Ultra fit magazine 19-1

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19-1 p22 Womens Fitness:Layout 1 10/12/2008 12:05 Page 23

WOMEN’S FITNESS techniques and tips. Most gyms now have a lot of information available, and posters showing different muscle groups used and so on. Take time to use these tools, and also check out what the ‘fit bodies’ are doing – you might learn from them! Always warm up. Start out on the treadmill as this is easy to use and will build your confidence as you familiarize yourself. As a general beginner guide to working out at the gym, I am focusing on a well rounded programme which should be followed 2 to 3 times per week, and updated at 6 weekly intervals.

The session * 1 Warm up for 5 minutes on the treadmill at an easy pace 2 Raise the incline 2 levels and increase your speed to a brisk pace for 8 minutes 3 Cross trainer – work out at a comfortable, moderate pace for 8 minutes, using upper and lower body effectively. Focus on your posture keep your abs drawn in and your spine tall 4 Stationery Bike – pedal at a moderate level for 8 minutes with a resistance that is easy enough for you to stay in your seat, but challenging enough to work your quads (large muscles at the front of the thigh) and raise your heart rate. Ensure the seat is the correct height – so your legs are almost straight but never locked in the down position. You should keep your back straight and your shoulders back and down, eyes forward. Try to keep your hips and upper body still in the seat and drive the pedals with your legs. After 8 minutes, decrease the effort, cooling down for 2 minutes. 5 Move to the free weights area, and select a reasonable weight (I start most beginners on 3 or 4 kg dumbbell) you should aim to be tiring the muscle by the end of the set. Once your muscles have adapted to this exercise you can start to up the resistance and increase the challenge.

Plan 1 Starting out...

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his is a general plan for any newcomers to exercise, or for those of you who have taken a break from your training for a long time. The gym is a great place to work every part of your body, whilst learning


Chest press – 1 set 10 3-4kg Squat – 1 set 12 reps (or use leg press machine) Shoulder press – 1 set 10 3-4kg Lunge – 10 on each leg Triceps extension – 1 set 10 reps 3-4kg Abdominal crunches – 1 set 12 reps Oblique crunches – 8 on each side

After two weeks, build up to 2 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions, and once this feels very achievable, increase the resistance. Spend at least 5 minutes stretching all the major muscle groups of the body.

Plan 2 Eradicate mince pie belly! his plan is for those of you who do train regularly, but have taken a short break (two weeks or so) over the festive period and who have eaten far too much and ended up with a few extra kilos hanging over your waistband! Some women can easily put on a stone in just a few weeks if they over indulge and lay off the exercise, but the good news is as that if you are already fit, and you get back to training hard – you can shift the excess very quickly.


Trying a new activity challenges the body in a new way and will bring better results than doing something familiar and comfortable The Cardio * As you have a good base level of fitness, we are going to go for some interval training here which can be performed outside running, or on the treadmill/ rower or stationery bike – Minimum per week 1 Interval session – 30 minute interval session – warm up 5 minutes, 4 x 5 minutes intervals (effort level very hard) with 2 minute recovery intervals in between (effort level easy to moderate) and cool down for 5 minutes 2 Your regular CV training – 45 minutes steady state aerobic session that you are comfortable and familiar with, for example run, bike, cross trainer, swim or aerobics class. 3 Make a change – if you usually run, then cycle or row. Try to make this session different from the norm and work at a medium to high intensity for 40- 60 minutes. You could try a circuit session (check out the circuit below in plan 3) or a new class. Trying a new activity challenges the body in a new way and will bring better results than doing something familiar and comfortable.



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