unexpected details, eclectic chic.


本期主题“完美衣橱” ISSUE

3. 3.

2015春夏季 22

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