AMAC Advantage Volume 6 Issue 2

Page 12


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Public outcry over shocking survey results!

73% pick the Wedge Sound System in a head to head test against the $500 competition 1,000s of satisfied Wedge owners spark buying frenzy Has more features, costs $100s less and has amazing sound #A.85/ ;A@/>E ;B1> ?A>B1E @>5331>? ?;->5:3 019-:0 2;> @41 >-:710 )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19 -2@1> @41 ?A>B1E 2;A:0 ;2 <1;<81 2-B;>5:3 5@ ;B1> @41 9;>1 1D<1:?5B1 /;9 <1@5@5;: :0 -@ - 2>-/@5;: ;2 @41 <>5/1 @41 )1031 5? =A5/78E @A>:5:3 5:@; @45? E1->I? 4;@@1?@ ?1885:3 ?;A:0 ?E?@19 @? 4534 1:0 ?;A:0 =A-85@E -:0 8;C <>5/1 4-? <1;<81 ?/>-9.85:3 -:0 6-995:3 <4;:1 85:1? @; 31@ ;:1 2;> @419?18B1? -:0 -? 352@? '41 2-/@;>E /-: .->1 8E 711< A< C5@4 @45? 21B1>10 019-:0 2;> @41 )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19 &A>B1E >1?A8@? ?4;C ;B1> ;2 <1;<81 <5/7 @41 :1C )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19 ;B1> @41 9;>1 1D<1:?5B1 A?5/ &E?@19 ;>1 <1;<81 <>1 21>>10 @41 )1031 .-?10 ;: ?;A:0 =A-85@E ?;A:0 /8->5 @E :A9.1> ;2 21-@A>1? -:0 .A580 =A-85@E :0 ;2 <1;<81 ?-50 @41 )1031 4-? ?;A:0 1=A-8 ;> ?A<1>5;> @; @41 A?5/ &E?@19 :0 -@ ;:8E 5@ 4-? 9A?5/ 8;B1>? .AFF5:3 C5@4 1D/5@191:@ '4-@I? ?-B5:3? ;> @41 25>?@ @591 -:E.;0E C588 .1 -.81 @; -22;>0 - @;< ;2 @41 85:1 ?;A:0 ?E?@19 #8A? @41 /;9<-:E @4-@ 4-? 01?53:10 @41 )1031 5? ;221>5:3 - 0-E ;:1E -/7 A->-:@11 ?; @41 <A.85/ /-: 41-> @41 />E?@-8 /81-> ?;A:0 2;> @419?18B1? >5?7 2>11 @>A8E A:5=A1 -?<1/@ ;2 @41 )1031 5? E;A C588 :1B1> 4-B1 @; ?1@ @41 /8;/7 '41 )1031 5? -8>1-0E ?1@ 2;> E;A C41: E;A <8A3 5@ 5: -:0 1B1: -06A?@? 2;> -E 8534@ &-B5:3? '591 :;@41> A:5=A1 21- @A>1 5? @41 0A-8 .-@@1>E .-/7 A< 2 @41 <;C1> 3;1? ;A@ @41 )1031 C;:I@ -:0 E;A> -8->9 C588 ?@588 3; ;22 *;A C588 :1B1> .1 8-@1 -3-5: :0 E;A /-: 85?@1: @; -:E <->@ ;2 E;A> 9A?5/ /;8 81/@5;: ;: E;A> )1031 >;9 ? -:0 # ? @; E;A> 2-B;>5@1 >-05; ?@-@5;: @41 )1031 <8-E? @419 -88 '41 )1031 1B1:

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?@;>1? A< @; ;2 E;A> 2-B;>5@1 >-05; ?@-@5;:? 2;> =A5/7 -:0 1-?E -//1?? '; 31@ @41 ?/;;< ;: @45? :1C -:0 3>;A:0.>1-7 5:3 @1/4:;8;3E ?<;71 @; @41 41-0 ;2 #>;0A/@ %1?1->/4 -:0 1?53: 2;> @41 )1031 #-A8 ;;0 9-: Q. How can you offer such a high quality sound system in the Wedge for only $147 when the Leading Brand’s radio goes for $500? )1 4-B1 01?53:10 @41 )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19 2>;9 @41 3>;A:0 A< 88 /;?@? ->1 /8;?18E 9;:5@;>10 -:0 @4>;A34 - ?@>1-985:10 9-:A 2-/@A>5:3 @1/4:5=A1 @41 )1031 5? -.81 @; .1 ;221>10 -@ @45? A8@>- 8;C <>5/1 Q. How can the tabletop Wedge Sound System produce such lifelike sounds? "A> ?<1/5-8 1:35 :11>5:3 @1-9 4-? 01B18;<10 >1B;8A@5;:->E 01?53: 1:-.85:3 Wedge Sound System shocks the music community! @41 )1031 @; 2588 - >;;9 C5@4 '41 :1C )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19 4-? 9A?5/ 8;B1>? .AFF5:3 C5@4 1D/5@191:@ !1B1> .12;>1 4-? ?A/4 - 4534 =A-85@E ?;A:0 ?E?@19 .11: ;221>10 @; @41 />E?@-8 /81-> ?;A:0 <A.85/ -@ ?A/4 - 8;C <>5/1 5:-88E - 4534 =A-85@E ?;A:0 ?E?@19 -:E.;0E /-: -22;>0 '41 )1031 4-? @41 Leading <1>21/@ .-8-:/1 ;2 <;C1> Wedge has more features! Wedge Here’s what a few of the thousands Brand 28;C5:3 @; 5@? ?<1-71>? ?; @41 Price $147 $500 ?;A:0 5? />E?@-8 /81-> C5@4 of Wedge listeners have to say: @41 B;8A91 ;: 8;C ;> 4534 Adjusts for Daylight Savings Time YES NO “The sound is so rich and clear from such a small Q. How easy is it to NO piece. I was really amazed and pleased.” set up the Wedge Sound Stores 20 Favorite Radio Stations YES System? 2 Separate Battery Back-ups YES NO -Bronwyn M. Owens, Taylor, MI '41 )1031 5? 4534 YES NO 8E -0B-:/10 .A@ 5? - ?A<1> 2 Separate Alarms “Radio has excellent sound. Its clarity is excellent SD Memory Slot for Mp3s YES NO 1-?E @; A?1 ?;A:0 ?E?@19 and it’s like people are in the room. Who needs a 88 @41 25:1 @A:5:3 4-? .11: Displays Day of Week YES NO stereo system!!” 0;:1 2;> @41 /;:?A91> ?; -88 -Shelley Pearson, Poplar, WI YES NO @41E 4-B1 @; 0; 5? <8A3 5@ 5: Nap Alarm -:0 1:6;E @41 )1031I? />E? Remote Control YES YES “Wow, you caught me off guard. The compact @-8 /81-> ?;A:0 YES NO Wedge System sounds and looks great. I was !; 253A>5:3 ;A@ C41>1 Able to Operate Without Remote @; <8-/1 9A8@5<81 ?<1-71>? Play Music From iPod® (mp3 player) YES YES very surprised...” -:0 :; /;:2A?5:3 C5>1? @; #1 Pick in Survey -Chuck Zabriski, St. Petersburg, FL YES NO 4;;7 A< End of interview. SPECIAL READER’S DISCOUNT COUPON %1-01>? /-: 31@ @41 Readers of this publication get a FREE Remote Control and FREE -9 ;>01>5:3 C5@45: 0-E? ;2 @41 0-@1 ;2 @45? <A.85/-@5;: @41>12;>1 )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19 C5@4 shipping B-8A1 C5@4 @45? /;A<;: -:0 <-E ;:8E 52 E;A ;>01> 31@ - FREE Remote Control <8A? FREE shipping and handling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and give the ;A<;: ;: @45? <-31 ;> operator your Offer Code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