Summer 2014 Women's Ministries

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Living out our faith with Christ and each other


Women’s Ministries of


Marvin United Methodist church 2014

A Message from the Pastor of Women’s Ministries

Greetings from Marvin UMC Women’s Ministries Sisters …some come into our life through birth, some come through adoption, some come via our brothers and some are chosen. In our Christian walk we call one another “sisters or brothers in Christ” because we belong to the family of God. There is something very special and deep about that word “Sisters”. With me, it resonates in my soul. Perhaps there have been times on your journey as a Christian when you, too, have felt fully within you that a relationship between you and another woman had a much deeper connection than just studying the Bible together. Sometimes these women might not speak my language (mission trips) or be in my season of life (Bread & Vine, MOPs) or be married or a mom or a grandmother…yet we are all women and the connection in Christ is a unique thread winding through our lives and binding us together. Jesus and his 12 stinky fisherman friends spent more time at the beach than at a synagogue. Their hillside picnics probably felt more like church than most days at the temple. Every social gathering was a feast of friendship and faith. Even today, a circle of friends—with Christ at the center—is one of God's desires for His church. He continually sows seeds of community, whether we're scheduling play dates or coffee breaks, joining book clubs or Bible studies. Yet too often we rely more on our frenetic pace than on faith-inspiring friendships to serve our souls. In their book, Friends for the Journey, Madeleine L'Engle and Luci Shaw describe friendship as a gift "given to you—holy, happy, tough, tender, wild, wacky, a sacrifice, and a sacrament." Finding soul sisters means becoming more intentional about spiritual friendship.




Bread & Vine


Cookies & Books Crochet for Missions Gallery Class

For me, summer is that season when I refresh and relax and try to be more intentional in my relationships. I pray this newsletter will be refreshment to your soul. As you read various testimonies and view opportunities to serve and study I pray you will be inspired to find and intentionally enjoy the “soul sister” relationships God has waiting for you with the women of Marvin. Blessings my “soul sisters”, Julie Love Brown 1

16 7

Knitted Together


Mothers of Elementary Students


Mothers of Preschoolers


Mothers of Teens & Tweens


United Methodist Women


Women’s Ministries Chair


Women’s Ministries Pastor


You, Me & The Big C

As a leader in Women’s Ministry at Marvin, it is my deepest desire that you, as a woman, feel connected to other women in our church. We have a wonderfully diverse team of women leading various areas of ministry specifically so that you can plug in and know you are a part of something bigger than you. We pray over you and we plan over you, working within the will of God to follow His leading to provide abundant opportunities for you to meet other women and feel that sense of belonging.



Did you know that the Apostle Paul had a sister? Until recently, I didn’t know either. She is briefly mentioned only once, in Acts 23:16, and she is easily overlooked. I wonder what she was like. Was she as dedicated as Paul was? Was she a follower of Christ or did she remain dedicated to her Jewish faith? Did she worry about Paul in his passionate pursuit to spread the gospel? Did her husband and son travel with Paul and did that add to her worries? Did she learn tent making alongside Paul in their youth? Did she laugh more than she cried? As obscure as it is, the mention of Paul’s sister is relevant. She was once flesh and blood, a life created by God, and a story lost in time. We all feel obscure from time to time. We wonder about our own life and purpose. Does my life carry meaning? Will my life always be this hurried? We swing from loneliness to wishing for some time alone and then back to loneliness. We are women seeking peace on a daily basis. We desire meaningful relationships with people who will truly share in our lives and let us share in theirs. In many ways we are probably like Paul’s sister. We all struggle with daily life from time to time and wonder about our life, as she probably did. And even though the mention of Paul’s sister is easily missed by the human eye; God did not overlook her, see through her, forget her, forsake her, or consider her to be obscure. She was a child of God, just as we are sisters in Christ and cherished by God. Even though we have no details in the story of Paul’s sister (we don’t even know her name) and many others mentioned in the Bible, that does not mean that they do not live on in our imaginations. As we wonder about these women in the Bible, our ancient sisters, we should be inspired to tell our own stories – sister stories. I hope you enjoy the sister stories shared here and it inspires you to begin to share your own story alongside many of the women at Marvin UMC. I think you will find many that will listen and want to know more

Marvin UMC offers a variety of programs and studies for women of every age and stage. We hope you enjoy reading the stories of women who have shared their experiences. If you want to know more about a particular group, we have provided contact information. If you are interested in a particular area of ministry but do not see a group that currently meets that need, let us know. We will be willing to discuss ways to serve you or help you find a place to serve. Women’s Ministries is vibrant and growing and we pray that God will find new ways to touch the lives of women at Marvin, in the community and across the globe. 2

Studying sisters WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES

When you ask God to show you the next step he wants you take in your journey of faith, be prepared that it will be out of your comfort zone, it will happen fast and you will be forever changed. I remember our Bible study group was finishing Beth Moore’s Book of James. Throughout the lesson, both through Beth’s DVD lesson and class discussion we were being encouraged to make our faith more visible and take some of those hard steps. Toward the end of the class Sally Holler said that another Beth Moore lesson was planned, Jesus the One and Only, and that she was committed to be a facilitator, because she wanted to make sure Bible studies were offered at night for women who work during the day. I went home that night and thought what a large commitment, and I appreciated what she was willing to do for that group. Then, I heard a voice in my head, “Why aren’t you helping her?” My first thought was, “What can I do – I work all day?” Well, that was clearly the wrong answer. I couldn’t shake the thought that I was supposed to more involved in the Bible Study that would take me deeper into the Word. You know how it goes when you feel that heavenly tug to do something out of your comfort zone – you start with the “ifs.” You know those “Ifs” – If I am to take that new job; If I am to move to that new city; and in my case, “If I run into Sally – I will ask her.” Guess what, one Sunday after church I did run into Sally and told her that God had put it on my heart that I needed to be more involved in Bible studies and that I would be willing to co-facilitate the next Bible Study with her. I warned her that the only experience I brought to this was helping out with Vacation Bible School. But, I thought surely God wouldn’t have me do something if he didn’t supply me with all I needed. I survived that first study and am now hooked on Monday night Bible studies. I feel that I have grown so much in my walk in faith from not only the studies, but also the insight the different ladies bring to the class. Mitzie Avera

I took the “Sacred Secrets” study because it was an interesting topic and it is better for me to be in a structured study rather than trying to do it on my own. Through this study, I met several new women and learned through their comments during our time together. Even though I am no Bible scholar, these studies help me work through my understanding of the topic and help me better express myself when discussing my faith. Betsy Adams I attended the Beth Moore Revelation Study last fall. I really enjoyed the time we spent studying God's word and sharing. We had a diverse group and that really seemed to make our discussions more meaningful. I learned so much, not just from Beth Moore, but from these dynamic women as well. I especially enjoyed our leader, Debbie, who was so thoughtful and encouraging to everyone. I look forward to attending another Bible study led by this wonderful new friend! Connie Gulley I took the Beth Moore Revelation study last fall. Debbie Jones was our facilitator and she was such a blessing . It was such a joy to be in this warm welcoming group of women. Completing a Beth Moore study always gives me a sense of accomplishment. I would definitely do another study at Marvin. Beth Sparkman

Bible studies for women are offered year-round. Studies are offered during the day and in the evening. They range from expository study to life application. Many have a video lesson and there is opportunity for discussion and sharing. Consult the church website for specific days and times for new studies. Now that we are a few weeks post Gideon, I wanted to pass on to you what a positive effect the study has had. The biggest take home message for me: my spiritual peace is constantly limited by the many “Midianites” I have allowed to rob me of time, energy and resources. They are the small things that constantly cause chaos, ill will, distraction and deplete my desire to seek God’s instruction. I made a simple, easy to follow schedule for resolving issues. This Gideon-inspired-schedule has brought peace to our family and is letting life flow into a floundering spiritual life. Gail Boardman This Bible study, has helped me to acknowledge my weakness. And, to know that God uses my weakness as well as my strengths. This group of “Soul Sisters” has been a big help to me. Nella Willbanks For me there is not one particular positive note or experience as much as there is an accumulated learning curve. I just know that each class leaves something special in my life. I have a tendency to let my personal study slip without the nudge of formal study. Nancy Raynes I have really enjoyed this Bible study. I'm really learning a lot about myself. Sometimes it was hard for me to put things in words and then someone would share what they were going through and it was like “that's what I was wanting to say”! It's kind of amazing how that works out. It's nice to know that someone understands you. I know I haven't been very vocal but this study has really made me think about how God wants to use me at home with my children and just out there in the world, trying not to stress and worry so much and know that God is patient with me as I try figure everything out! Thank you so much for everything!! I hope to take more Bible studies here. I have really enjoyed meeting some amazing women! Brooke Newman First of all, I KNOW that for me the timing of this study was no accident. I was told about the study after going the first day, but I didn’t really give it further thought. The following Wednesday morning I sat down after the kids got off to school to have some quiet time, and as I started praying, suddenly remembered that it was Wednesday morning. At this point, the Holy Spirit prompted me to pull my act together and get to Marvin ASAP! I’m so glad that I did! I have loved the dynamics of the group, and especially the wisdom that these older women have shared. I will be front and center for any future studies with this group! Jennifer Holt 3

When asked why I started facilitating women's Bible studies, I chuckle. Most people have such lofty spiritual reasons for leading a Bible study, then there's me. The reason is pretty self serving—my work schedule conflicted with the times most Bible studies were offered at Marvin. It appeared if I wanted to participate, I would need to facilitate. The first study was Beth Moore's James, Mercy Triumphs in Fall of 2012. I knew it was going to be a great study, Beth Moore + the Book of James...a sure-fire winner. I was not prepared for the overwhelming blessings God had in store for me. After the first session it was all I could do to drive home and run in my front door before I burst into tears. Before I knew it I was on my knees and then laying flat faced on the floor crying and praising God for the blessing of the beautiful women who had joined the Bible study. With each Bible study, the study itself has brought some insight that has allowed me to see God more clearly. However, it is from the women who have joined the Bible studies that I have learned and grown the most. Young mothers whose relationship with Jesus Christ has enabled them to face adversity in their young lives with strength and courage. Mature women who have walked through the challenges and struggles of life with grace and joy. They have humbled me and continually challenge me to do better and be better for them, for all I meet and for our precious Lord and Savior! My wonderful partner, Mitzie Avera, and I are committed to women's Bible studies. I think I can speak for Mitzie when I say that we both get so much from the each and every woman who joins us. I can't wait to start the next study and see what and WHO God brings!!! Sally M. Holler 4


Belonging to a United Methodist Circle has made me feel a part of our church both locally and worldwide. Through the years, I have made many good friends by being a member of UMW. The support of these friends has been a valued cornerstone to my faith. My membership has also given me the opportunity to learn about, appreciate, and contribute to the worldwide mission work of the United Methodist Church. Nancy Ireland

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Each year the United Methodist Women recognize a particularly faithful mission worker to receive a Special Mission Recognition Pin. The 2013 recipient is Maude Caldwell. She has been short term missionary of the Woman’s Division assigned to Congo and Liberia, teaching and doing public health work in villages. She also led a group of short term missionaries to Chile, contributing to the building of an audiovisual center at Kusayapu Agricultural Institute. While secretary to Bishop Booth, and opened a social center that the Bishop had dreamed of for 30 years, developed a typing curriculum in Swahili for students, started cooking classes for the women, and started youth groups throughout the district. Maude has a Doctorate in Education and taught in the public school system. She was active in the First United Methodist Church singing in the choir and chairing the mission and social justice committees. She is a member of Delta Kappa Gamma, and PEO, serving as President in these groups. Since joining Marvin, Maude has injected a new energy into our UMW unit. She has faithfully attended district and conference meetings and Mission U, our summer school for missions each year at Lakeview. She currently serves on the nomination committee at the conference level. Here at Marvin she is our program resources chairman and representative to the Tyler Council of Church Women. In 2013 she organized our Spring General meeting which introduced the Marvin family to our missionaries through video presentations, costumes and food. Maude Caldwell is an exceptional woman who has had great tragedy in her life but who has never given in to it, rather reaching out to help others wherever she is. Through her work on the Marvin Mission’s team, she heads up Marvin’s outreach to our own missionaries . Maude is truly a woman with a servant’s heart and was a unanimous choice for our mission recognition this past year.

Fall 2013 General Assembly

Hangers of Hope Resale Shop

East Texas Food Bank 5

Baby’s First Christmas

Amazing Grace Night Circle

Susannah Wesley Circle

UMW has given me insight into the differences in other people and the differences in Christians around the world. It has been an educational experience into the life of Jesus Christ. Nita Wood My time in United Methodist Women has increased my fellowship with other women and the knowledge I've gained from the programs has opened my eyes to the needs of women and children around the world. Lynn Solis UMW is such a special group of ladies. The scope of their mission work has always been very impressive to me. Through the Reading Program, you can also educate yourself to important issues of the day. All of this and fellowship too! Jonanna Tebrinke Joining Women’s Society of Christian Service (forerunner of UMW) in 1957 brought me into leadership, personal involvement with missionaries in India, Japan, Africa and China, hands-on work in an East St. Louis inner-city ‘settlement house’ with wives and children of packing house workers, inspired me through study courses and interaction with other women seeking closer relationships with Christ. Today, leadership continues, as does mission work, interaction locally with study, fellowship and outreach in support of local womens and childrens projects of Marvin and our connectional Methodist system. United Methodist Women in 2014 is part of my heart, life and faith in the future. Betty Bower


UMW welcomes women of all ages who want to learn more about God’s world and how to serve those who live in it. Circles meet monthly and there is a General Assembly each Spring and Fall. Esther Priscilla Circle

District Leader Training

Guild Circle

Speaking at a Circle Meeting

Spring 2014 General Assembly 6

Decorating the Church


Cookies & Books

Cookies and Books members enjoy reading books from a wide variety of genres throughout the year. Whether the monthly selection is a novel, a biography, or a meditation on Christian life all books are carefully chosen to draw us closer to God and broaden our sense of community. The thoughtful and lively discussions the group then shares about the book add to our understanding of God’s kingdom.

Reading Band of Sisters was eye-opening for Cookies and Books member Anne Pattullo. Cathy Gohlke’s historical novel tells the story of two sisters fleeing a shameful past in Ireland in search of safety and opportunity in New York City in 1910. They find employment at a prominent department store only to learn it hides a dangerous secret – human trafficking. Anne was shocked to learn that this horrible practice not only continues Cookies & Books members read a today but is prevalent in East Texas. Her reading and the group’s monthly selection and then meet to ensuing discussion prompted Anne to take action. She has since discuss their impressions. They meet supported local anti-trafficking organizations by participating in a run/ the fourth Thursday of the month. walk fundraiser and by helping organize an evening program on the topic for UMW. In Cookies and Books, I am reading thought-provoking books I would have never picked up. The women in the group are diverse in age, experience, and theology. All things considered, I am challenged to think beyond my small universe. Gail McGlothin

Cookies and Books has been good in so many ways – invigorating, sometimes challenging, book reads with spirited discussions and delicious cookies among special friends I don’t get to visit with at other times. Su Plunkett

S S THE GALLERY SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS I have been with this wonderful class from the beginning and this is what it means to me:

G -gather women of all ages, single & married A -add a teacher knowledgeable in the Word L –learn to study the Bible, not just reading it L –listen as others share insight E –enjoy friendships and fun times together R –revitalize your faith with friends Y –you bet, we always welcome visitors! Suzanne Daniel What I like most about the Gallery class is Julie Nichols’ amazing knowledge of, and research into, Scripture and the way we are allowed to interact and discuss it. Brenda Gregerson

jonah Navigating a Life Interrupted

June 17-July 22 Summer Bible Studies



Explore how ancient livelihoods illuminate meaningful Christian truths that apply to life today. Scout the divine and move from just reading the Bible to entering stories that can be touched, tasted, heard, seen, smelled, and savored.

The Gallery Class is for women of all ages, married, single, divorced or widowed. It meets Sundays at 9:45 am. 7

July 14-August 18 scouting

I love these women. It’s a comfort to know that not only on Sunday, but throughout the week, I can call or email the class and prayers are being said for me. I also enjoy the Bible-based studies and look forward to them each week. This class has enriched my Christian walk. Donna Roach

register online at



Christmas in

It is well


Mind Body soul

Tuesday, July 22nd, Marvin Church, 6:30-9:00 pm

Thursday, June 12th, Marvin Church, 6:00-8:30 pm MIND—participate in mini-lessons in Tai Chi and Yoga BODY—enjoy a healthy salad and smoothie supper

SOUL—soak in the subject of “mindfulness” as addressed by our guest speaker with a degree in counseling $10

register by June 9


Is your Christmas season crazy and chaotic? Prepare in advance for a holier holiday season and have fun while getting organized! Learn a multitude of time-saving ideas, make Advent tree ornaments and enjoy Christmas goodies to eat and drink—recipes included. $15

register by July 17

childcare provided with pre-registration

childcare provided with pre-registration 9




& Testimonies Thursday, August 7th, 6:00-8:30 pm You are cordially invited to an evening in a Marvin member’s home. Small plates of appetizers will be served as four women from diverse backgrounds share their faith stories. This will be a great evening of fellowship and bonding as the group hears how God has influenced and impacted each of these special women. $10

register by August 4

childcare not provided for this event 11

I moved here from Southern California in 2005. I initially another church, but felt that I was not being fed and found Marvin UMC in 2007. Immediately, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and found my new home community. After a time I met Suzanne Daniels who was forming You, Me and the Big C. Having been a cancer survivor myself, for many years, I felt it was necessary to get involved with the group and help others along the path to keep on living in spite of being diagnosed with cancer. Our motto is a little dog running free and the caption is "Live like someone left the gate open." Time spent with the ladies of the group has been a wonderful experience, as we share the highs, low and miracles that come with living with cancer. However, we are not big on "pity parties". Being a quilter, I spend many hours preparing '"Chemo Quilts" for people undergoing chemotherapy. These quilts are my way of sharing God’s love and it has proven a blessing for both me and the receiver. Suzanne has been a TREMENDOUS example of strength, courage, and leadership with our group, even in some difficult times of her own health. She is there for EVERYONE. We are all there for each other, each in our own ways. If we as a group only touched a few lives it was well worth the effort. The bond that has been made with the members is one that will never be broken. Carol Hamilton You, Me & The Big C is a community group open to women who have battled any type of cancer or who are currently in treatment. They have activities that promote healthy habits for the mind, body and spirit. They work to inform those new to the community about resources and provide lodging assistance to those needing to stay in Tyler for treatments. They meet the first Wednesday of the month. Carol Hamilton makes a quilt for new member Linda Ullrich

A new friend, Bobby Fields, gives a loving donation of snacks to the Cancer Lodging Ministry purchased with the money he received turning in his collection of drink cans.

I am a breast cancer survivor of 9 years. I was depressed and saddened after I had to quit my job as a RN after the chemo fog set in, because being a nurse is how I defined myself. I wanted lived for my family and I wanted my grandchildren to remember me. We attend church at Rice Road Church of Christ and we are very active in church. I tried so hard to feel better and it was a struggle until I met these wonderful ladies (my sisters) at You, Me and Big C. Unless you have been in our shoes you do not know how it feels to constantly be tired and weakened by disease. It changes you. With the help of God and my sweet sisters I came out of my shell of despair. My life has a new purpose now, as I educate, befriend and embrace others. When we have problems or lose dear sisters to that old big C ,we are there to lift each other up. Come join us in a meeting. I promise you that you will not leave depressed. This is a worthy endeavor, helping others, and in doing so, we help ourselves. Chris Smith 12

SISTERS IN MOTHERHOOD MOPS-MOTHERS OF PRESCHOOLERS My name is Nicki Holotik Brown. I'm a 31 year old mother of two; Conley age 3, Gabriel 18 months, and one on the way! I am not a member of Marvin. In fact, our experience in a "church" body is a bit unorthodox yet, has been an incredible journey with The Lord and His beautiful body that includes Methodists, Lutherans, Baptist, Episcopalians, and so many more.

In September of 2012 my eager son came into the world almost four months too early. At 25 weeks, he spent about 16 weeks in the NICU at Baylor in Dallas. Luckily we had already been "going" to church via internet to Granger Community Church in Indiana. With Gabriel's special needs, including strict isolation from public places— especially kids— we have continued to worship with this amazing Church. But as you can imagine, the isolation also took its toll on me, and so Marvin MOPS became a welcomed opportunity for growth, inspiration, fellowship, and just a good break! My dear friend Ashley Edwards was instrumental in getting me connected and in fact, had the MOPS group praying for me and my family the whole time Gabe was in the hospital. I already felt like I was loved before ever meeting the women. Unlike a lot of "good" things we can be involved in, MOPS includes an aspect of the best thing, our relationship with Christ. Incorporating our life in Christ with our responsibilities as mothers, wives, and members of the community, MOPS has provided an outlet for ministry and discipleship with other women in my same arena of life as moms of preschoolers. I have gained friends, comfort, strong prayer warriors, a sense of "you’re not alone", and so much more. I have been truly blessed by God’s work through the wonderful mentors and leaders of Marvin MOPS and look forward to continuing to see how the Lord will use this great ministry in my life and the lives of other mothers. MOPS is a group for mothers of preschoolers (newborn through kindergarten). The group meets the second and fourth Thursdays of the month and childcare is provided. Children in the group also have a playdate once a month.

MOPS was a lifeline for me as a young mother new to Tyler. Friendships and mentorships were formed and all under the umbrella of loving Jesus, our families and ourselves. Now, it serves as a "mom society" that is encouraging, rejuvenating and inspiring. Summer Greenslade

Marvin MOPs provides an opportunity for me to escape my mommy duties for a couple of hours and invest in my relationship with Christ through incredible guest speakers, our mentors and group peers. It is uplifting and reassuring to surround myself with other moms with the same desires; put God first, be a good wife and mommy, and raise our children in a loving Christian home. I truly count down the days until the next meeting! Nicole Robbins 13

MOTHERS OF ELEMENTARY STUDENTS The Mothers of Elementary Student group helps bring Christian moms together to fellowship, share life's experiences, and pursue a Christ-driven life. We laugh, lift one another up, and lean on one another. We have been reading a book by Pricilla Shirer, The Women’s Resolution, and she inspires you to be a Godly woman through Biblical examples as well as her personal life experiences. It's a very relaxed, calming atmosphere and truly a time to gather and share in the joys and challenges of motherhood. I felt like we had some great group discussions and were able to share personal experiences and examples to help others in the group relate in similar situations. We are all moms who are juggling a lot, and it was great to know we going through so many similar situations. Stephanie Glover The Resolutions for Women Bible Study undertaken by the Mothers of Elementary Students was helpful in two ways. First, it brings together mothers who are at a similar place in balancing their families and careers and therefore are interested in sharing ideas and prayers for each other regarding this season of our lives. Secondly, this helped further refine resolutions I had already identified as necessary to nurturing my family's relationship with God this year. Thanks for the opportunity to share and to be blessed. Charl Rae Cobb

Mothers of Elementary Students is a group for mothers of children kindergarten through fourth grade. They meet every Wednesday, September through May. Children’s activities are offered at the same time as meetings.

Mothers of Teens and Tweens is a group for mothers with children fifth grade through twelfth grade. They meet the first Thursday of the month and feature guest speakers .

MOTHERS OF TEENS AND TWEENS Our children start out as trusting little cherub-faced angels and (hopefully) end up as well-adjusted, responsible adults. In between, we get the tweens and teens. This is a scary time for the kids because they are dealing with changes in their minds, bodies and environment. It can also be a time of fear and confusion for a mother trying to let a child gain some independence while still keeping him or her safe. In this group we get advice from experts and share books on getting through those tough years, but the best discussion is between the mothers themselves. We discover that what we are going through with our teen or tween is not unique, that our children are probably pretty normal, and, believe it or not, we are pretty good mothers. Sometimes hearing from another mom who has been there and lived to tell the tale is a big relief. If you need a sounding board on anything from hormones to internet predators, this is the group for you! Regina Childress MOTTs women are a joy to be around. Members spend time together encouraging one another while sharing teen stories. We will survive the teenage years with our children with the help and support from each other. Several moms of adult children have joined us and shared stories on how they survived these years. Many of these suggestions I hope to incorporate in my home. Mary Davis Now that my oldest child has reached the tween stage, it is nice to know there is a group of moms who can serve as a resource. If I need information or an understanding ear, they have been there or they are going through that stage with me. Allison Beatty 14


Bread & Vine is a small group I started in September 2013. We had 20 young women ages 22-42 registered and averaged 18 each month. Only one-third of the women were Marvin members. The rest were from other churches or not a member of a church. Several came because they heard about it from MOPs. One woman was a newlywed with no children. Three women became pregnant during our season together. The ages of children in the families represented were all under seven. The format for each monthly meeting was for the women to arrive at 6:00 and we began with a cooking class. The women received all the recipes and learned various skills in the process. I then led them in a Bible study. My topics were various times Jesus sat at a table. We began with the first class on the importance of mealtimes with their own family. The other lessons were ones like "Zaccheus - Last Minute Guests" , "Mary & Martha - Keeping Your Holiday Holy" , "Matthew Entertaining Strangers" or "Picnic On The Beach - Feeding Your Sheep". Our last class was during Holy Week with a full blown Passover Seder and a focus on Jesus last supper with his disciples. After the Bible study, the women would sit around the table enjoying the meal they learned to cook and putting into practice table time with others. Unless God says otherwise, I intend to host this group again in the fall. Julie Brown

What a wonderful ministry your church has! We attend somewhere else, but this group has welcomed me unconditionally. This is a picture of what unity in Christ looks like! During this Bible study, I had some very big events occur and the ladies in this group circled around me and really loved me and then provided meals for my entire family until we got ourselves back on our feet. Thank you for providing this wonderful Bible study and cooking class! The cooking class portion is such fun and gave me something to look forward to. Plus, I learned a lot! I'm truly grateful for being able to meet with these wonderful ladies. Amy Clay I loved a lot of the aspects of this class, like the fact that we are all at the same stage of life, that it was in a home, so it had a different vibe than a classroom, and that there was social time at the beginning of each class, so we got to know other people. Once a month is nice as a busy mom. My husband Jeremy loved having a date night with our daughter Lucy, and I loved thinking of them having special alone time. I'm not a cook and I was inspired to try new things. My favorite spiritual aspects about the class included knowing I was being prayed for and the group really “showed up” for me during a difficult time, the passion of the leaders and getting some “behind the scenes” connections I hadn’t made in the stories shared in the sessions. It was a wonderful experience and I'm glad I jumped on the bandwagon and “made the cut”. Claire Cozad After a rough day (or week) with little ones or with my spouse, it was wonderful to go to a Bible study, get into the Word and come away feeling refreshed with a positive outlook on life and a renewed focus on Jesus. Bread & Vine is a group for women 22-42. They meet monthly It was the perfect combination of cooking, camaraderie among new and old friends and Bible study. I cannot in a member’s home to learn about Christian hospitality, be think of a more uplifting experience. I hope this bible study continues to teach others the love that Jesus has taught a new meal and have a time of fellowship. for us. I will miss our monthly Bible studies! Kimberly Lowery 15


We had less than a month to get everything ready for our church’s Great Day of Service, a day-long event when our church mission team goes out into the community to do various small repairs or spring cleaning projects. Our tiny yet mighty crochet group decided to create a crochet marathon that day, as our way of contributing to the effort, by making blankets for a local children’s advocacy group and the young victims of family crisis and abuse they serve. There were four of us in this group, with me and the group’s founder being more experienced at the art, and two other women who were quickly going from beginners to experts. In the fall and winter we use our hands to fashion hat and scarf sets for another crisis intervention agency in town, and year round we make prayer shawls for our pastoral staff to gift to church members in hospice or other situations that would require being blanketed in prayer. Since we were hoping to recruit some new talent to the group, especially beginners, it was decided that the easiest, breeziest way of teaching newbies the craft would be to arm them with a crochet hook and some yarn to make seven inch square blocks, to stitch together into patchwork blankets, kind of like Joseph’s coat of many colors. We invited members of the church and community and soon our small group doubled with more talented hands from different churches and even different surrounding towns. What was once just four women sitting around crocheting like grannies was now a vibrant production team extending the love and mercy of Jesus Christ into the greater community! Soon a child will soon be wrapped in their very own coat of many colors, because of so many hands joining together to make it; from one individual, to a church, to a community. I thank God for the gifts of talented hands and the common thread of Jesus, woven into every design. And to think, it all started with a simple square made of yarn. Connie Pinkerton I just started crocheting, less than a year ago. I really enjoy making things that are useful, such as blankets, scarves or shawls. I have not got to meet with the crochet group much since I still work. However, when I do get to meet with them they are great fun. They tell stories that are just wonderful to hear. Everyone compliments each other's work that makes you really feel like you are the best crocheter in the world. Crochet patterns are very hard to read. With a group you can ask someone to help you read them. I also enjoy looking at the things the other ladies in the group make. The group is full of very talented ladies. Nannette Anderson

Crocheting for Missions is a group for beginners to experts who want to participate in service project. They meet on the second Tuesday of the month.

Knit Together is for beginner to expert knitters who want to learn new techniques, do service projects and fellowship. They meet the fourth Thursday of the month.

Hobbies are fun! They give us something new to try, help us de-stress, and keep our minds sharp. I have loved showing women how to knit these last several years with Mary Lynn Smith’s help and leadership. Women who never thought they could, or even would want to knit, really enjoy it. It’s also a great thing to do during a long trip or baseball game! One of my favorite aspects of this group is meeting new women, some Marvin members and others from the community. For those interested in service, there are Missionary Projects for any Knitter level, such as the hats made to fit inside military helmets. Debbie Jones 16

In January, about 200 WOMEN were WOWED, WOOED and WONDERSTRUCK by God at Marvin's 2014 Women's Conference. We were blessed by Margaret Feinberg's witness, Jim Broussard's music, Mary Lynn Powell's food and by all of the women who came to Marvin to be WONDERSTRUCK. The feedback we have received has been extremely positive. On a personal level, as a cancer survivor, I thought Margaret's witness was even more powerful, as she revealed her current personal struggle with breast cancer. Combining our personal stories with God's grace and love is a winning combination. I spoke with a number of Marvin women who participated in the two -day conference who said they were delighted and inspired by Margaret. I talked with a woman who attended from Jacksonville. The word she used to describe the conference was "awesome!" She has since ordered the book. Our hope is that each woman who attended left with a deeper Conference Speaker Margaret Feinberg (and friend) understanding of just how much God loves us and how much He wants a personal relationship with us.

Attending Marvin’s Women Conference is a great source of encouragement for women of all ages. I enjoy visiting with my church family, meeting new members and learning new ways to strengthen my own personal walk with Christ. These special Conferences will make your relationship with Christ very real. Your eyes, heart and mind will gain a fresh understanding of how he wants to provide you with wisdom, mercy and comfort. Connie Seale The things I enjoyed most about the Women’s Conference were the outstanding speaker, great fellowship and tasty food. This was a great event and really hope we have another one in the future. Deanna Olson

I was impressed by Margaret Feinberg's courage and trust. In the face of ongoing cancer treatments she simply acknowledged that God is in charge and is moving on with her life. Carolyn Ross

My biggest takeaway from the women's conference was Margaret's comparison of us as God's people to the bread Christ multiplied to feed the 5,000. The idea that, whether I am being taken, blessed, broken, or given, I am contributing to the Kingdom of God, was both a joy, an inspiration, and a reassurance. Those two days were truly a blessing to me, and one I hope to pass on to others. Liz Svoboda

I really enjoyed the music. It was a special way to begin the conference with praise through singing. I am looking forward to the next conference. Freida Payne

Carol Lott, Chair 2014 Women's Conference

Attending the Women's Conference in January was a wonderful way to start the New Year! Especially inspired by the speaker. Enjoyed the fellowship and meeting new friends. Can't wait until the next one!

I loved the dedication of the women who carved out time for the conference to have fun, to study and to gain insight and encouragement. It was a diverse group - different levels based on ages and faith walk. Betsy Adams 17

Every two years, the Women’s Ministry hosts a conference and welcomes all women in the community. These two-day conferences feature a world-class speaker, time for praise and worship, lots of good food and time to fellowship. The conferences end with prayer time and an opportunity to speak with a clergy member or trained lay leader. The next Women’s Ministry Conference will take place in 2016. 18




Bible Studies

Stephanie Hughes

Bread & Vine

Julie Love Brown

Cookies & Books

Mary Lynn Smith

Crochet for Missions

Connie Pinkerton

Gallery Class

Donna Roach

Knitted Together

Debbie Jones

Mothers of Elementary Students

Stephanie Glover

Mothers of Preschoolers

Holly Freeman

Mothers of Teens & Tweens

Sarah Starr

United Methodist Women

Anne Pattullo

Women’s Ministries Chair

Julie Love Brown

Women’s Ministries Pastor

Stephanie Hughes

You, Me & The Big C

Suzanne Daniel

Marvin United Methodist Church 300 West Erwin Tyler, TX 75702 (903) 592-7396

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