I read the news today

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Sep 6th 2014 0p

I Read The News Today. Martin Bodger


28.05.2014 4


ell they’ve gone and done it now, I hold the country responsible for this and sit in disdain and disappointment of a place that I grew up in surrounded by people unwilling to check the facts first before voting out of protest and unintelligible discrimination. UKIP for what I know from research and dodging media garbage are a party with an over-charismatic leader, someone who wants to return free speech to Britain (Freedom to Discriminate as well) and send immigrants home (Even though they aren’t the cause of the problem). All Nigel Farage had to do was scream “IMMIGRATION” and hordes of angry British with no right mind to consider the evidence, threw their hands up in protest and voted UKIP, when they could’ve gone for someone with a lot more potential and consideration for Future Generations. The Green Party, they are who I voted for, I couldn’t care less that they were a losing party, in the big scheme of things I can’t support such a chaotic mess of a party that disagrees within itself,

a party that given enough time will tear itself apart from the inside till that spills out into our country and causes disaster, millions will regret their votes. In knowing of this I fear to stay in my home country, what rights I once had are at risk of being a memory, a brief one at that. 5

07. 06. 2014 F

reedom, a basic human right that has been tainted by the doctrines of a dark religion, one that saturates itself with lies and deceit and promises an afterlife of way too much sexual intercourse for one man’s genitals to handle. Regardless, this woman is one story that had my attention for quite some time, it takes me back to the story of Justin Carter who was imprisoned for a joke he made on facebook.


This lady, born Muslim but decided to go switch over to Christianity, for whatever reason though not important to anyone except those who deemed it fit to imprison her and sentence her to death, has had the cruel hand of Islam forced upon her. Petitions went in flame for her release, if this had gone ignored she would’ve been forced to give birth in chains (did I mention she was with child?), bound to a table and bring a life into this world in the most sadistic and life threatening way possible, though it wouldn’t have mattered because it would’ve been less painful than what the Islamic judges were prepared to do to her. 100 Lashes and stoned to death, sure a religion of peace alright. 7



keep as up to date with sciences and cool new things being discovered about our world as often as I can, they cheer me up because it breaks away from a majority of the tragedy thrown at us, which is unavoidable I figure. “Huge Underground "Ocean" Discovered Towards Earth's Core”, from what I understand the water down below is exposed to such high temperatures that it splits and binds with minerals on a molecular level. It’s really facisnating when little bits of the world reveals itself. 9

23.06.2014 I

’ve got a history of being a bit of a hypochondriac, by that I mean on many occasions I’ve been advised away from ‘googling’ my symptoms because that’s tantamount to getting medical advice from a game of bingo. Couple months ago I had to cut caffeine out of my diet because it was giving me panic attacks, before I had discovered that though I was dumb enough to ‘google’ my symptoms only to get a warning message from the NHS website stating: YOU ARE EXPERIENCING A HEART ATTACK, CALL AN AMBULANCE IMMEDIATLY!


Events following resulted in needing to have a paramedic rush down only to tell me that it was just a little panic and nothing more due to stress. Anyway going back, Anthrax bacteria; If I hear of any type of outbreak even on a small scale, the part of me that panics in the face of illness clouds my judgement and I become a little irritable, shaky and spontaneously start finding ways to become more healthier.




’ve been mixed about this, Rolf Harris was never someone I’d ever have expected to do something so heinous and vile, and it could very well be my denial on the whole situation but I can’t help but shake the feeling that this is just another cash in on celebrity exploitation. I was even sceptical about the Jackson trial though the evidence was strange, it seems nowadays you can’t even glance at someone’s kids without them flipping out on you. So from what I’ve seen and read, I’m not convinced, 1 comment I found interesting left by a user on Youtube made me think, what if the things he did hugging or a gentle tap on the bottom were something that back then, we never even considered 12

as sexual harassment or violation, because for me it was common places with both my parents. I’d go off to school and before I left I’d get a light tap on the bottom to see me off as a sort of encouraging gesture. If I had an upset stomach my mum or dad would rub my stomach till it felt better, and sure Rolf Harris was no family to these children, but that still makes me wonder if anything he did was truly vile or did these people just make the whole thing up.

I can’t go blurting out and calling them liars, but I do find the evidence strange, it’s all just word of mouth.



05.07.2014 05.07.2014

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05.07.2014 14



his report popped up on my newsfeed the other day and caught my attention immediately as a reporter on RT News expressed her personal feelings breaking all professional boundaries in order to get the word out that innocent people are being murdered. Dead Men, Women and Children reported all over Palestine and the White House condemns such acts of violence on TV but quote “Respects israels right to defend itself”, and in this right people are dying and it seems the mainstream news is keen to ignore it. If I was to put my opinion in on this, it almost seems as though the American government is willingly ignoring it so they can continue tearing each other apart until they’re weakened enough so they can step in and reap the rewards of a broken country.

It sickens me to know that people can just carelessly fire on innocent people thinking that is a suitable retaliation, and war never is and never will be. It’s just anger, lashing out in fear that if nothing is done and people will die, and they don’t think that people will die if they do fire on their apparent “Enemies”. It’s shit like this that often makes me even avoid the news, it twists my stomach and makes me worry for people, I may not know who they are personally but they’re human and that’s all that matters to me, and it’s all that should matter to anyone.

05.07.2014 15

19.07.2014 I

t’s news like this that breaks my heart, spirit and trust in any sort of authority and I get reports of this on my newsfeed quite a lot, and it’s rare that you ever see mainstream media actually report on something like this where someone was unjustly murdered by people who have sworn to “Serve and Protect” This was a man known as the Gentle Giant, a large portly man known for his kindness but for some reason NYPD cops kept hassling him for apparently selling untaxed boxes of cigarettes. In the video shown before the cops brutally choke him till he’s foaming at the mouth, he’s seen trying to defend himself with words saying stuff like “I’m sick and tired of you people accusing me of these things, you know I haven’t done anything yet you just keep coming with it”. 30 plus years ago your local police officer would be the gentle giant of sorts, strolling about hands holding


onto his jacket with a smile, popping his head into local shops now and again to say good morning. Though America’s police force has never had a good reputation, hell America is not on good reputation at all anymore. The people just can’t defend themselves because they’re too scared to; they might stop their badge born assailants but in the end some high chaired elitist with a hammer will send them down for standing up for themselves, and that’s the dark reality America is facing now.

I can only hope Britain doesn’t become that because thankfully any encounter with the police I’ve had has been reasonable... though I will admit my trust in them is thinning to the point where the ice is so invisible I fear slipping on it without warning.



hat I saw is something I won’t ever forget, something that was so hellish and evil it’s now burned into my mind. Facebook posts things from time to time, I’m subscribed to pages that frequently update me with things that happen in the world, unfiltered, the good and the bad. But that just leaves room for the worst to get in, so I see a page titled “IS Brutally Executes Journalist.” and without thinking I click on it believing I was prepared for what I was about to watch. Now, fictional horror is something I enjoy, it’s scary and compels curiosity, and it’s the unknown that always compels me.


I’ve never seen anyone die before, I’ve been near the dead, but never witnessed a life taken. The video featured a man named James Foley, he was knelt down in a desert with his hands bound and draped in an orange cloak, next to him was a British IS Member covered entirely in black save for a slit in the head of the cloth that showed his eyes. James Foley was clearly forced to say the things on camera, stating that the American government were to blame for his death.


The scariest thing was James didn’t even show any sign of fear like he accepted what was happening to him. The jihadist then finished after James Foley stopped talking saying “We encourage the American people to rise up against their government, if the US airstrikes on our people do not end we will kill another reporter, you have 24 hours.”. It then cut to the Jihadist stepping behind Foley, pulling back his head and starts cutting at his neck like it was nothing more than a chunk of pork on a dinner plate, it was at this moment I hit the home button on my phone and tossed it to the floor, I was sickened, my heart was pounding like it was about to burst from my chest and my stomach was sick with fear, anger and overall hatred for the person that was responsible. That night I didn’t sleep, I had to call Samaritans as what I saw upset me so much I couldn’t function properly for several days, still even now when the thought returns to me I wince and find myself staring into empty space as the images pushed any thoughts I had originally into a dark place. All I can hope for is that the rest of the reporters that the IS have hostage are saved and the Jihadists responsible are dealt with. Islam is a deadly religion and it’s clear to me now that it’s something that has to be extinguished. Vladimir Putin. President of Russia said something that I never thought I’d agree with , he said. “Islam is like Foreskin, circumcise it and it grows back a little by little, castrate the entire penis and it will never come again.”


Harsh words indeed, but they reflect the dire situation the world faces now, IS and Islam are two horrors that walk hand in hand, and the world will be a better place once they’re eradicated before they can further stain the road ahead with the blood of the innocents.



“ The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing � Edmund Burke 23

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