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BEST ACTION GAMES FOR ANDROID Action games are one of the most popular games on all platforms. It gets your blood pumping, your fingers moving and your reflexes and ingenuity at work. There's no set mechanic or style for action games. Instead, an action game defines the pace of the game and the effort the player must make to reach the end. There are more than 15 great action games on Android, and this list was quite difficult to compile. However, here are some of the best action games for Android. Let us know in the comments which ones you like the most. Call of Duty Call of Duty: Mobile is, at the time of writing, the most popular FPS game on mobile devices. It has all the elements of a good online shooter. The game has multiple PvP modes, multiple unlocks, and the graphics and gameplay are superb. It has a 100-player Battle Royale mode similar to Fortnite and PUBG Mobile (two other big action games), and a standard Deathmatch mode similar to Modern Combat and Critical Ops (two other big action games). Call of Duty: Mobile is the flagship of the genre right now, so we recommend it first. All the other four games mentioned would also fit into this list. Bullet Hell Monday Series: Bullet Hell Monday Series is a series of games with balls. For the uninitiated, bullet hell games are bottom-up in perspective and you have to defeat your opponents by avoiding the unthinkable amount of bullets they fire at you. Watch the trailer above and you'll see what we mean. There are three games in this series and they all have similar mechanics, graphics and control styles. The developer also has a fourth game in the same genre called Decluster Zero Bullet Nocturne, which is also very good. Click on the link below to see the developer's website and the four games.

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