Undergraduate Portfolio (2010-12)

Page 7


Rhino | Illustrator | Photoshop | s e ctio nal analy s is diag ram s Rhino + Illus trato r

| a x onom et ri c s i t e d iag r am s R h in o + P h o t o s h op

During my time at Stoss I was responsible for completing much of the schematic design, drawings, and presentation for several proposals and competitions. Sugar Hill was a planning and phasing proposal for an art community in downtown Detroit. The overall scheme was to denote pathways, define edges, and create spatial distinctions through a series of vegetative, installation, and reclamation strategies. We also were proposing light projection and art installations to produce interest in the developing site.

| a ll wor k c r ea t ed b y Mat t he w S t o l l , und e r d i r e c ti on of Meg S tud er a t S toss La nd sc a pe U r ba ni sm



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