12 minute read

Cases Filed 21 57 45 32 51

Michael A. St anker , Execut ive Direct or


The Commission?s biggest project s in 2014 relat ed t o it s websit e, www.cnmilaw.org, and because of t hese endeavors, t he sit e experienced a sust ained t hirt y-t hree percent increase in use over 2013 levels. The Commission brought t he online Commonwealt h Code and Administ rat ive Code, init ially launched at t he end of 2013, fully up-t o-dat e in early 2014, and kept t hem updat ed on a mont hly basis t hroughout t he year. This marks t he first t ime in t he Commonwealt h?s hist ory t hat t he Commission const ant ly updat ed t he st at ut ory laws and administ rat ive regulat ions. (scroll) In addit ion t o t he online codes, t he Commission released on it s websit e Commonwealt h Supreme Court opinions from 1989 t hrough 1996 and t he ent ire Commonwealt h

Associate Judge Teresa K. Kim-Tenorio is surrounded by her family as the late Governor Eloy S. Inos administers the Oath of Office. From left: son Sunjoon Perry, Governor Inos, Judge Kim-Tenorio, son Pedro, mother Jin, and husband Perry.

associate judge teresa k. Kim-tenorio

nmi to establish drug court

Committee members (counterclockwise from left): Ursula Lifoifoi-Aldan, Jennifer Dockter, Joe Saurus, Reyna Saurus, Gil Birnbrich, Joseph Villagomez, Margo Brown, Brian Flaherty, Doug Hartig, Herbert Sablan, Chief Justice Castro and Judge David A. Wiseman


Envisioned in 1957 by t hen-ABA President Charles S. Rhyne as a nat ional day t o recognize t he count ry?s commit ment t o t he rule of law, Law Day was est ablished by President Dwight Eisenhower t he following year. Congress issued a joint resolut ion in 1961 designat ing May 1 as t he official Law Day. The Judiciary celebrat e wit h mont hs of programs, present at ions, compet it ions, and event s.

In 2014, t he Judiciary Summer Pre-Law Program provided fourt een part icipant s wit h a t hree-week int ensive legal st udy program wit h inst ruct ions from Professor Emerit us Robert J. Desiderio and Professor Rose Cuison Villazor, bot h of t he Universit y of California at Davis School of Law. This is t he eight h t ime t he Judiciary has host ed t he program since t he program?s incept ion in 1991. The program simulat ed t he demands experienced by first -year law st udent s, allowing part icipant s t o engage in t wo int roduct ory law courses: Cont ract s and Propert y. In t he legal writ ing and advocacy component s of t he program, part icipant s wrot e appellat e briefs and argued a mock appeal before a panel of just ices, judges, and at t orneys. The curriculum also consist ed of workshops explaining t he law school applicat ion process and t he Law School Admission Test . The Summer Pre-law Program graduat es include: Ant hony H. Aguon, Carmen V. Borja, Tina R. Cruz, Sahjahan T. Hossain, Savana V. Manglona, Janina Marat it a, Jaclyn T.


The program's curriculum included courses in contracts, Torts, legal research and writing, and LSAT prep.

Nicole M. Torres, Esq., Coordinator Catherine J. Cachero, Esq. Michael L. Ernest, Esq. Deborah E. Fisher, Esq. Joshua A. Hansen- King, Esq. Claire M. Kelleher- Smith, Esq. Lillian A. Tenorio, Esq. Chief Justice Alexandro C. Castro Associate Justice John A. Manglona Associate Justice Perry B. Inos

GRADUATES 2014 2000

"The Summer Pre-Law Program helped develop my critical thinking skills and enabled me to focus on what's important right now - achieving academic success." -

Carmen V. Borja

SUMMER PRE-LAW PROGRAM Anthony H. Aguon Carmen V. Borja Tina R. Cruz Sahjahan T. Hossain Savana V. Manglona Janina Maratita Jacklyn T. Mendiola Maisie Lynn SN. Mesngon Zalbert C. Palma Susan S. Pascual Gretchen A. Smith Christopher A. Tenorio Angelina T. Tretnoff Dan Ryan B. Tumaquip 2010

Genevieve S. Cabrera Elsie Dela Cruz Vincent Dela Cruz Patrick V. Diaz Michael N. Evangelista Janet King Augustus D. Loste Eleanor Loste Isaac Magofna Raymond S. Masga Lynn Pangelinan Andrew D. Salas Joey P. San Nicolas Rosemond B. Santos Rachel M. Taimanao Pedro T. Untalan Chun-Lu Wang

Mary O. Deleon Guerrero Frances T. Demapan Aubry M. Hocog Jose P. Mafnas, Jr. Oliver M. Manglona Christina Marie E. Sablan Antonina A. Senchenko Leila H.F. Staffler Eulalia S. Villagomez

Merced A. Ada Michael T. Demapan Leo Goode, Jr. Ryan Kim Dean A. Manglona 1994

Aldred B. Ada Franklin R. Babauta Lucia Blanco-Maratita Antonio S. Cabrera John Oliver Gonzales Herman U. Hofschneider Cinta M. Kaipat Yvonne O. Powell Lillian A. Tenorio Alicia DLG. Tomokane Francisco Tomokane Daisy C. Villagomez


Conduct ed annually by t he Commonwealt h Judiciary and t he Unit ed St at es Dist rict Court for t he Nort hern Mariana Islands, t he Just ices and Judges in t he Classroom is an int eract ive out reach program designed t o educat e our yout h on t he judicial syst em and it s funct ions. The program has been in exist ence for over fift een years. During t he program in 2014, just ices and judges visit ed schools t hroughout t he Commonwealt h, helping st udent s embrace t he concept s of just ice and responsibilit y, underst and t he (scroll) crit ical role of t he court syst em,

justices and judges in the classroom

Superior Court Chambers st aff adorn t he hallway wit h a Christ mas village.

Hustisia Holiday

Over the years, the judiciary staff sponsored the Sweet Treats events to bring holiday cheer to employees and patrons. Staff were encouraged to visit each division throughout the Guma' Hustisia to socialize. Some of the treats include a'hu, bunelos dagu, lantiyas, guzuriya, apple cider, gingerbread cookies. To add to the festivities, school children and the Department of Public Safety staff were invited to sing Christmas carols in the Guma' Hustisia atrium for everyone to enjoy.

T he Judici ar y I n the News

Ret ent ion El ect ion Resul t s In the November 4, 2014 general election, Justice John A. Manglona, Presiding Judge Roberto C. Naraja, and Judge Kenneth Govendo succesfully retained their seats by an overwhelming majority. Justice Manglona serves an additional term of eight years while Naraja and Govendo have six years.


Law Day - May 1st

Gover nor Pedr o P. Tenor io signed Public Law 6-25, t he Commonwealt h Judicial Reorganizat ion Act , which est ablished t he Commonwealt h Supreme Court . Jose S. Dela Cr uz was sworn in as t he first Chief Just ice . Ramon G. Villagomez and Jesus C. Bor ja were sworn in as Associat e Just ices.

Alexandr o C. Cast r o was sworn in as an Associat e Judge. On November 14, 1989, t he Suprem Court issues it s first opinion, Tenorio v. Superior Court . 1991 The Supr eme Cour t issued t went y-seven opinions. 1993 Jesus C. Bor ja resigned as Associat e Just ice and was replaced by Pedr o M . At alig. Alexandr o C. Cast r o was sworn in as Presiding Judge, and Edw ar d M anibusan as an Associat e Judge. 1994 Gr oundbr eaking ceremony of t he const ruct ion of t he Guma' Hust isia. 1995 M ar t y W.K. Taylor became t he second Chief Just ice. Timot hy H. Bellas was sworn in as an Associat e Judge. 1996 Guma' Hust isia building complet ion. 1997 House Legislat ive Init iat ive 10-3, which was approved by CNMI vot ers, est ablished t he t wo local court s as const it ut ional ent it ies and set fort h t heir respect ive jurisdict ions under a unified judiciary syst em. Vir ginia S. Oner heim became t he first female judge of t he Superior Court . 1998 Tinian Cour t house building complet ion.

Edw ar d M anibusan was sworn in as Presiding Judge, and John A. M anglona and Juan T. Lizama as Associat e Judges. Alexandr o C. Cast r o was sworn in as an Associat e Just ice.

1999 M iguel S. Demapan t ook his oat h as t he t hird Chief Just ice.

2000 Aft er serving t wo years as a judge, John A. M anglona was sworn in as an Associat e Just ice. 2001 Rober t o C. Nar aja and David A. W iseman were sworn in as Associat e Judges. 2003 Kennet h L. Govendo and Ramona V. M anglona were sworn in as Associat e Judges. Rober t o C. Nar aja became t he Presiding Judge. 2004 Chief Judge of t he U.S. Nint h Cir cuit Cour t of Appeals M ar y M . Schr oeder w it h Judge Ramona V. M anglona at t he May 2004 Handover Ceremony marking t he end of U.S. Nint h Circuit Court direct appellat e review and t he beginning of U.S. Supreme Court direct review of CNMI Supreme Court opinions. The Judiciary launched t heLaw and the Freshman Legislator program designed for legislat ors who are elect ed for t he first t ime. The program is int ended t o give t he new lawmakers an insight as t o how t he judiciary int erpret s and applies t he law. Sit t ing just ices and judges speak on t opics such as t he judicial syst em, t he Covenant , t he CNMI Const it ut ion, and t he Unit ed St at es Const it ut ion. There is a present at ion on st at ut ory int erpret at ion, as well as a roundt able discussion on cert ain issues t hat are of int erest t o t he new lawmakers.

Cent r on Hust isia groundbreaking ceremony in Sinapalo, Rot a. 2005 Cent r on Hust isia building complet ion.

For mer just ices Pedr o M . At alig and Ramon G. Villagomez pass away.

2006 Implement at ion of elect ronic file and serve syst em.

2008 M ar gar et M . Palacios, Direct or of Court s, ret ires.

Tr acy M . Guer r er o appoint ed as Direct or of Court s. Per r y B. Inos was sworn in as an Associat e Judge. 2009 CNM I Judicial Council was est ablished.

M ar t y W.K. Taylor passes away. Ber nadit a A. Sablan, Clerk of t he Superior Court , ret ired. 2012 M iguel S. Demapan passes away - six mont hs aft er his ret irement from t he bench. He served t he judiciary for t went y years.

Pat r ick V. Diaz appoint ed Clerk of t he Superior Court . Joseph N. Camacho was sworn is as an Associat e Judge. He replaced Judge Ramona V. Manglona who was appoint ed and confirmed as Chief Judge for t he U.S. Dist rict Court for t he NMI. The Nor t her n M ar iana Islands Judiciar y: A Hist or ical Over view book launch.

The CNM I Legislat ur e passed and t he governor signed Public Law 17-41, an act t o empower and define t he aut horit y, dut ies and responsibilit ies of t he judiciary branch?s Marshall Service Division. Alexandr o C. Cast r o t ook his oat h as t he fourt h Chief Just ice. 2013 Per r y B. Inos was sworn in as an Associat e Just ice. Ter esa K. Kim-Tenor io ascends t o t he bench as an Associat e Judge. 2014 Chief Just ice Alexandr o C.. Cast r o celebrat ed 25 years on t he bench! In t he November elect ion, Just ice John A. Manglona, Presiding Judge Robert o C. Naraja, and Judge Kennet h L. Govendo successfully ret ained t heir seat s t o serve anot her t erm on t he bench.

Scr oll t hr ough t he galler y t o see p hot os f r om 1989 t hr ough 20 14.

20 14 m ar ks t he 25t h an n iver sar y sin ce t he est ab lishm en t of t he Com m on w ealt h of t he Nor t her n Mar ian a I slan ds Sup r em e Cour t .

Mart ha B. Mendiol a Annual Report Project Coordinat or Judicial Assist ant t o Associat e Just ice John A. Mangl ona


The Commonwealth Judiciary Guma Hustisia .Iimwal Aweewe . House of Justice P. O. Box 502165, Saipan, MP 96950 Phone: (670) 236-9800 Fax: (670) 236-9702
