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Entrepreneur program

No report would be complete without showcasing some of the wonderful examples of entrepreneurship that characterize the efforts of the people of Nuevo Horizonte to be self sustaining. While Bienestar does not directly finance these initiatives, those invo because of improved health, and greater confidence and leadership skills, all of which supported by the Bienestar scholarship and health and wellness programs.

Last year we highlighted the new greenhouse which is flourishing with a recent harvest of organic tomatoes. However, the majority of trees that were planted didn’t do so well for a myriad of , prime among them being reduced rainfall. However, an integral part of innovation is adaptation and so in consultation with Guatemalan forestry experts, they have replanted with different species including cedar and caoba which are thriving thus far.


In closing, a huge shout-out to all of the diabetes health promotors, teachers, and community members young and old, whose dedication, inexhaustible enthusiasm, and belief in the value of working together and supporting each other make all of this possible.

We would also like to salute the Bienestar Board members, Nelson United Church, the volunteers, and the donors for their contribution to keeping the vision of Bienestar alive during this tumultuous time. A major accomplishment is being able to support people over the long-term which is when real change starts to happen. Experiencing hope in this social climate is about taking action to make our collective dream of a more compassionate, inclusive, and just world come to life.

Your support makes all the difference. Organize a fundraising event, invite us to share a presentation with a group, friends, and family, pledge a donation, buy e-card from the Bienestar website for a loved one, or volunteer with us. What about taking Spanish lessons and volunteering in Nuevo Horizonte next year? The possibilities are endless. If you want to become involved, contact us or learn more about the projects, check out our website @ https://www.bienestarcanada.ca/

We welcome your comments, look forward to continuing to work with you, and commit to supporting sustainable, culturally respectful community-based programs that reflect peoples’ capacity to meet their dreams for a healthier future for all.

Lastly, please consider becoming a monthly donor. This gives us greater ability to plan for the future, safe in the knowledge that we will have funds for the diabetes health promoter salaries, medical consultations and lab testing, valued student scholarships, resources for the Clubs.

Remember that all contributions receive tax receipts, and that 100% of your donations go to the projects.

How you can make a difference

Give someone a chance for a healthy life!

Your generous financial support makes all of this possible. To make a one-time or monthly donation, go to https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/m/38293?v1=true