2021 Annual Report

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Mater Christi College Annual2021BelgraveReport to the School Community Registered School Number: 1644

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 1 TableofContents Contact Details 2 Minimum Standards Attestation ....................................................................................................................2 Our College Vision 3 College Overview 4 Principal’s Report 6 Education in Faith 7 Learning & Teaching .....................................................................................................................................9 Student Wellbeing .......................................................................................................................................12 Child Safe Standards 16 Leadership & Management 18 College Community 21 Future Directions 24

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 2 Contact Details ADDRESS 28 Bayview Road Belgrave VIC 3160 PRINCIPAL Maria Haggett GOVERNING AUTHORITY Mater Christi College TELEPHONE 03 9754 6611 EMAIL principal@materchristi.edu.au WEBSITE www.materchristi.edu.au E NUMBER E1240 Minimum Standards Attestation I, Maria Haggett, attest that Mater Christi College is compliant with: • All of the requirements for the minimum standards and other requirements for the registration of schools as specified in the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic) and the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 (Vic), except where the school has been granted an exemption from any of these requirements by the VRQA • Australian Government accountability requirements related to the 2021 school year under the Australian Education Act 2013 (Cth) and the Australian Education Regulations 2013 (Cth) •

31/03/2022 NOTE:

The Child Safe Standards prescribed in Ministerial Order No.870 Child Safe Standards, Managing Risk of Child Abuse in Schools. The School’s financial performance information has been provided to the Australian Charities and Not for profits Commission (ACNC) and will be available for the community to access from their website at www.acnc.gov.au

Mater Report to the School Community

Our College Vision

Mater Christi College is an inclusive, contemporary girls' school that allows students time and space to explore their own personal identity and aspirations, delivering excellence in all-girls Oureducation.student

At Mater Christi College, we aim for each girl to become her best self; a global thinker who is confident, competent, and discerning; equipped to realise her own full potential and that of others.

centred culture is guided by the Rule of Benedict and ethos of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan. We encourage and celebrate the potential and empowerment of all girls; encouraging them to realise their inherent dignity, worth and ability.


Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual

The Australian Federal Government and the Victorian State Government, through the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority, requires that all schools provide school performance information on a variety of measures. This report provides such information, and also presents initiatives and developments of major importance to the school community throughout 2021.

Mission Statement

The Directors, appointed by the Members of the Company in accordance with the Constitution, form the College Board which provides the governance of the College and sets the strategic direction. All operational matters and internal administration are delegated to the Principal as Chief Executive Officer.

The Members of the Company and College Board for 2021 consisted of: Members of the Company

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 4 College Overview

Mater Christi College is a Catholic Secondary School for Girls which takes its direction from the person and message of Christ, as proclaimed in the Gospels. In an atmosphere of Christian love, caring and understanding, the College provides educational programs relevant to the individual needs of students. It encourages excellence in all things. The College respects the traditions and spirit of its founders, the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, and strives to be organisationally and educationally innovative, to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing society. Through balanced growth of the whole person, we aim to develop informed and compassionate women of faith who will contribute freely and creatively in the affairs of society. Hospitality

~ Stewardship ~ Humility ~ Discipline ~ Obedience ~ Stability

Governance Mater Christi College is a public company limited by guarantee. It is governed according to the Constitution of Good Samaritan Education.

Guiding Benedictine Values Love of Christ & Neighbour ~ Community ~ Justice & Peace ~ Learning ~ Excellence ~ Prayer

Mater Christi College is a single campus Catholic Secondary School for Girls, located in the outer eastern region of Belgrave, Melbourne. It was established in 1963 by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan and is now governed under Good Samaritan Education. It is systemically funded through the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria.

The College has excelled in providing unique opportunities for students to develop their potential - academically, spiritually, physically and emotionally. As a community dedicated to the education of girls, the College has committed to ensuring opportunities for future leadership, cultural experiences, community service, sporting activities and creative achievements.

Mater Christi College Board draws its knowledge from its Directors who possess a wide range of skills including commercial industry, business management, tertiary and secondary education, finance, commercial law, governance and integrated technology.

While many students areCatholic and from Catholic families, all students embrace the opportunity to participate in an active faith community and are challenged to learn in an environment imbued with the values of inclusivity, compassion and justice so that students will develop a love of learning, embrace leadership experiences and participate in community service.

Good Samaritan Education (GSE) is the collegial Public Juridic Person responsible for its ten incorporated Colleges in Australia, each retaining the distinctive spirit that connects them to the local church in which they are situated. Each College is accountable to GSE for its Catholic ethos and mission, embodied in the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition and for the administration of the temporal goods assigned to it for its work. GSE has full responsibility for all matters of mission, finance and governance of all Good Samaritan schools. Detailed information regarding the Mission & Values, Governance, History, People and Programs of Good Samaritan Education can be found on their website at: goodsameducation.org.au

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 5 Rosalie Jones (Chair) Eileen O'Leary (Deputy Chair) Veronica Hoey SGS Leonie GaynorKeaneyRobson Garth Karlene Treyvaud Board Directors Paul Kremer (Chair) Mary Close (Deputy Chair) Philip King Fiona Bygraves Trudi ChristopherBons Cartwright Amy SharneeWhiteheadMoore(to Feb) Steven Langford (to May) Good Samaritan Education Governance Structure

Principal’s Report

It is with great appreciation that I acknowledge the work of the College Executive Team during 2021, particularly our Deputy Principal Mrs Julie Feeney who will complete nearly two decades at the college when she retired in June. I must also acknowledge retiring College Board Chair Mr Paul Kremer, and all Board Directors for going over and above to ensure the College is in a sound position into the future. We are a proud school in the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition and therefore I gratefully acknowledge the support of the GSE Governing Council, the executive officers and our company members. Thank you also to education support staff, teachers, parents, carers and of course students for their wonderful welcome and extraordinary support in my first year at Mater Christi.

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 6

The College continues to look for ways to improve our infrastructure and to this end we returned to an in house model of facilities management. This has enabled us to make significant improvements to a number of areas in the grounds and to buildings. One of these was the renovation of an old classroom which is now the Well-being Hub.

With the support of Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools, the College underwent a review in 2021 and developed a new School Improvement Plan to take us from 2022 2024. After recommendations from our reviewers, staff spent the latter half of Term 2 and all of Term 3 collaboratively developing our plan to strengthen learning, promote well being and enhance engagement. To complement this plan, we also reviewed our Positions of Leadership and Administration support structures. This is ongoing work as we adapt to the disposition and needs that each new generation of learners presents. We are particularly mindful that COVID 19 presented both challenges and opportunities. Included in the challenges has been maintaining community cohesion during lockdowns, particularly in the areas of staff and student well-being. The sense of community in the College enabled us to stay connected with one another, which was especially important during Term 3. In addition, we needed to facilitate learning for students which was both challenging and accessible this was enabled by teacher commitment to collaboration and innovation and augmented by technology. It is pleasing to note that the 2021 senior school results placed us in the Top 10 Victorian Catholic schools, and we hope to continue to build on this strong performance.

The Mater Christi theme for 2021 was "Who is my neighbour?" and it seems that this question is more poignant than ever. The very core of this theme, from the parable of the Good Samaritan, challenges us to think of those beyond our inner circle. In a year where it would have been easy to wallow in our own isolation, we witnessed students and staff show incredible care for each other in the most difficult of circumstances. They have also continued to raise awareness of what is happening more broadly and challenged us to think about the world they want to build beyond COVID 19. The leadership shown by our students in areas such as action for Climate Change, combatting period poverty and working towards reconciliation with local first nations people has been nothing short of inspirational.

• Embed the College theme 'Who is my neighbour?' and Benedictine values in formation, reflection and social justice activities.

In 2021, the Faith Development Team sought to:

Throughout 2021 students and staff were given the opportunity to engage in rich experiences of prayer and liturgy, including the Opening Liturgy led by members of the Student Representative Council, and the Closing Mass, celebrated by Fr Chris Ford SDB, prior to his departure. The annual Easter Liturgy was designed and facilitated by the Youth Ministry class, using the Stations of the Cross as inspiration for a whole school 'Way of the Cross' celebration. An increased emphasis on recontextualisation and the space of dialogue across liturgy and prayer allowed all members of the College to more deeply consider their place in the world around them, allowing moments to encounter the divine in both formal and informal settings. Religious Education classes provided students the opportunity to grow in their understanding and appreciation of the Catholic tradition, including points of intersection between the tradition and wider society. Students were regularly challenged to consider the needs of those near and far in both Religious Education classes and Homegroup activities and reflection days. Reflection Days were celebrated for Years 7 and 9, focusing on an immersion in the Parable of the Good Samaritan and Reconciliation with First Nations, respectively.

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 7

An area of significant focus for the College in 2021 was a renewed commitment to the celebration and recognition of First Nations Australians at all levels of the College. In dialogue with students who identify as Aboriginal, staff of the College developed new Acknowledgement of Land statements for use at all College gatherings and on College emails. In conjunction with artwork from the College's indigenous students, the College community is invited to reflect on the significant connection of Australia's First Nations people and the land they have long called home.


Education in Faith Goals & Intended Outcomes

• Enhance the experience of prayer and liturgy for all members of the College

• Senior and Middle School Faith and Liturgy Captains, Social Justice and Stewardship Captains, and House Captains demonstrated strong leadership in leading prayer and promoting social justice messages at assemblies and year level and house meetings

• Offer a recontextualised experience of the Catholic tradition for all members of the College community

Achievements As a Good Samaritan school in the Benedictine tradition, Mater Christi College's commitment to education in faith rests in the wholistic growth of all members of the community, realising their inherent dignity, worth and potential. The 2022 theme 'Who is my neighbour?' asked students and staff to consider how the Parable of the Good Samaritan challenges their interactions with all they meet; on any one day are they the Levite, the Priest, or the Samaritan.

throughout the year. Students, both with leadership positions and without, assisted in all aspects of masses and liturgies celebrated throughout the College.

The whole school art project "Hearts of Mater" encouraged students to contribute to a collaborative display housed in the chapel, sharing the relationships that they were most grateful for in their lives.

• Students' awareness of those 'beyond the margins' was raised through the use of resources provided by Project Compassion, NAIDOC Week activities, Dress for a Cause Days, and the annual Caritas Trivia Night. Throughout Term 2 and Term 3 students were encouraged to donate to the St Vincent de Paul Society Winter Appeal, and in Term 4 to the Christmas Hamper Drive. Each Homegroup presented their donations during the Offertory Procession of the End of Year Mass.

The introduction of Year 12 Formation Day at the beginning of the senior school Transition Program, focusing on students taking ownership of their voice as 'prophets to the world,' as they begin their final year of secondary schooling.

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 8

The Youth Ministry class designed engaging Reflection Days for students in years 7 and 9 and took time to consider the importance of spirituality to young people today.

• Following the gaining of the Rerum Novarum Grant in 2020, planning began for the Indigenous Community Garden in the Community Action Program. Students in the Community Action Program developed connections with Aboriginal elders to determine the suitability of plants to be grown in this space.

• Staff were given the opportunity to engage with Dr Rina Madden, speaking on the topic of Spirituality: Experiencing the Limits of Meaning, for purposes of Accreditation, and the College held the first of its twilight 'Spirituality in the Lounge' sessions, with staff engaging with Sr Rita Malavisa.

• Through the Catholic Action Program in years 11 and 12, students grew in their appreciation of community service and outreach, using the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

• In the Youth Ministry program students focused on developing and leading prayer and liturgy, as well as ministry in the digital environment. Students in the class facilitated the Easter Liturgy involving the stations of the cross and led virtual Ash Wednesday Liturgies.

• The Personal Project, in the Middle Years Program (MYP) of the International Baccalaureate, provided students with opportunities to develop projects targeting social justice and stewardship.

2021 continued to provide challenges for Mater Christi College as a learning community, however teachers and students seamlessly transitioned between on-site and remote learning for the year.

As required, teachers of VCE subjects worked in subject workshops in readiness for introducing revised VCE Study Designs.

College and curriculum leaders analysed student achievement data to meet specific intentions: 1. To validate the expected Grades for VCE Unit 3 & 4 students as required by VCAA for its Consideration of Educational Disadvantage.

Learning & Teaching Goals & Intended Outcomes

Opportunities for students to participate in camps and excursions (when permitted), continued and ensured a well rounded experience. Unlike 2020, a full program of semester based exams, as well as NAPLAN testing were conducted.


Being in the second year of remote learning meant that teachers were skilled at providing online learning opportunities for students through Canvas and other online platforms.

Students in the Senior School focused on study skills, time management and post school options/tertiary student selection processes. The VCE Taster Day program for Year 10 students was conducted remotely, providing students with the opportunity to attend an online class. As part of this, students and families could meet online with a subject advisor to discuss future learning pathway options.

To consolidate processes and practices in the Middle and Senior Years aimed at student growth.

The Pastoral Program continued to emphasise study skills, setting achievable goals and learning support strategies appropriate to students' year level learning needs in addition to its focus on well being for learning.

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The College provided academic curriculum programs through the Middle Years Program of the International Baccalaureate (MYP) which aligns fully with the requirements of both the Australian (National) and Victorian Curricula. Students graduate from their final year with either the Victorian Certificate of Education or the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning and can take vocational subjects within each certificate.

In practical subjects, teachers continued to provide accessible ways for students to experience engagement and success in their learning. Relationships with students and families were maintained during remote learning periods through community activities, regular check ins, and phone calls to home.

The College continued to develop practices and processes for documenting learning adjustments as required by the National Consistent collection of Data (NCCD) scheme. Evidence was collated from a range of support activities in and out of the classroom, from pastoral programs, psychologists and nurses, while complying with confidentiality and privacy requirements. The Learning Diversity leader managed the application process, ensuring data was recorded. Professional learning and other support was provided to both teachers and learning support staff.

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 10 2. To determine fair criteria for the nomination of awards to students in recognition of this extraordinary year of mostly online classes. 3. To evaluate the learning and teaching experiences from the period of online classes and determine those strategies that worked well and enabled many students to develop new levels of resilience and independence in learning. 4. To ensure appropriate support through differentiation and modification of programs for those students who did not respond well to off-site learning. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES NAPLAN data shows an improvement in the proportion of students meeting the minimum standards compared to 2019 across Years 7 and 9. MEDIAN NAPLAN RESULTS FOR YEAR 9 Year 9 Grammar & Punctuation 624.6 Year 9 Numeracy 579.8 Year 9 Reading 602.5 Year 9 Spelling 611.4 Year 9 Writing 572.9

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 11 PROPORTION OF STUDENTS MEETING THE MINIMUM STANDARDS NAPLAN TESTS 2019% 2020 2019Changes2020 2021% 2020Changes2021 * * * YR 07 Grammar & Punctuation 96.9 98.4 YR 07 Numeracy 97.7 100.0 YR 07 Reading 97.7 100.0 YR 07 Spelling 96.9 - - 97.6YR 07 Writing 99.2 100.0 YR 09 Grammar & Punctuation 95.3 96.6 YR 09 Numeracy 99.1 99.1 YR 09 Reading 92.7 97.5 YR 09 Spelling 95.3 95.7 YR 09 Writing 93.5 - - 94.9* There are no NAPLAN results to report in 2020 as the Australian Government decided that due to the COVID 19 pandemic NAPLAN Assessments would not take place. ** Data cannot be reported for this year as the number of students that sat the test was below 5 and the data has been suppressed for privacy reasons in accordance with the ACARA NAPLAN data reporting provisions. *** No students sat the NAPLAN tests in this year level and in one or both of the relevant years.

Students at all levels completed a regular Pastoral check-in survey which provided staff with insightful feedback about well being and learning. This allowed for swift commun and follow up to intervene and provide support and strategies

Families attended Welcome Evenings early in Term 1, with a range of guest speakers who reflected on current research information and outlined age appropriate strategies and challenges to support and develop effective parenting skills. In spite of the constraints of on line presentation, these occasions were very well attended and feedback about their value was positive.

As part of the Pastoral Program, students at all year levels were required to set wellbeing goals to support the building of resilience. Students participated in activities that targeted specific year level needs such as Careers Education and Pathways at Year 10, Study & Homework skills at Year 8, Stress Management at Year 12, Time Management at Year 11, Friendships and Belonging in Year 7 and Relationships in Year 9.

The scope and sequence of activities were reviewed using the positive psychology model and updated accordingly by teams of year level teachers, College psychologists and nurses.

Schoolbox provided a secure platform for student notes concerning wellbeing and pastoral matters. It was further developed as the one secure entry point into College information, programs, policies and services.

An online Community Time program was run across online learning periods and students where students participate in year level or whole school activities such as Trivia Tuesdays, Kahoot quizzes and Book Club. In Pastoral Group sessions, students joined in year level programs, social time and assemblies. The Health and PE team continued to convene a Virtual Fitness Hub, converting to onsite activities before school when possible. and continued the early morning Tuesday and Thursday running club sessions as online get togethers. The Stem Hub was further refined and students accessed this with enthusiasm which resulted in students completing experiments using materials that were readily available at home.

Student Wellbeing Goals & Intended Outcomes


1. To develop evidence based approaches to student well being which build resilience and self efficacy.

The VCE Learning Panel continued to assist students in their learning. The Panel consisting of the Head of Senior School and Year Learning Coordinators met with students to discuss appropriate supports and strategies. In addition to this, Learning Conversations were conducted at Years 7 10 to ensure students were supported in their learning, especially during lockdown.

As part of the Pastoral Program, the Black Dog Future proofing project was initiated at Year 8 with the intention of building resilience and tracking mental health needs in secondary students. Other specialist presentations, mostly online, were scheduled throughout the year, focusing on resilience, positive mental health, emotional intelligence, cybersafety, bullying, positive relationships, and study skills through workshops from Elevate Education and Elephant Education.

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 12

Mater Annual Report to the School Community

VALUE ADDED Elephant Ed presentations

Student satisfaction and engagement is qualitatively demonstrated through:

Student wellbeing at Mater Christi College supports a sense of connectedness to the community. We seek to provide a safe, engaging and supportive environment for the development of students' spiritual, physical, social and emotional learning. A diverse range of leadership opportunities enhances the students' sense of being valued, improves student communication and involvement and develops strong personal competencies. Student led presentations at House, Middle School, Senior School and College assemblies showcase learning activities, cultural experiences and student involvement in a range of opportunities.

As well as responding to another series of sustained lockdown learning periods across, students were able to access some social opportunities afforded by zoom, class catch ups. Once again, the ability to communicate in spite of imposed distance was so critical for all. What did 2021 teach us? The need for a strong focus on wellbeing was never more evident in the constant attention that staff gave to the needs of our students. Regular communication with our families, consideration for each and being realistic about challenges resulted in a strong sense of community connection. Families regularly showed appreciation for pastoral support especially during the significant natural disasters (storms, property damage, loss of power, water contamination. Some families were able to access College facilities at these times too. The Benedictine value of hospitality was evident in all interactions, and it was also apparent there was a flow on effect across all Our colleagues were inventive and collegial, forgiving and constant as we continued to deliver our regular programs and opportunities for the wellbeing of our students in this new and unexpected environment.

Student surveys indicated that most of our students feel safe at school, with a low number of students being concerned about anti-social behaviour and the majority looking forward to a return to regular on site schooling.

• Strong sense of belonging to school community

Christi College | Belgrave 2021


• Positive school attendance data

• High family attendance at Welcome Nights and Progress meetings


Continued monitoring of personal safety requirements, proactive social and personal development activities and an ongoing focus on rights and responsibilities reflects the College's mission to develop 'informed and compassionate women of faith who will contribute freely and creatively in the affairs of society'.

Whether students were on campus or at home via remote learning, teachers reported student attendance via the College network, enabling 'real time' roll marking. For on campus learning, a Short Messaging Service (SMS) was sent to parents/guardians when an unexplained absence occurred on a daily basis. During remote learning, parents/guardians received an unexplained absence note for missed classes at the end of each week. Student attendance was monitored and followed up with families as needed regardless of the mode of learning.

YEARS 9 12 STUDENT RETENTION RATE Years 9 to 12 Student Retention Rate 97.9% AVERAGE STUDENT ATTENDANCE RATE BY YEAR LEVEL Y07 94.5% Y08 93.6% Y09 92.4% Y10 91.0% Overall average attendance 92.9%

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 14 • Strong student participation in co curricular and extra curricular activities • Regular use of the Learning Commons and Scholastica for after school study when on site • Support for, and high level of participation in, opportunities such as Student Leadership selection processes, Student Leadership Certificate, Outreach Ministry activities, Tinnies for Vinnies and Mater Day activities • Confidence to lead initiatives for fundraising, community service and raising broader school awareness of environmental and social justice concerns STUDENT ATTENDANCE

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 15 SENIOR SECONDARY OUTCOMES VCE Median Score 32.0 VCE Completion Rate 100.0% VCAL Completion Rate 99.0% POST SCHOOL DESTINATIONS AS AT 2021 Tertiary Study 62.0% TAFE / VET 12.0% Apprenticeship / Traineeship 2.0% Deferred 13.0% Employment 10.0% Other The category of Other includes both students Looking for Work and those classed as Other 2.0%

Providing parenting workshops with leading experts as key presenters Reporting to DHHS and ChildFirst as required

continued with online learning due to the COVID 19 pandemic at various times during 2021, extra measures continued to be adhered to protect students working from their homes such as working within guidelines around one on one teacher/student engagement and a continued focus on student body and mind wellbeing.

The Child Safe Program is a central focus for Board Directors and College leadership. While student safety is embedded in our culture, the College continues to maintain awareness by: Including student safety and risk as a regular agenda item for Staff and Board meetings

Mater Report to the School Community Child Safe Standards Goals & Intended Outcomes


Safe Program at the College is reviewed and regularly updated to achieve best practice for the whole school community. All Staff understand their duty of care and commitment to child safety. The program strategy is reviewed and updated regularly in accordance with legislative


Staff screening, induction and training

• Preparing Staff for Child Information Sharing Scheme

Mater Christi College believes that students have the right to a safe and non threatening learning environment. In this environment, students are respected, treated with consideration always and their voices are heard. They have a right to feel safe and be safe. This commitment is drawn from the Benedictine tradition for Colleges of Good Samaritan Education. In his Rule, St Benedict urges us to move towards a better life, persevering through hardship, being open about our faults and placing the welfare of others above our own.

Pastoral Teacher, Student Protection Leader Providing safe spaces for students to report and discuss concerns Communicating with parents via eNews

The Principal together with Board Directors remains committed to a zero tolerance of child Theabuse.Child


• College leaders and Wellbeing staff (Psychologists & Nurses) meet regularly to share case management of students needing additional supervision and support

Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual

Encouraging students to report issues of safety and concerns, via a range of contacts

Placing posters in key student areas around the college which display names of the Student Protection Leaders (Child Protection Officers)

• College leaders meeting with Student Protection Officers regularly Providing Student Care Plans for all teaching staff

Staff completing and signing off on compliance checklist of policy, procedures and child safe requirements

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 17 • Requiring Staff and all visitors to wear ID cards • Providing inductions for students going on work experience included information about safety. All workplaces are checked prior to the visit, and students are contacted during the experience • Subscribing to SchoolTV, a valuable resource for students and parents, easily available via the College website

Review and refine leadership structures.

The major work of 2021 in Leadership and Management was the cyclical review of Positions of Leadership (POL), as the previous structure was in its fourth year. This began in Term 1 with the re formation of the Consultative Committee (CC) as per Clause 16 of the VCEMEA. The committee met first on March 31 to begin the process of reviewing middle leadership structures for 2022 2024.

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 18

Description of Professional Learning undertaken in 2021 Professional Learning during 2021 may have again looked different in some aspects, however we were able to offer a range of enrichment activities to build capacity of all staff.

The consultation began in earnest on March 1 with a full staff meeting where the pros and cons of the current model were discussed. These ideas formed the basis of future planning. On March 3 the College Executive (CET) met to conduct further investigations, including a PMI analysis on the current structure and what members of the CET saw as future needs. Each member of CET was asked for their views on what was required. Included in this meeting was a consensus that a second Deputy Principal was required. On March 29 further consultation took place; at this meeting the Principal presented four draft models developed from the feedback. Following this meeting a preferred draft was developed. This was taken to the CC on May 3 and a period of consultation with all staff was entered into. The results of this were reported back at the CC meeting on May 24. It is pleasing to note that over 90% of staff took part in this consultation process. On June 2 the CET met to discuss adjustments to the model where there was consensus, there was also discussion regarding areas where there was no clear consensus. The focus for the revised model was role clarity in Learning and Well being, which then fed into the 2022 2025 School Improvement Plan. The model was ratified, and role descriptions were collaboratively developed over the remainder of Term 2 and early into Term 3. All roles were advertised internally, and a process entered into for application and interview. Part of this was a bespoke professional learning opportunity provided for any staff member interested in applying for leadership positions. Janine Stratford (Coaching Focus) facilitated two sessions which addressed writing cover letters, answering key selection criteria and interview techniques. By the end of Term 3 all positions were filled for the new POL structure and following an extensive recruitment process, a new Deputy Principal Learning was also appointed for a 2022 start. One of the highlights of the process was seeing first time leaders apply for and be appointed to roles. This process was an important one for all members of our community, including staff members, who are encouraged to see themselves as part of a community of learners. This is a focus that will continue for 2022.

Leadership & Management Goals & Intended Outcomes



Number of teachers who participated in PL in 2021 69 Average expenditure per teacher for PL $1257 TEACHER SATISFACTION

Internal opportunities included: Catholic Identity focused guest speaker for the first day of 2021. Sessions to assist with accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School. Regular sessions exploring the MYP using current teacher expertise. Professional Learning Communities (various projects). School Improvement workshops (preparing new SIP). Remote Learning workshops (pedagogical approaches). NCCD adjustments and data recording workshops (Run by LDL).


External opportunities mostly took place online and included the following: VCAA VCE Results workshop. VCAA NAPLAN Data workshop. GSE Induction (for new staff). First Aid accreditation including Asthma and Anaphylaxis. Disability Standards for Education. Compliance requirements, such as Mandatory reporting modules. Subject based conferences and workshops. Assessing adolescents at risk (HeadSpace) Middle Leaders Careers Strategy Seminars.

On the whole staff have been highly supportive of the direction of the College and contributed a great deal to decision making during 2021. The College Executive was aware that COVID 19 and the associated lock-downs impacted staff in a range of ways; we were alert to and supported the particular well being needs of individuals. We trusted that a flexible approach would enable staff members to balance personal and professional commitments, and indeed had positive feedback that this was the case. We continue to commit to being a workplace of choice for women in line with our commitment to the GSE statement on the Voice and Experience of Women in Leadership. The College participated in the MACSSIS surveys for the first time in 2021, and we are pleased to have this data which will allow us to set goals in a number of areas. Areas of positive feedback included school climate (81% positive), Collective Efficacy (79% positive) and

Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual

Mater Report to the School Community

A great deal of PL also occurred in Domain Meetings, senior and middle school meetings, VCE results briefings, moderation of student work and NCCD moderation sessions.

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 20 Catholic Identity (78%). Areas for improvement, which have already been recognised in our School Improvement Plan include the provision of formative, professional feedback to teachers (23% positive) and the coherence of professional learning opportunities (41% positive). TEACHING STAFF ATTENDANCE RATE Teaching Staff Attendance Rate 82.0% ALL STAFF RETENTION RATE Staff Retention Rate 90.2% TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS Doctorate 3.0% Masters 21.2% Graduate 45.5% Graduate Certificate 16.7% Bachelor Degree 89.4% Advanced Diploma 9.1% No Qualifications Listed 3.0% STAFF COMPOSITION Principal Class (Headcount) 2.0 Teaching Staff (Headcount) 78.0 Teaching Staff (FTE) 61.9 Non Teaching Staff (Headcount) 33.0 Non Teaching Staff (FTE) 28.6 Indigenous Teaching Staff (Headcount) 2.0


Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 21 College Community Goals & Intended Outcomes

Parents and students participated in Year level Welcome and Information meetings at the start of the year. Progress meetings were consistently well attended, and parents continued to enjoy being able to book their appointments online. Parents communicated freely and regularly with school leaders and teachers.

A renewed approach to social media increased the reach of storytelling about the College, its learning opportunities and programs to our own families and the wider community.

To build a sense of community among students, staff, parents/carers and other stakeholders.

Unfortunately many other events which would normally be held were limited due to COVID 19 Therestrictions.Catholic

Whenever possible in between lock downs, we hosted tours and Taster Days to promote the benefits of an all girls Catholic Education.

Joint projects with community groups were impacted during this time by the hiatus in many activities, however we continue to enjoy good relationships with Yarra Ranges Technical School, Yarra Ranges Council, Puffing Billy, Belgrave Traders and Burrinja Community Arts Centre. We continue to work to develop our network throughout the hills community.

Action classes and Social Justice group were active in their support of Caritas through initiatives such as the Good Samaritan Foundation and St Vincent de Paul's 'Tinnies for Vinnies', though the Winter Sleep Out and other outreach experiences were cancelled due to TheCOVIDCollege enjoyed an ongoing partnership through its families and shared goals with St Joseph's College in Ferntree Gully, with students from both Colleges preparing for the production "Pop Stars" which waas unfortunately cancelled. However the friendships forged through months of rehearsal were a highlight for many students.

The College continued to work as a member of the large network of local schools through the Mullum Schools Cluster, which ensured maximum access for students to a diverse range of vocational study programs. Students and teachers enjoyed online opportunities in STEM education through Yarra Ranges Technical School. Ongoing and supportive relationships were maintained with local authorities especially the Police, Country Fire Authority and Metro Trains.

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 22 VALUE ADDED [CCValueAdded] PARENT SATISFACTION Several methods were used during 2021 to gauge parent/stakeholder satisfaction including but not limited to the MACSSIS survey. In Term 3, 2021 parents were surveyed on the following topics methods of communication, pastoral care, learning programs and reporting. Please see results below:

Mater Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual Report to the School Community 23 We have also embarked on once per term surveys to parents so as to always be aware of issues that may arise in the community.

Christi College | Belgrave 2021 Annual

Mater Report to the School Community Directions

24 Future

The College Board is current deliberating on and will have a Strategic Plan completed by mid Term 3. Following this we are looking at a Master Plan to for 3-5 years which will support the aims of the above.

Mater Christi has embarked on a 4 year School Improvement Program (SIP) which has a three foci - 1) to strengthen learning 2) to promote well-being and 3) to enhance engagement. All of our plans and initiatives are set out in the associated annual actions plan for 2022.

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