Psychology core concepts 7th edition zimbardo test bank

Page 37

a. Rene Descartes b. Walter Hess c. Wilder Penfield d. Paul Broca e. Phineas Gage Difficulty: 3 Page Reference: 64 Topic: Windows on the Brain Skill: Factual Objective: 2.3 Answer: c. Wilder Penfield 101. Which scanning method produces a computerized image of X-rays that have been passed through the brain at various angles? a. PET scanning b. CT scanning c. MRI scanning d. psychosurgery e. neurosurgery Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 64 Topic: Windows on the Brain Skill: Factual Objective: 2.3 Answer: b. CT scanning 102. In the procedure, a composite picture of brain activity is produced by sensing which areas of the brain show the highest concentration of a low-level radioactive glucose. a. PET b. CT c. MRI d. EEG e. fMRI Difficulty: 2 Page Reference: 64 Topic: Windows on the Brain Skill: Factual Objective: 2.3 Answer: a. PET

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