Mars Hill Newspaper Volume 17 Issue 8

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ACTS 17:19-20




JANUARY 30, 2013






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January 30, 2013




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We’re becoming soft, straight up. We, as Christians, SCOTT become comFORSYTH have placent, stagnant, and halfhearted. Christianity at its core is a world-shattering ideology that turns the world on its head. Masters serving servants, loving your enemies, undeserved grace—these aren’t normal ideas. Yet I can’t help but feel as if we’re continuing to live our lives however we want, putting God on the backburner. We’ve watered down the concept of grace to a “do good, avoid bad” theology. We’ve traded direct access with the Creator of the Universe for a “make-your-own-religion”; we pick and choose what we like and then have the balls to rationalize it into our convictions after the fact. Tithing? No, I’m a poor student. Missions? No I’ve got my 5-year-plan already mapped out. Share the Word with that stranger? No, he looks busy. “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.” John 15:18-20 We have changed our beliefs to accommodate the world because we’re afraid of hurting people’s feelings. The instant we are persecuted, we throw our hands in the air and tell ourselves that we must be doing something wrong. Society tells you that you have the freedom to believe in whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings. So now instead of a generation of warriors, seeking to bring as many souls to Christ as possible, we have become a generation of wimps who don’t even know what we believe anymore. Our faith is a radical faith that goes against what culture is telling us. Life is not all about you, money isn’t everything and happiness is not the meaning of life. Now does this mean we are called to throw off our clothes, put on a potato sack, and spend the rest of

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Mars’ Hill is a student publication of Mars’ Hill seeks to be a professional and



our lives in a cave praying, trying to escape the sinful world? No. When Christ came to the Apostles, they still in the same culture, but they had a new purpose. Life wasn’t just about part of the bigger story of how God came to save the world. They were living in the world but not of the world. Living in the culture but not being absorbed by it. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you, and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven…” Matthew 5:10-12 In recent events, Trinity has been blasted by the media for its stance on issues surrounding the Community Covenant, and how the school expects their students to act. But why are we so shocked to hear this?

If you wanted a smooth ride through life with no bumps, then following Christ was probably not the greatest idea. The Bible is not a prosperity gospel; life isn’t going to be all lollipops and rainbows. We were clearly told that we would be persecuted, sought out and hunted down for what we believe in, it should be no surprise. I mean look what happened to Jesus and those who followed him most closely. All of them, besides Judas, were stoned, beheaded, cruget scared when the media says some the faith, always with truth and love, hand in hand, but do not turn away from the Word to follow the words of someone who doesn’t understand Him. This is only one aspect of our faith, but I feel like right now it needs defending. Sometimes Christianity means washing your enemies’ feet; sometimes it means quoting verses sharper than any two-edged sword. All I ask is that you keep the latter from getting dull.




Opinions expressed in Mars’ Hill torial board, Trinity Western University,

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What is your dream career? “Work with natural resources” - Danielly Salgado

ADVISOR @marshillonline

January 30, 2013




留学生心得:克服文化差异 LAURA JENSEN

2010年八月 中旬,我怀着 既兴奋又紧张 RACHEL 的心情来到加 CHAN 拿大,兴奋是 因为终于可以一尝独立生活的滋 味,紧张是因为即使是期待已久的 生活,面前还是有很多的未知数, 因此在对未来抱着憧憬之外还夹杂 着一丝丝的忐忑。如今转眼快三年 了,确实,在加拿大的这几年我面 对了很多在学业和生活上前所未见 的挑战,但值得感恩的是在面对这 些挑战的同时,我也获得了很多难 能可贵的经验。 由于在国内念高中时是在美式 学制下完成的,所以日常生活和学 业上并没有太大的语言障碍,也很 快便认识了不少新同学,和宿舍里 的舍友們也相處得非常融洽,加上 第一年我被安排在学校里其中一个 国际宿舍(International Dorm),所 以更能体会到不同的文化,但这也 意味着彼此之间潜在的文化差异。 举个简单的例子,有时候即使 我能很顺畅地用英语介绍中国文 化,但如果听的朋友本身来自北美 文化,他有可能会理解表面的意 思,但却不明白箇中原因,反之亦 然,北美朋友可能会在对话中用到 一些含北美文化背景的俚语,我虽


然理解字面意思,却不明白俚语的 用法。这只是一个在语言文化上的 差异的例子,有些时候是因为生活 习惯的不同而造成的误解,虽然很 幸运地我暂时还没有因此而和北美 朋友们引起过纷争,但我也曾经因 为不了解他们的行为而抱怨过,我 也知道有很多海外留学生经历过这 些误解所带来的负面遭遇,而且相 信北美学生也会同样地因为不了解 异国文化而感到非常困惑。 对此我从经验中学会了包容, 并常常保持乐观幽默的学习心态来 对待文化差异,有不理解的地方不 要怕问,其中一点我很欣赏北美文 化的是他们鼓励大小事都拿出来商 量,这是一个很好的方法来学习不 仅是北美文化,但也包括其他的文 化。在此我也鼓励北美的学生不要 怕和海外同学交流,虽然语言和文 化的障碍也许会使沟通不容易,但 如果付出了耐心和关怀的话,我 相信没有什么障碍是克服不了的, 再者,海外同学在这里其中一个最 大的目的就是文化上的体验,因此 纵使我们很多时候也害怕语言不流 利或生活不适应,但如果你们能尽 量帮助我们,不仅会使我们更享受 和融入在异邦的生活,也让大家在 TWU里获得很宝贵的文化交流和 学习经验。

In the middle of August 2010, I came to Canada with mixed feelings of excitement and anxiousness. I could hardly contain my excitement of independence. It was like a dream come true, but one that contained many unknown factors. Indeed, I have faced a lot of new challenges in terms of adjusting to a new school system and to an unfamiliar environment. Nevertheless, I am thankful for the valuable experience I am able to gain from these challenges. I graduated from a high school in China that used an American curriculum, so language was not much of a barrier in daily life and school. Friends also came by fairly quickly, as being placed in an international dorm on campus was also a blessing. My RA was an international student from China, and very helpful in giving advice on adjusting to university life in Canada. Her caring and loving ways make her a good role model and mentor for any new student. But being in an international dorm also exposed me to different cultures, along with barriers caused by cultural differences. For instance,

many cultures have hidden or parallel meanings that one can only fully understand when they know the culture. An Asian would usually hide their true feelings of fear so they wouldn’t appear impolite or disrespectful. Such feelings in Asian cultures are only revealed through patience and genuine friendship. Other misunderstandings between international students and North American students often come from different living habits that are simply due to a lack of understanding of each other’s culture. I found that Canadian culture encourages talking things over to directmany Asian cultures are unfamiliar ternational students to not shy away from asking North American students about things they do not understand. At the same time, I also encourage North American students to be courageous in talking to international students, despite cultural and language barriers. Other than enriching ourselves in studies and equipping ourselves for the life ahead, another reason interna-

tional students are here is to learn and experience various cultures. From experience, I can say that I have gained so much from having friends of various cultures that enrich my own life tremendously. Adjusting to the language and new lifestyle with the help of local students make our experiences memorable and unforgettable. Nothing comes easy these days; even more so the understanding of different peoples and cultures. But usually, the things that are obtained through acceptance, perseverance, and authenticity are things that are treasured for life. Let’s celebrate the open crosscultural environment that we have at each other’s lives through a better understanding of each other. If you’re interested in foreign cultures or getting involved with international events on campus check out or email the International Student Programs at matthew.

The wrong side of the law school TWU faces security breaches after receiving inaccurate accusations of anti-homosexual sentiments.



the Council of Canadian Law Deans distributed a letter criti-

community covenant for its perceived is a matter of great concern for all members....Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is unlawful in Canada and fundamentally at odds with the core values of all Canadian law schools,” said Bill Flanagan, President of the council. However, Flanagan failed to comment on the Supreme Court ruling a religious school can exempt itself from human rights legislation forbidding discrimination against homo-

faculty, and students to abstain from homosexual relationships based on the principles of “freedom of conscience and religion.”

Over the past week, numerous media publications have interviewed students and staff for their opinions on the covenant, which have been near-unanimously positive—there are exceptionally few instances of discrimination or hateful stereotyping.

do if a student confessed to breaking the community covenant with regards to homosexual activity,” he replied, “I don’t know. Do you know why? Because it’s the beginning of a conthe ideas of most people on campus, asserting the covenant as a source of inspiration for a higher standard of living and the continuous pursuit of truth as a collective body of Christians. But not all members of the public are as accepting of this philosophy. received upsetting emails related to the university’s recent spotlight in

these emails did not contain any actual threats. However, on Monday January 21, two laptops were stolen from Mattson Centre and a threatendays later, a faculty member received a phone call from a person claiming to be from Microsoft tech support attempting to gain access to his com-

is on a heightened level of security.

as planned but it also hired a private

the university received a threat intending to physically assault any attendees of the School of Business

and guests. Fortunately, no altercations occurred. -

sponded by continuing with the event

Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia.

was reported stolen. One of the laptops stolen may have contained students’ personal information including name, contact information, gender, date of birth, failed to warn students of the potenlater, but asserted that the risk that someone could access this personal information is quite low. immediate link between these recent acts of crime and the longstanding acts of the “Laptop Bandit,” predominantly occurring in the Norma Marion Alloway Library, the entire campus

What is your dream career? “Mexican Labourer” - Daniel Jansen VanDoorn



January 30, 2013


Missions week in review Perspectives and incentives, tailor-made for you.

In the name of becoming Global ChrisTRAVIS tians, students HEIDE welcomed the shower of smiling faces from Chapel speakers, info sessions, and screenings—just enough to momentarily shake us free from our personal bubbles. Missions Week was all about


from a ubiquitous wall separating Christians between “goers” and “wavers”—those who can stomach voythe rest of us. One couple representing New Tribes Mission of Canada—an organization dedicated to ministering to unreached tribes—proved that God can place anyone anywhere. Administrative assistants Pat and Joe Chell explained how they got involved in a base in Papua, New Guinea. For perspective, New Guinea houses around 850 various linguistic groups. The adventure started when the parents decided, “We wanted to do something international with our family. Our children were teenagers growing up in a very privileged society, while the rest of the world doesn’t go through that. We wanted our kids to experience that what’s normal for us isn’t normal for the rest of the world.” The couple, whose chief skills consisted of teaching rather than interacting with indigenous peoples, have been training MK’s (missionary kids)—while other specialists in their


base are “telling it on the mountain.” In more restricted countries like Sudan, sharing the news is more about “learning how to get people to ask the right questions.” Johan Strydom represented Pioneers, an organization responsible for sending some 28 permanent workers from Canada (150 from America) into the Muslim world last year, with 36 teams based in China alone. When asked about the most rewarding aspect of conversion he replied, “People that used to have no hope, they now have hope.”

” ” We are all called to be witnesses. It doesn’t exclude anyone.

Perhaps more useful than a pamphlet, Strydom had a reality check prepared for young adults: “Finish your degree, so that you have a reason to be your hopes and your dreams loosely in your hands. The world changes, situations change all the time. Most importantly, make Jesus the focus of whatever you do.” If cross-cultural communications are not your forté, there remains much need here in urban Canada. This year, Trinity Western University alumna Jenny Shantz shared the activities of Inner Core Youth Ministries: a program based in downtown Vancouver/Delta dedicated to life skills coaching, housing, and discipleship


for underprivileged teens and adults. Inner Hope developed out of TWU ministry Youth Extreme, cultivated by volunteers who wanted to be more involved in holistic ministry to the teens they were seeing once a week. “If you need a place to stay, we’ll let you live in the home; if you need help to graduate, we will match you up with a mentor.” Inner Hope challenges atrisk individuals anywhere from 13-25 to list what they learn from Christian mentors; and to discover their own capacity to serve, through planning volunteer camps. Did not Christ call us to love our “neighbour?” Whether it warrants us great expense or not, evangelizing is a charge we all share; only the venues vary. TWU Missions professor Dr. Jonathan Dawn shared, “We are all called to be witnesses. It doesn’t exclude anyone. Not everyone is able to function crossculturally. God gives some people the gift of organization, which he uses to help the bigger cause. Some have supporters. There are organizers, who make things happen.” He noted, “There is intentional mission taking place here on campus,” mentioning students getting newsletters from persecuted pastors, supplying for orphan children, and helping International students coming to faith. Dawn challenged, “We can talk about missions all we want until the cows come home; but what matters is if we’re in love with the One we’re talking about.”

Male German soldiers are growing boobs. Well, growing a boob. The Director of plastic surgery at the military hospital in Berlin confirms that these cases are occurring due to the military drills requiring the soldiers to repeatedly slap their rifles on the left side of their chests. This repeated stimulation ‘triggers’ the mammary glands to produce hormones. The military is now looking at revising their drill, after this one becoming a bust.


A Minnesota man was recently arrested for pointing an AK-47 at his 15-year-old daughter during their argument over her getting two B’s instead of straight A’s on her report card. Kirill Bartashevitch, 51-years-old, justified his actions by stating that he checked to make sure the gun wasn’t loaded before pointing at his wife and child. The daughter was taken to a shelter and father was charged with two counts of terroristic threats. He didn’t even give her a shot at trying harder.

A hospital in Brazil has created a new mascot for child burn victims. “Chaminha,” translated as “Flamy” in English, features a man garbed in a fireengine red unitard and a giant foam mask in the shape of a raging flame, complete with large black frowning eyes and a crooked sneer. The hospital hopes that he will be able to teach kids to stay away from dangerous flames. Looks like Smokey the Bear is fired.

L.O.V.E. story Fleetwood Children’s Church Ministry. A few years ago, a member of the staff at BETHANY library Trinity Western ROY University approached some students with a simple request. Would they be willing to help out at his Arab Christian church by minding the children during ser-


responded with a resounding, “Yes!” that has continued to echo years later. Children’s Church Ministry has been reach group. Bethany Foutz now takes a group of students to Jesus Way Fellowship Church every week to care for the children. This congregation is made up largely of Arab immigrants from a variety of Middle Eastern countries, including Egypt, Iraq, and Iran. Not all of them are Christians, and yet they regularly attend several churches every week; church is a way for this commu-


culture, but attending other Canadian churches also helps to integrate them -

selves in. Church is both a way to feel It seems that the rambunctiousness of children crosses all cultural and national boundaries; Foutz laughingly and lovingly says that these are “the craziest, but the sweetest kids I’ve ever met.” The joys of working with children are given an additional layer of complexity because some of them speak only their native

” ” Church is both a way to feel at home, and

Arab dialect. Turning her back for one to run out to the parking lot to retrieve particularly adventurous toddlers. When asked what has given her such a heart for the children of Fleetwood, Foutz remembers her own childhood as a missionary kid in the Philippines. Identifying with their experience of growing up in a foreign world, Foutz attempts to support these Arab children in every way,

What is your dream career? “The White Obama” - Cody Friesen

“even though they might not realize it yet.” She does not have a lot of experience ministering to Arabs or Muslims in particular, but Foutz has always felt drawn towards people of all backgrounds. When she was a teenager, her parents had the opportunity to host some Middle Eastern Muslim teachers who had only been allowed abroad to learn better educational practices. Although they had been forbidden to talk about Christianity, Foutz and her parents took the opportunity to show God’s love, and several of those Muslims were baptized as Christians. They were promptly interrogated and punished after they returned to their countries, but Foutz has never forgotten the power of their faith and God’s ability to reach every kind of people. The Fleetwood outreach group meets on Fridays in the Fraser 3D lounge at 6 pm, and is always looking for more volunteers.


January 30, 2013


The Lipstick Project


An alumna makes the world a little bit more beautiful.

[ [ it because they don’t have the right



that is world wide and uni versal,” Leigh

former Trinity Western University Communications graduate and cur

MH: What inspired you to start LB: away in the Fall of 2011 at the North

MH: while after she had passed away and said that one of her last requests in

LB: We have two different sides volunteers who are actually delivering

after seeing a need not met in Vancou with Alesse campaign, where she has the chance to win $5,000 and a men

from there, so then we formed a lead ership team and registered as a society

professional to come in and do it, so he told me there was a space in the

based, even our leadership team is 30 people right now that are piloting

MH: LB: the hospices to see if it was true that it

pice, which is associated with Lions MH: What is the vision for the so

MARS’ HILL: Can you tell us about didn’t really consider that it would be LEIGH BOYLE: ect’s mission is to bring light and love to people in hospitals and hospices in Vancouver through the provision of cally, our volunteers are professional aestheticians, registered massage therapists, hair stylists, and makeup artists that do their services bedside

told me the hospice was rebuilt with a fully equipped hair salon and massage room years ago, but they never use it since they don’t have people who

LB: We are starting it slowly, but the vision is that one day it is part of the healthcare system in Vancouver, in all the different hospitals and hospic in different cities all around Canada and the world who would start a chap

built it with the understanding that it



On January 24th, North Korea stated that they will continue launching rockets and testing nuclear would take a less aggressive path than his father, but a statement from North Korea’s National


On January 23rd a plane carrying three Canadians went down in the north end of Antarctica’s Queen Alexandra

firey Heatwave in australia

Throughout the month of January, southeastern Australia

gency locator transmitter was activated, but haven’t found

and national parks have been evacuated as temperatures

until now, but searchers say that the plane was properly

Korea has insisted that launched satellites and No people have been killed, but many houses and livestock

41 held hostage in Algeria


that the cyclist will assist with efforts to “clean up cycling,” week, Lance Armstrong admitted to Oprah that he took

fear for the hostages’ lives and believe the situa

of a loaded weapon, but the Crown is unable to release more information since the accused and victim are both is necessary that the young boy attends the funeral, and

#friendsofnorma TWUSA campaigns to upgrade the library. This




so stubbornly insist on personifying

starting a cam paign to fun draise for the

ing by promising to donate $10,000, and are determined to raise even Their plan is to use social media to gather awareness on campus, and run pledge drive in order to get the rest of the student body involved in the pro

aimed at university donors where they plan to showcase the library as well as the student’s support and passion

From the locust storm humming in the basement to the limited selec tion of books published later than 1980, Norma certainly has her “idio are as follows: for a university that is saddled both with debt and quickly tify spending the tens of thousands of dollars on an annual basis that would

for RNT and Enarson in the near fu


to pick up a pledge sheet and like the til your Facebook feed is inundated with statuses describing student’s relationship with Norma,” quips one any other school where the students

Norma’s plight is not the fault of the library staff, nor can the administra tion be held entirely to blame, any short comings that the library may have quickly become the student’s

books from one of their 21 (!) branch

With all that being said, what can your library; become #FriendsOfNor

acts as further evidence that TWU’s li brary is falling short of the standard of excellence that is routinely set by the

open late this week for more informa tion on the campaign and don’t forget

What is your dream career? “Cereal Mascot” - Jason Vander-Hoek


January 30, 2013



FIGURE THE OF r oe s e h g n U n s u ryd a y lif e e FORTNIGHT for e v



We need heroes. And sometimes we

with God on our side.”


and anger combined with a fundamentalist sort of Christianity, the result wasn’t always that pretty.


Imitation not a limitation The value of replication. art ori-

which reads “My frame was not hid-

more towards the original, the spontaneous, and the new with a harsh disregard for anything that smacks of imitation. Yet Dr. Brett Foster, associate professor of English at Wheaton College, claims that imitation was not always considered a

together in the depths of the earth,” in

poets and writers of the sixteenth- and tion was a considered a crucial part of

rougher quality. The poem is then -


Today’s world is


Christian Humanism series, Dr. Foster, an expert on the literature of these “Renaissance Humanists,” discussed the poetry of Henry Howard, Mary -

not “unsung”! But how many knew that the iconic master of protest folk and pioneer of raunchy bohemian, satirical rock also went through a hardcore, born-again Christian phase? Hear me out. Much of Dylan’s career could be read as the search for a coherent self. From his beginnings as poster boy of the folk scene in the ‘60s to his ground-shatteringly sloppy rock,

Dylan has always grappled with the roots of American culture, soaked in biblical Christianity. Remaining ultimately smug, and eryone, but is especially good at exposing hypocrisy. There is perhaps no other song can Christian as “With God on Our Side,” which recounts a catalogue of the nation’s least respectable deeds

whole these parts did grow.” The Sidney’s adopted construc-

mortal enemies while still exercisYet Dr. Foster’s thesis was clear: for some of the greatest poets, theologians, and thinkers of Renaissance Europe saw imitation and reproduction as a necessity in creating works effect, but rather a helpful tool for artists to use in creating their own towards creating truly great art.

mixed pagan texts with Gospel teachings, maintaining the integrity of authors like Homer and Plato while still paying higher tribute to the Almighty. Whether artists or academics, creators or consumers of culture, or just as human beings, we could learn from this acceptance of imitation. Perhaps we are asking the wrong question when we ask if work of art is


great, it is worth repeating in many as so-called original pieces. Consider Philip Sidney’s Psalter, a rewrite of the entire book of Psalms into a series of 150 rhyming, English poems. With help from his sister Mary, Philip restructured the Hebrew resulting Psalms are quite different from the original text and from any singular English translation.

four different Gospels. That is not to brate, critique, talk about, or be about the exact same thing. But we should not deplore a work for repeating great structures, styles or ideas. We should celebrate the artist’s ability to choose the right works to imitate and their ability to pay homage while maintain-

Cage the Elephant’s frontman, Matt JUSTIN Shultz has said POULSEN that when he lacks inspiration he runs outside, shoves his face into the soil, and breaths deep. Not because he has a dirt fetish, but be-


consider one of the best “Christian”

1979-1981, Dylan released Slow are impolite and unapologetic, full of his usual strident social commentary and torturous self-absorption, but this time with the jarring backfor example, Dylan wheezes, “it may body.” Columnist John Thompson writes, “smack in the middle of the “me” decade, here was a prophet crying in the wilderness that any of our concepts of personal freedom are ultimately a myth.” Jon Foreman quotes from the sunshine,” and “happiness is a

honest, Psalm-like exploration of the consequences of sin, a confession of faith, and a yearning for more of a connection with God. After all his wayward, celebrated confession, in the hour of my deepest needwhen the pool of tears beme reaching out somewhere, Toiling in the danger and in the morals of despair. Bob Dylan’s restless quest for a tion, can inspire us to look honestly ering how much of it is really godbreathed, how much is rotted out with hypocrisy. And Dylan forces us to listen to the spiritual yearnings of our culture amid the brokenness.

words, happiness and unhappiness, Dylan insisted, “it’s either blessed or

cause he’s desperate to break the monotony of normality—to discover what’s been in front of him all along by forcing himself into a different and uncomfortable mindset. Allow this column to give you the good ol’ garden face-wash, with six fresh freaky philosophies. Join me this semester, in soiling yourself.

The Renaissance Humanists prized community and collaboration. They regarded imitation as partnership with, not plagiarism against, the great artists who had come before. They paid tribute to the great works of

unblessed.” Though these albums were among his least well acclaimed, they also contain one of his best in-

“‘Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.’” Holy ground. Not proximity. Not presence. Exodus 3:5, also famously emulated by one of TWU’s founders Walter Cahill, implies that land and space can hold power—enough power to impose a lifestyle change. Of course, we know that a physical setting can affect an emotional atmosphere. TWU’s Collegium is comfortable and social because it’s soft wood panels. Or is it? The reason old furniture, scuffed

When Moses entered the desert, So too, when you enter a room, you sense the weight of emotions that that moment—when you sense a familiar emotion but know it’s not This mystery is the tragedy of modern construction. Skyscraphistories and thus dispel the land’s erations of interactions. Not to say that we must choose between progress and sentiment. But perhaps the reason our children are becoming sexual, increasingly forlorn, is because we’re raising them in houses of blank slates. We attempt to teach them right and wrong, but these principles hold no power without specting personal property is irrel-

your morality—is because they also can’t it also be friendly? Fearful? Flippant? Land is predisposed to impact our emotions based on those of its former inhabitants. Our souls soak into the ground like molasses on toast—contributfar into the future.

What is your dream career? “Bouncy Castle Tester” - Daniela Slamaj

not just impacting the people with you, you’re impacting the people after you. Sit down and notice the worn patch on the armrest and know that

January 30, 2013


Tourism: the new colonialism? Conquering the world, one destination at a time.



What is your dream career? “Fortune Cookie Writer” - Joti Bhangle



January 30, 2013


Homophobia and the church One student’s thoughts on tolerance. The Christian church has a public relations BRYAN SANDBERG nightmare on its hand - everyone thinks Christians hate gay people. Okay, so I’m exaggerating: not literally everybody thinks that. However, it’s closer to being true than we’d like to admit. A 2007 book by Christian pollsters David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons entitled unChristian found that an astonishing 91% of unchurched 16 to 29-year-olds described the Christian church as being “anti-homosexual.” This was also the number one negative perception against the church found by the authors, ranking even more highly than “judgmental” or “hypocritical.” For those of us with strong ties to Trinity Western University, this accusation is wearily familiar. In the early 2000’s, Trinity Western was forced to defend itself before the Supreme Court of Canada against accusations of anti-gay discrimina-


tion; these same accusations are now cropping up in 2013. And while the Supreme Court of Canada did rule in favour of TWU in 2001 on the basis of freedom of religion, it is unfortunate that the religion we are free to have is being reduced in the public’s minds to statements about gay people. In the midst of the mainstream crimination and lamenting persecution by those who disagree with them, there is a very important situation that is not being addressed. When Christianity, a belief system whose core message hinges on God’s love for all people, is accused far and wide of hating approximately 10% of the population, that is a very serious problem. That the Christian church’s response has been at best, apathetic, and at worst, is an even worse problem. When I ter parents, both of whom had strong Bible school training and spoke regu-

larly in churches, I was told with complete sincerity that I could not be gay and Christian. So while, Jesus Christ’s sion could save somebody like Saul of Tarsus, my sexual orientation alone logically educated Christian parents (who I love very dearly and have come a long way over the years) to doubt my salvation. I’m not alone in having to ing out. A great number of gay Christians have found themselves rejected by their families, kicked out of their churches, or stripped of their leadership positions, all because of judgement against their sexual orientation. This should not be. If Christ truly came to save all, we as his followers should be eager to extend that same love and grace to all, without regard to race, gender, or sexual orientation. Here at Trinity Western, we know Christian community does not have to be hostile towards gay and lesbians.

Inside North Korea

I am only one of numerous gay and lesbian students who have had very positive experiences being welcomed and loved by this amazing community. However, it is important for us here to be aware that the level of acceptance found here is not the norm among Christian communities across North America. It is to the Christian church’s detriment that such discriminatory, prejudiced patterns continue unchecked, causing them to be seen It is my hope that those who have experienced welcoming Christian community, be it here at Trinity Western or elsewhere, seek to carry the same accepting embrace beyond this campus. In doing so, may we as a community take even small steps towards correcting what is one of the modern day Christian church’s most grievous wrongs.


One student’s thoughts on loving teaching.

Travelling is an adventure. Not only is it SARA an exploration FREEMAN of new sights, smells, and tastes, but an experience with people and culture. My passion to travel started when I was young. My grandpa used to sit me down and tell me stories, and show me pictures of when he lived and worked in Kenya. I vividly remember picturing I was there too, taking part in a grand adventure.


My focus for traveling changed once I became a Christian. Instead of go out of love and service for others. After graduation I traveled for nearly two years to 12 different countries that were in some way affected by poverty. It was near the end of these travels I decided to pursue a Bachelor of Education at Trinity Western University. This past summer I was presented with the opportunity to use my training in TESOL/TEFL and as an Educator inside Pyongyang, North Korea. I taught at an English summer camp for high school students. It is amazing that closed doors can become open when you have a degree and are simply willing to go. and 2 girls, ages 14 to 16. Being a beteach a class that was culturally differcantly different in gender. I remember asking myself how am I to relate to 12

teaching a lesson at the time, that his adult students were bewildered by the sounds they were hearing from the their desks and went to the window to see their kids playing and laughing. They said to the English teacher, “We have never heard this sound before.” It surprised me that laughter isn’t common at their school. It was amazing to be able to bond with my Korean boys? The afternoon of my second day of teaching, we set up outside games and sports for the students. The boys loved soccer, and were very athletic so I knew they would have a great time. It was so foreign and exciting for these students to have a teacher that played soccer alongside them, who gave ment, and laughed freely. I was told later by another English teacher, who was in the school

would never forget us. As I think of them now my heart aches at the extent to how much I love and miss them. I gave part of my summer to practice using my skills of teaching. I did teach them English, but left with much more than just that. I left with a love and appreciation in my heart for the individuals I came to know. These children are beautiful, a desire to be loved. It was a privilege to teach and love them.

classroom. Students learn a great deal more when you demonstrate genuine care, interest, and encouragement towards them and their work. When our program was over and time, my students gathered around me crying, expressing how I became much more than a teacher to them, I had become a close friend. After the goodbyes and tears, they ran after the bus grabbing our hands, asking us to never forget them, because they

One student’s thoughts on pranking and where to draw the line. As I write this article, I’m sitting in the DILLON common area JAMES of 6 Lower in Douglas, where—some four months ago—an infamous prank was pulled that rippled throughout campus. I’ll be honest; it still smells a little. Even now, several months after the inci-


with an unmentionable second item creates an unholy concoction that can into the dorm. Our Community Covenant states that one of the numerous goals of the TWU community is to “treat people and ideas with charity and respect”. this to be overwhelmingly true within the student body. But unfortunately, not everyone catches the vision. To the pranksters: I’m sure what you envisioned was much funnier than what actually occurred. I’m

sure you guys didn’t actually want 6 Lower to be evacuated from their dorms, their ceilings ripped apart, and I’m sure you didn’t actually want the maintenance crew forced to work long hours because they have to exterminate an interminable stench that still lingers to this day. I’m sure you’re rolling your eyes as your read the words on this page. The fact is this: yes, pranking is fun and, yes, pranking can, in some ways, build community. But humor must be within limits. It’s not exactly fun to talk about boundaries and personal space while at university, but it’s a discussion that needs to occur on a regular basis. At what point does humor become disrespectful? At what point, when doing something like this, should I ask myself if I’m going a bit too far? That point should probsomeone’s ceiling. When I read the Community Covenant, I am reminded of the beautiful agreement I have signed with this

school and the students I connect with on a daily basis. I don’t view it as legalism or coercion in the slightest. ing, I would recommend reading up on the behavioral requirements for American Christian colleges!) Something may have died in 6 Lower because of this prank, besides we should all assume while at Trinity. Since the attack on 6 Lower, I have taken more precaution when leaving my dorm room. I lock my door a lot more often, I check to make sure my valuables are on my person, and I treat strangers who happen to walk through with an air of suspicion. I don’t imagine community involves placing deceased sea creatures in ceiling tiles or having to live in fear and suspicion, viewing every visitor as a trespasser. Actions have consequences, and sometimes those consequences are actually (shock and awe) something that affects more than just the intend-


ed recipients. I hate to be the sensitivity police, but for the love of everything sacred in this world, it would be nice if others were actually considered before an action is committed. While we shouldn’t feel trapped by something like the Community

What is your dream career? “Farmer” - Brianna Vyn

Covenant, it should serve as a continual reminder that TWU exists as a large family—a family of committed, dedicated students who wish to gain expand the lens through which they view the world.

January 30, 2013



Anime for your average North Americans Dr. Isao Ebihara explores Japanese folklore. logian, and animé guru Dr. TRAVIS Isao Ebihara HEIDE delves into the Japanese pool of history, religious systems, and political intrigue in Land of Rising Ghosts and Goblins: The supernatural world in Japanese Myths, Folklore, Animé & Pop-Culture. This undertaking invites young Westerners, as well as South Asians and anyone intrigued by Japanese culture, to explore mythic backgrounds


in popular legend and folklore. Do the peoples who devise popular fairytales have any room for the Christian concept of mercy, or must justice and vengeance prevail? Dr. Ebihara answers questions like this in a highly as an academic book, “I intended not to make it too academic…it uses common people’s language.” Alongside familiar characters such as the warrior Inuyasha and Dragon Ball’s Goku, there are examples from -

lore; like Prince Yamato Takero, and the divine couple Sarutahiko and Uzme; as well as many preternatural creatures, such as the Yokai (commonly translated as ‘demon’ or ‘god’ by the layman, Ebihara gives a more detailed portrait of the characteristics of these bestial creatures). Also featured are the mystical art of Chakra and the Kabuki genre of theatre. Land of Rising is a historical map of Japan’s cumulative trove of myths and religions. The story begins with a startlingly carnal outline of primitive Shinto cults, before the more civilized Buddhist and Confucian reforms in 7th century AD. Ebihara then dips into his intimate knowledge of Japanese history and political intrigue to whet Western appetites for contemporary world issues facing the Japanese: the Emperor-cult into the twentieth century, the establishment of State Shinto, and the penetration (and persecution) of Christianity in the island. The concluding chapters of Land of Rising draw connections with the contemporary worlds of manga artist Shigeru Miyazaki.

Ebihara’s Land of Rising contains endary prince Yamato Takeru share in common with King Arthur? Could political motives account for discrepancies between the Kojiki and Nihon-

Comparing Shinto superstition and Buddhist monasticism with Greek classics, and offering glimpses into the Asian afterlife, Land of Rising achieves a surprisingly high level of accessibility to Western readers. It’s an entry-level read, loaded with suf-

Japanese people’s oral stories from appeased demonic creatures called Oni, and why have people feared even becoming one?

guide Western, Chinese, Korean, and other curious minds into the highly enigmatic world of the Japanese supernatural.

Walking: the cure for dualism Why driving may not be the best way to get around.



Walking is one of life’s simplest pleasures, says Socrates in Peter Kreeft’s

Socrates Meets Jesus in the City. I have always considered walking to be the most human way of getting around in the world. But recently, I have realized that this humble, particularly human gait, also provides a solution to one of the more metaphysical problems confronting society today. The problem is dualism, the lop-

sided separation of the human person into body and mind. More than any other mode of travel, walking offers a pace at which we are actually able to process the world and connect with it. You never get to know a place so well as when you walk through it. Compared to driving, biking or even running, you notice and remember more detail when you walk. It is a pace perfectly matched to both our bodies and our brains. It’s a way of being more fully present in the world as embodied beings. And that’s something we need. For centuries- since Plato’s insistence that the ideal “forms” or things exist only in the spiritual realm, accessible only by the mind, or Descartes’ harsh division of mind and body with man has resorted to dualism to try to

understand himself. The logic of dualism privileges the mental or spiritual, as the perfect, the clean, the technological, over and above the fragile and imperfect physical part of our persons. It’s kind of like Apple products versus real apples. The result is an alienation from ourselves, our neighbours, and the world around us. These effects are further worsened by the technology we use to interact with the world and each other. From smart phones to Facebook, we are encouraged in a dualistic abstraction from our physical presence in the world. We are easily lost in our minds, abstracted from the world and from our neighbors. Any contact with the material, organic world of nature is heavily mediated. Driving particularly reinforces

this dualistic fallacy. Driving is incredibly platonic.

intimacy and human contact! But for the most part, you exist in your own

drive, have you arrived at your destination without even realizing how you got there. It isn’t so much your body that is moving through and interacting with the world, as your mind. It is your mind that processes and reacts calmly and mechanically to external stimuli. The pavement and the gas pedal allow and utter disregard to the particularities of place. Because you don’t actually interact with the places you pass through, you miss out on the thousands of tiny intricacies that make living in a physical world pleasurable. And for human contact, you have blinkers, or in more gregarious cultures, the horn bleat, and, if you’re

and removed from others. I love driving; love the rush, road trips, watching the world roll past. I just spent two full months of my summer in a van traveling around America and I loved more than most of it. But let me also recommend the simpler and oft forgotten joy of walking. Faced with a dualistic disconnect between mind and body, where most contact with both nature and neighbour is heavily mediated by ever sleeker machinery, it is easy to lose the precious and simple pleasures that come from being embodied beings in the world. The humble act of walking can help you recover from and resist the dualism imposed on us by our technologies.

or actual verbal abuse! O the joy of


What is your dream career? “Chip ‘n Dale” - Mitch Sorenson


January 30, 2013

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May 6, 2012 Koh Chang Walking alo beach, we p asse for the past cou Thai girl th e wh the sex indu stry it hits you d iffere of you. It’s a bro money for th e inn But as I saw th him reach ou t to him. He was


seen a lot of single girls, awkw ardly sitt to really com munica Barriers of brokenne ones with th em.

What is your dream career? “Rave host” - Justin Poulsen

January 30, 2013

Augu s Kolk t 2, 2010 ata, I n I wa s tal dia king to but s


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American m ales with sin gle Thai ting on the boat togeth er unable ate across th eir language barriers. ess—these girls aren’t the only

What is your dream career? “Whirling Dervish” - Cameron Reed



January 30, 2013



Fall into fashion Drop a beat and learn a language How foreign rap can be helpful in learning a foreign language.



Foreign language learners are often discouraged when they discover

word and formal speech are a com-

rap provides a much more accurate set as well as a unique view of the foreign

Whether or not a student is familiar to recognize them at a normal pace

acquires musical systems and languages in the same way, leading some

familiar with the sounds and rhythm of a language, the grammar and rules -

that help it process all the acoustic in the language they are learning—for

Speech is not a sequence of words,

First developed during World War II perfect pronunciation and native accent, which is taught through intense method has gone in and out of vogue in linguistic pedagogy, polyglots today are reapplying its merits to rap, Rap is the most phonetically comtremely helpful for anyone trying to Rhythm is an important element of

rely more on rhythm to distinguish dynamically emphasizes the natural ure out where one word ends and the

b gi

slur words together, or drop sounds -

K-POP! Also known as Korean Pop.

PLAYLIST FRANCAIS Sherazade - Ministère Des AffAires PoPulAires AkhenAton sAïAn suPA Crew BAMs Atk triPtik Désolé - sexion D’AssAut Ménélik Empreintes - lA CeDille MC solAAr




e e N I H S

that specialize in other genres, such



If those words do not get a certain Korean -


young Koreans entering their industry

moves and sugar-coated pop lyrics,

aspirations, the entertainment industry eventually realized they needed more money in order to train and

thing that I immediately found intimidating was the sizes of some of

comes to the growing phenomenon of Korean music not only on our fair

darin translations of their songs and guages as well as share the limelight

their talents more than they would

ment and other leading music induschart topping melodies, creating such -

So in the end, this is only the tip of

and eventually the entire industry is understanding of the Korean musical

faithful Korean music listener, I am

me right: twelve! Why so many do you that these groups create their own

guide to the latest craze so that you


If I were to compare Korean pop -

tertainment, one of the three powerhouse entertainment industries of South Korea, started it due to compa-

What is your dream career? “Teaching business at TWU” - Brent Groen


January 30, 2013





Drummer Eric Davis (The Left, PompaANDREW doors) has had PARKER his share of struggles and victories on the road. Davis was a founding member of a fairly successful band, The Left (second place winner in 2009 peak perfor-


Vancouver Seeds to name a few), and has now formed a new band, Pompadoors with former Left members Carl Davis and Josh Wyper. The band was conceived while on tour with The Left, as the three discussed “what they really wanted out of life and music.” The name stems from Carl’s distinctive hair style—a pompadour. The three-piece have made a name for themselves in the corporate sector playing gigs for company enough to answer some questions on tour life, and impart some hard earned wisdom: Mars’ Hill: What is the longest you have been on tour for? What sort of challenges did this present for you personally? Eric Davis: The longest tour I

have ever been on was two and-a-half months. I toured with The Left across Canada for about a month. When we got to Toronto we did a record for a month and toured back home in roughly another month. We had some success at certain points, and moments of pure failure. I also had a wife and baby at home that I missed dearly, so I really had to concentrate on the business side of the music to distract me from missing them. MH: What was it like for you the ED: erything that is negative because it doesn’t matter – you are just so happy ment the music starts until the music ends is the best part of touring; everything else is lettuce. MH: What is your craziest tour story? ED: The Left was on tour across Canada with Blind Melon. Our tour with a trailer full of gear. Half way between Winnipeg and Saskatchewan the frame of the RV broke at the back and the bumper was dragging on the ground. We decided to keep

driving because we had a show that

great songs. People in every country

into an auto body shop in town to get

of Canada to be different. Pretty much for every show—no matter what city you are in—you drive downtown, down an alleyway, unload gear into the back of the club, do sound check, go for dinner, go to the hotel, and play a show. I love it. MH: Practical question: What can’t you live without on tour? ED: A nice suit, sunglasses, a phone, really nice shoes, and drums. My advice is only to bring the best things that you own because the moment you leave your house you are a walking commercial for your band. The more people that like who you are and your music, the more chance they will come to your show—shows with lots of people are always more fun. MH: What is the most challenging moment you have had playing in a different city? ED: We were on tour with Hedley playing Trail B.C. for a crowd of 1,200. During our set, Hedley’s singer had a cordless microphone stage-side and put himself in our monitors and started talking to us and singing while we played. During the soft bridge of a

about $12,000 and take around three weeks. At this point the band was very irritable and decided to separate to think over the options. We had no money and were dependent upon the RV. Our bass player drove the RV out of the city to the welding shop and two guys rolled underneath the RV. They and a case of beer. It was done in 20 minutes. MH: How do you deal with tension within a band on tour? ED: I’m lucky because my brother is in my band so we have been together our whole lives and never really have friction. I discovered I had to be in a band with people that see the big picture and are considerate and polite to everyone they meet—I’m in that band now. MH: Many Canadian bands struggle with gaining cross-border fans— any wisdom for developing a wider fan base? ED: Yes, your live show must be very entertaining and you must have

song he came out and tried to remove our singer’s pants. I didn’t have to play anything so I jumped up from my drums and dive tackled him before he could pull our singer’s pants off. At this point Hedley’s roadies jumped in and separated us and I ran back to the drums for the last chorus. MH: What advice would you give to a band wanting to go on tour for ED: Videotape your band performing your set. Watch it. MH: What is your plan for the future? Are your guys planning any tours? ED: The plan for the immediate showcases, starting in March, in Vancouver, Toronto, New York, and L.A. The Pompadoors are currently recording an album, as well as playing locally. You can see the Pompadoors on February 7th at the Roxy in Vancouver. For more information check them out on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and their favourite, Instagram. @Pompadoors


What is your dream career? “A baby-making machine!” - Janelle Dyck


January 30, 2013


Loving and dying What Amour can teach us about dealing with the end of life. With Valentine’s Day apCHRIS MONTGOMERY p r o a c h i n g , you may be on the lookout for cute,


fuzzies with you and your beloved. May you be warned: this is not the one yes it’s title translates to ‘Love’; but that is about where the warm-fuzzies end on this one. Death is a very real part of life. If I may empty my glass half way for a moment, every day of life is a slow step towards the end. Most days aren’t a very big step; a bang to the head or a stub of your toe. But then come days that make us suddenly come abruptly

face-to-face with our fragile mortality. essential elderly couple with the relationship that we all aspire to enjoy in our closing years. He helps her out of her coat and they hold hands at the dinner table. However, it is during a typical moment at the table that their lives take a dramatic turn. She sits in silence. “What’s the matter,” he says. No response. Although not particularly dramatic in a visual sense, witnessing an onscreen stroke in its entirety sets the tone for what is destined to be a heavy and gut-wrenching look into a slow

hold her hand till the very end. With some shots lasting multiple minutes, director Michael Haneke sets a tone of drawn-out waiting. We are waiting for the next shot, while Anne is waiting for the next life. Like myself, you are unlikely to be facing such a grueling and morbid reality anytime soon (or at least I hope not). In college, our lives are bursting with potential and these highs are easy enough to ride out. The highs of life are what allow us to live through the lows and not give in to how difus at our best: his life was good and it gives him perspective as his life be-

poetic imagery. The daughter stands alone in the apartment. We are not told when in the timeline this takes place, or what she knows at this point about her mother’s situation. She stands there, alone. Waiting. Purgatory takes the form of a Parisian apartment. No matter what stage in life (or death), we are surrounded with unknowns and elements out of our con-

grandmother has been handed her destiny, and we must sit with her and

However, as death wears on his wife, life wears on him. The climax of

control of our situation. Anne is our life, slowly coming to an end. But

ing in a dramatic manner that leaves you shaken. Suddenly, life is soaked with all of the negativity to which death is associated.

regardless of what we do, that end is inevitable; we must take pleasure in what is given to us in life and realize that death is just another thing we are given. Rarely graphic, never crude, but relentlessly unforgiving in its painful reality.



WORLD PLAYLIST ICELAND This Place Was a Shelter – Ólöf ArnAlds

SENEGAL Nouveau Western – MC solAAr

SWEDEN Little Brother – The TAllesT MAn on eArTh




Bam Bam – sisTer nAncy

Chan Chan – BuenA VisTA sociAl cluB



How To Be A Werewolf – MogwAi

Months – The Middle eAsT



Angelika – deVendrA BAnhArT

Hollow Mountain – efTerklAng



Ce Jeu (Tepr Remix) – yelle

Balderrama – Mercedes sosA



Cilantro can make every day Cinco Instead of buying a packet of taco de Mayo. Buy a fresh bunch, take seasoning, spice up your ground it out of the rubber band, and store in beef with cumin. your fridge in a damp paper towel to make it last longer. The Double-decker taco: it could happen to you. Simply coat a A tablespoon of olive oil and half tortilla with refried beans and then a lime make a great dressing that wrap it around a hard taco shell. can upgrade any salad to an ensalada. You want to know the Aztec word for avacado? It’s avacado. As auThe biggest secret of Mexican thentic as it gets, this fruit will be cuisine...are you ready for it? hard when you buy it, but should be A pinch of brown sugar in refried soft when you slice it up and add to beans make the Aztec gods sing.

2 3

What is your dream career? “To become a sister-wife” - Anna Funk

5 6

January 30, 2013



Big screen, bigger book Why Les Misérables can’t replace Hugo’s original. A friend of mine who works at a BETHANY bookstore reROY cently told me that the book that she most often has to return is Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables; people buy the book one day, and after realizing just how long the tome is, they return it the next. With the release of Tom Hooper’s 2012


themselves to slog through the more than 1000 pages of the original book (158 minutes doesn’t look so bad now, huh?). Humanity has progressed from the oral age, to the literary, but our current era is almost a regression

of read. Is there still a place for books today? I admit that I was not always enthralled with Hugo’s grandiose style the summer that I read his classic text—and I use the term ‘summer’ loosely, because it was more than four months. Reading Les Miserables is an investment. On the other hand, Les Miserables the movie is dynamic and engaging throughout, and the heartwrenching songs never fail to bring me to tears. Even so, there are several reasons the book is worth reading. 1. RUSSELL CROWE. His depiction of Javier is a point and case of why reading still needs to happen in a cinematic world. Many were disappointed by his robotic portrayal and sub-par singing (although anyone would be an anticlimax after Anne Hathaway’s performance). And why are audience members disappointed? It’s different from how they imagined it, and any changes are jarring. Whatever picture Hugo’s words conjure in the reader’s mind, it is pure, personal, and a beautiful exercise of imagination in a world where most things are spelled out for us. 2. SCALE. Watching a four-minute scene of Amanda Seyfried and Eddie Redveys to the audience that these two characters are in love; the song might even inspire some to say “aw…” But

Hugo goes big. In terms of pages, this might not always excite the reader who counts how many more until the end of the chapter, but even the best-directed scene cannot convey the same astonishing sense of scale that 50 pages of tiny print can. The literary equivalent of that love scene is dauntingly long, but after surveying it, the reader can guess at how many hours Marius spent the entire night before composing the love letters he delivers to Cossette. This is a much larger testament to the passion of his love than the seemingly effortless knack for spontaneous song that all musical characters possess. 3. EMPATHY. Hugo is annoyingly detailed about even the obscurest characters, but no pain, no gain into the author’s insight. The friends we care about most are the ones we know the most about, have seen grow, and spend the most time with. The same is true of literary characters. Fantine’s fall from virtue is all the more painful when the reader has already invested 30 pages to knowing how sweet and innocent she was before, and experiences the slow but irresistible degradation. Eponine’s tragedy of unrequited love is so much sadder when she’s divulged to the reader so many of her fantasies and hopes that one can’t help but root for her. Sad things happen every day, but the ones we remember and inspire us to make a difference are the ones that effect people—and characters—we know. Let us not forget that the title of this story is The Miserable Ones. Hooper’s Les Miserables is a fanreplacement for Hugo’s. Tastes have certainly changed since the nineteenth century, but some things have not. Readers have always claimed to have been too busy, and authors have always been wordy, but the story of Les Miserables has been popular throughout it all and it is important to consider why. What has compelled so many to slog through this literary marathon? You’ll just have to read it when authors were paid by the word. But their words were inviting.

New Generations Students take over the stage and get creative. Three weeks. That’s all the CHARISSA time that it takes to put on a HURT show. That’s all the time that you really need, right? I mean, three weeks is a ton of time— that’s like 504 hours of nonstop creativity—and lots of coffee. That’s 30,240 minutes to create the perfect show. It’s exactly 1,814,400 seconds to direct, memorize lines, understand


wouldn’t you spend all the time that you could working on it in order to improve it and reach a positive end result? That’s what the cast and crew of New Generations at SAMC Theatre have been doing for the past three weeks. They have been working hard on something that they love and are passionate about in order to create something beautiful. Now, you may ask—what exactly is New Generations? The title doesn’t

create lighting and sound designs—


breathe in between. That’s really not a lot of time, is it? But that’s what the cast and crew of SAMC Theatre’s New Generations have been doing for the past three weeks. One may say that this is insanity, or sheer madness, and others might say this is dedication. And it is indeed dedication. Think of one thing that you love, that you positively adore—

description as “a festival of studentcreated, generated, and liberated theatre” only skims the surface of what it truly is. New Generations is a coming together of student artists, a merging of talents, and the blending of knowledge and learning to create theatre. New Generations ferent shows in one night of theatre that will make you want more. Have you ever wondered what it would be

What is your dream career? “Full-time baby sitter” - Hannah Wanous

like to be a monkey trying to type into Hamlet? Or how about that blind dinner-date that couldn’t possibly get any worse? Do you feel that corporations are trying to take over the world? I Spy With My Little Lie written by graduate Nicola Prigge explores the deception that lies behind the big businesses. Imagine what it would be like to be lavishly rich, but excessively bored. Or what if you miss your chance to tell someone that you love them? Building Blocks, by current student Benjamin Buckingham, explores past choices and how they affect the present. These shows are directed by: Amy Dauer, Brittany Gainer, Megan Couch, Sarah Ruth, and Eleanor Felton. SAMC Theatre’s New Generations runs January 29-February 3rd at 7:30pm with a 2:00pm Saturday Matinee. Tickets range from $8-14.


January 30, 2013



Betting on the big bowl How to make money on the Super Bowl. It is Super Bowl week and icipat ion CAMERON aisn tgrowing to STUERLE a fever pitch for the big game this Sunday. You may be looking forward to watching football, but I argue there’s more to be excited about than the last pigskin action until September. If you’re interested in the Super Bowl this Sunday than you’ve probably already read some previews and watched a little coverage on TV, so I won’t waste your time giving you information you already know. Rather, I’m going to set you up so able one. That’s right; it’s time for some more of Uncle Cam’s gambling advice. These are all real prop bets for the Super Bowl that you can actually wager real money on at a gambling website. Will Alicia Keys forget or omit at



(The Field 17/2) as I’m picking LaMichael James. Amazingly there are odds on LaMike to be MVP (66/1), but nothing on him and he returns San Fran’s kickoffs. I’m thinking he’ll return the opening kickoff for a touchdown or he’ll get to punch it in near the goal line after Frank Gore’s goes to the sideline near the end of a drive. (Colin Kaepernick, 7/4) Kaepernick is one of the most exciting and electrifying players I have ever seen and I expect this Super Bowl to be the moment he stamps himself as one the modern game’s greats and ushers in the era of the mobile Quarterback which means…

(No -200) C’mon, Alicia is a pro this could launches her to new heights like it did for Whitney Houston. With that the over on the length of Alicia Keys’ anthem, currently set at two minutes and 15 seconds.

can’t be set high enough to scare me away, I’m counting on at least eight mentions.

(Over 2 ½) If you have ever watched an NFL game, especially one produced by CBS, then you know the football media loves nothing more than taking a tired storyline and beating it into the ground. This over/under

(Over ½) This is a very clever prop. If you take the over, you’re basically betting that Beyoncé will bring out her husband for a surprise performance on stage for the halftime show. I remember Madonna bringing at least four others out with her last year, so I think a Jay-Z cameo is a

lock. Even if Jay-Z doesn’t appear on stage, you still win the bet if CBS shows Beyoncé in a luxury box with her husband next to her, it’s a can’t lose prop. What Color will the Gatorade (or liq (Blue 13/2) My memory recall seems to be telling me it’s usually blue, yellow, or clear. Blue is the best-tasting Gatorade by far, so I’m going to go

ahead and lock down on that.

“God/Lord” (Over 3) Please, this will be at least 12, take the over and thank me later. (No -400) I know these are two really good defenses, but there’s too much talent on either offense for there to be 15 continuous minutes of scoreless

(San Francisco, -4.5) I’m taking the Niners to win and cover the spread with a touchdown victory, 31-24. Too much Kaepernick, a few big plays from LaMichael James, consistent rushing yardage from Frank Gore, a few big pass plays down the seam to Vernon Davis, and a handful of key 3rd down conversions from Michael Crabtree will lead a potent 49er offense. Meanwhile, Aldon Smith will have his best game rushing the passer in months and San Francisco’s defense will do just enough to contain Ray Rice and Baltimore’s deep passing game. Now excuse me while I call this hotline number.

Spartans beat Mount Royal TWU Basketball enjoys a 4-0 weekend. The Trinity Western University basCAMERON ketball teams STUERLE returned to the court this past weekend determined to erase the memory of poor showings in Calgary the previous week.


The Women’s team was pushed around by the Calgary Dinos en route to an 18-point loss while the Men suffered a heartbreaking defeat. The men trailed by as much as 15 at one point, but got the lead down to just one with 36 seconds left, but Tyler Lintell couldn’t hit a jumper at the

buzzer mere moments after hitting a three-pointer to cut it to one. Thankfully, the aftertaste of two cruel defeats did not hang over into the next weekend as both the Women’s and Men’s teams came out strong and beat Mount Royal at the Langley Events Centre. The Women’s team opened with a thriller. The Spartans led over the Cougars and actually held the lead throughout most the game. However, the Cougars stayed close, as TWU was never able to open up their second half. The Spartans inability to pull away hurt them late as the Cougame with 1:26 left in the 4th quarter as Emily Larson fought through contact to get a lay-up and a foul to give Mount Royal a 72-71 lead. Larson missed the free throw though, and that gave the Spartans a chance to retake the lead as Holly Strom went around a nice screen and got a lay-up to go back in front. The lead was short-lived, though, as a

defensive breakdown led to another easy basket for Larson. With the Spartans staring at a crushing loss, Strom took over the game once again, drawing a foul and sinking one of two free throws to force overtime. Once in Overtime, the Spartans completely took over and did it with defense. Mount Royal failed to

down and ran away with the game in the second half. The Spartans only 11 threes and consistently got to the foul line. The Spartans built the lead as high as 21 in the second half and cruised home to the 86-69 win with Beating the now 3-13 Cougars

offense once again to a 12-2 run in overtime and an 86-76 victory. It was The men on the other hand came through with a pair of clutch victowhere they want to be. There was nothing overly special about the way TWU beat the Cougars; it was a little close for comfort on Friday night, but the Spartans were clutch down the stretch with a 30 point 4th quarter as Tonner Jackson and Mark Perrin paced the offense with over 20 points each. On Saturday, the Spartans came out sloppy and fell behind by 10 in the

the Spartan men have now put themselves in position to play for a lot more. It was beginning to look like a lost season at the Christmas break, but TWU has gotten hot. With Thompson Rivers free falling into a four game losing streak, the Spartans now hold the fourth and

come to a critical mass this weekend as the Spartans travel to Kamloops to play TRU in a set of games that will go a long way toward deciding TWU’s postseason fate.


What isfor your dream “Steven Irwin” - Justin Smith - Jen Newman What are you most excited this year?career? “Events like the Banana Challenge”


Men’s volleyball rolls Spartans take down Mount Royal.




January 30, 2013

It had been a tough week for the Spartans Men’s Volleyball team.

setters at home against Manitoba, just one week after dropping one in -

by double digits. This year, it’s been extended time with an ankle injury

On Friday the Spartans eased to errors from the Cougars. Mount

players through a tough week of

ing off an injury earlier in the year. Marshall failed to tally double digit -

Student pricing

kills a game last year and he needs to get it going again if the Spartans pions. their mini three-game disaster to get


next night with a similar effort and emerged with another hard-fought

playoff series to get into the Canada wouldn’t be easy either; the Spartans -

doubt as the Spartans won in straight about the Spartans great season last year was how they routinely won sets

regular season in a big measuring

we make taxes painle$$

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Happy 40th Birthday Jalen Rose! CD:








on Monday. Meanwhile, Rose has risen to new popularity as an

Happy Anniversary Kevin Dyson! -


Happy Trails Rajon Rondo! Hawks and will miss the rest of this season and possibly a large SCOTT STEWART


Women’s volleyball streaks

roster spot while his starting role should be taken by either Kyrie

Spartans take down Mount Royal again.



to the Men’s team and their

be played in Langley. Staying in -

hard to keep from being run off their The Spartans had another strong



game playoff series before the Final Four and ensure that the next meet-

On Saturday night, the Cougars did

weekend set with Mount Royal in streak. The women also had to deal with some external pressure; they


six years.

that was what they needed to win in The Spartans wore the Cougars down and pulled away to win the

top spot. Gaining top spot would be a big boon for the women’s team

of the regular season. The Spartans

game early and often as they held the -

or more kills. The offense was led by

effort one night later.

What is your dream career? “Forensic Neuro-psychologist” - Ceilidh Hughes



January 30, 2013



you’re allowed to laugh at this page.



She sat in front of me, ear buds gently swinging like metronomes in the

a look of utter disgust and confusion


awkwardly puckering up and sucking at my straw until it made the same thin, weak, but oh-so obnoxious

caught in the headlights, with my tail Mango Magic without breaking out

become men, for the rigors of interdisciplinary studies to expand minds and stretch the bounds of human pos-

was reading a dauntingly large and ogy textbook, so not only was it now abundantly clear that she was out of my league, but she was also probably

this situation called for the freshmen

freshman, eagerly looking for all the

that could bring any silence back to -

my life, because it was only a matpassed out or melted or something,

whispering sweet nothings into my

She was what my friend, Matt Rich-

bumping into her hips and asked,

slowly took out her earbuds, and was something different about her,

Presents or pure evil? |


Birthdays are a big deal in the Simonson household and

another one of my own, which made me reminiscent on some of the gifts

seeing as they were about the same how you grab a Rolo from the end of dropped drastically after getting braccaramel, this packet electrocutes you this present for a total of two hours

downs, but what always stays the same is the weirdness of the presents

actually a gift to the whole family from


the same kind of silence as when my mother opened this gift and we all

you put in a bowl of water and watch

cause the other side of the family got

a perfect example of cutting out the

with the not so beautiful phrase in-

What is your dream career? “Conservationist” - Jennifer Rumley


January 30, 2013


Mars’ Hill editors reserve the right to edit or reject submissions based on content and/or length. A printed submission does not necessarily reflect an endorsement of any kind, nor does it necessarily reflect the opinions of Mars’ Hill staff , the student association, or that of the University. In fact probably not. Is it just me, or does anyone else find D. Provost extremely a!ractive?? I don’t know who you are, but you have the most wonderful laugh I have ever heard. It makes me smile.

220112202122222011212121202022 2000222010112220010110002022 01220,2220011122010212220221112 00022010011222000111010222112 202201,22202220022200000120 01120222022010110222202220011 22011000201021201000101022111 020222

Dear roomy, What are your views on peeing in the shower? sincerely, been-doing-it-awhile-now Every time a male spikes a volleyball in class: IAMGOINGTODIEIAMGOINGTODIEIAMGOINGTODIE. Your the kind of boy i would make a sandwich for. Si!ing alone in the caf and I’m thinking “all the women who are independent throw your hands up in the air” and everyone else is thinking “lonely, I’m mr lonely, I have nobody to call my own...” Short buff Sodexo guy. Your muscles ripple everytime you swipe my card. To the awkward couple that was making out at 11:20am on Jan 17th in the atrium: That was gross. Colin Weeres, you are a hard man to find bro! I had to Facebook creep you for like, 15 minutes to find a picture of you. Sheesh, be more accessible. I think someone should start a D&D club, would that not be awesome!?!







Sorry, I can’t, I’m already in a relationship with someone(the library). You know what they say about big hands: “Ouch”.

One time I thought it would be a good idea to live in Northwest, then I realized it would be a be!er idea to live amongst the animals in the back forty.

Burnt popcorn: you can work around the burnt pieces. . .but you can’t escape the smell.

TWUSA, Do the right thing and clean your printer drum.

Sorry guy in the gym who tried to start a conversation with me. . .I think. I’m a really nice person I swear!

Sometimes I feel the urge to randomly walk up and sit with the soccer cult at lunch but then I’m like mmmm be!a not.

I miss being able to mix my hot chocolate and coffee in the caf in complete secrecy and without the up charge.

trying to look nice for my 8 am class has become as possible as the canucks having a decent season #nevergonnahappen

GO ON THE DOWNTOWN EAST SIDE MISSION TRIP DURING READING WEEK. -God. #ImsosorrypleasedontsmitemeGod Once upon a time, I thought I’d write an article about zombies. then Cameron Reed beat me to it... props, man, but don’t do it again.

Hey RA in Fraser 2A do you want to go on a dorm date without the dorm? My friends are all in relationships and I’m like...I like that boulder, that’s a nice boulder. “I love being a commuter, I love the feeling of being able to go home, open the door, drop a deuce and think to myself, I can do that!” #stuffPetersays


When someone doesn’t answer the door. That is not a reason to open the door. -Tired of Uninvited Guests

Andrew Parker Year: 3 Height: 6’1


Hometown: Tsawwassen Denomination: Mennonite Best place for a first kiss: On a lake in Fave preacher: John Schmidt the rain. Rowboat optional. Fave Bible verse: Romans 12:2 Biggest deal-breaker: A Jezebel spirit. Fave Woman of the Bible: Esther How do you know if it’s love: She’ll Fave Song: “Under Your Spell” - Timber Timbre Skill that makes you “the one”: I’m Idea of perfect date: Keep each other “The Bass Player.” warm at a Bombers game, then hit up Denny’s for How many kids do you want: Saying a late night snack.

How long before a proposal: When I can no longer bear to be apart from her.

there are too many kids is like saying there are too

Make up after first fight:

How would you win her parents Love language: I like words. over: A dowry. wrong.

*excluding matcha

What is your dream career? “A revivalist” - Christian Sawka

Admit I’m

ACTS 17:19-20




JANUARY 30, 2013






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