The blue lotus 7

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Garbo, Java Head with Anna May Wong (1934), Fair Wind to Java with Fred McMurray, Krakatoa East of Java (1969, with Maximilian Schell) and Java Heat with Mickey Rourke (2013). Fictional books concerning Java, from which many of the above films came, include Honore de Balzac’s Journey from Paris to Java, Jewel of the Java Sea by Dan Cushman, Alistair Maclean’s South by Java Head, Java Strip Joy Girl by Bill S.Ballinger, Java Spider by British author Geoffrey Archer and, of course, Rimbaud in Java by Jamie James, which is more about Rimbaud than it is about Java . Various lurid short stories, including Java Quest by Frank Roberts, fed off that erotically charged, exotic, orient. So there we were, all anxious to get out and about. We quickly showered and took ourselves off to the street which appeared to be a central attraction in Yogyakarta - Jalan Malioboro (Marlborough Street, named after the Duke of Marlborough). No sooner had we turned the corner from Jalan Sosrowijayan, into Jalan Malioboro, than an enthusiastic gentleman waylaid us, wanting to show us his batik, not etchings. He was most insistent, telling us that it was the last day of the show, and that he had batik from all around Java. The show was, apparently, touring and would disappear to another venue, in a different part of Java, the next day. So there was a sense of urgency, for us to catch this incredible sight before it left, for we would be most disappointed once it did. As the ‘gallery’ was along the same road we were walking, we followed. True enough there were batik works in the gallery. We were a little tired and resisted the pressure to purchase. The purveyor was not happy. We were sad that we would be unable to see the works properly the next day, when we were not so tired, and we accepted that. So, it was with some surprise to see the same gentleman, the next day, saying the self same things to other tourists, for and subsequent days during our stay there. He re-approached us, then realised he had seen us the day before. I reminded him of this, and walked on. Later, we took a look at Tripadvisor which warns of this scam. Helpful travellers have spoken of the very same Jalan Malioboro batik scheme since 2015.


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