Design a tree - booklet

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W RMS The Company behind the machine.

The machine is splitet in three different parts.

1 This one is where we collect the plastic. with the natural (strömung)

the plstic comes through an open door. Inside the first box there is a press which press the plastic up, the Press is out of a Grid, that the water can run out. when the press goes up the door for the plastic closes with another grid


when the plastic is up, the second door opens, with the help of the (shrägen) form the plastic fall in the second box. The second one is the most important, here are the wax worms. There are about 1 Million wax worms which eat the plastic and abserve it into Glycol.


whis the help of a grid on the bottom of the second box the glycol runs down. The last box is the storage for the Glycol.

SOME FACTS - After three month the worms will be sucked out

with help of a big vacumer, and new ones come inside. The „used“ worms come into the ocean as food for the fishes


Of corse the worms need air to life. Therefor our product is build like a ship, only the bottom part is under water. with the help of a tupe that is like an divind mask the worms get air.


In the last Box is the Glycol, wich is a kind of alcohol. All three month the same ship as for the worms take out the Glycol. A big vacumer comes down and dock to the machine to suck out the glycol.


The hole meccanism of the machine is working with the energy of an solar panell, wich is placed on the top of the first box.


The color is an neon orange, it is orientated on a boje, that it is visible for everyone


For the material we go for wood, like the traditional boot material

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