Debate planning sheet

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Debate Planning Sheet Claim What is the point you’re trying to make? What ideas prove your thesis? (Thesis was: School should start one hour later in the morning): School should start later because it will improve student learning.

Evidence Number your evidence, and list which numbers will support each claim. (brief summary/keywords- type of evidence in parentheses) 1- Proof (facts and statistics) 2- Backup (quotes from experts) 3- Emotional Stories (true or fictional)

Note #12 ( why teens don’t sleep- fact)

*You don’t have to write out the whole note again, if you number your notes on the notes sheet itself. Note #6 ( improvement in mood, memory, and motivation with increased sleep- fact)

Explanation How does the evidence prove the claim? How does the claim prove the thesis? Note 12- Obviously, there are many reasons teens don’t get enough sleep, and most of them are beyond the teens’ control. Between biology and hour of homework on bright computer screens, teens are forced to stay awake late. Note 6- If teens were to increase their sleep, their mood, memory, and motivation would increase. All three of these are important factors in school performance. Moving school start times later will improve learning, and that’s something we all would like.

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