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Student Scholarships

Bienestar has supported the student scholarship program since its inception in 2014. Identified by the community as a priority and administered by Dejando Huella (Leaving Footprints), a women’s group in the community, the program has consistently been positively evaluated by the scholarship recipients, their families, and the community as a whole.

Its importance is revealed in Guatemala’s sobering education statistics where more than 25% of the population age 15 and over is illiterate, the highest illiteracy rate in Central America, and where most children still leave school by grade 4. Families cite the lack of funds as the primary reason for their children not being able to continue their education. Through the program, Bienestar provides financial support to offset the costs of education that include uniforms, books, school supplies, and in the case of high school, tuition, and bus transportation.


Eight students received a total of $5,000 in scholarships in 2022. As mentioned earlier, it was a year of both rejoicing and reckoning as they returned to in person classes. All of them reported experiencing in person and they struggled to adjust to the expectations. They are now learning and interacting with each other with greater confidence and overcoming the limitations of distance learning during the last two years

As part of the scholarship program, the recipients also developed leadership skills and served as youth leaders through civic engagement in the cooperative. For example, they facilitated a traditional games festival for the local children, were mentors during the Kid’s club and actively participated in the exercise program.

Achievements in 2022: All of the scholarship recipients graduated to the next level of their respective programs. Two recipients completed the 1st year of their senior High School trade program while Mirian Griselda Vasquez graduated from High School with a diploma in Accounting.

A heartfelt congratulations to each of these students for their hard work and dedication, and to the families and donors such as yourself that encouraged their efforts.

As part of the scholarship program, recipients provided Bienestar with a final reflection of their experience. Here we share a translated reflection from Ana: (named changed for confidentiality)

In the first quarter, I did work such as reading comprehension and essays which for me were really challenging, given that I had never done an essay before in my life until I had this chance since education for me has always been difficult. Small things took me days of work at first, but I really tried and put a lot of desire and effort to achieve all my goals.

During this entire learning process this year, there have been many ups and downs for me, both stress and emotional crises, severe headaches caused by frustration and the fear of failing again. What I didn’t realize at the time though is that we are all human and it’s natural that sometimes we make mistakes. No one is perfect and others have to accept that not all of us have had the same kind of life as others.

I feel I achieved many things, not just academically. I got over myself a lot. All my life it had been hard for me to make friends, so the difference this year was something really incredible. I became much more sociable and friendly. Overall, I am finally very satisfied with all that happened to me in this year, 2022.

I feel very happy and grateful to Bienestar that you supported me, even if I had ups and downs when it came to academics.

Thank you with all my heart for having been tolerant of all my shortcomings. I know that maintaining good grades was my responsibility, but there were many moments in which I felt that I just couldn’t give any more of myself. Today I say with pride, that I accept myself even with my failures, and that I have been able to pass the year and go on to the second level of Basico. I hope I can continue to be part of this Bienestar project.