The Eden Magazine June 2019

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EDEN T h e


DERN Hollywood’s One and Only


JUNE 2019


Imperfect is the New Perfect By Tara-jenelle Walsch


Doesn't Live Here Anymore

By Joey Santos Jr.

Table of Contents 6





By Karen Lawton, Fiona Heckels, Belle Benfield





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By Travis Ruskus


WHERE WE ARE NOW By Michael White Ryan



Cover Photo by ARMANDO GALLO



Maryam Morrison



















Photo by Artin Mardirosian

Spreading Compassion to all Sentient Beings and Living in healing and peaceful world






ANGELA DUNNING MICHAEL WHITE RYAN MARCO NUNZIO ALATI JAYITA BHATTACHARJEE TARA-JENELLE WALSCH MARGARET TOMASZEWIC CONTRIBUTING STYLISTS + MAKEUP ARTIST EDWARD HAKOPIAN GRAPHICS & PHOTOGRAPHY ISABELLE RUEN SHERI DETERMAN BRENDA SAINT HILAIRE WEBSITE 325 N. Maple Dr. Po Box 5132 Beverly Hills, CA 90209 To read this issue online To purchase a copy visit us in Eden Magazine is an non-profit & independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your Photography For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at; 5 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

Photography by Armando Gallo

Bruce Dern Hollywood's One & Only


There are actors, and then there are artists who are actors and rise way above their profession. Bruce Dern is the latter. He is a part of a small group of Hollywood royalty from a different era, and he's pure Hollywood Gold. His acting career spans 62 years. He’s been in over 175 movies, and TV shows combined, as well as stage plays, and has countless nominations and awards, including two Academy Award® Nominations for Coming Home and Nebraska. Dern is always fully invested in the behavior of the character, which is why each character he portrays is a gem unto itself. When he’s up on the screen, you can't take your eyes off of him. And whether his role is big or small, he elevates the entire project just by being in it. At 82 years young, he’s quite busy and has no intention of slowing down. At the moment I’m writing this piece, he’s on location in Alberta, Canada, shooting the feature film Hands

That Bind, directed by Kyle Armstrong. In 2018, Dern starred in two projects, The Mustang, directed by Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre, and The Peanut Butter Falcon, directed by Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz. And he was busy shooting two other features, The Artists Wife, directed by Tom Dolby, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood by Quentin Tarantino with whom he’s worked on two previous pictures, Django Unchained and The Hateful Eight. On May 21st, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood had its Cannes Film Festival premiere, where it received a 7-minute standing ovation. Needless to say, there’s already plenty of Oscar® buzz! In 2010, Dern awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame alongside his daughter, Laura Dern, and Diane Ladd, Laura’s mother, and Dern’s ex-wife. Dern is married to Andrea Beckett and recently celebrated 48 years or marriage. 7 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

When I sat down to speak with Mr. Dern, I wasn’t quite sure how I wanted to approach the interview. I looked across the table at him, and I’m not going to lie, I was in awe, for it was the one and only, Mr. Bruce Dern looking back at me! I thought to myself, where do I begin? There’s a lot to cover. After all, he’s had a pretty incredible life. So I sat back, trusted the universe, and let the magic happen. Mr. Dern is a terrific storyteller. He spoke calmly and quietly and drew me into each word and every detail. I was all ears and almost forgot what the purpose of my being there was. It's the kind of thing that happens when you go to a play, movie, or concert, and three hours go by just like that, and you can't believe you sat there for three hours, glued, and didn't even look at your watch once. That’s what it felt like to be in the presence of Mr. Dern. I thank him for his generosity, his stories, and his insight. On behalf of The Eden Magazine, we would like to thank Doris Bergman (The Berg Group) who made the introduction to Mr. Dern at her annual pre Oscars® Gifting Suite. Mr. Dern, is there a childhood memory you would like to share? It was 1945. I was at a camp, which was about 20 miles southeast of Hudson Bay, in Canada. We would go out on canoe trips. I was 8, and everyone else was 12 or 13. There would be two kids to a canoe plus a counselor, and there would be three or four canoes, so eight kids total and four councilors. It was a full moon, and it was 11 pm. It was very dark and scary, and suddenly in the distance, we saw a light, and it was coming towards us on the lake. We hadn't seen another human being in three days. The light got closer and closer. I was in the lead canoe with my counselor, and this guy in another canoe was coming right at me. He was wearing a Pendleton shirt. He was a Cree. At the time, I didn't know what a Cree was. I remember he was stunning, with his long pitch-black hair, and beautiful skin. He pulled up and touched the gunnel of my canoe. He was holding a lantern, and then he said, "The war is over." Then I turned around and went away. That is how I learned that the 2nd World War was over. That's all he said, then turned around and went back from where he came and once again we were in total darkness.

first non-Mormon Governor of Utah. A lot of important people would come over to that house for dinner. People like my dad's law partner who was also my godfather, Adlai Stevenson, who'd run for president twice, as well as my grandmother's roommate at Wesleyan, Madame Chiang Kai-shek, who was the wife of Chinese nationalist general Chiang Kai-shek. These are just two of the names, and at the time, they were some significant people in the news. So that I wouldn't be an eyesore at the table, I was told to wear white gloves. We had to wear a coat and tie to dinner. There would always be an interloper, and the interlopers had a lot to say, and I never forgot what they had to say because they said some pretty interesting things. Well, it turns out a lot of it was just small talk, but I was a kid, what did I know. I just thought it was "big" adult talk. There were other times my maternal grandfather, McLeish, who was chairman of Carson, Pirie and Scott stores, would come over and he'd say things like, "Name me the five longest rivers in the United States?" Or "Name me ten symphony orchestra conductors." It was never anything about the movies, nothing about entertainment. It wasn't until Adlai Stevenson won the Governorship of Illinois that everything changed. Soon the discussions in our house began to lean more towards literary. Besides acting, you are also a marathon runner. You are one of the godfathers of the ultra-long distance running movement in North America in the late '60s. Please tell us how you first became interested in running long-distance? I'm from Winnetka, Illinois, which is a part of the North Shore of Chicago. I started to go camping at five years old right after I had finished kindergarten. I was into speed skating and was very good at it. I even competed Nationally. Then just after I turned 10 I was at camp and one day I started running because they didn't have skating. I gave up speed skating at 10 and switched to running. I never kept a logbook of my running until I was 21, but at 21 I started logging in every day that I ran. It's been 62 years, and I still keep a logbook, and I've been running ever since.

Another childhood memory is about the house where I grew up.

I have run over 100,000 miles. That’s about four times around the world.

The day I was born my paternal grandfather, George Dern, died. He had also been the Secretary of War and was the

There was a 17-year stretch that I never missed a single day of running. The world record is 33 years.


Photo by Shutter Stock

Photo by Shutter Stock

How do you feel when you are running? I am not aware of what I am doing, but I am aware of what I am feeling. Is my heart beating okay? There are two rules of thumb when running. If you can carry on a conversation, you are okay. If you can't carry on a conversation and the breaths are labored and heavy, then you are running too fast. So if you want to run long distances, then you have to do it in a framework of where it's about putting in the time. For example, if you said to me, I'd like to run a 10K in a month, I'd say, how long have you been running? And you said, "I've run a half hour." I'd say okay, go out and every week for the next four weeks, add five minutes. In a month you will be at 50 minutes, slowly building up to it. There are two things to point out; the goals are 1), I am doing it by myself on my own and for example, if the plane goes down, God Forbid, I'll be able to go someplace for help. And the second is, we have a saying, "If you miss a day. No one knows it. If you miss two days, your opponent knows it. If you miss three days, the crowd knows it. What makes you feel the need to keep doing it? Every day we all have the same amount of time - 24 hours. We waste away at least an hour a day doing nothing, so with that hour, I choose to run. At the end of 60 minutes, I like to measure where I ran. Maybe I only went 3 miles but it doesn’t matter because it is something I did on my own, and I feel good, and it is not tearing down my body. However there are theorists today that will tell you that too many marathons will tear you down, but for me, I enjoy going further. It’s like a pioneering spirit. Would you say that while you're running, that's your Zen time? I would say that when I run I don't need anyone. I can do it all by myself. It's just me, and my watch, keeping time, and I can do it anytime I choose and not have to rely on anyone. And while I am doing it, it’s a lot of fun. Was there ever a plan B if your acting career didn’t take off? No, there was no plan B. I went to College with the idea of running. It was an Ivy League school. My family wanted me to become a lawyer, but I wanted to be a sportswriter. I was always into sports and knew a lot of statistics and trivia. I have a very good memory for those things, and I enjoy it. I was also good at talking, and I could dance. Not physically

dance, but you know, dance the dance. What was the turning point that convinced you to go into acting? I quit College, and I started going to see a lot of movies, and I thought, you know, they are touching me. They are reaching me. I so I wanted to learn how to do that. I'd never acted before. In high school - I attended New Trier high school and like every high school they have a big production, but I never thought about acting as a career. There are so many notable names that attended your high school, in Winnetka, New Trier High School. And they’re not just people in the film industry, but also theatre, music, literature, science, technology, sports, politics, and many other areas. That's impressive. There were only 12,000 people in Winnetka, but for a small town, there are so many notable people including, Rock Hudson, Donald Rumsfeld, Virginia Madsen, Ralph Bellamy, Ann-Margaret, Charlton Heston, Elisabeth Perkins, Rham Emanuel, to name a few. What’s the key to your staying focused in both running and acting all of these years? Discipline. When I began acting, I spent a lot of time with Tennessee Williams. I did one play off-Broadway for him, it's where I met Laura's mom, we did Orpheus Descending, and then Sweet Bird Of Youth, was on Broadway right after that. Tennessee Williams had such discipline. He said he'd get up every single morning and write. At 6 am Williams would sit down with a blank piece of paper in front of him, and no matter what was on the paper or what was not on the paper, he'd leave the room at 11 am. Whether it came to him or not, he put in the time. That’s real discipline. I learned a lot from working with Tennessee Williams. On getting a Star on The Hollywood Walk Of Fame. Mayor Eric Garcetti, who was a Council member at the time, asked me, “Bruce, what does this day mean to you?” I said, “I like to think of this day as a day a bunch of folks got together and said, you know what, Bruce Dern can play.” And that is actually the last line in my book. But really, I’m just pleased they found out I could play.


Tell me about the first time you met Marilyn Monroe? Marilyn Monroe was larger than life. The first day I went to the Actors Studio, this girl walked in wearing a scarf on her head. I was sitting in the back row. There were some empty seats next to me, so she came to the back row and sat next to me. Marilyn studied privately with Lee Strasberg and Paula Strasberg, but she had never been to the Actor's Studio. Lee wanted her to come and see what the actor's studio classroom situation was all about. Seeing that it was my first day, I got introduced to the class. At the time, I was under contract with Mr. Elia Kazan and would be doing my first movie with him called, "Wild River." Marilyn turned to me and said, "You know I was supposed to do that movie with Kazan but my husband (Arthur Miller) wrote a movie, and I'm going to have to work on my husband’s movie. It’s a conflict." Actress Lee Remick replaced Marilyn as the female lead, and Montgomery Clift was the male lead. After class, we walked outside. It was drizzling. Marilyn turned to me and said, "Bruce, it's Bruce right? You're Gadg's wonder kid?" (Gadg was a nickname for Elia Kazan. He earned it in College because he was small, compact and handy to have around.) "Gosh," I said. "He doesn't say or use that name outside." And then she said, "Would you mind walking me across town." So we start walking in the rain. She said she liked walking in the rain. So there we were talking back and forth until we got to the Sutton Place Hotel. Then just as we were about to turn into the hotel, a lady came running, more like flying, out and onto the street to hail a cab. She ran right past us. She clearly saw us but was headed for a cab. She had a long polo coat which she left wide open and unbuttoned - she looked like a giant bird flying - a little sweater under the coat and loafers, with no socks. I looked at Marilyn, and she had tears in her eyes. I said, "What's the matter?" And she said, "Bruce, don't you know who that was?" I said "No." We both look back and see that the woman is inside a cab going up the street. I turn back, and now Marilyn is sobbing. I put my hands on her shoulders and ask her what's the matter. She said, "Bruce. Bruce, it was Greta Garbo, and she didn't even recognize me. She didn't know it was me." I didn't know what to say to her. She was so sad. I came back with a quick response and said, "Oh, I'm sure she was just shining you on." And she said, "But why would she do that to me." I said because she looked at you and said to herself, "You're Marilyn Monroe, I'm Garbo, so stand back and get in line." And then Marilyn laughed. Is there someone early on who influenced you on how to live your life? Most kids I went to school with went into their fathers business, lawyers, doctors, etc., but I was more independent. I 12 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

had an uncle, Herbert F. Goodrich who was a Justice on the 3rd. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia. The other two judges on the panel were, Hugo Black and Herbert Marshall who both moved up, except my uncle, who died before he had a chance to do so. I was in College, and my uncle asked me to come down to see him at work one day. He wanted me to hear a case. He called me Lad. He said, "Lad, what did you think." I said, "Well, I didn't think it was quite right that either lawyer didn't finish presenting their case. He said, "It's not our job to teach litigators how to present a case. We want to know how they came to their conclusion. He went on to say, "Let me tell you something. I get up every morning, I get dressed up and go to work, and I have the best job in the world because every day I have the chance to be fair." I never forgot that and that is how I have lived my life. When your daughter, actress Laura Dern, first got into acting, did you give her any professional advice? And what advice would you give to young actors starting out today? When Laura first got into acting, she did ask me if I had any advice. I told her first of all you have to learn how to dance. She said, "Dance?" I said not that kind of dancing. The greatest crippler of acting is behind the camera intimidation. It's never personal. It's not you. They just want to get their work done and get out of there. So don't take it personally. Just stay in your own zone, don’t go hiding in your dressing room all day long so that someone has to come to get you, or anything like that. Just be a part of the process. The second piece of advice I gave her was to take risks. To go out on the edge of the precipice and to do roles other actresses don’t want. To young actors embarking on an acting career today, I want them to know that it's an endurance contest, a marathon, and that you are going to keep ascending. There is not a person who gets off a bus, train, car or plane that comes to Hollywood that doesn't have a least one opportunity for the door to crack open and get in the room. Understand when you are in the room, you don't have five minutes, you only have 2 ½ minutes before they've lost their interest in you. Know that when you are in that room, that you have to leave a piece of yourself. They will never forget that because you are unique no matter who you are or what you look like because you've got something no one else on earth has, and that's you! So put it out there. I don't mean, do something drastic, but do something they will remember. You must be willing to expose yourself to your best friend who is the camera.

Photo by Shutter Stock


Then turn all cell phones off or don't take them at all and drive somewhere just the two of you for the weekend. Block everything else out and let it just be the two of you. Sometimes, a connection happens along the way, and when this connection happens, you know you are at the place you wanted to get to all your life which is Hearts Location. In other words, where is your heart at, location-wise? I know not many people have found it. Do you have any pets? My wife Andrea and I have been together for 48 years. We always had German Shepherds. We love German Shepherds, but when we would go on location, we had to take them with us because you can't turn down a German Shepherd. They have these sad faces when you put things in a suitcase. They sit there with that face and look up at you. So, we no longer have German Shepherds. I have two Main Coon cats, named Romeo and Gigolo. I read that you don't drink coffee. I have never had a cigarette, never had a cup of coffee, never had an alcoholic beverage. Not for any other reason. I wrote a book on this called, Things I Said That Probably Should Not Have, which outlines a lot of why I don’t. Is there a place you would like to travel to and spend more time? Lake Tahoe? I lived there for 35 years. Yes, it would have to be Lake Tahoe. There’s a lot of buzz about Quentin Tarantino’s highly anticipated feature film, Once Upon Time In America, in which you play a real-life character, George Spahn. Since we can't talk about the details of the project, can we talk about the time period, 1969, when the Charles Manson murders in occurred? How did what happened during that time affect you? It affected all of Hollywood and me too as I was a member of the Hollywood scene, both living and working in Hollywood. Within two hours of what was being reported on the news, about the murders at Terry Melcher’s house, the entire town was impotent, and people fled. Big time movie people, people with money, lots of them fled the city. No one knew who this guy, Charles Manson, was.


No one knew the girls who worked for him, but they knew that Terry Melcher was Doris Day’s son, and he was the biggest record producer at the time. Everyone knew that the murders had taken place at the ex-home of Terry Melcher. For a young guy, he was well on his way. Everyone thought, if they could go and try to kill Terry Melcher then they could kill me too. Everyone in the city was terrified, especially people in the music and movie industry. (They didn't kill Terry. He wasn't home at the time. He had already sold the house, and it was being leased out to director Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate. Sharon Tate, Roman Polanski's wife, was the biggest ingénue actress at the time, and she was pregnant with his baby.) I can't say anything about Quentin's upcoming movie, but I will say he is remarkable. He's done an amazing job, and I have never seen it done in my 60 years. You have worked with some outstanding directors over the years, which ones stand out the most and why? I have always said, I worked for six geniuses in my career and not in order of importance they are, Elia Kazan, Alfred Hitchcock, Douglas Trombone, Francis Ford Coppola, Quentin Tarantino, and Alexander Payne. They are geniuses because of their approachability on set. There isn’t a member of the crew, who can’t approach them at any time during the day and ask them what their specific job in the shot is, and that they wouldn’t tell them. They are all professors, and with them, it’s full collaboration no matter who you are. The reason that I say I'm excited to go to work every-single-day is because each one of the people I mentioned might just do something on that day that has never been done. That's why I'm there doing it. And therefore they could lead me to a door that I might do something. With Payne, Coppola, and Tarantino, they are right there where you are when you’re doing a scene. They’re not sitting behind a monitor. Alexander Payne says it the best, I said to him, “I love that you are right here.” And he said to me, “Where else would I be? I’m not going to watch my movie on a television set.” Because that’s what a lot of directors do, they are looking at your work on a monitor.

Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

You’ve had two Oscar® Nominations that came thirty-nine years apart, the first in 1979 for Coming Home, and the second in 2014 for Nebraska. How different did each nomination feel? I have always felt that the win is the nomination. You can’t pick a winner. All the nominees are winners.

Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

With a thirty-nine-year difference between nominations, I can say that in Coming Home, I felt so gratified that they noticed me because there was a lot to see in that movie without zeroing in on me, but with Nebraska, I felt welcomed. I felt like they said, “Sit down here, and while you’re at it sit here for the rest of your life because you’ve got game.”

With a thirty-nine-year difference between nominations, I can say that in Coming Home, I felt so gratified that they noticed me because there was a lot to see in that movie without zeroing in on me, but with Nebraska, I felt welcomed. I felt like they said, “Sit down here, and while you’re at it sit here for the rest of your life because you’ve got game.” Of all the roles you have played, if you had to choose one as your most significant role, which one would it be? I've been acting for a long time, and I have had a lot of good roles, but I have never had a "great" role until Alexander Payne gave me Nebraska. Is there an actor or director from the past or present with whom you'd like to work within the future? The one I will work with next.


Photography by Isabelle Ruen


Photography by Sheri Determan

You mentioned the words, Hearts Location. What does Hearts Location mean? One day, Laura said to me, soon after she met Ben Harper, the man she would marry and has two children with, she said, “Dad, how do you really know when you are in love with someone. " I said, “Well, the first thing you do after you’ve dated a few weeks and you’re sure you want to see him again, you know that he likes you and you like him, you get in the car. Yes. You get in the car, so it’s just about the two of you." Special Thank you to Mr. Bruce Dern Dina Morrone Armando Gallo Lisa Klein Doris Bergman Sheri Determan Isabelle Ruen Paramount Pictures


It has been a great pleasure for us at the Eden Magazine, to have collaboration with the extraordinary photographer, Armando Gallo, for this very special issue. Armando Gallo was born in Oriago, Italy, an ancient village a few miles from Venice. He has been a photo journalist since 1967, while he was living in London where he moved a year before. A huge Beatles fan he was lucky enough to make his way to the listening party of The Beatles Sgt Pepper Lonely Heart Club Band. His article was published as an Italian exclusive in the weekly magazine, “BIG”, the magazine that he was reading in Italy. Inspired by this experience he soon left his career as an architectural designer to become the London correspondent for the Italian rock weekly “CIAO 2001”, the rock bible for young Italian generation of the’70s covering the extraordinary swinging London and the ever-changing British pop scene. He left London in the Spring of 1975 to take a position in Los Angeles as a correspondent for the top Italian weekly TV Sorrisi e Canzoni entering the Hollywood scene, interviewing John Wayne and Henry Fonda and a young Steven Spielberg for a little movie titled Jaws. In the Summer of 1975, when he heard the news that Peter Gabriel had left Genesis, one of his favorite British band. The following year Peter had found difficulties to jump-start his solo career. Music publishers and record companies seemed unsure of his songwriting talent as Genesis, with drummer Phil Collins taking over as lead singer, went on to be more successful than ever. “I decided there and then to write a book about Genesis, otherwise a beautiful story would be lost forever” he said. For Armando the book was meant to set the real story of Genesis including Peter strong contribution during their first formative years. It was also a way to document the late ’60s and early ’70s, an era that he witnessed and remembered with passion. Genesis the Evolution of a Rock Band was published by Sidgwick and Jackson of London in June 1978 to coincide with Genesis headlining the Knebworth rock festival. In USA the book was published 2 years later, with due updates and an editorial production that improved the UK edition by far. Totally inspired by a new Peter Gabriel’s song titled DIY, “if you want to keep it under control/ keep it small, do it yourself/ DIY DIY…”Armando published the book Genesis I Know What I Like in April 1980 under his own imprint, DIY Books. The book went on to three reprints, but a limited national distribution. In Britain Sidgwick and Jackson became the distributor of the new book. Every fan wanted to have one. It happened then and it still happens now: In September 2014 Armando released an App of his 1980 Genesis book. The project was wanted and financed by Genesis fans from all over the world. The App is easily downloadable in iTunes: In 1982, Armando formed DIY Books Europe in order to publish an Italian, French and German version of the book and the following year, with his brother Claudio on board, he changed 18 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

the name to Fratelli Gallo Editori, an Italian publishing company that produced and published over 40 rock books. It was a period of great rock bands and hungry fans. Fratelli Gallo published also monthly magazine PIX Photorock that featured the artists of the month through’ the eyes of their personal photographers and the pens of the best Italian journalists. The magazine had no adverts, but a higher cover price that the fans kept alive for 2 years. In October 1986, following the inspiring Amnesty International’s Conspiracy of Hope tour, he self-published a special book: Peter Gabriel. This is not a biography, he wrote in the introduction. The text was from a series of late-night conversations with Peter and it was laid-out around photos of Peter’s solo tours. In April 1987 Armando started touring with U2 as a live concert photographer. By the end of 1992’s Achtung Baby tour he produced a video of the song. Even Better Than the Real Thing that he shot on video and stills and co-directed with Italian graphic artist Kampah. Armando has worked as a photo-journalist in Hollywood for over 40 years and was awarded two Telegatto awards in 1998 and in 2000 for his work as a correspondent. In 2009 he was the first recipient ofThe Traveling Heart award in Los Angeles during the HiTWEEK music festival for his contribution to Italian music abroad. The award was presented to him by one of the most respected Italian singer songwriter Franco Battiato. Armando Gallo has been a member of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association since 1978 and as such he is a voting judge for the Golden Globes. His photographs of the most famous movie stars and rock musicians have graced many magazine and album covers. His photography is represented by Zuma Press: His first LOVE remains Rock’nRoll.

A Cat Cafe Experience

Adopted: 800 | Saved from euthanasia: 1,710 | Amount donated to charity: $24.5K




Photography by Christian Fregnan

By Karen Lawton, Fiona Heckels & Belle Benfield



umans and plants have evolved together. This is demonstrated by the interaction of plant compounds with receptors in the human body, compounds that can be almost identical to hormones or neurotransmitters. We are in essence made of the same stuff. Plants and people have lived together side by side from the very beginning. We share a rich, colourful history. We are intertwined. There are around 300,000 plant species on our planet. They are the only life forms that can produce their own energy source from sunlight. Through photosynthesis and transpiration, they create an environment suitable for us and other animals to live in, regulating our planet’s water and air supply. Herbal medicine is an art and, in more modern times, a science. Plant healing has ensured our survival, allowing us to cure ourselves and thrive as a species. Every community has utilized its native plants for medicine. According to the World Health Organization, 80 percent of people in Africa still rely on traditional herbal medicines as their main healthcare, often conducted with a sacred connection to the plants. How did our ancestors discover the medicinal potential of plants? We can only speculate. Most likely they observed the plant and animal kingdoms, and used their instinct to discover the wonderful healing qualities of plants, knowledge that was then passed down through the generations. It’s fascinating to observe this inherent knowledge in animals. Horses will self-medicate when they’re sick, naturally foraging for nettles if given access to them. These nettles can provide a horse with essential minerals, can help reduce the inflammation of laminitis, treat kidney complaints, help with allergies and support lactation issues, among other ailments. Similarly, a horse will naturally avoid ragwort if there are plenty of other food sources (a yellow-flowering plant in the daisy family, ragwort commonly grows in fields but is toxic to horses).

Food Almost everything that we ingest comes directly or indirectly from plants. Throughout human history approximately 7,000 different plant species have been used as food. Wheat is thought to have been the first plant cultivated, in the Middle East c. 8000 BCE. Clothing Cotton, flax, hemp, nettle and bamboo are among the plants generously giving us their harvest to make fabrics. The use of plastics in fabrics is contributing to our current environmental crisis; when washed, these fabrics shed plastic microfibres into the water system. We need ecologically friendly fabrics – the awesomely strong fibre of stinging nettles is an excellent choice. Nettles have hollow fibres that are filled with air, creating natural insulation. In fact the use of nettles in clothing dates back some two millennia; it was only with the arrival of cotton in the 16th century that this useful plant fell from favour. In World War I, when cotton ran short in Germany, nettles were used to make army uniforms. Medicine and Ritual Plants have long been used for medicinal purposes. Ancient Chinese and Egyptian papyrus writings describe medicinal uses for plants as early as 3000 bce. In cultures where practices have remained relatively unchanged for millennia, herbs are still used in healing rituals. Traditional medical systems that involve prolific use of herbs, such as Ayurveda in India and Traditional Chinese Medicine, are so embedded in the culture of their country that they are still part of more mainstream medicine today, with herbs administered within hospital systems.

"Plants and people have lived together side by side from the very beginning. We share a rich, colourful history. We are intertwined."

In many places across the globe, there is fantastic diversity in native and naturalized plants and a rich ancestral history of plant medicine that is still being uncovered. Herbal medicine has evolved over time with crosspollination between many cultures. Scientific models are now being applied to some of the oldest texts available. For example, research has been carried out on the recipes and herbal actions in the Leech Book of Bald, written in Saxon times. Science is confirming the wisdom that has been known for centuries. 21 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

Animism – the belief that there is God or spirit in all things – can be found in many ancient Earth-based wisdom traditions. Each plant has its own sacred spirit, which makes it more than just its physical substance. This is synergy, meaning the combined effect of the parts is greater than the sum of the separate parts. It indicates that when compounds work together their effects are enhanced. This sacred or ethereal aspect has been utilized in rituals for purification, consecration, protection and community cohesion. When altering consciousness for religious ceremonies, art and personal exploration, humans have used psychotropic plants and fungi to celebrate and connect with spirit for millennia. There are theories that the religious experience was initiated in humans originally through mushroom intoxication. Could it even be that psychedelic experiences played a part in the evolution of the human brain? Paper From the Bible to Harry Potter, literature is filled with references to our plant allies. The very paper on which books are printed comes from the plants, too. The word “paper” derives from the Latin papyrus, which is the name for a plant once abundant in Egypt and used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans to produce a thick sheet-like material for writing and painting. Folklore A multitude of stories have been told about the folklore of plants, their characters and spirits. Several botanical names of plants derive from Greek and Roman myths. For example, the Roman goddess Diana was the huntress. In Greek, her name is Artemis, the moon goddess, and many species of plants with her namesake, Artemisia, cast a silvery moon-glow from their leaves. The protector of small children, she helped her mother to birth her twin brother Apollo immediately after she had been born. Artemisia species such as mugwort are used in labour to help bring down the baby. There is a long tradition in Chinese medicine of using Moxa sticks, which contain charcoal and mugwort, during and just before the birth process. Mugwort stimulates oxytocin, the hormone that is released during birth (and also in orgasm). Yarrow, or Achillea millefolium, is named after Achilles the warrior. It is said that Achilles used the plant to staunch the wounds 22 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

of his fellow soldiers, and indeed it is known as a styptic, staunching the flow of blood. Disconnection People have always lived interdependently with plants and yet we no longer value them, no longer treat them as sacred. Mass agriculture has changed our outlook. Our wild spaces are getting smaller and smaller. We are still hugely dependent on plants but we no longer recognize this. Now the corporations are chemical producers and we are the lab rats. As herbalists, we see untold damage done to many people by prescription medications. Drugs have side effects. What’s the solution? Take another pill. This reliance on pharmaceutical drugs plays a big part in the ill-health of our planet and our physical, emotional and spiritual disconnection from the plant world around us. People in much of the Western world have lost touch with the medicine of the Earth, and have consequently forgotten how to care for her. Herbalism is a nearly forgotten art in many places, seen as antiquated “folk” or “old wives’” medicine. The skills of our great-grandparents to treat simple complaints are no longer deemed relevant and much of the herbal knowledge of the past has died out. Moving Forward Access to herbal medicine and information is vital if we are to shift toward a more responsible society. It’s often forgotten that we have the power as individuals to make choices. Getting to know how our bodies work, and making changes for our emotional and spiritual wellbeing, promotes happier, healthier societies. Connecting people to plants strengthens the bonds of protection and love for Mother Earth. There are many benefits to modern allopathic medicine, but also costs in terms of wellbeing and finance. Today, individual plant compounds are extracted, then refined for use as allopathic drugs to treat particular conditions. While this has certainly led to faster treatment of certain conditions, these drugs also have side effects. A whole plant containing a multitude of chemical constituents has a very different action on the physical body, because all those phytochemicals work synergistically. For example, the herb meadowsweet contains the compound salicylic acid, the constituent

that aspirin is derived from. Aspirin’s side effects include corroding the stomach lining and causing ulcers. Conversely, meadowsweet is actually indicated for stomach ulcers in herbal medicine, because of other constituents that it contains in addition to salicylic acid, all working in synergy. Today, laws specify that some plants are illegal to grow and possess. Others are seen as colossal cash crops to be taxed and exploited. Governments dictate how we can and cannot distribute herbal medicines, yet often these governments themselves have little knowledge about plant medicine. Herbal medicine, in contrast, is alchemy, the creative power to transform a plant into a potion for positive change. Traditional pharmacy taught that herbal preparations should be presented in a beautiful way, and this was part of the healing. And right up until the middle of the 20th century, the presentation and packaging of all medicine was indeed beautiful. Have you ever seen old glass medicine bottles? They are usually made from hand-blown, coloured glass, decorated with patterns and logos. Presenting the medicine attractively honours the life force of the plant and draws the recipient toward a cure. Belief in the medicine and appreciation of its beauty inspires healing. The core intention of Sensory Herbalism is to encourage as many folks as possible to connect with the Earth, to protect her from greed and violence and place the power of plant medicine back where it belongs, in the hands of the people. Our Earth needs as many secret heroes as possible. Knowledge about the plant world and

its medicinal powers makes secret heroes of us all, working together toward a better future. We are committed to developing projects that will spread through all parts of society, in order to achieve a massive shift in consciousness, toward thinking more holistically about health, wellbeing, education and community. Thankfully, today people are becoming interested in herbal medicine again. They are taking notice of the green spaces around them and wondering what marvels these can offer in terms of food and herbal medicines. Our children should be brought up with knowledge about the medicinal plants that grow around them, and learn to cultivate and nurture them in order to make simple herbal preparations. We hope this book will inspire people to work with plants in a creative way – that it will inspire greater self-awareness and a desire for knowledge that can be passed down to the teachers of the future, our children.

The Seed Sistas are Karen Lawton, Fiona Heckels and Belle Benfield, three herbalists with a mission to connect people with their local plants. Karen and Fiona are medically trained herbalists who combine their clinical experience with ritual, art and creativity to teach herbal medicine in a uniquely inspiring and accessible style. Belle is the visual artist of the team, her art practice inspired by her deep knowledge of indigenous medicinal plants. 23 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

Photography by J W

By Neale Donald Walsch 24 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

The Question

What if the most wonderful ideas you ever had about life were true? What if the most wonderful ideas you ever had about yourself were true? What if the most wonderful ideas you ever had about God were true?


Essential Path to Solving Humanity's Biggest Problem

What if the most wonderful ideas you ever had about what happens after you die were true? What would then be true for you? Do you think there would be any difference between how you might then experience life and how you now experience life? Your answers to these questions are now setting the course and direction of your experience on Earth, did you know that? Not to be overly dramatic about it, but it’s true. They are determining the path you will take. And humanity’s collective answers to these questions are now creating the future of our species by determining the path we will all take. Will it be the path that our species has taken for thousands of years—the one that got us here, where our lives and the world is today? Is this where we want to be? Is this our most wonderful idea about life? About ourselves? About God? Ideas are important. It is ideas that create beliefs, beliefs that create behaviors, behaviors that create experience, and experience that creates reality. And if our most wonderful ideas become our beliefs, life on our planet would look much different than it does today. Cognitive scientists tell us that all it takes is one in ten people to emphatically embrace an idea, and the mass will follow. What, then, could cause just one in ten people to believe that the most wonderful ideas we ever had are true? A single decision. We're one decision away. Really. But we must make that decision now. Not doing so is starting to have, on all of us, a very real effect.


Let’s not dance around this. We have a big problem here. On Earth, I mean. And it’s touching our lives every day. Individually and collectively.

in recent times, we’re hearing folks say that if we do have a problem right now, it’s only because of “those others” who are creating problems. We didn’t have these problems before, these folks say, and we want to go back to the Good Old Days.

There’s no reason to move into a dark or depressed state over this though, because the solution really is just one decision away. And it’s not even a difficult decision to make. We just have to choose to make it.

And just who, exactly, are those “others” to whom these folks are referring?

The Effect

Many people agree with the decision intuitively already. They simply haven’t implemented it in their lives as a practical matter, probably because they're waiting to see if anyone else agrees. But the time for waiting is over. The problem now confronting us is becoming pervasive. It’s evidenced not only in the world’s governments or the world’s corporations or the world’s social or religious institutions. It’s affecting all of us. In individual homes all across the planet, we're feeling the effect.

The problem now confronting us is becoming pervasive. It’s evidenced not only in the world’s governments or the world’s corporations or the world’s social or religious institutions. It’s affecting all of us. In individual homes all across the planet, we're feeling the effect. So what’s up? What’s the problem? Let’s lay it out in direct terms. Humanity’s biggest problem is that humanity doesn’t know what humanity’s biggest problem is. We can see the effect of this problem all around us, but we don’t seem to see the cause. Now you have a real problem when you know you have a problem, but don’t understand what the problem is. You don’t know what’s causing the effect that you're observing every day. And humanity’s confusion about this has gone on for so long that it’s now created a condition. A condition that’s threatening to become permanent. Here’s one way that it shows up: Perhaps more than ever


It’s those unwanted immigrants, those unsatisfied minorities, those unhappy women, those right-wing radicals, those left-wing nut jobs, those unacceptable gays, those uninformed students, those dumb conservatives, those empty-headed liberals, those unmotivated government assistance recipients. It’s those “others” who just keep making things difficult. A well-known political strategist in the United States, Brad Todd, crystalized all of this in a tweet he posted in mid-2018: “Is the American Left willing to live with and among the American Right? Or are we at culture rupture?” And the phenomenon is not limited to the U.S., but is emerging all over the world. Newspaper columnist Paul Krugman put it this way in an opinion piece in the New York Times written at about the same time. “The real crisis is an upsurge in hatred—unreasoning hatred that bears no relationship to anything the victims have done.” I resonate with the urgency of Mr. Todd’s questions and I concur with Mr. Krugman’s observations. Suddenly it feels as if we live in a world of us vs. them. People around the globe are lining up on one side or the other, and the middle ground seems to be disappearing. Not everyone may feel this way, but everyone can feel everyone who feels this way. So it’s affecting all of us. Each day it’s producing distressing headlines, angry blogs, name-calling speeches, childish rants in tweets, bullying diatribes, finger-pointing tirades, and violence-laden outbursts. And while we may not know the underlying cause of the problem human society is now facing, the cumulative impact of that problem can be put into a single word. Alienation. We are seeing it more and more. It is an outgrowth of a very contentious and unhappy situation.

The Situation Alienation inevitably arises in the aftermath of ongoing citizen frustration. Citizen frustration inevitably arises in the aftermath of ongoing societal dysfunction. Societal dysfunction inevitably arises in the aftermath of ongoing systemic failure. And that’s exactly what we’ve had here. Longterm, ongoing, systemic failure. We’ve put into place on our planet a wide assortment of systems created to make life better for all of us. Those systems are not working. There are some rare exceptions, but in the main, most are failing to produce the outcomes they were intended to produce. Wait. It’s worse. They’re actually producing the opposite. Our political systems—created to produce safety and security for the world’s nations and their people—have in the main produced far too much of exactly the opposite: ongoing disagreements, endless “make wrong,” dangerous trade wars, nerve-wracking military threats, and ongoing violence between people at every level. Our economic systems—created to produce opportunity and sufficiency for all—have in the main produced far too much of exactly the opposite: massive economic inequality and increasing poverty, with a handful of people (actually less than ten) holding more wealth and resources than 3.5 billion (that’s half the planet’s population) combined. Our social systems—created to advance and facilitate the joy of living in community and build a foundation for harmony among a divergent population—have in the main produced far too much of exactly the opposite: discordance, disparity, prejudice, and despair...with limited opportunity for upward mobility and in far too many cases rampant injustice producing exasperation and outrage. (Even our vaunted online internet systems—created as the newest innovation of our social systems and originally designed to bring us closer together through the “marvel” of social media—have in the main produced far too much of exactly the opposite: a playing of one against another through the manipulation of emotions, a heightening of our differences, an exacerbation of our fears, and a poisoning of our minds with negativity, all of which has not brought us closer together, but driven us further apart.) And saddest of all, our spiritual systems—created to inspire a greater love of God, and so, of each other—have in the main produced far too much of exactly the opposite: bitter righteousness, shocking intolerance, widespread anger, deep-seated hatred, and self-justified violence.

Now you may think that I have exaggerated the impact of all this. Things are better here on Earth now than ever before, right? Well, I suppose that’s true for some, but do you know that on this day over 1.7 billion people will have no access to clean water? Do you know that 1.6 billion will live without electricity? Do you know that, difficult as it may be to believe, 2.5 billion people—over a quarter of this planet’s population—will not have toilets to use in this, the first quarter of the 21st Century? These are more than simple inconveniences. The health hazards caused by such conditions leads to thousands of unnecessary deaths each year. And speaking of unnecessary deaths, consider this statistic: Over 650 children die every hour on this planet of starvation. Every hour. Starvation? Really? While we throw away more food in restaurants from Tokyo to Paris to Los Angeles each evening than would be needed to feed the children of an entire outlying Third World village for a week? Even a quick overview of such numbers—even the most dispassionate glance—surely provides dismaying evidence of our absolute, complete, and utter lack of grasping (much less activating) the simplest and most basic answers to the simplest and most basic questions that members of any sentient species would (one would think) sooner or later have to ask: Who are we? Who do we choose to be as a species? What gives here? What's going on with the human race that it cannot see itself even as it looks at itself? Where is humanity's blind spot? What is the reason for all this?

Neale Donald Walsch is the author of ten books in the Conversations with God series, which have sold over ten million copies in 37 languages. He is one of the major authors in the new spirituality movement, having written 28 other books, with eight books on the New York Times bestseller’s list. His life and work have helped to create and sustain a worldwide spiritual renaissance and he travels globally to bring uplifting message of his books to people everywhere. 27 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

GO Campaign is excited to announce that it has been selected as the beneficiary charity for Vintage Hollywood’s 18th annual Wine and Food Event on Saturday, June 8th, 2019, from 6:00-9:00 PM Held at a beautiful private estate in Bel Air, Vintage Hollywood is an intimate outdoor event attended by approximately 400 guests and features exclusive California wineries and food from some of the area’s top restaurants, as well as beautiful vehicles in partnership with our good friends at ICON.

Tickets are available on GO Campaign’s website. There is also an Online Auction for those who are unable to attend the event but who wish to support this worthwhile cause

100% of Vintage Hollywood’s net proceeds will be dedicated to GO Campaign’s work throughout Southern California. In Los Angeles alone, GO Campaign partners with 13 grassroots organizations that run programs to improve the lives of children in under-served communities. From foster youth to teen moms to unaccompanied minors to kids impacted by gang violence, homeless children and more, GO's Local Heroes are fighting for our cities’ most vulnerable youth.


By Tara-jenelle Walsch

Imperfect is the new Perfect 30 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

It’s the crooked nose, the chipped tooth, the snort-laugh. Natural clumsiness, bloopers, blunders, and voice cracking. These are the things real life is made of. The things we can all identify with and naturally leave us feeling connected to one another. The things that give each and every one of us a unique personality that is adored. Social norms have taught us to view them as imperfections. Things that need to be corrected in order to be accepted and approved of by others. Newsflash: There’s no such thing as “Perfect.” It’s one of humanity’s many fabricated illusions, as can be legitimized by the common fact that everyone’s definition of perfection is different. Yes, we have universal standards and ideals, but everyone approaches those through their own filter, which was created from their personal experiences. With no way to single-handedly achieve something so vastly defined, the word itself is rendered a myth. And here’s where things get good: Since there’s no such thing as “perfect,” that means there’s no such thing as “imperfect.” Things are simply different from one another. This way or that way. But for the sake of this article, I’m going to identify the things that we wish were better about ourselves as imperfections.

The other day as I accidentally knocked over a display at Starbucks it dawned on me that being “imperfect” is socially acceptable. It’s a likable thing. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that it’s even preferred most of the time. So called imperfections are socially acceptable because we all see ourselves in them. When others trip, fumble, or fall out of the lines in any way, it reminds us that we’re ok. It creates a sense of humanness in the space that everyone can identify with. Imperfection authenticates us. It demonstrates that we aren’t editing and controlling our every move, but rather being our genuine selves. So, no need to hide your mishaps or slip-ups. Quite the contrary, “this is what makes you human and unique, which leaves people feeling connected with you. Have fun with them when they appear. Delight in them when noticed. Laugh at them. Use them as an opportunity to charm others through humor as they arise. This makes you more relatable, which, in turn, makes you more approachable. The key element here, of course, is for us to identify this as an opportunity as it happens. There’s no need to be embarrassed, but rather embrace the circumstance. This creates space for compassion, both from yourself and others. Which is why, by the way, I had everyone laughing at Starbucks, helping me fix the display. This is not to say that we should throw in the towel on trying our very best in life. Nope. Strive on, create goals and aim for excellence. All the while, know that you are good enough just as you are. Try and resist the inclination to hold yourself up to illusionary standards that are sometimes impossible to achieve. When we hold ourselves to standards of “perfection” it only holds us back from truly connecting with ourselves and others. Whether our thoughts are constantly berating us for not doing better or excessively egging us on to be better, our mind is calculating our actions throughout the day and ultimately dictating how to live. We’re busy thinking about the best way to be, do, look, have, act, create instead of just organically allowing our best to flow out. This commonly spills into our relationships and creates expectations of others. By holding our selves up to such high standards, we subconsciously start holding others up to those same standards instead of just appreciating and accepting them for who they are. We begin to unknowingly project our rules onto them.

conversely, when we begin to embrace our imperfections and applaud our efforts, we suddenly begin to applaud and acknowledge others. With this level of compassion and unconditional love for ourselves, we can’t help but want to share it in return. Our heart is filled with the freedom of creating and being what ever we are in the moment without the punishment of scolding thoughts. This kind of freedom skips and sings and wants to play with everyone. It wants to share its secret with other hearts and encourage them to unlock their door, as well. The truth is that “our best” is with us all the time. It’s not something we have to achieve. It’s actually bursting to come out, but half of the time we’re so busy conducting rules in our head restrains our excellence. Yet, the moment that we let go of those rules about “lessthans” and “could be betters” and the crazy idea that we have to show up perfectly—that is the moment that we’ll find our best, shining effortlessly. For in the end, we’re all perfectly, imperfect. RoadMap to Imperfect is the new Perfect 1- There’s no such thing as “perfect” or “imperfect,” just different. 2- We see ourselves in the so called imperfections of others. 3- This relatability authenticates each of us, creating connection. 4- Embrace your imperfections & watch as it spills into you embracing those of others. 5- Feel the freedom in your heart.

Tara-jenelle Walsch is a monthly columnist for the Eden Magazine. She is the author of the book, Soul Courage, and the founder and spirit behind the Soulebrate greeting card company. You will also find her speaking publicly about emotional and energetic awareness, and a sacred formula which she believes has the ability to enrich the world at large. Tara-jenelle was raised in Annapolis, Maryland and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications from Towson University in Baltimore. She currently lives in the beautiful hills of Ashland, Oregon.


When you're biting at the bit for "Throwback Thursday" to arrive, you just may be living in the past. For me, the past is like a library. When I visit, it is merely to re-visit a time and place that I may have forgotten, need to prove a point with, reminisce to keep love alive or to add relevance on something going on today that may be useful for tomorrow.



Doesn’t Live

Here Anymore

By Joe Santos, Jr.


Let’s be honest, we all know a few people living in yesterday. Certain friends, even relatives. Some “stopping" in a time they felt their happiest. Maybe it was in the '80s, or the 1950's & 60's. Times when they thought they were at their most successful, glamorous, wealthiest, attractive, or even most loved self. Maybe they stopped at a time when they experienced significant loss hoping to keep themselves from ever having to experience such pain, disappointment, or heartbreak ever again, so they keep reminding everyone around them of it. Does that even work? Does recounting your past over and over and over again do anything other than drive most of your friends and family nuts? You know, "when I modeled for Halston" or "when I had my gallbladder removed" (20 years ago), or "when I was married to so and so" or "when I lived in that NYC Brownstone" or "when sweet Pookie ( a poodle ) died at 18 years old." Hello? That means Pookie lived to be 82. Longer than most people live, and probably better! Come on, give us a break! Do the math! If one's past is something that needs a constant reference to, do they realize that for them there will never be a tomorrow let alone a today? The only thing we truly own is right now — this second. Yes, if we are fortunate enough to gather the "525,000 six hundred minutes" that make up a year and times that by a lifetime then we can count ourselves exceptional. But genuinely extraordinary people don't live in a broken mirror. And that's what so much of the past is. A series of gifts, lessons, experiences mostly recounted by blurred visions. "Blurred" by the way we choose to remember, bury, embrace, or choose not to forget. Have we seen people living in a home, hairstyle, fashion, or attitude totally outdated? There are many personal fears to conquer all of us. Some fear failure and others fear success. But what about those who fear "fear" itself? That one place in life that stopped us from going forward, letting go, letting in and accepting that life is precisely just that. We can’t be frightened of what we don’t know. Fear is just that, it can be the scariest place on earth, a terrifying moment in time, or merely the "Boogie Man" who is gone the second the light goes on. Fear can also be conquered. Keep living and let the past be what others write about us. We have a whole Library to fill.

Joe Santos, Jr. is a Celebrity Chef and Life-Stylist. He joins The Eden Magazine as a writer sharing his unique view on life, death, love, and the avoidance of mediocrity. Follow Joey on Instagram @jojoboy13

Photogrpahy by Samuel Zeller



Photography by Steve Halama

By Angela Dunning

The Dance of Self-Doubt

Some degree of healthy self-doubt is essential as this keeps us balanced psychologically and self-aware. Without some element of self-doubt we are at risk of letting our child-like omnipotence take over or even verge on sociopathic tendencies. However, when self-doubt is running in the background beneath everything we try to do in life, then we have a problem. If we had a rocky start in life, perhaps with an unstable childhood and parents who did not mirror the real us, but rather a reflection of themselves, then very early on powerful seeds of self-doubt are sown deep within the core of our very being. Over time these seeds grow into a kind of strong bindweed which wraps itself around every aspect of ourselves and affects everything we do or try to do in life. We can find ourselves in adulthood hampered and held back by what now are almost imperceptible undercurrents of our way of living. Everything we approach in life is initially assessed through the filter of self-doubt; in particular, anything which stretches us either on a personal or professional level, for example, undertaking a professional training or further degree; entering into a committed relationship; taking a promotion or running a business.


It’s important to always remember that such self-limiting patterns started out as very helpful tactics to survive our childhood environment. They were our best allies and served us faithfully in keeping us safe and minimised situations where we may have come to harm; we were sheltered and protected by them. However, that was then; this is now. Life has changed but a fundamental part of who we are hasn’t. We are still acting as though the world is a very scary place, and more importantly, from a believe system which places our value, self-worth and capabilities on the lowest rung of the ladder of life. The really difficult part of this setup is that we can become so used to viewing ourselves through this filter that often we don't even realise it is active in our decision-making. We may come up with a myriad of reasons why a certain course of action isn't desirable now or at all, and yet it may be the very thing deep down we really long to do. But it is our ever faithful companion of self-doubt who is saying NO on our behalf. It therefore takes great vigilance to notice that this pattern has overtaken us again and is leading our life. Only until we can become aware of it can we reassess what is really going on and then look at our choices more objectively and from a more heartfelt place. Self-doubt manifests in so many almost imperceptible and insidious ways, here are just a few examples of how this may operate in our life: 1. You tell yourself you don't think you can do something and you really believe in your limitations; you don't even question this self-assessment, you just accept it as truth. 2. You make decisions and choices based on ease, fear and staying in your comfort zone at all times, thus keeping out anything which you find challenging and unknown. 3. You may find it hard to remember times when you have achieved extraordinary things and all your accomplish ments throughout your life, while easily remembering all the times you have felt afraid, doubtful and not up to the job. 4. You don't even consider certain options as being available to you; they are somehow available to others but definitely not to you. 5. You find yourself constantly longing for a different life because deep down you know you are not living up to your full potential; that you are keeping yourself small, safe and limited, wrapped up in a cocoon of self-doubt. 6. Change comes very slowly for as you constantly take one step forward and two back; all the time wanting to go somewhere but never arriving as you hold yourself back. These are just a very small number of ways in which self-doubt manifests itself, and the important thing to note here is the almost imperceptible way it manages to direct your entire life. Therefore, clearly this is no small matter to be overlooked and particularly if you don’t have the support of a good counsel-


lor, coach or therapist who can mirror back to you how your self-doubt is affecting you, then it can run rings around you without you even noticing it. One very helpful technique for getting beneath the surface of our trustee companion self-doubt is to tune into your heart and ask if the thing you are considering undertaking is really what you wish to be doing. Only when we tune into our heart can we reach beneath these weeds and get to the rich emotional soil of our soul, and our heart’s true longing. Only then can we reach in and discover our true desires. Such a discovery is often accompanied by some tears as we both locate our true longing and acknowledge how we are holding ourselves back. NOW we are getting closer to the truth of both what we want and who we really are. NOW we are not operating from this filter and its disempowered position in life, but rather, from a more authentic and soulful place which is our true nature and which has held on despite the stranglehold of this powerful bindweed. The early years of life lay such powerful foundations in our being that it takes an ensuing lifetime to unpick and dismantle the harmful layers and habits. To excavate the rotten roots and pull out the potentially strangling bindweed before it sucks us down completely, and instead, to examine just what kind of foundations we do want and to go from there. Then we start to build anew with fresh layers of trust, self-believe, supportive friends and networks, a spiritual practice to anchor and support us in making decisions, and in strengthening our body, soul and mind through healthy practices and lifestyles. These are the foundations which are impenetrable to self-doubt. This is the healthy soil which rejects such harmful weeds and in so doing frees us from a lifetime of smallness and never ending longing to finally start living.

Angela Dunning is the author of The Horse Leads the Way: Honoring the True Role of the Horse in Equine Facilitated Practice. You can learn more about Angela; her work helping people and horses reclaim their wildness, and read more of her articles at: You can also connect with Angela on Facebook: or



Valentina Castellani Photography by NUNU

By Stacey Blanchet Edited by Dina Morrone Before Valentina Castellani was a flicker in her parent’s eyes, she was destined to change the world. She was born in Florence, Italy, and her family owned an Opera House Theatre, called Teatro Verdi. Her Grandfather, Riccardo Castellani, was one of the most important producers of Federico Fellini’s films, and distributor of movies from the Golden Era of Italian cinema. With this esteemed pedigree, where was Valentina going to make her mark? After the death of her husband, Francesco Quinn, son of Oscar-winning actor, Anthony Quinn, she created Quinn Studios and embarked on a journey to make him proud. Quinn Studios decided to put its mark on the global stage in the areas of entertainment, the arts, and world peace – a very tall order indeed. Ms. Quinn wasted no time, and in 2012 she produced her first television documentary series called Life On A Bike based on the Italian pro-cycling tour Giro D’Italia. With her feet firmly planted and her wings taking flight, Quinn Studios co-produced the movie The Butterfly’s Dream, and caught the attention of the Golden Globes and Academy Awards® in 2014 with a nomination in the category of Best Foreign Language Film. The Butterfly’s Dream would go on to take 13 International Awards. As Ms. Quinn entered the global stage, her studio helped on the post-production of The Square, a documentary on the Egyptian conflict, which won major International Awards in 2014, including, Directors Guild, Sundance Film Festival, Berlin Film Festival, and Dubai Film Festival. Not shying away from conflict, Quinn studios completed an award-winning documentary about peace in the Middle East, One Rock Three Religions, and won the Human Rights Award, along with The US Congress Award for its recognition of the films efforts to create a dialogue among countries, religions, and ethnicities worldwide. 38 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

After making her mark on the global stage, the awards started coming in. In 2017 Valentina was given the City of Los Angeles Award by Mayor Eric Garcetti and Council Member Jose Huizar, for her initiative, efforts, and achievements, in promoting the restoration of the iconic Anthony Quinn Mural, The Pope of Broadway. In 2018, Valentina was the recipient of the prestigious British Award, WIFTS, for her work as a visionary producer. Also, in attendance to accept their awards were the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, and actress Gal Gadot, of Wonder Woman fame. In 2019, Valentina expanded her Production studios and created Quinn Studios Entertainment. Her first production under the expansion is the film enti-

tled The White Snake which will see her working with Native Americans and exploring alternative energies to oil, and its impact on the world. With her growing body of work, she felt more than ready to take on this next challenge. It might be easy to underestimate this soft-spoken, petite mild manner lady, but she packs a punch. She is diving in head first with her team of renegades and using her moral compass as her guide. Her films have taken her to the Pope’s Garden, Palestine, Standing Rock, and up next, the jungles of the Amazon. She is working on her legacy and making her family proud. I sat down with Ms. Quinn to talk about life and was inspired by what the human mind and spirit can accomplish.

Changing Humanity one film at a time

Your films focus on worldwide issues. Do you believe a film can help or make the decision better in two hours or less? Yes. I am convinced that films are still the most powerful and influential platform to convey an idea and message. With a simple phrase, a scene, a good script, some great documentary stories, we can inspire an entire world. I tend to face world issues because I like to make people reflect and take a stand. Our last documentary about peace in the Middle East, One Rock Three Religions won

many awards. It was screened for US Congress and received the US Congress Award Recognition for its effort to promote an open dialogue between countries, religions, and ethnicities. As a result, Congress created two bills to promote peace and establish protection of the minorities in the Middle East. I always say that World Peace is a process and it takes time. To stop being afraid is a decision that can be made in an instant. It bends time and changes the course of history. 39 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019


The story of you meeting the Pope for 'One Rock Three Religions' is an incredible story. Can you share details for one how you got there, why you got there and what happened when you were in the Garden? Meeting Pope Francis and filming in the Vatican Gardens was undoubtedly one of the highlights of the film.

changed my relationship with humanity and our environment. It made it real and full of hope.

When we started filming the documentary, we had a very small budget and no great connections. I read in the paper that Pope Francis had just returned from Jerusalem where he had invited the two Presidents, Shimon Perez, and Mahmud Abbas, to pray together in the Vatican Gardens. I thought this is it! We have to find a way to get permits to shoot the meeting. Of course, this was a historically unprecedented event, with the highest security and no public or press invited, except the Vatican press.

It is one of love and courage. I'm a believer and a storyteller and believe our destiny is within. We have to be brave enough to see it!

I had no connections in the Vatican, but I have great determination. I knew we could find a way. So, I Googled the Pope. Seriously. I Googled the Vatican offices and called them at 3 am Los Angeles time. There's a 9-hour time difference with Italy. Here is how my ten night's confession, (as I call it) started. I would call and speak with the Vatican Press office, night after night, explaining what we were in the process of doing in the film. I realized right away that no big name or connection would matter, but actually what they cared was to understand what kind of person I was, my values, my intent. On the 10th night, I received the official permit to come and film the historic meeting between the Pope and the two presidents, and their prayer in the Vatican Gardens. This moment completely shifted our perception and vision of the film. If the Pope believed in our project, we understood that we weren't just a couple of filmmakers believing in a cause, but actually, a full tribe around the world connecting and uniting in the same vision. How did you end up in Standing Rock filming while the standoff was going on? How was that experience for you? Our film, The White Snake, is about the Native Americans and alternative energies to oil. I felt that the saga of Standing Rock was very symbolic of what is happening globally. It was humanity against technology. The protests spoke loudly to the world about the importance of respecting the planet and the environment. But, more importantly, to remember who we are as human beings, resonating together as one with the planet, each other, and our soul. New technologies are out there that have proven successful in other countries, and that will ignite a new system, which beats in harmony with the heartbeat of the planet. The honor of filming with Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Chief of All-Stars Nations, and the Natives, in the middle of vast fields of nature and snow, surrounded by traditional Indian tepees, was like going back in time. I felt one with these people and nature, like part of a much bigger vision. It entirely 42 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

What do you want your legacy to be? My legacy is already unfolding. It is one captained by enthusiasm for life and people.


The By Nancy E. Yearout


The events of this story show the alarming change on today’s society as an entitlement mindset. This story is one of my own. It was a warm sunny day in May of 2017, almost summertime, and the family was gathering at the lake house for the Memorial Day weekend holiday. The journey began in New Mexico with, our destination the great state of Texas. We formed a caravan with my husband leading the pack with two jet skis in tow. I drove behind him, and my daughter and two grandkids brought up the rear. The plan was for my husband to stop and pick up our favorite barbecue and meet us at the house. His focus was the barbecue ribs. We all waved as he turned off and we continued to the lake. As our little caravan approached the gate and headed down the steep hill, we could clearly see that the lake was buzzing with excitement. There were hundreds of people gathered to enjoy this three-day holiday weekend.


The energy was high with the sound of boats buzzing on the water, the kids playing in the sand, and loud music blaring in all directions. I thought to myself, “I haven’t seen the lake this busy since the Fourth of July!” As I drove down the hill and entered the circular drive that encompasses the small lake, there were clusters of families and friends picnicking and celebrating the holiday. As I passed by the picnic tables and grills, the air was filled with the aroma of grilled hot dogs and hamburgers. With so much happening, I hardly noticed how slowly the car in front of me was driving. The speed limit was 30 mph and as slow as 20 mph in some spots, but this car was barely moving. The vehicle in front of me was an older model white convertible. The convertible top was down, and you could clearly see the dark-haired young man at the wheel. I assumed he was traveling slowly to avoid the two golf carts in front of him. Then I looked a bit closer and realized that the golf carts had pulled to the side of the road. The young man in the convertible had his arm outstretched with his phone in his hand. He was filming the lake as he drove, or maybe a selfie as he swerved to either side of the road. I imagined he would speed up when the golf carts pulled to the shoulder to let him pass. But no, he continued to crawl along driving below the speed limit with cell phone in hand, filming all the while. I realized that he did not care that there were cars behind him. He had no clue I was even there. It was all about him. It was as if he was the only car on the road. After a few minutes I was able to go around him, but my daughter, in the car behind me, had some difficulty as he continued to swerve from side to side. She later said, “I could not believe he was holding up traffic while filming the lake and himself.” He sneered and said something derogatory as she passed him, dodging his swerving car all the way. “This is the most blatant display of entitlement I have ever seen,” I thought. “This young man has no regard for other people. He is completely into himself. He has the entitlement mind-set.” 45 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2019

How did we get to this point in our society where everyone has the “me first” attitude? Did this mind-set stem from parents giving too much to their kids, or is it social media that has contributed to this thought process? It may be a result of both.

Where did this idea materialize that some of us are special and do not have to follow the rules? This is obviously learned behavior. The question is where did he learn this entitled behavior? And who approved of it! How did we get to this point in our society where everyone has the “me first” attitude? Did this mind-set stem from parents giving too much to their kids, or is it social media that has contributed to this thought process? It may be a result of both. Unfortunately, I have witnessed this behavior while out shopping, at the movie theatre, attending concerts, out to dinner, at the baseball game, and now at the lake on a holiday.


Many folks have the mind-set that they are better than the next guy or gal and that they deserve to be number one. There are people who believe they are the only one who counts. This is what may be defined as classic narcissistic behavior. Please read the definition of narcissism from Wikipedia: Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes. The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. Narcissism is a concept in psychoanalytic theory, which was popularly introduced in Sigmund Freud's essay On Narcissism (1914). The American Psychiatric Association has listed the classification narcissistic personality disorder in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) since 1968, drawing on the historical concept of megalomania.

This self-centeredness is only a portion of what has created the entitlement mind-set that some of us are superior beings. Unfortunately, this me mentality has become infectious and is not only accepted today, it is welcomed! Why have we accepted this behavior? Did we forget we are all in this together? That we come into this life naked and with no things and we all exit the same way. Many folks are so busy accumulating wealth and establishing status that they have not come to terms that they can’t take any of it with them. And sadly, many people truly believe this is it! This is a sorrowful resolution. We are a spiritual people with many of us who have lost their way. Over time this materialistic mind-set has become the norm, our society has become focused on material things, the physical body’s appearance, and the ego. There has been little attention focused on the soul. My belief is that we are here to learn lessons that will grow our souls. Lessons that elevate us to become better human beings. We have it all wrong! The world today has become a “me society.” We stopped putting others first; we put ourselves first! There are a few souls out there who still practice the Golden Rule. If you are not familiar with the Golden Rule, this is what it says: “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” What has happened to common courtesy and the use of good manners? I began to realize that I was not the only person noticing this type of entitlement behavior. I began to hear about this behavior on the news, from salesclerks while shopping or buying groceries, and from friends and family with kids of their own. A New Mind-Set: Be considerate of others. Let the guy or gal get in front of you in line. Maybe this person has a bad leg and can only stand for a short time. With a small act of kindness, you can do something awesome for somebody without even realizing it. When you are considerate of other people’s feelings and needs, that same considerate energy comes back to you tenfold. What you are doing is reprogramming your mind to be considerate, and as a result, that is what you receive back from others—consideration. Consideration for others is the basis of a good life, a good society. ~Confucius

Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate and always to be gentle toward everyone. ~Titus 3:1–2

Nancy Yearout is an Energy Healer, Intuitive Life Coach, Author and Inspirational Speaker. Her religious and spiritual work has enabled her to help many people to live the life they desire! Her motivation and drive come from Source/God. Nancy feels inspired to share the wisdom and the messages she receives with others. Her real-life experiences are shared each week on her Radio Show/ Podcast, High Road to Humanity where insightful, spiritual guests share their story. This is Nancy’s way of each sharing new insight about raising the vibration and consciousness for all of us to create a healthy, Loving and kinder people as well as a safe harmonious place to live. My Credentials: Sales Coordinator for General Motors Corporation, Sales Manager for multiple Specialty Leather and Fur Stores, Owner and Qualifying Broker of The Harville Estates Real Estate & Development LLC, Owner of Energy Girl Publishing LLC., Author of, Wake Up! The Universe Is Speaking to You, Author of Monthly Contributor to Eden Magazine, Motivational/Inspirational Speaker, Intuitive Personal Coach Intuitive card reader, Energy Healer, Radio Host/Podcast High Road to Humanity. Today she is happily married to the love of her life. Nancy Yearout Hosts a Radio Show/ Podcast every week on Toginet radio and iTunes called High Road to Humanity. Visit her website or her Podcast




72nd Cannes Film Festival 2019

A Festival

Tale By Alexia Melocchi



ast month I was in the French Riviera, attending one of the most prestigious Film Festivals in the world. The Cannes Film Festival is known for its historic Red Carpet where Celebrities and Starlets parade dramatic gowns in front of a sea of paparazzi. This Festival is also known however for its selection of films from every corner of the world, and the result of the blood sweat and tears of many talented artists who have a vision to communicate, through the eye of a lens, their thoughts and views on the world we live in. These past couple of years the Festival has focused less on Hollywood glamour and more on the timeliness of the content of its films. This is my 25th year attending the Cannes Film Festival, and though the weather was hideous, with lots of rain and cold, the French rose’ kept me warm and some of the movies in competition and others in the making truly inspired me.

Another film I am so looking forward to seeing when it’s completed is THE KID: AN ANIMATED ADVENTURE. Based on Charlie Chaplin’s 1921 classic, this one takes place in a futuristic New York City. A young boy living with his boring mother runs away to the dangerous Downtown and meets Chaplin, a robot with a human soul. BLACK BEAUTY I read the script of the remake of this other classic, that made the career of Elizabeth Taylor and I was so excited. This film is going to be celebrating the bond between human and animal , a young girl and a wild black horse (that for the first time we hear her thoughts – as spoken by Kate Winslet) as they both undergo a similar spiritual journey of desiring freedom while also craving safety. The medium of film is a powerful one and in an era where we all like to access content from the comfort of our home, I cannot blame the Cannes Film Festival for shutting out some films produced by the digital platforms. Cannes symbolizes the celebration of a collective experience of watching films that can transform us and there is no substitute for the big screen and living that moment with other human beings, with strangers seeking to feel an emotion or undergo a visual outer and inner journey.

Photo Courtesy by Cannes Film Festival 2019

From the movies I screened, I was impressed by LA BELLE EPOQUE. This French movie had a very interesting concept and message. There is a service offered to wealthy people, who can pay for an immersive experience that allows them to travel to the past, as it is recreated by a film crew. Many want to live in a royal court or dine with somebody like Ernest Hemingway but the main character opts to relive the day he met his wife, who has dumped him in the present. In this film, I experienced the power of love and the thirst for keeping it alive.

We must keep the cinema going tradition alive. And celebrate those artists that believe in something so deeply they dedicate years of their lives so we can share with them how they feel inside. The real Directors and real Movie Stars do not seek fame, they seek your hearts and your mind. Below are a few quotes from frequent Cannes Film Festival artists that prove that: Alain Delon (France):I knew everything and received everything but a real happiness is giving. Pedro Almodóvar (Spain): I don’t want to imitate life in movies I want to represent it. Penelope Cruz (Spain): I think magic is very related to happiness. Meryl Streep (USA): True freedom is understanding that we have a choice in who and what we are allowed to have power over us. Paolo Sorrentino (Italy): I think cinema has this beautiful component. It’s a universal language. Terence Malick (USA): Help each other, love everyone, every leaf, every ray of life, forgive.


There are two things that make a film successful and transcend time: familiarity and emotion. This is what we all go to the movies for. We want to feel something or we want to know that others relate to what we are feeling and experiencing, and when a movie shows us we are not alone, even if we speak different languages or live in different worlds, socially or geographically, and we are all connected nonetheless, we feel this sense of familiarity we cannot experience otherwise except by the visual arts. This year I was honoured to be invited by the Cannes Film Festival organizers, to speak about this phenomenon, of familiarity and emotion through what is called crowdsourcing. As a conscious individual, crowdsourcing has become more and more important because if you do not appeal to your crowd, your audience, your client, your sponsor, with familiarity and emotion, no matter what it is you’re doing, whether you’re raising funds for animal causes or for your business, or for inspiring others, you have to know how to access your crowd and in order to do that you’ll have to appeal to what it is others respond to emotionally. Movies and Television shows teach us that all the time, subtly or not so subtle: there is always an emotional connection at the core, which then becomes a personal connection which then becomes timeless. Therefore, this is the secret to timeless movies and to timeless relationships.

Alexia Melocchi is an accomplished film producer and worldwide distribution executive and the partner of Beverly Hills based LITTLE STUDIO FILMS. Alexia Melocchi has an experience of more than twenty years in in Hollywood and has produced 11 award wining movies and 3 documentaries that were shot by emerging film makers that she has personally discovered and mentored. She also acquires on behalf of her international distributor clients films and television shows from all over the world for release in the Middle East, Italy, Greece, Spain, Canada, South America and Germany. She attends all major film festivals in the USA and abroad and has been often invited as an expert panelist on the Film Business for high profile film and television conventions. Alexia is fluent in five languages and is the proud mama to 3 rescue cats. She supports environmental and animal causes , meditates daily, and is an avid reader of spiritual and self helps books. IG @lexybella @LttleStudioFlms 52 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019



ENCOUNTER By Marco Nunzio Alati

Picture this: It’s 7:00 am. You wake up to the electric shrieking of your alarm and drag yourself to the kitchen. You are so sleepy that you can barely distinguish the almond milk from the only other thing left in the fridge: mayonnaise. Randomly grasping at a bottle, you hope it’s the almond milk. You shake an old cereal box over your empty bowl and realize you’re running low on time. You manage to hop into the shower, brush your teeth and hair, and walk through the mist of your favorite scent in less than 15 minutes. By the time you dash down the stairs and catch your bus, you’re already sweating and tired. You really don’t want to miss your first morning meeting. The bus will get you to work exactly on time. At the next stop, an unkempt, old man enters the bus and shuffles his way down the aisle. His silver hair leaves a greasy stain on the collar of his dingy, over-sized coat. He sits across the aisle from you. You swivel your head toward him and examine him with the critical eye you reserve for these moments. A stench infests the air around you. The odor emanating from your traveling companion is so intense it makes you dizzy. You look at the clock. Forty minutes until you reach your destination. I really can’t handle this! Why don’t people take a shower before taking public transportation? You know what? This is too much! I need to get out of here. You push up out of your seat, give the old man a contemptuous glance, and step off the bus into the middle of nowhere. You fish your phone out of your pocket, but the signal’s too weak to call Uber and there’s no taxi in sight. You are definitely going to be late for work. 54 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

You now have two options: Option one: You feel frustrated and angry. You are the victim of an odor conspiracy. You sit, dejected, on the curb waiting for the next bus to arrive and try to think of a plausible excuse to tell your furious boss who will be itching to fire you. Option two: You have an epiphany and become aware of your negative self-talk. You remind yourself that your world always takes the best care of you, and you decide not to give the event too much importance. Yes, I am probably going to be late. Not a big deal. Let me see what I can do in this moment to bring myself into a positive space. You choose the second option. Light-hearted, you look around and decide to cross the street to a café. You sit at the bar and order your favorite caffeinated beverage. You start up a conversation with the person next to you. What you haven’t discovered yet is, that person is the soulmate you’ve searched for all your life. Now, the only pathway to your soulmate was through encountering the foul-smelling man. Was, then, bumping into him a negative or a positive experience? The funny thing is that whether you believe it is positive or negative, you are right! CIRCUMSTANCES ARE NEUTRAL. There is no such thing like a bad or a good experience. The way in which we choose to define each experience transforms it into a negative or a positive one. An event is just an event, and we label what we experience in keeping with our beliefs, our social and cultural environments, and our expectations. What is most important is how we respond to the events in our lives and how we CHOOSE to interpret them. If we believe an experience is good or bad, our world will always agree and, like a loyal mirror, will reflect back more situations to confirm our belief. Unfortunately, we’ve had a lifetime of training regarding how we should react to unexpected events. We’ve been taught to be sad or disappointed or angry. By doing so, we forget the essence of who we are as co-creators of each and every day. But what if we choose to detach ourselves from judging what happens to us? What if we minimize the significance of the many events in our everyday lives? What if we decide that EVERY SINGLE CIRCUMSTANCE we come across in life is specifically designed to hold our hands and miraculously lead us to the most spectacular life path we can tread, to the most exciting playground, and to the greatest dream we can ever live? I surely cannot answer these questions for you, but I trust – or choose to trust – that, by converting those questions into statements and core-beliefs, we enter into a magical state of knowingness enabling us to smoothly and gradually shift the reality in which we live. By making that decision over and over again each day, we will soon

find ourselves playing with our world, dancing with it and blooming into a higher state of abundance and prosperity through an ecstatic explosion of synchronicities. So, when you label an experience in your life as negative, catch yourself. Block your mechanical reaction to define an experience as negative, and respond in a completely unexpected way: train yourself to celebrate! Form the silly habit to rejoice and say “THANK GOD IT HAPPENED!” While you make this transition, trust that, without you knowing how (and you don’t need to know how), each experience will lead you to the most magnificent adventure you will ever encounter. Through that sparkle of awareness, you will turn your worldview upside down, and the world, as a fairy godmother, will gradually reshape itself and co-create more opportunities for you to rejoice in and celebrate. Now, if you completely reject all this, don’t worry. Your world will soon provide you with plenty of evidence that you are absolutely right. But, if you choose to give it a try, be ready for the change. Act on it the next time you bump into another “smelly” situation. It might turn into one of your most profound blessings or even the beginning of a new and magical life.

After graduation in Industrial Biotechnology, Marco played a key role in international research projects in Canada, Austria and Spain. He stumbled upon the Reconnection by mere chance and it enlightened him in ways he hadn't realized he needed. Three months after that unique experience, he left his job in biotechnology and embarked on his journey to become a full time Reconnective Healing Practitioner, and one of the two Italian Mentors and Teaching Assistants of Eric Pearl’s direct Team. He is currently living in Los Angeles and collaborating with a number of independent scientific studies that are exploring Reconnective Healing and its extraordinary benefits. For info contact 323-617-2289


How Grief Gives Birth to a Thankful Heart By Jayita Bhattacharjee


When grief gives birth to gratitude, and we begin to feel both, we are transformed. They both are the hallmarks of mental health. When tragedy strikes the life and we grieve the loss of a loved one, so much so, that we are completely immersed in a darkness and nothing but it, one day somehow gratitude begins to arise from the same heart that spent days and nights in a silent sobbing. The thankful heart begins to be born. We seem to be grateful for all the goodness rising from the dark dungeon of sorrow. Crushed in grief, one day astonishingly, we feel like we are sprouting. The deeds of thankfulness that were planted by the grief are now getting sprouted. It is our rebirth. Grief and gratitude, one doesn’t erase the other. We will always grieve for the loss that we face, yet from that grieving we will recollect the happy hours, the happy times that we once had with them and for that we will forever remain thankful. Our choicest thoughts will arise from those moments, when looked back in love. We can create a craft when weaving those memories, one that can speak from our soul, that will give an unending joy, yet at the same time, we will grieve for the fact that they will return no more.

As we delve into our sad selves while mourning, then comes the time to feel the heart in thankfulness, to sense the rebirth of our own selves after life slams us so hard. As we peel off the sadness, we see the light of gratitude. As we unmask it, the beauty reveals. As long as we stay immersed in weeping and wallowing, we doubt if we are ever going to be back in our lives again with hope, faith, love and positivity. During these moments, we shake so much that we break inside. If we can peel the pain, layer by layer, with the help of art as it heals the broken heart, then a time will come, when from the shakiness we can feel our feet again, having gratitude and thankfulness inside. While spilling out the tears of a thousand agonies, it may seem the end has come, but what we do consider an end, from there rises another beauty in sight. Could that be the living light of life, the light that asks a heart to remain thankful for every goodness that is showered in our lives from the heart of heaven above. It is a process and a journey, but when the intensity of sadness falls off, it is then that we get to feel the thankfulness. In the light of surrendering, as we put our trust and accept the loss, in the faith that something good will arise, we then look back at those times that were once in our lives. What we took for granted in the past, we now know that it was not meant to stay. From that realization, comes the thankfulness of what we once had, those golden times. How the day ends for the night, how the leaves shed in autumn, and we know what comes must go. Knowing this, we begin to see everything in a new light with a grateful heart, giving thanks for what we have. Thankfulness becomes our daily way of living, knowing the dawn of gold will eventually die to show the sunset spread in sky. What dies in a moment leaves behind something; Sometimes, it takes a loss to hit us with this truth, some other times, we know thankfulness in our minds as a mere knowledge but to feel it with all the richness, it takes us to be crumbled down on the grounds. And as we sit there, looking at the piles of all the yesteryears, it is gratitude that rises from there. The loss didn’t go in vain after all. Something did arise and that something is beautiful. It is a heart that is beating with gratitude. From that moment, we change for this lifetime. Nothing ever stays the same. We are transformed emotionally and psychologically. As we begin to give thanks for all the beauties that reveal in every moment. Our way of living becomes full of conscious choices. We live in the light of consciousness. We become empowered with light. From the wounded warrior we become the carriers of light. As we become enlightened, we leave a trail of light for others. As we heal, we heal others. And how shared becomes the journey. We do not walk alone anymore. We are wayfarers along this sacred pilgrimage. Our deepest feelings and emotions are shared with one another. Through such a sharing, we develop a sense of community, a kinship with all around us. From grief we rise, and in gratitude we fly, soaring with our wings up high in sky.

The acceptance of our loss will never be the ending point of grief, rather it will always be a portal to living life to the fullest. This truth of not taking anything for granted makes us conscious of all the gifts that every moment brings, knowing those too can be taken away. From such a truth, does thankfulness get seeped in within our heart and soul and we continue this journey of life, beholding all the wonders being bowed down in thankfulness. As we bow down, we give every praise to all that comes on our pathway, as beauty falls from the lips of heaven to our hearts. For what falls down from above, we send our thanks. It is a moment when we acknowledge that what we take, we take them giving a proper recognition, not in indifference, not in ignorance, but with salutation. And that is the birth of a new beginning. It becomes a path of self-discovery. Many think, grieving is a shame but from grief when gratitude rises, it becomes an act of beauty, an act of respect that we learned something from it. Grief did not go in vain, rather it gave birth to us again. And in this rebirth, we are born as empowered beings being able to gaze at this world and life with a deep thankfulness.

Jayita Bhattacharjee was born n Calcutta, India and later on pursued education from University of Houston in Economics, she had chosen her career as a trustee and teacher. Her Indian residence is in the vicinity of the famous Belurmath. Currently, she is settled in Tampa, Florida. Her love for writing on a journey of heart and soul was hidden all within. Looking at the moments captured in love and pain, joy and grief, the hidden tragedies of was a calling of her soul to write with the ink that kept flowing from her heart. This is what gave her the fulfillment, the richness in her soul. Her books "The Ecstatic Dance of Life', " Sacred Sanctuary", " Light of Consciousness", "Dewdrops of Compassion" are meant to shed light on what guides a person to respond to the mystical voice hidden inside, to soar in a boundless expansion with the limitless freedom of spirit. "It is in the deepest joy that I write with every breath of mine." 57 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

Photography by Ivan Karasev

Congratulations! You have been given the world’s greatest gift. The funny thing is that this gift is something you already have. I am just going to bring your awareness back to it. Even when you have no money, you still have it. Every person on Earth has this gift and will also eventually lose it. I am talking about the gift of life as a human. Out of the dark void of space came your heartbeat. From that heartbeat came breath and consciousness – and, unfurling like the leaves of a plant, the ability to think, feel, and create. As humans we can take flints and create fire. We can take a pile of rocks and balance them in a way that doesn’t seem possible. We can create technology that has a positive impact around the world. We can also design bombs that kill millions of people. The mind is a powerful tool, so it’s important to use it positively.

BREATH By Travis Ruskus

Now that we have established you are lucky, things are about to get even more fortunate. You were born into a time where anything is possible. With the invention of the Internet, you can connect with the entire world. If you have a dream, you have the opportunity to follow that dream and perhaps one day change the world. Although we are all born lucky, my journey has led me to discover that people view their life as either a blessing or a curse. I have encountered people whose positive energy fills me with joy, in an instant of meeting them. I have also met people whom I can tell are deeply suffering.

If you feel that your life is a blessing, then it’s time to prove it. Being comfortable and happy in life are important, but this gift of ours is too great an opportunity for us to just stay on the How many times today did you feel yourself breathe? You’ve been couch and watch movies. How much are you making of this doing it all day long, but have you really slowed down and experi- incredible opportunity? Think of your greatest dream. Are you enced it? in pursuit of that dream? Stop holding back – it’s time for you to go further. Bringing your attention to the breath will help you become less reactive in stressful situations and make enjoyable experiences even If you feel that your life is a curse, then I would encourage you more pleasurable. Connecting with the breath also happens to be to think about why you were put here on Earth at this moment one of the keystones in rock balancing. in time. What do you need to correct in this life in order to free your soul from pain? Use your daily journey to release your Whether you are stuck in traffic, enjoying an amazing meal with pain and cleanse yourself from negative energies. If you don’t, loved ones, or balancing rocks, pause for a moment – and remem- you might just find that you threw away the world’s greatest ber to breathe. Folding laundry? Breathe. Working or studying at gift. your desk? Breathe. Listening to someone complain about your shortcomings? Breathe. This too shall pass. For life truly is a gift; a golden ticket to unlocking abundance. No matter how nostalgic we get or how big we dream, happiIn rock balancing, as in life, every fall, every failure, leads to learn- ness does not exist in the past or future. Happiness is available ing about what went wrong. We can rise from our failures to achieve only in the here and now, as we live through each moment. The the greatest victories in life – but only if we keep our attention on choice about what to do with your golden ticket is entirely up our breath. to you. Let your breath help you decide where to go next. 59 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

Think of breathing as connecting with a greater energy. When you inhale, feel that energy entering your lungs, filling you with life and light. As you exhale, connect with the exact moment the air leaves your body, taking with it those elements that are no longer needed and returning them to the world as part of this energy’s natural circuit. Don’t think too hard about the physical act of breathing. Simply sense the air coming in and out of your lungs at a natural pace. It’s not about breathing big and heavy in order to feel the energy. Practice the “Find Your Breath” exercise, on pages 28–9, and gradually shift your focus so that even your most subtle inhale and exhale become full of awareness. Each breath is a lightning strike into the present moment, with the potential to offer great clarity. Ideally, we want to find clarity every time we inhale and exhale, but first we must find clarity in a single breath in a single moment. Then do it again, and again, until pretty soon we can remain connected to our breath for extended periods of time. When you start rock balancing keep returning to your breath as you continue to build. This will help you focus on the moment, find calm, and be at one with your surroundings. Awareness of the moment means connecting to the greater energy that unites all things.

The key to a successful rock balance is remembering to bring your attention to the breath before, during and after the creation of the balance. Some of my rock-balancing sessions involve hours of struggle until that final moment when everything locks into place. As I let go of the rocks, they stay in a state of balance and I dive into the present moment with a deep breath of pure enjoyment.

While you might not stay connected with the energy of the present moment forever, this healing breath it is available at any time.

In order to make the most amazing and connected rock balances we can, it is important first to honor the environment. If we all expressed more gratitude on a daily basis, the collective positive energy of the world would be raised and together we would be able to achieve great things. The exercise on pages 42–4 starts by asking you to feel grateful for the rocks around you and then invites you to extend that gratitude to the whole world and, finally, back to yourself. At the end of this meditation, when I ask my students how it went for them, I find that most people usually have trouble either giving themselves gratitude or showing the world their gratitude. It’s rare that someone can easily express gratitude for both themselves and the Earth as a whole. In my experience, those who have trouble giving themselves gratitude frequently overextend themselves and are inclined to try to make others happy before they make themselves happy. If this is you, remember to take at least one conscious breath for yourself even on the toughest days when everyone seems to want something from you. Those who have trouble projecting gratitude toward the world may tend to be caught up in establishing their own happiness before they feel able to care about the wellbeing of others. If this is you, remember that even the oxygen in your lungs is something to be grateful for and that most of the world lives in much harsher conditions than either you or I ever will. Give the gift of your gratitude to those who are suffering and the universe will repay you.

Sometimes the adrenaline is pumping as I step back to take a photo and before I can press my finger to capture the image, the delicate balance falls over in a gust of wind. As it falls I can’t help but hold my breath, but as the rocks settle I regain my strength and take a deep breath to ground myself in the next moment. These moments of collapse teach me how to build stronger balances. Now I frequently create balances that stay up until I decide to leave and knock them over. Our strength is built on our weakness. First, discover how to connect with the energy of the present moment for one second. Then try two seconds. Then try ten seconds. Then try one minute. Then try one hour.


Travis Ruskus is a professional rock balancer, artist and meditation instructor who lives and works in San Francisco, teaching rock balancing to adults and children as a meditative practice.



Photography by Ashley Batz

with the Heart



My Beloved Children of Heart,

would be made for you to remember.

“Greetings of joy! I welcome you today to our meeting of hearts for it truly is through our hearts that we communicate.

It is a journey, a process of connecting deeper into your heart, to feel the sweetness that is your truth. To allow yourself to feel that sweet unconditional loving acceptance of your holy self is the connection you desire above all else.

As we look upon the world today, it appears perhaps as if there is much that is resisting the greater lightness. Let me assure you that the many hearts of our brothers and sisters are truly beginning to open up and embrace the greater light. Yes, there is a residue of conflicting energies based upon old patterns and choices to uphold. However there are more elevations in acceptance of the lights of truth as they shine upon us and our Beloved Earth. As we begin to recognize the lightness, there is a process that unfolds of releasing from what was, to what is and can be. This process involves adjusting our minds to embrace more of what our hearts have always known to be truth. Therefore, as we focus on the attributes of our heart we can become attuned to the higher frequencies of truth more easily. This assists to smooth out our experiences as we move through the shifting energies to embrace the higher principles of lightness and truth. These are exciting times filled with opportunities to make great shifts in our consciousness and our life experiences. To be able to recognize your personal truth and what you are capable of creating to experience, is the beginning of your greatest dream held within your heart. To return to heart consciousness and the ability to direct energy is your divine right and privilege. It is what you have dreamed of before you even entered this life. How can you move into heart consciousness? What is the pathway? For each one the pathways are unique and yet similar to everyone. The plan you created before entering your life is truly in full effect. You laid out the steps from that place of knowing. You knew that you would forget yourself. You also knew that the way


As you move through your personal life experiences, you are offered opportunities to feel, sense and know little sweet messages from your heart. They are like little phone calls from home, always hopeful that you will make the connections and feel the conversing that is in a perpetual flow. You heart is always in constant communication with you. Leading, guiding, inspiring, and blessing you with frequencies set to uplift you to your next level of understanding and awareness. Your journey is unique to you, designed by you for you. As you reach the greater awareness there will be a sense of more peace and contentment in your life. You will notice what brings you joy more frequently. This is a natural occurring process. We are all here elevating together along with Mother Earth. Each one is elevating based on their choices and focus. As you are ready for more light, it is offered to you. You develop in each stage of experience and move into greater conscious awareness. It is like someone turned on the lights and you can now see what was there all along yet seemed hidden from you. Celebrate each step and stage as it leads you through your adventure of discovering truth. There is always more to discover and experience. Each step and stage leads you to even greater joy and possibilities. Moving through these experiences is your life purpose unfolding. You are as if a beautiful lotus flower beginning to open up and develop your many petals of beauty. You might ask “how can I commune with and recognize my heart transmissions with a greater awareness?” I would suggest first that you choose this as your focused desire.

Than center yourself into your heart by bringing attention to it, breathing into it, and becoming calm and centered. Be in the stillness and allow the flow of connection to come from your heart to your awareness. Sit with the flow in a state of pondering. Feel into it. Experience the flow as loving, feeling that joyful reunion. Now as you take in the flow, allow yourself to be guided, to be inspired. What thoughts come to mind? Make notes if you desire to refer to them as focus points. Notice the sweetness of the connections. It is within the quiet stillness that you will hear these sweet whisperings. If there are no words that come to mind, just enjoy the experience of transmission, knowing you are receiving on many levels. You can develop this connection through practice, through mediation and with focus. You can open up to a new perspective for yourself on your life and your truth, beginning with this simple yet profound practice. It is as if you have a personal guide that knows you and is here to assist you in every step of your life journey. Indeed this is truth. For you are the one guiding yourself from that place of the fully remembered self, your true self. Ponder on these topics if you desire. What would I like to experience in my life? How may I feel more connected to my true self? What is my life purpose? These are topics you can begin to explore through these times of communing with your heart. A whole new world awaits your discovery. A life filled with the excitement of exploration, discovery and realization of dreams is yours to claim. It is your time to begin the blossoming process. Acceptance is the key. Accept the loving and the lightness. Allow yourself to receive for you are both deserving and ready.

Enjoy your life My Beloveds. Know that it is your destiny to remember. Live your dreams and blossom within the vision of your truth. Shamon.” With great love, Your Beloved Mother

FREE CLASS: As a Gift I am offering you a Free Tele- Class, “Remember Who you are”. -Restore pathways to remembering the truth of yourself using the tools of SVH, a prayer modality that can shift the old stories, old beliefs and perceptions that are not relevant to your truth. -Receive tools that you can utilize in your life to further free yourself from the veils of forgetting -Take a journey to meet your true self and receive a priceless gift You will leave this class filled a greater vision of yourself and what is now possible for you. This class is a great joy bringer! Note: Register by subscribing by email at: (if the time is not convenient, register to receive the recording when available)

Jan Diana is an intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and master practitioner.

Celebrate your truth. Live your life in great joy. It is your divine right and privilege to do so.

Her mission is to assist clients & students in creating harmony, balance, heightened levels of clarity, develop innate gifts & abilities, empowering them on their personal evolution to create the dreams of their heart. She utilizes several modalities including SVH L4, Animal healing, GHM, Language of love, Reiki Master, and more.

Your heart holds the vision of your greatness. I also hold this vision with you.

Free meditation journeys, articles, & classes.

Accept that you are loved. Know that you are that beautiful perfect true self, living a life on an amazing journey of discovery.



By Theresa Cheung Your intuition is an untapped source of higher wisdom that draws on your previous knowledge, but intuition is also much more than that. It is that still, calm voice inside you, an awareness of thoughts, sounds, images and physical sensations that can offer you profound insights about your past, present and future. It is sometimes thought to be a form of extrasensory perception (ESP). Those who learn how to tap into their intuition often credit their intuition as a powerful ingredient for success in life. Many of the world’s greatest thinkers, innovators, artists, scientists, business people and thought leaders have stressed the importance of intuition and how it shaped their lives and inspired their work. They often describe it as their inner voice, some kind of pre-existing awareness or future knowledge or creative self-expression that is within each one of us but often suppressed. ‘I just knew’ or ‘I trusted my gut’ are vague phrases they often use, along with other equally vague phrases and words such as ‘sixth sense’, ‘hunch’, and so on. In a nutshell, intuition is your connection to something deeply wise within you that leads you to make decisions based on your highest level of good judgement. It provides you with valuable insights about yourself, your life, the people you interact with and the situations you encounter. It is not a moral compass or a supreme authority about what is absolutely right and wrong for everyone. But it does provide a sense of what is right for you and what isn’t going to be in your best interests. It is informed by but also beyond reasoning, logic or experience, and is an amazing source of wisdom, understanding and potential. It is your highest self. The best possible you. Trouble is, intuition is often so hard to identify, connect to and trust because it is the inner voice many of us lose contact with and don’t know how to identify when it does try to speak. While there is some truth in that as intuition is elusive, it is possible to boost your intuitive reflex through daily rituals. But how? In my latest book, 21 rituals to ignite your intuition, I show how ritual can powerfully boost your intuition. Rituals are the key to unlocking your intuition Science is proving that intuition is a real super sense but to connect to it we need to be in a confident, relaxed, preferably positive and calm state of mind. Research has also shown that anxiety can lead to poor-decision making. It seems that, when we are fearful, this short circuits the brain’s unconscious associative process. Rituals are therefore ideal for boosting intuition because they occupy and calm your conscious mind with the action or task performed, while at the same time allowing your brain’s associative powers to get to work, producing the intuitive guidance you need.

Being relaxed but distracted by an action that doesn’t require much conscious thought is the perfect combination for intuition to emerge. That’s why we often have intuitive insights not so much when we are meditating or brainstorming or actively trying to trigger insights, but when we are doing something which doesn’t require our full attention yet still keeps us distracted, such as walking, showering or driving. During those times we are also in a calm state of mind and this is when inward-looking brilliance happens. Not only can rituals occupy your conscious mind, freeing your brain’s associative powers so intuition can bubble to the surface, they are also actions that require an investment of emotion. If you remove emotion or intention from a ritual, it becomes a habit and habits don’t transform lives because they lack a sense of sacred meaning. A ritual isn’t a ritual unless you perform it with feeling and intention. Science has also shown that deepening of emotion is the key to being more intuitive. In essence, the more meaningful ritual there is in your life the more intuitive you are likely to become. And the more intuitive you are the better life choices you will make and the happier and more fulfilled you are likely to be.

Theresa Cheung was born into a family of psychics and spiritualists. Since leaving King's College Cambridge University with a master’s in theology and English she has written numerous bestselling mind body spirit books, including 21 Rituals to Change Your Life (Watkins) which has sold 14 foreign and audio deals, and two Sunday Times top Ten bestsellers. She has sold well over half a million books, and they have been translated into over 40 different languages. She has been featured in, and contributed to, national and international publications, such as The Daily Mail, and has appeared on Good Morning Britain with Piers Morgan. She is a leading voice in the personal development and mind, body, spirit world, and has been endorsed by leading figures such as Deepak Chopra and Eben Alexander. For more information you can visit Theresa’s thriving author page on Facebook and her website is 67 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

Photography by Tim Mossholder

Your Soul’s Love Journey

Living in a time when many people are meeting digitally online and through dating apps, it can be soul crushing for spiritual people who prefer connecting with others in person. Some of these people come to a crossroads and eventually succumb to the same pressures of swipe left, swipe right. Too much chagrin and pressure from societal norms and you may find yourself reluctantly entering the online dating world, only to find that you are not really connecting with anyone. And after countless failed attempts, you decide that you gave it your best and would much rather die alone, yet spiritually fulfilled. You let it go.


It’s time to affirm with full emotion, passion and spirit, “I am OPEN to love!” Your soul will connect you with the right person, at the right time in your life without any devices involved. When it is time for you to seriously connect with the mirror image of who you are and experience the lessons you are meant to learn, your soul will align vibrationally with the right person for you. You may already know the person and not have aligned in the past because you were both on individual journeys of self-growth and expansion. Now is the time to grow side by side with your twin flame! Your light recognizing their light. Not the human flesh, but something deeper and more soulful: a conscious kindling. The Universal Law of Unconditional Love states: The expression of unconditional love will eventually result in harmony. Unconditional love is not romantic love. It is the acceptance of others as they are without judgment or expectations. It is total acceptance of others without attempting to change them, except by our own positive example. The law of unconditional love says, “If you go out of your way to express unconditional love, you automatically rise above fear, and, as you transcend your fears, you automatically open to the expression of unconditional love.” As a die hard romantic, I am always hopeful of the happy ending that I know truly exists in the hearts and minds of what a human being is truly capable of. We are born on this planet as love, to be loved, to share love, and to show other people the example of what love really is. Love is more powerful than any other emotion and has a higher energy frequency, too. Someone you meet may spark an emotion or stir something in you; you are now experiencing the love vibration. If you feel it, soak it in and hold onto it, and live your life on this frequency. By doing this, you’ll attract more love into your life. It doesn’t even matter if the initiator of this emotion was meant for you in this lifetime or not. It’s like seeing an amazing piece of artwork and feeling the emotion that the artist captured in a painting. You may not take home the painting, but you can take that emotion with you when you leave. You are collecting that emotion and moving forward in your life, with that piece of art now representing a piece of you. It can be difficult finding love, but over time with the right attitude, you will find someone who has traveled on their own journey of self-discovery when the timing aligns for both of you at the exact moment! Walk towards this light and love vibration, open up to it, allow it to rejuvenate and re-spark what has been missing, and have gratitude for finding it at long last. Have gratitude for the ones who

came before and taught you the lessons you needed to learn to be in this present moment. Uniting with others and finding love will allow you to grow a deeper sense of spirituality with more people and live in this world with a deeper sense of purpose and connection with humankind. You can prepare yourself by investing in you and becoming the best version of yourself. Start on your path of self-awareness and conscious living today— living a life aligned by your highest values. Level up and let go of what no longer serves you or holds you back from living your most authentic life. Being able to truly love means loving ourselves first and most abundantly. Letting the ego go and allowing yourself to be valued and loved without conditions will help you find love. It sounds so easy, yet it can be a challenging personal journey to self-discovery, and some never get there. If you follow the Law of Unconditional Love, you will find the love that exists in all of us: true, humble, kind, gracious love. Love lies within you and the human condition seeks love, but you must first be capable of loving yourself before true love from another finds you. Romantic love is harder to find now a days, but it still exists. It is what makes the world go around and makes the world a better place to live in. I think Bob Dylan’s lyrics will forever leave an imprint on me regarding love. “I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. Nothing that I wouldn’t do. Go to the ends of the earth for you. To make you feel my love.”

Sasha Gary is an actress, writer, and Wellness Coach at www. a 16 week online health program for women that shows you how to implement small sustainable changes one by one to help you with whole food nutrition, self-love and a conscious movement. Sasha is a yogi of 25 years, a crystal healer, and an avid sound bowl meditation participant and lives in Venice California!



By Michael White Ryan

Where are we Now

Feed-back, we love feed-back, it quantifies our very existence, not quite sure what for, but hey does it matter. Freedom is a wonderful thing, I go, I do, I say and I experience and I buy whatever I choose. I now practice mindfulness, ah, it takes me into realms of absolute calm and beauty of self, the birds are singing and the friend is coming over tonight! I have found my way, into my heart-self, the green food, blessed yoga, and the never-ending essence of being a human experience.


Photo by katerina plotnikova photography

Over thinking can send us into a loop, where we find ourselves thinking we know how all this works. You absolutely know, it has become the way of the world; our relationship with control is a love and hate never ending process, as we tend to look as if we evolve out of ourselves. We are evolving ourselves, aren’t we? I mean, in this day and age, we’re all heading down the path of development discovering our skills, expanding our acceptable attitude, practicing respectable behavior (not actual behavior), all for the glory days of good on ya, results. Someone loves me and I have passed my performance test, yippee-yi-yo!

Living in this body-mind, living with limited knowing and the massive unknown, it’s easy to get caught up, attached to a thing, any thing, for that matter, that anchors the “I” somewhere, anywhere.

neer who dives the internal waters and know thy self. Let that be your foundation, the grounding of one’s sense of forever longing, in order to break through the shell/veil into the light of being ones-self.

Does it really do the trick following the ever changing scientific facts grasping at all that spiritual mumbo jumbo standing steadfast defending all our knowledge and beliefs glory be, are we afraid to penetrate the veil if innocence is our true makeup look around, I think we are still wearing diapers

Productivity makes me feel awesome Do our feelings lie, and if so, are they still true? The answer my friend is YES YES YES and they are also false at the same time? It all depends on how and why, our alive energy conscious feelings function, what direction it’s driving us towards, past present or future. We like to believe, beliefs give us hope faith in the uncertainty of this thing called living. They comfort the deep essence of our inner beingness, falsely and truly.

Imagine the probability of what would happen, if we had access to data, which could maintain a constant acceleration towards a higher goal, purpose, not yet recognized? Better yet, what if this is already here and now, Experience dictates the absolute next step in our life, be that (using clumsy language) forward, backward or neutral. What would be the result if one’s manner of choices were not made through the self, rather by being aware of the situation and the collective ensuring consequences, and on whom? We talk about, we’re all in this together, we are all in oneness, made of the same stuff, a collective singularity. And yet, as all matter is made up of the same stuff, when it comes down to the wire, atoms are not touching one another? A better way of understanding, we are the collective and the singular at the same time, as we pass through, in this world made up of vibrating materials, yes we are! After passing through the portal, leaving the infinite, traveling into this material existence, we remained, all still as one. Once here we learned how to know ourselves via judgement by us and others, they function as rules, same as the rules we follow living as a collective in society social realms. Rules function as an expansion or restriction, we like we dislike, makes no difference, they exist as we exist and for good reason. It is by these rules and functions we identify by, got to know ourselves. We got to know what we can do and not do, we just missed out on knowing “who we are” even though we think we may know??? Turns out we are, what the mind knows, we knows, boom. The difficulty lay in what we listen to, what/who we learn from and some. When we do, we bypass discover, selfdiscovery. Yep I know, learn from those who went before, even if they missed the river and went down a tributary to nowhere, just follow, we cool. They say those men who ventured out into the unknown on the Kon Tiki raft, may have set man/woman to rediscover his/her innate natural curiosity to pioneer out beyond existing knowledge. They proved their point. What I say to you is, become the pio-

We live in the real world not knowing the “actual”, we are in the midst of, as always, change is bearing down, impregnating us with opportunities to be present, in knowing the unknown. Herein lays the magnificence of being something far greater than how we miserably define spirit... Finely it’s out in the open! Blessings to us, for we are so way beyond thinking, for there is no language to describe.

Michael White Ryan is a co-founder with his wife Pamela Edwards of Language of Space. They are leaders in sustainable business growth via Performance Design and Performance Code. Sustainable design encompasses both Western and Eastern philosophies including advanced Feng Shui principles, Environmental Design, Buildings, Alternative Health, Business Advisory Consultants and 20 plus years as entrepreneurs. Recognized in the top 100 globally and are Americas Leading Feng Shui Business Consultants. They are on faculty at CEO Space International one of the oldest business organizations in America today, currently operate in 7 countries and reside in Carlsbad CA..


Interior Design Maven, Sunshine D. Tutt, ASID

Joins Bravo's New Interior Design Competition Series "BEST ROOM WINS" Sublime Designs on a Dime

By Anastasia Hapsburg


he battle for interior design supremacy premiered Wednesday, May 1, 2019. With at least 8 more episodes to go, you will enter into the realm of design where some of the world's best interior designers go head-to-head with the hope of achieving home and design glory in Bravo's new competition series. In each episode of the new series, two top interior designers create luxury room makeovers inspired by multi-million dollar homes in just four days while staying within a $25,000 budget. Expert judges decide which designer will receive the ultimate prize of having his or her room featured in an online spread on, based on who best meets the following criteria: overall appeal of the design, how far they were able to stretch their budget, and client satisfaction.


"Attitude affects everything you do, the way you sketch, put together a room, and even the way you visually communicate with people. It's so important to live in color! Using color is a proven natural stress reliever,” says Sunshine D. Tutt. “Design should take us places and transform us, inspire us, as well as create a space that can effortlessly combine opulence and luxury with simplistic classic style...always creating a comfortable home space for all to enjoy for years to come,” adds Sunshine. Sunshine entered the interior design industry as a Design Consultant for the KOI Group and, in that capacity, she provided color consultations along with art, furniture and accessory coordination for the newest KOI Restaurant at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas. Shortly thereafter, Sunshine caught the eye of Ralph Lauren and Karan Brady. Under the auspices of mentors Ralph Lauren and Karan Brady, Sunshine rapidly grew from apprentice to Jr. Designer, participating in all client presentations, including design concept, schematic plans, construction documents, color schemes, lighting plans, wall coverings, window treatments and more. Notable clients included: Kobe Bryant, Sofia Vergara, the offices of Britney Spears Christian Audigier, to name a few. Tutt was making her mark in the interior design industry when the internationally renown Waldo Fernandez of “WALDO’S Designs” invited Sunshine to be his Lead Designer and Project Manager for a very important client. Sunshine and her team were responsible for the construction, both architectural and design, of a complete remodel, from the ground up, transforming an auction house to a luxury salon design/ medical spa. Additionally, Tutt procured original art and incorporated it into the new branding campaign for this flagship salon – The Jose Eber Salon of Beverly Hills.

“In aesthetics, the sublime is the quality of greatness, whether intellectual, physical, moral, metaphysical, aesthetic, spiritual, or artistic.”

In 2014, Sunshine D. Tutt, ASID, founded Sublime Interior Designs, LLC. The firm creates and designs both boutique and high-end luxury spaces that include large scale residential, commercial and hospitality projects. Clients include David Spade and Brooke Shields. “Using both creative and innovative ideas while revisiting the many periods that made design what it is today,” says Tutt. Tune in to Sunshine D. Tutt’s episode of “Best Room Wins” on Bravo TV, airing on June 26, 2019, at 10:00 PM. For more information, please visit:



Knowing How to Change Your Skin Care Routine For The Warm Weather By Margaret Tomaszewicz

With warmer weather finally on the horizon, it's time to start thinking about spring and summer. That means transitioning to a warm-weather wardrobe that includes shorts, sundresses, and swimsuits while also planning the first barbecue of the season. Those are the obvious changes. Many people don't realize that this also is the right time to transition to a new skin care regimen. When you think about it, the need to switch from cold-weather skincare to something that's more appropriate for potentially hot and humid conditions is clear. Gone are the days of cold, biting wind that attacks your skin from every angle. Now, your skin has to contend with sweat, chlorine and excessive sun exposure. With temperatures rising, you also may notice that your skin is oilier in the spring and summer than it was in the fall and winter. Once again, this signals the need to change up your skin care routine, but what sort of changes do you need to make? Read on to discover all of the smart changes that you can make to your routine to keep taking great care of your skin all season long.


Photography by averie woodard

Turn Down the Heat in the Shower A warm or even hot shower can feel great in the winter when the weather is cold. However, it is beneficial to keep a lid on the water temperature all year long, and spring is the perfect time to start the habit. A lukewarm shower is an ideal way to prevent your daily bathing from stripping essential, healthy oils from your skin. You'll probably need a bit fewer moisturizer thanks to that cooler shower.

Use a Light but Nourishing Serum The long, hot and humid days of summer can be really hard on your skin. Mix in a few hours of swimming in a chlorinated pool or the ocean and you have a recipe for seriously irritated skin. All of that sun exposure and the increased time spent in the outdoors where environmental toxins can assault your skin also conspire to leave your skin looking tired and dull. This is where a great serum comes to the rescue. A serum adds just a light layer of product to your skin, but that layer packs quite a punch. That's because serums are highly concentrated formulations that feature tons of beneficial ingredients. They are placed on your skin immediately after cleansing and toning if you choose to use a toner. Accordingly, the serum is right next to your skin where it can do the most good. This helps it to seep fully into your pores where it provides protection and rejuvenation.

Choose a Lighter Moisturizer Winter's lower temperatures and humidity along with cold winds mean that your skin needs a heavy, creamy moisturizer. However, spring and summer conditions are far different. Warmer temperatures and higher humidity make your oil glands work overtime. Increased oiliness, when combined with a heavier moisturizer, can leave your skin feeling sticky and looking shiny. You're also more likely to see an acne breakout. That's why a more lightweight moisturizer is an essential part of your warmer weather skincare routine. Don't make the mistake of not using any moisturizer. This can dehydrate your skin, causing your oil glands to work even harder to produce yet more sebum.


In the winter, you may want a thicker serum, perhaps even one that is oil-based. Summertime calls for something a bit lighter. The ideal product for the spring and summer is a Vitamin C Serum. It's designed to benefit dry, combination and even mature skin. This is the perfect serum for skin that is stressed by heat and sun in the summer. It's cooling, soothing properties give your skin welcome relief while also providing an effective barrier between your delicate skin and environmental toxins. Plus, Vitamin C can work wonders when it comes to reversing the signs of aging.

Be Vigilant About Sunscreen With winter's cloudy days, many people find that they forget to wear sunscreen. This habit may even extend into warmer weather. That is unfortunate because the sun's UV rays can cause damage to the skin in any type of weather and in any season. Even being outdoors on an overcast day can result in premature skin aging with signs like dark spots, lines, wrinkles, and uneven pigmentation. The bad effects of the sun are more immediately obvious in the summer than they are in the winter. A red, itchy sunburn is a painful reminder that you forgot to wear sunscreen. However, it's critical to remember that even a suntan is unhealthy. Not long ago, tanned skin was considered a sign of health and vitality. Now, it is known that a suntan is actually skin damage. What looks attractive today brings the signs of premature aging tomorrow. This is why wearing sunscreen every day is critical. Summer's longer days and outdoor pursuits mean that you should never head out the door without sunblock. Your face, neck, and dĂŠcolletage need even better protection because this skin is so sensitive. WODA's Tinted or Non-Tinted Facial Mineral Protectant with SPF 40 is the ideal product to protect your skin from wrinkles, dark spots and other signs of damage. Try a New Cleanser With summer's higher humidity levels, your skin may be working overtime to produce oil. This leaves your skin feeling sticky and makes it more prone to an acne breakout. While wintertime face cleansing typically means a rich, hydrating cleanser, consider using a product that is more focused on oil control for the summer. Foaming cleansers are the perfect solution in hotter weather. Look for natural ingredients that will not over- dry your skin like lavender and coconut oil. Cleansers need to remove dirt and oil while also helping to fight acne breakouts.

All you have to do is smooth this natural formulation on your skin every morning before heading out the door. It's packed with ingredients like zinc oxide that prevent the sun's UV rays from penetrating your skin. When you use it every day, you can say good-bye to sunburns and the damaging effects of UV rays for good. The tinted version even gives you that healthy glow that you crave without putting your skin in danger.


Take Care of Your Eyes The delicate skin around your eyes requires special consideration and care. This is the area that is most easily and quickly affected by sun damage. Moreover, every time you squint in the bright sunlight, you're inviting more wrinkles that are certain to be deep and lasting. You can help to fight these effects by always wearing sunglasses when you're outdoors or when you're in a car. Sunglasses help to prevent you from frowning and squinting against the glare of the sun, which minimizes the risk of developing wrinkles. Make certain that your sunglasses cover as much of the eye area as possible, as this prevents UV rays from touching the super-delicate skin around your eyes. Try a Different Mask An at-home facial can be much more relaxing, and less expensive, than a day at the spa. While winter masks focus on hydration, you may look for different effects from a summertime mask. For instance, you may want to guard your skin against acne breakouts or minimize the production of excess oil. Other people may want to provide a calm and soothing antidote to skin that is stressed by heat and sweat. WODA has the right mask for you based on the specific needs of your skin in the warmer weather. Choose the Brilliant Enzyme Mask if you want to protect yourself from the signs of premature aging. As your skin produces excess sebum, you're bound to see a buildup of dead skin cells on the surface. You need a mask that exfoliates while it nourishes, and that is precisely what the Brilliant Enzyme Mask does. If you are really concerned about breakouts, then WODA's Clear Skin Anti Blemish Mask is the solution that you have been looking for. The bentonite clay in this formula possesses 80 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

amazing properties that control the production of excess oil. In fact, this incredible ingredient even forms a protective barrier between your skin and environmental toxins. You can play outdoors all summer long when you regularly use WODA's Clear Skin Anti Blemish Mask. If you use the same skincare routine all year long, then your skin may be missing out on critical nourishment and hydration. Even worse, your skin may be suffering damage that could be avoided by making just a few adjustments to your routine. When you change your skincare regimen for warmer weather, you'll see fewer breakouts, less shine and vibrant, healthier skin. To your heath! Margaret Tomaszewicz is a licensed esthetician with over 25 years of experience. She is the owner of European Skin and Massage Studio in Santa Monica, California and has developed the Organic WODA European Natural Skin Care Line. Her products are available on and on For every product sold WODA Skin Care plants a tree. Margaret can be reached at 424-279-9771 or

Photography by Isabelle Ruen 82 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019





I think it takes a whole man to enable a woman to be a whole woman. I think it takes a whole woman to make a whole man. I think we’re here to do this service for one another. And yet there is a distressingly obvious lack of both whole-healed women and whole-healed men in today’s society.

By Cate Montana Grace is impossible, really, to describe. Usually we know when it touches us. But sometimes we only see it much later when the cumulative effects of the event make it known. I was visited by grace back in the summer of 2015 and didn’t know it. I was in the midst of writing a non-fiction book on the ego, transpersonal psychology and enlightenment for Enliven Books, staying at a friend’s house on the island of Paros in the Aegean Sea for several months. I hadn’t been to Greece since I was a teenager, and more than anything I wanted to go back to Delphi. The magic of the place had affected me deeply 40-odd years before, and I was wondering if it would again. So I took a brief, two-day jaunt up to the temple of Apollo on the mainland.


As it turned out, the visit didn’t just affect me, it changed my life. Sitting in a meadow of wild flowers high up on Mount Parnassus, far above the temple complex itself, I had a vision . . a vision of the ancient god of wisdom and healing himself. The encounter was brief and to the point. Apollo walked up to me out of nowhere, introduced himself, dark red-gold curls shining in the sun, strange copper eyes intent, and said, “I have things to tell humanity. Let’s talk.” And we did. As soon as I finished the book I was on contract to write, I eagerly dove into Apollo’s story, conjuring his face and eyes while sitting at my computer, “tuning in” to his energy, waiting for information to flow. And flow it did. He carried me back to a time when women were honored and revered, a time before the fiercely masculine, judgmental Sky God took command of people’s minds and hearts. He talked to me about the impact of devaluing all things feminine, then took me by the psychic hand and drove me deep into the unconscious epigenetic programming of religious shame eating away at me, eating away at most women in the modern world like a cancer, destroying our self-esteem from the inside. He told me how he had fruitlessly tried to stem the tide as the old gods faded away, struggling to keep the balance of feminine and masculine forces in play until the time of the coming of the Christos, when Yeshua and his honored wife and partner, Mary Magdalene, were destined to lead humanity to its divinity, uplifting both gender polarities equally. And he wiped away my tears and held me close as I witnessed the horrors of their betrayal as a great and poisonous plot was perpetrated upon the world instead. We communed intensely for three months. And then it was time for me to come back down to Earth and pay attention to my “real life.” Like many women, I have been profoundly focused on personal success. Growing up, I never felt like I fit in. I never felt like I was good enough. But I put myself “out there.” And that upward-striving energy quickly built into a brash, overcompensating, tough, Type A persona that followed me into a career in the fiercely competitive, male-dominated arena of network television as a freelance editor, traveling the world covering a wide variety of sporting events for ABC, NBC and ESPN. I wanted to prove myself as good as a man and make my mark in the world.


And I worked hard to do so. Then I discovered spirituality and heard the word “enlightenment.” Becoming a “master” and transcending all my pain, doubt, insecurity and struggles in the world sounded good to me. So I left TV to go live in a one-room cabin without running water or electricity on a 100-acre property up in the mountains of North Georgia. I meditated there for three years, cracking my kundalini wide open, experiencing all sorts of wonderful and terrifying psychic happenings that sent me straight into a master’s degree program in psychology at the University of West Georgia. I had to understand what modern man understood about the human mind and consciousness and the amazing worlds that were opening to me! Modern man didn’t understand very much. So I continued to turn within, living in isolated places meditating, supporting myself by working as a freelance journalist, applying my considerable drive to waking up. And when I did, 17 years later, on a crisply clear Saturday morning in October 2007, it wasn’t anything like I thought it would be. For there was no “Cate” around to accept the prize. No “me” to crow with pride and declare, “Look what I did!” No self-realization whatsoever. Just the enormously funny recognition that “self ” had been a complete illusion and that I’d been fooling that self for a very long time. Three days of intoxicating liberation from the illusion of Cate and all her worries, insecurities, fears, dreams and fantasies . . . and then the illusion of Cate came back, taking over my mind once more. And there was nothing I could do about it. Can you spell d-e-p-r-e-s-s-i-n-g? It took another seven years to recover enough to put what had happened into perspective. And then I came back into the world with a BANG! writing a book about the nature of the ego mind and what enlightenment really is, mapping out a pathway to liberation by training the mind to become more and more transpersonal—more inclusive in its perception. The trick, I realized, is not to kill the ego. (How can you kill an illusion?) The trick is to expand the ego to the point where it includes everything. And once that happens . . . well, there are no boundaries and no “self ” left to escape.

I was on fire with what I knew and determined to transform the world. The book was swiftly picked up by an imprint of Simon & Schuster, and I headed to Greece to my friend’s house to finish writing. After publication I was fiercely focused on becoming a spiritual teacher and setting people free. But there was a very large fly in the ointment. I still wasn’t completely free myself. When I realized how deeply entrenched in wanting success I still was, how much I still yearned to prove myself and my value to the world, I let it all go—the book, the publicity, the promotion, the classes, the talks, the notoriety. Disconsolate and horribly confused, I left my home in the Pacific Northwest, and, for a year and a half, traveled around California, Arizona and New Mexico looking, not just for the next place to call home, but for the “me” that was no longer compelled to prove my worth. The me that wasn’t deeply depressed, feeling like a complete and utter failure. It was at this darkest point that Apollo came back into my life. (He is the Bringer of Light after all.) He never reappeared physically (if he even had in the first place!). But I re-read the story I’d written based on our many hours of communion and started tuning into him again, focusing, not so much on what he had to say to humanity, but what he had to say to me. As usual, his was a very straight forward message: “You are not whole yet, my dear. You teach people to expand their egos to include everything, but you yourself have never embraced your deepest feminine nature.”

And Apollo was there as my guide and comforter every step of the way. I think it takes a whole man to enable a woman to be a whole woman. I think it takes a whole woman to make a whole man. I think we’re here to do this service for one another. And yet there is a distressingly obvious lack of both whole-healed women and whole-healed men in today’s society. The largest display of grace in my very blessed life so far has been the coming of Apollo. As there has been no man in my life capable of holding energetic space for my awakening to the divine feminine—my sweetness and tenderness, my power and strength, my intelligence and intuition, my passion and wildness and fecund chaos, my multi-dimensionality and compassion, my sensitivity and ability to both bear and heal pain—I have been gifted with an otherworldly lover to play that role out for me. Since that last intense dive into the great feminine wound, the beasts of wanting and striving, all based in the unfulfilled need to prove myself valuable as a woman and a human being, have wandered away. The old success-hungry me has opened and flowered into a much softer, more energetically aware and available being. I am blossoming, at last, as a woman. Much to my surprise, the island spirit of Maui called me to her shores last fall, clearly telling me, “Come home to Momma Maui. Let me take care of you.” I listened, and now, cradled in the soft bosom of paradise, I have finally decided to tell Apollo’s story.

He smiled gently, copper eyes filled with compassion. “You have been taught to despise that nature. To despise what you are. To survive you have lived, thinking and acting as a man in a man’s world. And it has crippled you and made you desperate to leave this place and its pain and judgment behind.”

For real or not, the ancient god of light and wisdom has a healing message for the world. Heaven only knows, he has healed me.

He was right. Oh, so very right. So, down down down, back into the hotbed of gender pain and terrible ancient religious shame for being a woman I went. And the world went with me as Christine Blasey Ford stepped into the global limelight with her story of sexual abuse at the hands of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. And I screamed and howled, raged and wept as all the anger and pain from all the dismissiveness, disdain, humiliation and marginalization of the feminine over the centuries played out before and within me.

Cate Montana has a master’s degree in psychology and has given up writing non-fiction articles and books about consciousness, quantum physics, and ego evolution. She is now a novelist and story teller, blending head and heart in her first teaching tale, the spiritual romance Apollo & Me, now available at!



From Grief to Grace Pet Bereavement Counseling Monthly Column With Pina De Rosa The loss of a beloved pet can be the deepest heartbreak of our lives. Each month we will address and answer a key topic with Certified Pet Grief Counselor, Pina De Rosa (APLB / AAVSB). If you wish to send in questions for Pina, please submit them to Pina De Rosa through


Photography by Christian Joudrey

In our May column on Pet Grief Counseling, we looked at what are some of the factors that should be considered after a beloved pet dies, before getting another one? When it would be right or wrong to do adopt, again? How should a bereaver respond to the advice of others, regarding this? For this month’s topic, we get to look at the impact of hearing “it was just a pet” and dealing with disenfranchised grief within the stages of grief.

Disenfranchised grief is the type of grief that is not appropriately recognized, either by the bereaver’s friends, family, colleagues, society in general or anyone else around them. Disenfranchised grief can further aggravate the pain of the bereft pet owner’s who is already heartbroken. When their hear phrases like “it is/was just a pet”, it makes them feel like their pain is not validated and it makes it even harder to cope with the anguish they feel. When that unique human-pet bond is not understood, when that special devotion is not recognized by those in the life of the bereaved, it turns an already heart wrenching event into an even worse experience to endure. The bereaver ends up feeling self-conscious about their special soul-mate relationship with their beloved pet and may even become defensive. As a result, when their grief is not validated or recognized, they suffer even more because they end up spending part of their emotional energy being defensive instead of focusing on the loving memory of the deceased pet. At the very beginning of the first session, the counselor can help the heartbroken pet parent by validating their grief. By offering compassion and warm-hearted assistance, the counselor can help them cope with the anguish. By helping the bereaver understand that whey they are feeling is completely normal, that they are not going crazy, and that what they feel is to be expected, the counselor can gently help them start the healing process. 88 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

It is important for the newly bereft pet owner to be made aware of and understand the stages of bereavement as it can support them in understanding that such overwhelmingly sorrowful emotions are to be expected. When a huge stable part of their daily life is abruptly ripped out, they are in a deep emotional state of shock. Often times the pet parent is not equipped to cope with their pet’s death. Even if they prepare themselves, they are rarely ready. It is helpful for them to understand that such overwhelming experience with grief and loss is something that most people experience when coping with a deep heart-wrenching loss. The length of grief is unpredictable, from a few days to a few weeks, or even longer. Understanding this, and the phases of mourning, can lessen any fear they may feel from such emotional trauma. The heartbreak they feel is so tragic, they may feel they need to endure it to no end. Understanding that the overpowering emotions they are feeling are normal can serve as a road map of the path ahead. People are often afraid of death, which can cause them to be afraid of feeling such unbearable new emotions. If they do not allow themselves to feel their true feelings, they end up causing even more psychological harm to themselves. It is beneficial to their healing process to know that the initial shock, denial and disbelief they feel are absolutely normal. And that letting out their tears is not a weakness, but a necessary part of healing. It is important to reassure them that vacillating between anger, alienation and distancing is a normal temporary response to the suffering they feel. It is often too hard for the bereft pet-owner to comprehend such loss. Letting them know that these stages are all normal during mourning, and that they are non-sequential, will help them cope with the vast scope of emotions. They may feel they are losing it, they are likely to feel guilt, and even experience some degrees of depression before they the get to a place of spiritual and emotional healing. Addressing them with understanding and compassion will help the bereaver make the journey towards that healing and resolution. What is “resolution” all about, and why do we now use this term, instead of “closure”? How can we help the grief-stricken pet parent to work toward this stage? Resolution is the final stage of bereavement. It is the time when the pet parent gets to keep the memory of their beloved companion, while being able to let go of the sharp pain and anguish they have been experiencing until now. It is when they learn to live with the pain of the loss. Resolution is the time when the pet parent is able to shift from feeling like a victim to honoring their pet’s precious brief life. Those heartwarming memories allow the bereaver to experience a new depth of love for their special companion. We now use this term instead of “closure” because, in psychology, “closure” is usually related to finding a solution to a problem. That is not a good choice when applied in reference to the loss of a dear one. The concept of “closing” is utterly intolerable to an anguished pet-owner who has just lost their special companion. When the bereft pet parent feels 89 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2019

threatened by anything that might invalidate what they are going through, they are likely to close off and even walk away. Those are reasons why we use the term “resolution” instead of “closure”. We help them to work toward this last stage by supporting them in realizing that they can be celebrants of their special companions’ lives. We help them also by reassuring them that it is normal that they will feel some of that pain in the future - even at seemingly random times. It is expected to tear up again even as they heal and go on with their lives. As a final note, it is also very helpful for the bereaver (and the people around them) to understand the different types of guilt they are likely to experience on their path towards resolution. Merited guilt is an emotion the pet parent will likely experience if their pet died as a result of their oversight, and carelessness - an accidental death that was not vicious in intent. Unmerited guilt is what they will likely experience when their anger is directed inward. With either merited and unmerited guilt, the bereft pet owner’s initial response is similar. They feel they are drowning in relentless self-blame and misery. Both types of guilt are damaging to the human mind and heart. Merited guilt can occur as warranted, while unmerited guilt is quite often undeserved. Both types of guilt should be dealt with in a constructive way. Like disenfranchised grief, guilt can affect a bereft pet owner healing process by deepening their sorrow, and damaging them even more. Emotions often overrule logic during the earlier stages of grief. Guilt is a complex emotion that is often invented. While some amount of self-recrimination is normal during mourning, unmerited guilt is often undeserved. What supports the bereft pet owner to shift from such unremitting self-blame during this intensely sensitive time is a supportive counselor who will guide them towards compassion and self-forgiveness coming from within.

Pina De Rosa is a two-time TEDxSpeaker and Certified Pet Grief Counselor, founder of You may reach her directly for 1-1 Pet Grief Support (sliding scale available). Her passion project is #MissionWellington and his, bringing “doggie bags” of pet food, blankets and supplies to the homeless pups living out in the streets. Follow her at

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