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Family Mosaic’s Time Bank

What can you expect from us

Social & Financial Inclusion Services

Feel Good About Coming Home

What is Family Mosaic’s Time Bank & how does it work? The Family Mosaic Time Bank rewards residents for helping others in their local community. Time Bank trades in hours and the swapping of skills, not in pounds. The idea is simple, you donate your time – an hour or however much you can spare helping another resident, and for every hour you spend helping someone, you receive a ‘time credit’.

Members of the Time Bank can also exchange time credits for... yy Vouchers and other freebies yy Access to training yy Access to exclusive events put on by Family Mosaic yy Up-to-date references for work If you do not wish to use your ‘time credits’ that you earn through volunteering, you can donate them to a vulnerable resident in the community who is in need of help.

How is the service offered and where from? Time Banks operate best within local communities, enabling residents to make a positive contribution to their local area.

Family Mosaic will therefore be setting up and running several Time Banks across London and Essex. In particular we will be providing this volunteering service to people who live or work in... yy Hackney yy Waltham Forest yy Newham yy Southwark yy Essex. If you live in an area where we do not currently run a Time Bank, we will be able to refer you to the Time Bank most local to you.

The amount of time that you give to your Time Bank is entirely up to you and your personal circumstances. It could be that you volunteer as a one off, or volunteer time every week or every now and again. All out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed for your volunteering including travel and lunch if necessary.

Why do we provide this service? Time Bank will allow you to meet like-minded residents in your area, develop increased confidence in using your skills and allow you to receive help with tasks that you would otherwise have to pay for.

We will also be providing members with free training and workshops, so that you can learn new skills and improve your employability. In challenging and uncertain times, volunteering can also play an important role in contributing to social well-being, helping people to build connections and a sense of belonging within their communities.

How Does Time Bank Work? Ellen spends 1 hour

cooking for Time Bank members and spends her time credit by getting help with her garden

From Katharine


then donates her time credit to her

elderly neighbour who needs her lounge painted

Katharine spends 1 hour weeding

Ellen’s garden and spends her time credit on a knitting lesson From Nicole

Nicole teaches Katharine to knit for 1 hour

All ‘time credits’ are logged on a computer by your Time Bank Co-ordinator and are stored there until you need them.

Who is the service for? The service is open to... yy anyone over the age of 16

What to expect from the service We will...

yy Any resident who lives in one of the boroughs where FM are running a Time Bank.

yy Offer you suitable volunteering opportunities with a Time Bank local to you

Even if you do not feel you have any skills to offer, everyone has knowledge and abilities which other members of the community could benefit from. Even helping others with small tasks can contribute to a happier and more selfsufficient community.

yy Reimburse all out of pocket expenses (this may include travel, lunch and childcare costs) yy Provide regular, on-going support, and keep you upto-date with any changes to FM Time bank yy Adhere to all relevant data protection, confidentiality, equality and diversity and; health and safety legislation and policies

yy Acknowledge all calls, e-mails, letters and web enquiries within 3 working days. yy Where we are unable to resolve your query, we will provide a full response within 10 working days yy We will produce written leaflets/information in ‘Plain English.’ All information will be made available on request in different languages, as well as available in Braille, pictorial and large print

Details of any key teams and partners we work with yy Big Lottery yy Pathways2Work yy Volunteering England yy Hackney Community Voluntary Service (HCVS) yy Business in the Community (BITC) yy Family Mosaic’s Volunteers in Partnership (VIP) project.

Customer feedback / What to do if unhappy with the service offer Your feedback is important to us. The Time Bank Steering Group is responsible for developing this service and monitoring its performance. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the service, contact Gemma McGrath – Time Bank Projects Coordinator on 0208 829 4683. Alternatively, please complete a feedback form and return it to Family Mosaic Albion House, 20 Queen Elizabeth Street, London, SE1 2RJ. If you are unhappy with the service and the Time Bank staff are unable to resolve your complaint Mumtaz Samad-Dey Head of Social and Financial Inclusion at Albion House Phone 020 7089 1322 or email mumtaz. samad-dey@ familymosaic.co.uk

Our Offices Head Office Albion House, 20 Queen Elizabeth Street, London, SE1 2RJ. Essex North Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3WG. Essex South Pembroke House, Northlands Pavement, Pitsea, Essex, SS13 3DU. Arcola Street 9 - 13 Arcola Street, London, E8 2DJ.

For access to other Family Mosaic services please call:

0300 123 3456

Key contact details & how to access the service Gemma McGrath Time Bank Projects Co-ordinator 07947 590 258 gemma.mcgrath@familymosaic.co.uk Temitope Oyedele Time Bank Administrator 0208 829 4683 temitope.oyedele@familymosaic.co.uk Charmaine Jacobs Hackney Time Bank Coordinator 07538 936 451 charmaine.jacobs@familymosaic.co.uk

Main contact address Albion House 20 Queen Elizabeth Street London SE1 2RJ

Through our web site www.familymosaic.co.uk

Talking your language Bengali






This document gives you information about our Family Mosaic’s Time Bank. If you need any part of this document in large print, Braille, on CD or explained in your own language please contact us on 0300 123 3456. Printed on FC paper from mixed sources including recycled

Albion House 20 Queen Elizabeth Street London SE1 2RJ

Version 1: First published: May 2011, Last revised: May 2011

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