
Page 262

function Product (id:Number, prodName:String, description:String) { setID(id); setProdName(prodName); setDescription(description); } public function setID (id:Number) :Void { this.id = id; } public function setProdName (prodName:String) :Void { this.prodName = prodName; } public function setDescription (description:String) :Void { this.description = description; } public function getID () :Number { return id; } public function getProdName () :String { return prodName } public function getDescription () :String { return description; } } 6.

Save your file.


A finished sample file of the file you just created, named Product.as, is located in your finished files folder. For the path, see “Set up your workspace” on page 256.

Create two objects from the Product class You’ll create a new FLA file, and then create two objects from the Product class. 1.

Open a new Flash document and save it in the same location where you saved Product.as.


In the new document, select Frame 1 in the Timeline.

262 ActionScript: Work with Objects and Classes

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