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Fundraise for Martlets Hospice

Special thanks to you, our fundraisers

As a charity, we are only partially funded by the NHS and rely on the generosity of you, our local community, to keep our hospice services running.


From donating goods to our shops, to playing our lottery, or taking part in one of our fun-filled events there are many ways you are making a difference.

On behalf of everyone at Martlets, a heartfelt thank you for all your fundraising efforts. When time is precious, it’s the small things that make a big difference and any contribution, small or large, can help brighten up someone’s day. Your support changes lives.

Organise your own event

Congratulations to Jade for organising a Hell’s Kitchen event at Brighton Metropolitan College (MET) and raising £610

Jade organised the event because of all the help given by Martlets to her grandmother and the rest of her family. “The highlight for me was announcing how much was raised from this event alone. My advice for anyone looking to run a fundraising event would be to always allow enough time, enjoy yourself, and remember even if you only raise a little bit of money, it all helps!”

Many people in our local community have organised events ranging from coffee mornings to golf days, quiz nights and head shaves.

Whatever you decide to do, we’re here to support you. We can provide you with balloons, banners, branded t-shirts or collection pots and buckets depending on your needs.

Tell us all about your event or find inspiration at: www.themartlets.org. uk/fundraise-for-us/