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Livestock producers that have fed a Masters Choice hybrid will tell you that there is something unique about the way that our products are utilized in their animals. More than a decade of research, and a propriety testing and hybrid selection tool called the MPG Index, has led us to where we are today. For a corn hybrid to reach maximum feeding efficiency there are two characteristics that matter: starch and fiber digestibility. There are products on the market that may successfully utilize one or the other but, through our own experience and research with industry partners, it’s quite clear only a hybrid that is strong in both starch and fiber will make a true impact on your operation and that’s what we’re proud to provide you with.



For several years we have marketed the benefits of our grain’s soft endosperm, often referred to as “floury grain”. This is one of our most recognized and most easily identified strengths. The soft kernel texture offers a very tangible differentiator, as you can see it for yourself by simply cutting open a kernel. More than just a helpful visual, this softer grain offers a tremendous benefit during feeding. The starch is more easily broken down in the rumen of a cow, meaning that more of the kernel is digested and less is passed through. These softer hybrids often stay in the rumen twice as long as hard grain. This results in increased efficiency and a noticeable difference in milk and meat production. Our “floury grain” also can result in a reduced requirement on ensiling time. This has helped producers around the country “beat the fall slump”. The benefits of softer starch are real, and we will continue to make this a pillar of our hybrid development strategy.

Unlocking the door to providing high quality digestible corn products takes many keys. At Masters Choice we have worked very hard in many nutritional categories to ensure to the farm that we are providing the very best in corn fed products. In the past we have done many studies to show how fiber digestibility can be manipulated by better understanding planting population. For years the livestock feed industry has been talking about lignin and its effects on overall digestibility of many forages. As we move ahead we are learning new and exciting ways to better understand fiber digestibility in terms of whole plant digestibility. Our data looking into undigestible neutral detergent fiber places above the rest in terms of highly digestible fiber. As we continue to offer you the very best products in fiber and starch digestibility we promise to look towards new ways to calculate overall quality.