Media Guide

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Media guide 2023

Trusted by and Partnering with

2023 Goals Grow the company by 200% Establish more partnerships with well respected brands Reimagine YouTube content to be more influential Continue to build content that helps our students stay ahead of the industry curve and connect with industry professionals 2022 Wins Launched our new flagship program The Reverse Engineer Launched The Reverse Engineer Foundations and Elective programs Launched partnerships with Waves, Sonarworks, and RealTraps 250,000+ YouTube followers Successfully helped over 4,000 students become better producers and engineers Over 10,000 people have attended our 3-day fix-the-mix challenge

The Problem

Most musicians are stuck at an intermediate plateau.

For many creatives it’s tempting to jump right into a DAW andstart making music However, without a proper understanding of the technical, left-brained side of music (frequencies, dynamics, etc,) it’s impossible to actually achieve the sounds we imagine in our minds Countless artists and producers plateau at an amateur/semi pro level because of this They have great creative potential, but lack the tools to consistently achieve industry standard results

The tips and tricks found on Youtube or in cheap online courses lack the depth needed for us to develop the deeper understanding that sets us apart as a professionals.

The Solution

Learning in Reverse.

Music production has typically been taught by jumping right into the subjective, right-brained components of music But that’s like trying to paint a masterpiece before you even learn how to properly mix colors

The only way to unlock true creative flow is to start with the hard objective principles that underly music production first, and then work your way towards higher levels of creativity and abstraction. This methodology is the quickest and most effective way to learn how to get the sound in your head to consistently come out of the speakers

Ditch the Degree

Truth bomb: having a degree won’t improve your chances of having a successful music career. The only thing that matters is that your music holds up to industry standards.

Traditional education has failed to adapt to the rapidly evolving music industry, resulting in outdated curriculums and overpriced degrees We focus on what keeps students ahead of the curve: results driven education, one on one mentorship with real industry experts, and community driven support Our students achieve better results quicker, and more affordably than they would through traditional academia.

How our students learn Objective Subjective (Technical Left Brain) (Creative Right Brain) Mastering Mixing Producing Objective Mindset Accurate Listening Environment Master the Tools Unlock Creative Flow Pro Level Ear Training Develop Instincts/Process End in Mind Perspective Connect Left and Right Brain Emotional Connection

The E


The Reverse Engineer is a 12 month training and mentorship program designed to connect the technical left-brain with the creative right brain to unlock true creative potential and give students pro level skillsets in mastering, mixing and production.

One-on-one Mentorship

Our mentors will guide you through every part of the process and provide tough feedback on your projects This one on one mentorship will shape both your skill and mindset.

Training Platform

Our comprehensive and continuously updated curriculum is design to stay ahead of the fast paced music industry and help you develop the skills and instincts needed to compete with anyone in the industry

Active Community

When you join, you get access to our thriving community of artists, producers and engineers You will learn from hundreds of supportive, like minded individuals who have already walked the path.


We are a small but dedicated team of audio professionals determined to create a viable alternative to traditional music education. We believe that a stellar education should be accessible and affordable, and that real results matter far more than a degree on a wall

Lifelong musician and founder of Musician on a Mission. Rob has dedicated his life to teaching producers and engineers how to hone their craft and do what they love for a living

A former corporate bond trader and Mastering Accelerator student, Michael left the world of finance in 2020 to pursue his solo indie music project, “telco”, full time Michael joined Mastering com in the same year and eventually became General Manager in 2022

A 25 year veteran in the industry and Co owner of Slowave Studios and Black Fox Mastering, Caleb has worked as a songwriter, producer and mix/mastering engineer for charting artists, some of the world’s largest brands and major film/TV studios

Jake Kodweis (sounds like “cold rice”) is an American music producer, songwriter, musician, educator, and founder of Real Fat Studios Signed to a record label before hitting his twenties, Jake has licensed over 1,500 original tracks, works with talented artists from all over the world as a producer/mix/ mastering engineer, and has

From live performances to a career in the corporate sector, creativity has always been the driving force behind his motivation After partnering up with the team at, he now spends every day reforming the creative education space. Dylan’s mission is to empower musicians to maximize their sonic quality and tap into their true potential as creatives

For the past 10 years, Dane’s obsession for composition and sculpting sound has lead him to production, composition and engineering work for some of the worlds largest brands, budding artists and film/tv projects As one-half of Slowave Studios, Dane’s unique strengths in composition and crafting cutting edge sound design has secured him a strong foothold in the music industry

Caleb Loveless C L I E N T S U C C E S S R E P Dane Holmes G E N E R A L M A N A G E R Michael Gilbride Rob Mayzes C E O M A R K E T I N G D I R E C T O R Dylan Dominici P R O G R A M C O O R D I N A T O R Jake Kodweis D I R E C T O R O F E D U C A T I O N

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