2 minute read

A safe haven

Rebekah talks to us about the support her mum Elaine received during her illness.

“Mum didn’t want to go into a hospice, but once she discovered it was much more than just end-of-life care she was no longer scared and Martlets became her safe haven. It was so important for us as a family to know that Mum was happy and comfortable. The people, the love, the passion, the care, the understanding, the patience made the last few years, months and weeks bearable and manageable.


Martlets helped Mum no end, but there were specific points in her illness that that were especially valuable to us as a family. When she was in a lot of pain and couldn’t sleep, life was becoming unbearable. She went into Martlets and they transformed her life – the pain relief, the support, the care, the one to-one attention on her mentally and physically, meant she came home after that almost like a new woman.

The most positive things from the care that Martlets gave were the opportunities for Mum to come away with us. We had some incredible family holidays in the last year of her life and this wouldn’t have been possible without Martlets. It gave Mum the confidence to leave the house and have the support she needed to be away from home.”

“Nothing was ever too much and we felt very supported as a family.”

“The staff made it feel like it was a home from home, and when it was my nieces birthday they set up a family area to celebrate. With a birthday cake and candles, we were able to sing happy birthday and make it a special family occasion which I know really helped the children. We would often bring a picnic and go and sit outside in the garden with Mum. Nothing was ever too much trouble for any of the staff.

My daughters were so inspired by Martlets that they were determined to raise more money for people like my Mum so they set up a cake stall that travelled around Sussex while my husband was doing a fundraising run and did nine park runs in one day.”

“Together my family have raised over £5000 for Martlets so far.”

“I encourage you all to keep fundraising and keep donating. The money you donate will be spent on caring for people like my Mum and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

1 in 3 of our patients are cared for thanks to gifts in wills

You can change lives in the future by making a gift in your will to Martlets today. We know that you may want to make provision for your family and friends first but hope that you will remember us too. You might want to leave a gift because you have been personally touched by our care or because you want to give to a local charity.

Whatever the reason, you will make a real difference to the lives of Brighton and Hove families as they face some of their toughest times.

For more information visit www.themartlets.org.uk/give-in-your-will/ or email gary.moyle@martlets.org.uk

Request a copy of our new making a will booklet from gary.moyle@martlets.org.uk