Streets+ 31-60

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Empowerment refers to the process of gaining control over one’s own life and circumstances, and being able to make choices that positively impact oneself and one’s community. In the context of New York, empowerment can take many forms, from political activism and social justice work, to personal and professional development.

One example of empowerment in New York is the women’s suffrage movement, which fought for the right of women to vote in the early 20th century. This movement was led by powerful and influential figures such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and it ultimately succeeded in passing the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted women the right to vote in 1920. This was a major milestone in the history of women’s empowerment, and it had a ripple effect that extended far beyond the borders of New York.

Today, empowerment in New York takes many forms, from grassroots organizations that work to improve the lives of marginalized communities, to professional development programs that help individuals advance in their careers. One example of a grassroots organization that promotes empowerment in New York is the Black Lives Matter movement, which works to address issues of racial injustice and police brutality. Another example is the International Refugee Assistance Project, which helps refugees and asylum seekers navigate the complex legal system in order to find safety and build new lives in the United States.

There are also many programs and resources available in New York that focus on personal and professional development, and that help individuals build the skills and confidence they need to succeed. For example, the New York Public Library offers a wide range of free resources and programs, including career workshops, financial literacy classes, and language learning resources.

Overall, empowerment in New York is a multifaceted concept that encompasses a wide range of efforts and initiatives aimed at enabling individuals and communities to take control of their own lives and shape their own futures. Whether through political activism, social justice work, or personal and professional development, empowerment is a powerful force that

Empowerment through New York


The queer community in New York City has a long and vibrant history. From the Stonewall Inn riots of 1969, which marked a turning point in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights, to the thriving nightlife and cultural scene of today, New York has always been a hub for queer culture.

One of the unique aspects of the queer community in New York is its diversity. The city is home to people of all sexualities and gender identities, and this is reflected in the wide range of events, organizations, and spaces that cater to the LGBTQ+ community. From drag shows and pride parades to support groups and political organizations, there is something for everyone in the queer community in New York.

Another important aspect of the queer community in New York is its activism. The city has a long history of fighting for LGBTQ+ rights, and this continues today. From the Gay Liberation Front, which was founded in New York in the 1970s, to modern organizations like the Audre Lorde Project and the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, activists in the city are working to promote equality and justice for LGBTQ+ people.

Despite the many challenges that the queer community in New York has faced, it remains a vibrant and vital part of the city. With its rich history, diverse culture, and ongoing activism, the queer community in New York is an integral part of the fabric of the city and con-

““A rushing city”

Homeless in the city with some of the highest buildings

Being homeless in New York City can be a difficult and challenging experience. The city is known for its high cost of living, and for many people, finding affordable housing can be a struggle. For those who are homeless, access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, and medical care can be limited.

There are many factors that can contribute to homelessness in New York City. Some people become homeless due to job loss, medical bills, or other financial crises. Others may have been forced to leave their homes due to domestic violence or other forms of abuse. Many homeless people in New York City suffer from mental illness, addiction, or other health issues that can make it difficult for them to secure and maintain housing.

The experience of homelessness in New York City can be isolating and traumatic. Many homeless people live on the streets, in parks, or in other public places, where they are vulnerable to crime and harassment. Homeless shelters in the city are often overcrowded and may not provide the necessary support and resources that people need to get back on their feet.

Despite the challenges, there are organizations and resources available to help people experiencing homelessness in New York City. Nonprofits such as the Coalition for the Homeless provide meals, shelter, and other assistance to those in need. The city also operates a number of homeless outreach programs that connect people with housing, healthcare, and other services.

Ultimately, addressing homelessness in New York City will require a multifaceted approach that addresses the root causes of the problem. This may


Loss is a universal experience that touches every person at some point in their life. It can take many forms, such as the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job or financial security, or the loss of good health. Regardless of the specific form it takes, loss is always difficult to cope with and can lead to a range of emotions including sadness, grief, anger, and even depression.

One of the most difficult aspects of loss is the feeling of emptiness and longing that it often brings. When we lose something or someone that was important to us, a part of our lives is suddenly gone and we are left to navigate the world without it. This can be especially challenging if the loss was unexpected or sudden, as it can leave us feeling shocked and disoriented.

One way to cope with loss is to allow yourself to feel and express your emotions. It is natural to feel a range of emotions after a loss, and it is important to allow yourself to experience and express these emotions in a healthy way. This can be through talking to a friend or family member, writing in a journal, or seeking the help of a therapist.

Another way to cope with loss is to find ways to memorialize the person or thing that has been lost. This can be through creating a memorial or tribute, engaging in activities that were meaningful to the person or thing that has been lost, or finding ways to continue their legacy.

Ultimately, coping with loss is a personal and individual experience and what works for one person may not work for another. It is important to find what works best for you and to be patient with yourself as you navigate the grieving process.

“fear of being lost or lonely”

The issue of a shortage of affordable homes is a major concern in many countries around the world. The lack of available housing can have serious consequences for individuals and families, including homelessness, increased poverty, and social isolation.

There are several factors that contribute to the shortage of affordable homes. One of the main factors is the high cost of land and construction materials, which makes it difficult for developers to build new homes at a price that is affordable for low- and middle-income families. Another factor is the lack of government investment in affordable housing initiatives. Many governments fail to provide sufficient funding or incentives for developers to build homes that are affordable for low-income individuals and families.

The shortage of affordable homes also has a negative impact on the economy. When people are unable to find affordable housing, they may struggle to pay their bills and may even lose their homes. This can lead to an increase in homelessness, which is costly for governments and can put a strain on social services.

There are several potential solutions to the shortage of affordable homes. One solution is for governments to increase funding for affordable housing initiatives and to provide incentives for developers to build homes that are more affordable. Another solution is to make it easier for people to access home ownership by offering financial assistance or by relaxing regulations that make it difficult for people to buy homes.

Overall, the shortage of affordable homes is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. By addressing the root causes of the problem and implementing effective solutions, it is possible to increase the availability of affordable housing and improve the lives of individuals and families.




Controlling the rats?

Rats are a persistent problem in New York City, as they are in many urban areas around the world. These pests carry a variety of diseases and can cause damage to buildings and infrastructure. They can also be a nuisance to residents and businesses, as they scavenge for food and create unsanitary conditions.

One of the main reasons for the rat problem in New York is the city’s dense population and high volume of food waste. The close proximity of people and the abundance of food sources make it easy for rats to thrive. Additionally, the city’s complex network of underground tunnels and sewage systems provides rats with a convenient network of pathways to travel and nest.

Efforts to control the rat population in New York have included a variety of strategies, such as baiting and trapping, sealing off entry points to buildings, and educating the public about proper waste management. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene also works with local businesses to help them implement effective rodent control measures.

Despite these efforts, the rat problem in New York persists, and it is likely to continue to be a challenge in the future. Reducing the rat population will require a combination of long-term solutions and ongoing maintenance. This could include things like improving waste management infrastructure, implementing more effective pest control measures, and encouraging public awareness and personal responsibility for reducing the risk of rat infestations.

Why New York?

The New York rats thrive in this urban areas because they are able to find all the resources they need to survive and reproduce. These pests are attracted to areas with a high density of people because they provide an abundance of food, shelter, and other resources.

One of the main reasons rats are able to survive in New York is the city’s complex network of underground tunnels and sewage systems. These provide rats with a convenient network of pathways to travel and nest, and they also offer protection from predators and the elements.

Rats are also attracted to New York City because of the abundance of food sources. These pests are scavengers and will eat almost anything, including garbage, pet food, and even food scraps that are left on the street or in the park. The high volume of food waste in New York, combined with the close proximity of people, makes it easy for rats to find food.

In addition to the availability of food and shelter, rats are also attracted to New York City because of the mild climate and the lack of natural predators. These conditions make it easier for rats to survive and reproduce, and they contribute to the city’s ongoing rat problem.

Overall, the combination of resources, shelter, and a favorable climate make New York City an attractive place for rats to live and thrive. Reducing the rat population in the city will require a combination of long-term solutions and ongoing maintenance.

Building a habitat

Rats are highly adaptable creatures and can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and even urban areas.

In their natural habitat, rats live in burrows that they dig in the ground or in trees. These burrows provide them with protection from predators and the elements. They may also live in abandoned buildings or other structures.

Rats are social animals and live in groups, or colonies, with a strict hierarchy. The largest and most dominant rats hold the highest ranks in the group and have the best access to food and other resources.

Rats are omnivorous and will eat a wide range of foods, including seeds, nuts, fruits, and insects. They are also known to scavenge for food in trash cans and dumpsters in urban areas.

In urban environments, rats may be attracted to areas with a reliable food source and shelter, such as restaurants, warehouses, and homes. They are known to be carriers of diseases, and their presence in homes and businesses can be a health hazard.

Overall, the habitat of rats is highly varied and can range from natural environments to urban areas. They are adaptable creatures that can thrive in a variety of conditions as long as they have access to food and shelter.

trash in Brooklyn trash in Brooklyn

Trash Bags that just sit

Trash on the streets of New York is a serious issue that affects not only the appearance of the city, but also the health and well-being of its residents. The litter and garbage that accumulates on the streets can create breeding grounds for pests and rodents, which can spread diseases and cause serious health problems for those living in affected areas.

The problem of trash on the streets is compounded by the fact that New York is a densely populated city with a high volume of foot and vehicle traffic. This means that trash is constantly being generated and thrown on the streets, making it difficult to keep up with the amount of litter that needs to be cleaned up.

One of the main causes of trash on the streets is the lack of proper waste management infrastructure in the city. Many people do not have access to trash bins or recycling facilities, leading them to dispose of their waste in the streets. This is especially true in low-income neighborhoods, where there may be fewer trash bins and recycling facilities available.

Another contributing factor is the lack of education about proper waste disposal. Many people may not realize the negative impact that littering can have on the environment and the health of their community.

To address the issue of trash on the streets, it is important for the city to invest in more trash bins and recycling facilities, as well as to educate the public about the importance of proper waste disposal. This could include implementing programs to teach people about the benefits of recycling and the consequences of littering.

It is also crucial for the city to enforce existing laws against littering and to hold individuals and businesses accountable for their waste. This could involve fines for littering or requiring businesses to properly dispose of their waste in order to prevent it from ending up on the streets.

What actually hides in those

The trash that accumulates on the streets of New York is not just an eyesore, but it also contains a variety of items that can provide insight into the lives and habits of the city’s residents.

One thing that can often be found in the trash of New York is discarded food packaging and containers. This can reveal what types of food are popular in the city and how people consume them. For example, the abundance of takeaway coffee cups may indicate that coffee culture is thriving in New York, while a high number of fast food wrappers could suggest that many people rely on fast food for their meals.

Discarded clothing and accessories are another common item found in the trash of New York. These items can reveal trends in fashion and personal style, as well as provide insight into the economic status of the city’s residents. For example,

the presence of high-end designer clothing in the trash may suggest that there is a population of wealthy individuals living in the city, while a high number of thrift store clothing may indicate that many people are struggling financially.

Other items that may be hidden in the trash of New York include personal care and hygiene products, household goods, and electronics. These items can provide information about the daily lives and routines of the city’s residents, as well as their consumption habits.

While it may not be pleasant to think about, the trash on the streets of New York can offer a glimpse into the city’s culture and the lives of its residents. By examining the items that are discarded, it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of the city and the challenges its residents face.

Sustainability? How?

Being sustainable in the streets of New York can be a challenge, given the city’s high population density and fast-paced lifestyle. However, there are several steps that individuals can take to reduce their environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable city.

One of the most effective ways to be sustainable in New York is to reduce waste by using reusable items instead of disposable ones. This can include using a reusable water bottle instead of buying bottled water, bringing a reusable shopping bag instead of using plastic bags, and bringing a reusable coffee cup instead of using disposable cups.

Another way to be sustainable in New York is to recycle as much as possible. The city has a comprehensive recycling program in place, so it is important to familiarize oneself with the rules and guidelines for recycling different types of materials. This can include separating recyclables into designated bins, using the appropriate recycling bins for different materials, and properly cleaning and preparing items for recycling.

In addition to reducing waste and recycling, individuals can also be sustainable in New York by conserving energy and water. This can involve turning off lights and electronics when they are not in use, using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs, and taking shorter showers to reduce water consumption.

Finally, individuals can be sustainable in New York by supporting local businesses and buying locally-grown and produced goods. This can help to reduce the carbon footprint of transportation and support the local economy.

Overall, being sustainable in the streets of New York requires a combination of individual actions and a collective effort to create a more sustainable city for all. By taking steps to reduce waste, recycle, conserve resources, and support local businesses, it is possible to make a positive impact on the environment and the community.

There are no parking spots anyways.

Here are ten things that can help you gain sustainability: 1. Use reusable items instead of disposable ones, such as water bottles, shopping bags, and coffee cups. 2. Recycle as much as possible, including paper, plastic, glass, and metal. 3.Compost food scraps and yard waste to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills. 4.Use energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs to reduce energy consumption. 5.Install low-flow showerheads and faucets to conserve water.
6.Plant trees or install shading devices to block the sun and reduce the need for air conditioning. 7.Use public transportation, carpool, or walk or bike instead of driving alone. 8.Support local businesses and buy locally-grown and produced goods. 9.Use natural or organic cleaning and personal care products to reduce the use of chemicals. 10.Educate others about sustainability and encourage them to adopt sustainable practices. By implementing these actions, you can help to reduce your environmental impact and contribute to a more sus -

How very charming!

New York is working as a magnet to many people, people from all over the world are either coming as tourists or decide to move to New York. The charm the city spreads is unbelievable and attracts more people everyday. But why is it like that, if you ask some people it’s expensive and overcrowded and they wouldn’t move there. Still, the variaity you find there is unbelieveable. The city that never sleeps? It really doesn’t! But it’s also growing and the footprint it leaves is impacable.

Free Univerity of Bolzano - Bozen Faculty Art and Design

Bachelor in Design and Art - Major in Design WUP 22/23 | 1st semester foundation course

Project Modul: Editorial Design Designed By : Mathilda Holthaus Magazine | Streets+ Supervision: Project leader Prof. Antonio Benincasa Project assistants Rocco Modugno, Amedeo Bonini Photography: named on the next page

Text: Mathilda Holthaus, New York Times, Camila Wanderlay, Chat GPT ( AI)

Fonts: Impact and Minion Pro Paper: Garda Glossy 170g, 250g Printed: Bozen - Bolzano, January 2023 Inside pages - Digital Print | Canon C850

Fotographed by Christian Sauerland


Free Univerity of Bolzano - Bozen Faculty Art and Design

Bachelor in Design and Art - Major in Design WUP 22/23 | 1st semester foundation course

Project Modul: Editorial Design

Designed By : Mathilda Holthaus Magazine | Streets+ Supervision: Project leader Prof. Antonio Benincasa Project assistants Rocco Modugno, Amedeo Bonini

Photography: named on the next page

Text: Mathilda Holthaus, New York Times, Camila Wanderlay, Chat GPT (AI

Fonts: Impact and Minion Pro

Paper: Garda Glossy 170g, 250g

Printed: Bozen - Bolzano, January 2023 Inside pages - Digital Print | Canon C850

Fotographed by Ed Walker Fotographed by Ed Walker Fotographed by Ed Walker Fotographed by Ed Walker Fotographed by Brad Ogbonna Fotographed by Brad Ogbonna Fotographed by Scott Umstattd Fotographed by Jon Tyson Fotographed by Ben Hersey



Fotographed by Brad Ogbonna Fotographed by Oliver Kaubisch Fotographed by Oliver Kaubisch Fotographed by Robinson Greig by Christian Sauerland Fotographed by Gleb Lucky Fotographed by Nelson Ndongal Fotographed by Josh Appel Fotographed by Ana Moreno Fotographed by Sebastian Wienroth Fotographed by Jakayla Toney by Christian Sauerland
...the one that never stops growing
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