Tcchannualreportissuu 053116

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2015 The Carolinas Center Annual Report Table of Contents Message from Our Board Chair & CEO .............................................................. 3 TCC Board of Directors and Staff ........................................................................ 4 Mission & Vision .................................................................................................. 5 Delivering Value to Members Advocacy — Legislative, Regulatory & More ............................................ 6 Technical Assistance .................................................................................. 7 Education ................................................................................................... 8 Peer Learning & Leadership Opportunities ............................................... 8 Information & Resources............................................................................. 8 Interactive Members Only Website ........................................................... 9 Collaborations ............................................................................................ 9 Other Services ............................................................................................ 9 Partnerships & Collaborations ........................................................................... 10 2015 Financials .................................................................................................. 12 Award & Scholarship Winners ........................................................................... 13 Share In Our Mission .......................................................................... Back Cover


Message From Our Board Chair & President/CEO

I’m proud to be part of The Carolinas Center, where members have access to broad and deep expertise in hospice and palliative care. Providing this expertise through multiple formats allows members the just-intime support they need. John E. Barkley, MD, FCCP Chief Medical Officer Continuing Care Services Carolinas HealthCare System Charlotte, NC

The evolution of healthcare continues to bring changes at the national and regional level that challenge all health care providers in all markets. The Carolinas Center spent 2015 listening to its members and evaluating how we work together and as a result, strengthened our position as the hospice and palliative care association leader for the Carolinas. The Carolinas Center Board of Directors revisited the strategic plan and launched a new strategic course — one that broadens our purpose of promoting excellence in care of people living with advanced illness through high quality advanced illness management programs, including palliative care, hospice and end of life care. In addition, we have strengthened long-standing relationships and sought out new collaborative relationships that are meaningful and bring value to our purpose. We are seated at the tables that matter the most to our members. Last year we revived our advocacy program and had multiple opportunities to be the voice for our providers. In South Carolina, The Carolinas Center led the charge on the update to South Carolina’s hospice regulations and laid the groundwork with the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners to implement compromise guidance on pain medications prescribed by hospice physicians. In North Carolina, we aggressively fought proposed changes to the state’s hospice Certificate of Need (CON) laws, advocating for contact with legislators in Raleigh; testifying before a House Committee; and serving as the only hospice organization commenting on the repeal of some CON rules. We submitted numerous comments to the state Medicaid agency and represented you at every State Health Coordinating Council public hearing, again standing on the front lines on your behalf. Our representation did not stop at the local level. The Carolinas Center staff, along with members from both states, represented you at the annual D.C. advocacy event sponsored by NHPCO. We are committed to being your advocates in Columbia, Raleigh and Washington so that your voice is heard where it is needed. As we look to the future with great anticipation, we will continue to provide robust, relevant education, technical assistance and Member Interest Groups (MIGs), including two new groups for hospice physicians and clinical managers that began in January 2016. We encourage you to get involved in your association! On behalf of the board and staff, thank you for your commitment to The Carolinas Center and for allowing us to be your voice in North and South Carolina and beyond.

Cathy Swanson Board Chair

Carol Meyer President/CEO

The Ca ro lina s Center A nnua l R eport 2015 — 3

The Carolinas Center The Carolinas Center Board of Directors Please know how much our agency values the work and resources offered through TCC. Laura T. Owen, CEO Hospice of Davidson County Lexington, NC

I just love having TCC in my back pocket. When I need help with something, you are so quick to respond! Veronica McMahon Executive Director Lutheran Hospice White Rock, SC

The amount of hospice knowledge in one organization is priceless. Kristina M. Leyden MSW, LCSW, CEO Richmond County Hospice Rockingham, NC

Cathy Swanson, MPH, Board Chair NC At-Large Director Caldwell Hospice & Palliative Care

Mark A. Fox, MD, FACP, FAAHPM SC At-Large Director Kindred At Home/Gentiva

Veronica McMahon, Chair-Elect SC Hospice Provider Representative Lutheran Hospice

Scottie Gaskins NC At-Large Director Vidant Home Health & Hospice

James “Tab” Haigler, Treasurer NC Hospice Provider Representative Hospice & Palliative Care of Greensboro

R. Scott Lake, MD SC At-Large Director Roper St. Francis Healthcare

Pamela “Pam” Melbourne, Secretary SC Hospice Provider Representative Hospice of the Upstate, Inc.

Kimberly Paul NC Hospice Provider Representative Lower Cape Fear Hospice

Graham Adams, PhD SC At-Large Director South Carolina Office of Rural Health

Michelle Roseman, MBA, LNHA NC Hospice Provider Representative Catawba Regional Hospice

Peter Barcus, MHA NC Hospice Provider Representative Hospice & Palliative Care Center of Alamance-Caswell

Catherine Harvey Sevier, PhD NC At-Large Member The Generations Study Group

John E. Barkley, MD, FCCP NC At-Large Director Carolinas HealthCare System Nancy Corley, RN, CHPCA SC Hospice Provider Representative HospiceCare of the Piedmont Jean Eckert SC Hospice Provider Representative Hospice of the Carolina Foothills

Sylvia Singleton, RN SC At-Large Director Caris Healthcare Garrett Snipes, MD SC Hospice Provider Representative Spartanburg Regional Hospice Denise Watson, MSN, MBA NC Hospice Provider Representative Mountain Valley Hospice

Richard Foster, MD SC At-Large Director South Carolina Hospital Association

The Carolinas Center Staff Yesha Bell, CEM Education & Events Coordinator

Carol Meyer President/CEO

Marisette Hasan, RN, BSN Vice President of SC Operations

Maggie Oliver Special Projects Intern

Suzanne Jennings Member Services

Marsha Van Hecke Manager of Communication & Marketing

Annette Kiser, MSN, RN, NE-BC Director of Quality & Compliance 4 — The Carolinas Center 2015 Annual Report

Our Inspiration & Motivation Mission Promoting excellence in care of people living with advanced illness through high quality palliative, hospice and end of life care.

I believe The Carolinas Center plays a vital role in both Carolinas as a convener, connector and catalyst for advocacy and education related to palliative and end of life care. TCC is providing valuable leadership in this area as we all work together to transform the healthcare system across our two states. Richard Foster, MD, Sr. VP Quality & Patient Safety SC Hospital Association Columbia, SC

Vision To ensure that all people with advanced illness will have access to high quality palliative, hospice and end of life care.

Voice • Leadership • Innovation • Impact — 5

Delivering Value To Members Thank you so much for getting the information to me. I love the continuing education programs you sponsor and didn’t want to miss out. Sarah Bullard Nurse Practitioner Moses Cone Hospital Greensboro, NC

As the recognized leader for hospice and palliative care providers throughout the Carolinas, The Carolinas Center dedicates its resources exclusively to serving patients with advanced illness as they near life’s end. Since 1977, TCC has been singularly devoted to contributing relevant and applicable information, tools and resources to our members—making our member providers more relevant as a result. In 2015, The Carolinas Center was a leading voice for healthcare innovation, making an impact on policy, practice and a sustainable future for all hospice and palliative care providers.

Advocacy — Legislative, Regulatory & More Advocacy on behalf of TCC members and their hospice and palliative care programs happens anywhere we (or you) stand up for your programs and the patients and families you serve! In every meeting, on every phone call, and with every written exchange, The Carolinas Center is the visible and forward-thinking voice for hospice and palliative care in the Carolinas. With a 40-year track record of success and positive impact, we are intentionally committed to representing your interests with retained legislative consultants and resident staff in our capital cities of Raleigh and Columbia, in Washington D.C., and wherever else it is needed. In 2015, The Carolinas Center was proactively involved in the following:


Thank you so very much for sharing the information requested and for providing a beautifully written comment letter that speaks to the core issues. I am so proud to be associated with all of you! Emil Mitchell Regional Director Palmetto Health Hospice Columbia, SC

• Submitted comments to MedPAC on their discussions about adding hospice to the post-acute hospital transfer policy • Submitted comments to CMS on FY 2016 Hospice Wage Index and Payment Rate Update and Hospice Quality Reporting Requirements • Submitted comments to CMS on Revisions to Payment Policies under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2016 • Submitted comments to the US Department of Labor on the proposed Fair Labor Standards Act Overtime Rules • Submitted comments to CMS on Medicare and Medicaid Programs, Reform of Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities • Submitted comments to the US Environmental Protection Agency on Management Standards for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals, Proposed Rule (would affect hospice facilities) • Submitted comments to CMS on Revisions to Requirements for Discharge Planning for Hospitals, Critical Access Hospitals, and Home Health Agencies, Proposed Rule • TCC staff, along with provider members, attended the two-day NHPCO Hospice Advocacy Intensive, visiting with elected officials in Washington D.C. on behalf of hospice and palliative care services to patients and families


• Advised NC Division of Health Service Regulation on changes to annual licensure and data supplement form • Advocated for preservation of Medicaid Optional Services, Dual Eligible inclusion in Medicaid reform and a strong voice for retaining current Medicaid eligibility criteria • Submitted comments to the NC Division of Health Services Regulation opposing their move to eliminate certain CON rules related to hospice • Advocated for preservation of Certificate of Need for all hospice services

6 — The Carolinas Center 2015 Annual Report

• Petitioned NC State Health Coordinating Council for new inpatient bed methodology (adopted) • Submitted letter of support for Hospice of Davidson County’s petition to the NCSHCC for bed conversion • Represented the hospice industry at all 6 statewide public hearings of the NCSHCC • Submitted comments and ongoing advocacy to NC Division of Medical Assistance on Proposed Changes to Clinical Policy 3L, State Plan Personal Care Services. Achieved desired change in policy effective January 1, 2016 • Submitted comments to NC Division of Medical Assistance on Proposed Changes to Clinical Policy 3D, Hospice Services • Submitted comments to NC Department of Medical Assistance Proposal to Amend the §1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver to Merge the CAP/C and CAP/DA Waiver Programs


• Led a work group that made recommendations to SC DHEC Division of Health Licensing to improve the state’s hospice regulations, a process that led to legislation written by TCC and its lobbyists—The Quality Hospice Program Act (H4327) • Submitted supportive comments on H4327 related to licensing multiple locations and continued to work with DHEC to get the changes through for quality improvements • Ongoing advocacy with the Board of Medical Examiners to secure reasonable language for hospice physicians who prescribe opioids • Worked collaboratively with the CSI Committee on the ACP section of the SC Institute of Medicine and Public Health’s Long-term Care Recommendations • Participated in a number of presentations on hospice and palliative care, advance care planning and other related topics, including ones at Palmetto Baptist, Easley, SC; Aging Gracefully Conference, Greenville, SC; The Conversation Project April Conference Call

Thanks for all your hard work to make this year’s conference a success. It was very organized and lots of useful education was provided. Monica Isbell, BSN, RN Senior Manager of Quality Improvement & Education Hospice of the Upstate Anderson, SC

Technical Assistance The Carolinas Center provides expert assistance from knowledgeable staff, and support for critical issues as they emerge. Updates are prompt, in context and solution-oriented in areas that affect all hospice and palliative care providers. In response to individual provider needs, we customize our help for you. These are the topics that were most on your minds—and ours—in 2015 Technical Assistance Snapshot: Member Requests and TCC Resources Invested Pediatric Palliative Care

Volunteers Notice of Election

Attending Physician Changes Palliative Care

Payment for ACP

ZPIC Certification of Terminal Illness

Audit Readiness

SNFS & Hospices Facility Operations

Size of Circle corresponds to number of Technical Assistance requests by Member

2016 Wage Index Final Rule

MIC Audits

Accreditation GIP Documentation

Staffing Models


Highest Level of Resources committed by TCC staff

Legend SIZE OF CIRCLE corresponds to number of Technical Assistance requests by Members

Billing Changes Pediatric Hospice ICD-10 Coding

Survey Issues Hospice Physician Prescribing

CON Reform


Medicaid Billing Marketing Ethics

MIDDLE Level of Resources committed by TCC staff LESSER Level of Resources committed by TCC staff


Middle Level of Resources committed by TCC staff

HIGHEST Level of Resources committed by TCC staff

Voice • Leadership Less Level of Resources committed by TCC staff

• Innovation • Impact — 7

The seminar at Friday’s MIG meeting was excellent, and many things were learned that will help us on this muchneeded path of Cultural Diversity. Deloris Rapp Chaplain & Bereavement Coordinator HospiceCare of the Piedmont Greenwood, SC

Education The Carolinas Center’s education programs set the standard for hospice and palliative care professional development. Offered in a variety of formats, they are timely, accessible, and affordable and give you the tools you need to be successful in the dynamic world of healthcare: • The award-winning Breakfast for Brainiacs® monthly audio conference on subjects of interest to both clinical and non-clinical staff. • Pertinent, engaging and convenient webinars that bring timely topics into your building. • One-, two- and three-day conferences that provide targeted education on critical issues and invaluable opportunities for networking with your peers • Staff-delivered, on-site training tailored for your hospice organization as a whole and for new leaders.

Peer Learning & Leadership Opportunities TCC’s Member Interest Groups (MIGs) provide a scheduled forum for members to learn, share, and network with one another in order create and maintain best practices for hospice and palliative care in the Carolinas. • In 2015, 13 MIGs met regularly either face-to-face, by telephone conference, or in a combination of the two. Among the notable endeavors were: — Formation by the Palliative Care Network MIG of an Advance Care Planning Workgroup, which led a major revision of the Isn’t It Time We Talk? family guidebook; — The SW/Chaplain/Bereavement MIG received ELNEC Core Training on “Cultural and Spiritual Considerations at the End of Life”. — The Marketing MIGs were revived in both states. • 3 working committees—NC Public Policy, SC Public Policy and Education—devoted time and energy to effecting good outcomes for hospice and palliative care providers. • The Hospice-Veterans Partnership that began as a MIG, opened up to all who share an interest in improving hospice care for veterans. • In response to member requests, 2 new MIGs were developed that began in January 2016: the Clinical Managers MIG and the MD-MIG.

Information & Resources I really appreciate News of Note. Between it and one other publication, I feel like I get all the news I need to stay on top of things at work. Robin Kivett, RN, CHPN Palliative Care Coordinator Cape Fear Valley Hospital Fayetteville, NC

The Carolinas Center delivers the information you need, when you need it, and in formats you can immediately use. • Regular e-newsletters provide up-to-date hospice and palliative care news and information on pertinent topics, such as regulations and compliance, billing changes, audit activity, clinical protocols, quality measures, and hospice stories as they are lived and reported on throughout the country. — Hospice Report publishes weekly on Thursdays as an exclusive resource for TCC members for timely, relevant information on regulatory, legislative, compliance, and quality issues, as well as state and TCC highlights. — Education News publishes biweekly on Tuesdays as the premier source of Hospice & Palliative Care Education in the Carolinas sponsored by TCC and our members and partners.

8 — The Carolinas Center 2015 Annual Report

— News of Notes publishes 2 or 3 times each week, highlighting noteworthy news from a variety of sources, to keep readers up to date on news they can use. — Quality & Compliance News is published monthly as a summary of quality and compliance news from the previous month. It is offered as a free service to members and as a subscription to non-members. • Email alerts and social media posts keep you updated on need-to-know information in real time. • Print- and operations-ready resources, such as Inside Hospice™ Tip Sheets, are available for your staff and referrals sources, free to members with option to co-brand. • Tools such as Isn’t It Time We Talk? (Advance Care Planning resources) and Inside Hospice™ Resource Guides, are available to purchase and co-brand.

Interactive Members Only Website Our members only website, created and fine-tuned in 2015 in preparation for full use by members in 2016, is an interactive forum which gives members a place to share, collaborate and learn from anywhere so long as there is internet service: • Online Data & Information about hospice at your fingertips 24/7. • Virtual Communities for TCC members to interact with peers from the comfort of your office. • Full text searchable resources that provide guidance and how-to information in support of your hospice work.

The new user-friendly members only website is one of my first stops when I’m looking for information. Thank you, TCC! Michelle Mason Compliance Specialist Hospice & Palliative Care of Greensboro Greensboro, NC

Collaborations The Carolinas Center works in partnership with organizations and coalitions to advance common agendas. We work with leading organizations in the Carolinas and nationally to ensure that TCC members are always represented. See the list of our partnerships and collaborations on pp. 10-11.

Other Services • • • •

Free Hospice & Palliative Care locator on the website for TCC members Free employment listings for TCC members Group purchasing program Access to TCC’s private health insurance exchange Voice • Leadership • Innovation • Impact — 9

Partnerships & Collaborations The Carolinas Center values its place at the table with others who are on the forefront of community initiatives and issues that you care about. Our connections are deep and wide and include the following organizations and agencies, where we ensure that your voice is heard for improved hospice and palliative care in the Carolinas.

Our membership/partnership with the TCC has been invaluable. We have utilized this forum for discussions with our state surveyors, receiving up-to-the-minute reports and newsletters on industry changes as well as federal and state regulation insights. We have made connections with other providers and suppliers, which have helped us provide optimal care for our patients. This is a wonderful resource for hospice and palliative care providers. Sylvia Singleton Compliance Officer Caris Healthcare, Columbia, SC

• AARP • Accreditation Commission for Home Care – TCC was the catalyst for reviewing the hospice standards and creation of palliative care standards; working groups formed • Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina – TCC sits at the table with leaders from across SC who care about a healthier state, health equity and quality care • The American Cancer Society • American Society of Association Executives – Member • Association Executives of NC – Member • Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina • Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina – Exploring opportunities to promote palliative care in their network • Bridges for End-of-Life – Sharing educational resources and seminars that enhance the knowledge base and skills of hospice and palliative care professionals • California Hospice & Palliative Care Association – Collaboratively offered compliance webinars • The Carolinas Center for Medical Excellence in conjunction with Midlands Community Coalition – Member – Educating and raising awareness of transitions of care and community partnerships. • Coalition to Transform Advanced Care – CTAC’s only state hospice organization member • Hospice Compliance Network • Hospice House Network • Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association – Member • LeadingAge North Carolina • Missouri Hospice & Palliative Care Association – Collaboratively offered compliance webinars • National Association for Home Care & Hospice – Member — NAHC Forum of States – Member • National Council on Medicaid Home Care • National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization – Member — NHPCO Council of States – Member — NHPCO Hospice Action Network — NHPCO Regulatory Committee – Member — Relatedness Workgroup – Member — Security Best Practices Workgroup – Member • NC Academy of Family Physicians • NC Alliance for Effective Care Transitions • NC Bar Association • NC Board of Nursing – Continued advocacy on palliative sedation leading to publication of position statement, “Palliative Sedation for End-of-Life Care” • NC Coalition on Aging – Member • NC Department of Health and Human Services — NC Physician Advisory Group – Member

10 — The Carolinas Center 2015 Annual Report

• NC Division of Health Service Regulation — NC State Health Coordinating Council — NC Long Term Behavioral Health Committee • NC Division of Medical Assistance — Hospice & PCS Stakeholder Group — Long-Term Services and Support Work Group — Medical Care Advisory Committee — Options Work Group • NC Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance, Inc. – Member • NC Hospital Association • NC Institute of Medicine (NCIOM) — NCIOM Task Force on Alzheimer’s and Related Dementia – Linda Darden, CEO of Hospice and Palliative CareCenter, served on TCC’s behalf • NC License to Give Trust Fund Commission – Member • NC Medical Board • NC Medical Society — Ethical & Judicial Affairs Committee — Toward Accountable Care Consortium • NC Nurses Association – Member • NC PACE Association • NC Partnership for Compassionate Care – Advisory Committee • NC Pediatric Palliative Care Coalition – Member • NHDD/SCHDD – National & SC Healthcare Decisions Day • Palmetto GBA Hospice Coalition – Member • SC All-Pharmacy Conference – Interdisciplinary community collaborative to discuss pharmacy concerns in providing primary care and advanced illness support through the education and pharmacy networks • SC Bar – Collaboration on education and support for consumers with legal concerns related to end of life advance care planning • SC Board of Medical Examiners – Working together on issues that impact hospice physicians and their prescribing practices • SC Department of Health and Environmental Control – Working with the Dept. of Certification and Licensing to advise providers on federal and state regulations, as well as serving as a bridge between regulators and providers • SC Department of Health and Human Services – TCC provides expertise to ensure that the quality end of life needs of underserved populations are met • SC Health Care Association (Nursing Home) – Maintaining open lines of communication related to hospice regulations in skilled nursing facilities • SC Hospital Association – Serving as a bridge to educate and raise awareness about hospice and palliative care concerns and to encourage partnerships between hospice providers and their community hospitals — Medicaid Expansion Initiative — PART Advisory Board (Preventing Avoidable Readmissions Together) — SC Society of Chaplains • SC Institute of Medicine and Public Health – Participate as a member of CSI • The SC Lieutenant Governor’s Office on Aging – Promote awareness with education materials, such as Isn’t It Time We Talk advance care planning guidebook and brochure • SC Medical Association – Engage in collaborative statewide initiatives related to advanced illness management — Bioethics Committee — SC Coalition for the Care of Seriously Ill – Charter Member • The University of South Carolina Office for the Study of Aging at Arnold School of Public Health – Stakeholders Advisory Committee – Participates in educating stakeholders and partners in a variety of venues, including but not limited to, direct care providers and consumers • Virginia Hospice & Palliative Care Association – Jointly co-sponsored the Palliative Care Symposium

I have learned so much during my 6+ months’ tenure with The Carolinas Center, especially around advocacy and collaboration. Through the variety of interest groups, trainings, and newer technologies like the online virtual community, TCC is constantly communicating with members and working to make sure their values and concerns are met by state decision makers. There’s also frequent coordination and exchanging of ideas with other local nonprofits, state associations, and leaders in the field of hospice and end of life care – all of which helps ensure that members have all the best resources to deliver the best care possible! Maggie Oliver TCC Special Projects Intern Columbia, SC

Voice • Leadership • Innovation • Impact — 11

Financials I am proud to serve on the board of TCC where their use of resources is focused on meeting the programing needs of its members and their patients. Through advocacy and education, TCC’s ultimate goal is to improve hospice and palliative care for everyone in North and South Carolina. Tab Haigler, CFO Hospice & Palliative Care of Greensboro Greensboro, NC

The Carolinas Center prides itself on being a good steward of our organization’s funds and on our transparency with members and other supporters. In 2015, more than 81% of our funds went into program services, providing exceptional opportunities for our members and the greater healthcare industry. As TCC looks to celebrate 40 amazing years, we have worked to bring our entire organization along for this new chapter. This includes our stewardship of the resources you entrust to us. Just as our members must evaluate the use of their resources, TCC conscientiously evaluates the most cost effective and efficient ways to utilize the resources entrusted to us. At the direction of the Board, we invested funds in strategic planning and an updated branding package that included a new public website, members only site and logo. Out of the strategic plan, came a new name and logo reflecting the four main pillars of TCC: leadership, voice, innovation and impact. The new public website and members only site are dynamic and offer focused tools for education, conversation and collaboration.

2015 Revenue

2015 Expenses

12 — The Carolinas Center 2015 Annual Report

2015 The Carolinas Center The Carolinas Center presents a number of annual awards and scholarships as one way to champion and encourage excellent hospice and end of life care. We are pleased each year to present awards to recognize extraordinary service performed by exceptional people who are nominated by their peers. Our scholarships are given to those selected from all who apply. Congratulations to the 2015 award and scholarships winners who set the bar high in providing care at the end of life.

Julia Woody

2015 Hospice Awards Recipients Peter Keese Leadership Award Julia Woody, RN, CHPN Director of Compliance and Organizational Excellence Richmond County Hospice, Rockingham, NC Tamra West Leadership Award Gregory A. Compton, MD Medical Director of Palliative Care Agapé Senior, Charleston, SC Palmetto Clinical Excellence Award Hunter Woodall, MD Medical Director Hospice of the Upstate, Anderson, SC

Sharon O. Dixon Clinical Excellence Award Hollie Smith, RN Inpatient Nurse Manager Richmond County Hospice, Rockingham, NC

Gregory A Compton, MD

Judith Lund Person Hospice Volunteer Award George Campbell Hospice of the Upstate, Anderson, SC Spirit of Hospice Award Catherine Gambrell Volunteer Coordinator Hospice of Laurens County, Clinton, SC

Hunter Woodall, MD

Dr. John Lusk Scholarships Donna M. Hampton, MS, LPCS, LPC, NCC, EMDR-Certified Therapist Director, Grief & Bereavement Services Hospice and Palliative CareCenter, WinstonSalem, NC Jenny Mabe, RN, CHPN Home Care Nurse Manager Richmond County Hospice, Rockingham, NC

Kristine Gaisford, MSN, RN Team Manager Rowan Hospice & Palliative Care, Salisbury, NC

Hollie Smith, RN

Lynn Starnes, RN Clinical Director Hospice of Laurens County, Clinton, SC Melissa Memoli, RN, BSN, CHPN Hospice Manager Southeastern Hospice, Lumberton, NC

George Campbell

Mary Doherty Scholarship for Excellence in Education Lori A. McDermott, MOA Billing Coordinator Hospice & Community Care, Rock Hill, SC Catherine Gambrell Voice • Leadership • Innovation • Impact — 13

The Carolinas Center is the only two-state association in the Carolinas dedicated exclusively to hospice and palliative care.

voice • leadership

i n n o vat i o n

i m pa c t

Share In Our Mission If you are already a member, you can get more involved in some aspect of our work that benefits your work. If you are not a member now, consider becoming part of an active membership of hospice and palliative care providers.

Contact The Carolinas Center North Carolina Office

1230 SE Maynard Road, Suite 203 Cary, NC 27511 919.459.5380


8 0 0.662.8859

South Carolina Office

1350 Browning Road Columbia, SC 29210 803.509.1021



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